Secret Must Be Kept

I Can't Live Without You

"In private? Now you want to talk?" Doojoon argued.

"Can you calm down?" I suggested.

"You know damn well, why I can't calm down." Doojoon hollered

"Okay, I'm sorry. Sorry for leaving you and sorry for not telling you anything. But, at the time I was scared.... I didn't feel like I could trust you."  I pleaded

"Please... Gina, cut the act okay?! I came to your house and begged you for forgiveness and pushed me away. You just disappeared and now you're trying to say it's my fault. That I pushed you away!" Doojoon replied

"You don't understand..." I answered

"Dammit! Gina, what I don't understand is all the secrets you've been hiding me. What happened to us?" Doojoon stated

"There's nothing to tell, because there are no secrets. What you see now is the reality." I claimed

"Yeah, I can see that you have a child of your own." Doojoon said

" Yes and I'm very happy." I replied

"Appa!!!!"Doo-jung screamed while tugging Doo-joon pants. "Appa, you cume get meh?" Doo-jung added

"I'm not your father kid. Sorry, that's your appa." Doojoon replied pointing at Jinwoon. 

"Aniyo, that's my broth-ter." Doo-jung answered.  "He's umma's friend." 

"Yah, Doo-jung didn't umma tell you not to talk to strangers." I scolded harshly. 

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Wahhhhh!!!!!" Doo-jung cried.

"Sorry, umma's sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that." I explained 

"He's appa. Not stranger... he's umma's friend." Doo-jung clarified

"No, he's a singer." I said casually. " How about you go hang out with Hyung for now? Okay? Umma needs to talk to this hyung for a minute. " I suggested to Doo-jung, he quickly wiped away his tears and nodded. Once he was far away from our sight, Doojoon began to speak.

"Whose the father?" Doojoon inquired

"That's none of your business." I snapped

"It's our's isn't it?" Doo-joon answered

"No, he's mine." I stated furious. I was coming on too strong- what if Doojoon had suspected that it was his. I need to stay calm and hold my ground, I can't lose Doo-jung to him. Not even if it meant keeping the truth from him.

"And the father?" Doojoon added

"Gone. He left." I said

"Gina, if I find out that's my son. You better be ready, because I'll take him back." Doojoon threatened, then he walked away

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shashachikita #2
Chapter 18: I need more update for this story.... Oh my, I love this!! Doojoon-G.Na ♡
Chapter 15: please write more i am begging you i love this show
New reader^o^
Rockwell #5
Chapter 13: YOu my friend has just gained another subscriber. :'D Gina fics are a rare joy on this site
Kamila-Dalmate #6
Chapter 12: FINALLY a story with Gina as the main character!!!!! Definitely subscribing!!
Chapter 12: awee... I guess Doojoon has been so depressed :/
and wow, for someone drunk... Doojoon was on his senses just to see Gina again *o* //tears of joy// DOOJOON HWAITING! *o*

oh and i really missed this story ^^ it's been awhile, but it was worth it :) AUTHOR0NIM HWAITING ^^
Suddenrush- #8
finally a story about these two! I mean i've found others
but not as good as this one. I mentally in love with it right
now, lol it's only because i'm a b2uty and i shop them with
different girls. For example I ship with Doojoon more than
gayoon, obviousllyyyy hehe!~
Channie-bear #9
Chapter 9: where is the update..need to finish this one..please update..