
4:26 AM [one-shot]

It was 4:26 in the morning, or so the clock set on the nightstand between their beds read.

Jonghyun groaned and rolled over, eyes blurry as he read the numbers. It was so early. Why was he awake? Sighing dramatically, he shifted position, trying to get more comfortable. He looked over at his roommate's bed and noticed the silhouette of Key seated on the edge of the bed, facing away from him. He wanted to ask why Key was up, but was too exhausted to voice his request.

Finally, as he was starting to drift back to sleep, he heard a small noise that immediately made him alert. Jonghyun sat up and looked towards the figure of his friend. Key was hunched over, shoulders slouched and even in the dark Jonghyun could see he was shaking. He worried his friend was ill.

"Key?" He questioned quietly.

No response.

"Kibum-ah?" He tried again.

"Go back to bed, Jjong." Key's voice was strained.

"Are you okay?"

"I said go back to bed."

Jonghyun frowned, shoved his covers back, and pushed himself off the mattress. In a few steps, he sat next to Key, who refused to look at him.

"What's wrong?" Clearly, something was wrong, he just had no idea what it was. Jonghyun was never good with serious situations.

"Go away." Key was defiantly staring at the wall.

"I can't help if you wont tell me what the problem is." Jonghyun offered.

"Who the hell said I wanted your help, anyway?" Key snapped back, y as ever.

Jonghyun furrowed his brow. Obviously, he was fighting a losing battle. Kibum was just as stubborn as he was... Drastic measures needed to be taken.

With his left hand securely set on Key's thigh, Jonghyun leaned in. Using his right hand to clasp the other boy's jaw and chin, Jonghyun jerked Key's face towards him. Key tried to turn away again, but in the dim light filtering through the window Jonghyun could see glossy tears welled in his eyes. It made his chest ache.

"Kibum..." His voice was barely above a whisper.

Key gave up at that and settled for staring down at his lap instead. Jonghyun's hand slipped away from his face and he took both of the younger boy's hands into his own, squeezing them protectively.

"Now will you tell me what's wrong?" He bit his lip, searching Key's face for any clues.

"Just," he started, rolling his shoulders in a defeated shrug. "I just get stressed sometimes, okay? There's so much pressure on us as idols to act a certain way, be a certain way."

Jonghyun was uncharacteristically quiet, but he was urging Key to continue by rubbing both thumbs over Key's hands.

"I love SHINee. I love that every day I get to wake up and be with my friends and have fun and do things most people never get the opportunity to do." Key went quiet again. Clearly, there was something more to this that he was not divulging.

"But...?" Jonghyun tried leading him to continue.

"But..." Key swallowed with great difficulty. "But, I feel like I can't be who I really am, what I really am. I hate it. I spent almost nineteen years of my life denying it, myself." The most liberating thing Key had ever felt was when he had came out to Jonghyun, about a year ago.

"I'm sick of lying... but if they knew..." He pulled his hands away from Jonghyun, rubbing his own palm against his arm in a nervous gesture. "I don't even want to think about it."

It was always embarrassing and frustrating for Key during interviews when he was asked what his ideal girl was. There was someone in mind who was ideal for him, but they definitely weren't a girl.

Jonghyun felt horrible. He knew what Key meant. Everything was all fun and games and they were free to act as close and intimate as they pleased, as long as they weren't actually gay. Jonghyun knew this was a heavy burden to carry, but he also knew Key didn't have to carry it alone. The weight rested on both of their shoulders.

Key finally looked at him.

"I feel like you're the only person I can be myself around." He smiled weakly, a tear escaping the corner of his eye. Jonghyun caught it with his thumb before it could roll down his cheek. He wrapped his arms around the slimmer boy's waist and chest, pulling him toward him into a tight hug. His chin rested in the crook of Key's neck. Key didn't move at first, simply allowing himself to be held, but eventually circled his arms around Jonghyun's neck.

"You know I'm here for you no matter what." Jonghyun reassured him and Key hummed softly in response, pressing his lips gingerly against Jjong's temple.

They stayed like that, in silence, save for Key's occasional sniffling. Eventually, Jonghyun let go, untangled himself from his friend and stood up, rearranging his pajama shirt.

"Come on." He smiled as he pulled down Key's pink comforter and crawled into the bed. He held his arms up, making grabby hands at Kibum to join him. "Come to bed with me~."

"I don't know, Jjong..." Key looked apprehensive.

"Why, what's the big deal?" Jonghyun tilted his head in question.

"Well... You're not really my type." He scrunched his nose up.

Jonghyun froze for a moment.

"What does that ha---" He blinked. "Wait a minute, what do you mean I'm not your type!" He was louder than he meant to be. "I'm y, I've got an awesome voice, I make lots of money and I'm a total bad . So, I'm pretty much a perfect catch, what's not too like?"

"You're too short for me!" At least Key was smiling now, even if Jonghyun was currently assaulting him with pillows.

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larrylou #1
very cute thanks
Chapter 1: Awwww this was so cute! And the ending had me smiling!
Chapter 1: Hehe I really liked this one shot :D sorry my fic became Identical, it's really cool/creepy that I made it 12 months after you wrote it and a minute after the title itself omg, dude.... I think we are meant? Lol jk
susumiya08 #4
Chapter 1: hahahahaha yeaaahhh key, we're sure he's not your type... pfffft we all know u love him bad ___ and all!!! hahahaha
phiiee #5
Heheh this is too cute ^^ Can't imagine Jjong going rampage and throwing pillows at Key~ <3
SherlocKey #6
The front was so sweet and just <3<br />
Then the hilarious ending put a smile on my face after I almost cried.<br />
I shall wear that smile to bed now (:
first to comment ^.^<br />
<br />
it was so sweet and I love then ending.<br />
<br />
"Yah! what do you mean I'm not your type?!!?"<br />
<br />
laughed so hard