You Are Special To Me
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“That’s why I miss you even more. I know it’s wrong since you are my friend that’s why I tried not to see you or talk to you for three months but it was so hard to the point i kept recalling the times when we usually go out even with our exhausting schedule we make sure we go out everytime one of us call and ask to hang out. Back then I thought I was just getting comfortable because we were spending so much time together. I entered relationships but I still go back to you because you were so different from the other girls I met. I know this sounds crazy but I like you, yes I like you. I didn’t realize it sooner and didn’t show you how much I like you because I was scared that you don’t like me and if you knew my real feelings for you you’ll avoid me and that is why I chose to be your friend who teases you a lot but I really like you and now I can’t contain my feelings anymore to think that I’m gonna enlist in soon and still haven’t confessed makes me crazy.”  He said without making a pause and staring directly at me.


I just stood there stunned to let every words he speak sink in to me. He likes me? Why did he think that I didn’t like him back? I just had flashbacks to those days that we were really close that we often hang out together than in a group. We would dine out together when we got time even just an hour we will still meet or even visiting each other in our shoot. We always text and call each other back then and it made me fall harder for him that time but he just suddenly stopped calling or rejecting me when I invite him out then he suddenly called that he already have a girlfriend that time and it broke my heart but I still liked him up to now. And now infront of me he’s confessing what he feels makes my heart beat fast.


“Sandara.” I snapped out of my thoughts when he softly called my name. I was about to say something when my phone rang.


Great timing! Thank you so much for ruining our moment


I almost cursed when I saw it was my manager who was calling. Jong suk saw it too and gave me a smile.


“I don’t rush you to answer me. Take your time. I’ll always be here for you.”He said and smiled warmly at me.


“I’m so sorry Jong Suk, i need to go.” I said hugging him, he also wrapped his arms around me. “Don’t worry I like you too.” I giggled and broke free from the hug. I saw his eyes widen at my confession.


“Let’s take things slowly.” I saw and waved at him not waiting for his answer or else Jjangmae will turn into Hulk since i’m already running late.


I ran back to my apartment with a smile plastered on my face. This night felt surreal for me, afraid that this is all a dream. The feeling of being loved by someone you like is just amazing. I feel amazing tonight but I still can’t pinpoint what is missing. It seems that I keep missing on something but can’t get what it is. I shook all the negative thoughts away and just ran harder when my phone vibrated again.





“CUT!. That was a good take, let’s take a break first.”


The director shouted and we all dispersed in an instant, we’ve been shooting for almost 6 hours straight without a break. I dragged myself where Jjangmae and my stylists were waiting for me and sighed. I saw everyone was also as tired as me, the director have been pushing us too much this time.


“He’s on his devil mode right now.” Jjangmae whispered to me and offered a seat.


I immediately shrinked on the chair and felt my legs was getting numb. I glanced on my right and saw Park Hae Jin smiled weakly at me must be also tired, I gave him a smile before glancing over to the director who was scratching his head seems unsatisfied about something.


I sighed and leaned back on my seat, I can feel my body giving up on me soon. After 3 nights of lack of sleep then now this, I can really feel that my body craves for sleep. I closed my eyes hoping to let myself sleep even just for a couple of minutes, I just need to endure this shoot and tomorrow’s schedule and i’ll have a day off for myself. How I wished I can take a week of to regenerate myself to work even harder. Surviving a week’s hell like schedule is a lot tougher that it looks like that I have to schedule my meals just to not waste any second of the day.


“Are you okay?, Do you want me to cancel yout schedule tomorrow? You look really tired right now.” Jjangmae mumbled beside me. I shook my head in response, too tired to even talk right now.


“Jong suk called earlier, asking how are you. I told him that you are on a shoot right now.” Jjangmae said making me wide awake.


“He called? What did he say?” I asked sitting up straight. Jjangmae knows that I have feelings for Jong Suk and calls me helpless everytime I tell him I haven’t confessed about my feelings to him.


Jjangmae rolled his eyes at me before handing me my phone.”I told him that i’ll make sure you will call him when you have a break.” He said and stood up, leaving me and my phone.


I opened my phone and immediately dialled Jongsuk’s phone and was about to say something when I thought he picked up but it seems he is busy tonight since I was directed to his voicemail. I pouted, wanting to hear his voice to cheer me up. I haven’t even told him that I like him too thanks to my fluffy manager Jjangmae, if he didn’t called that night then we might be in a relationship right now. I glared at Jjangmae who was on the corner, he just raised a brow completely unaware of the reason why i’m glaring at him right now.


For some reasons, i’m also kind of thankful that I haven’t said what I truly feel about Jong suk. It think it is better for now that we take things slowly, rushing things would do no good for us. I blushed at the thought of going on dates with Jong suk.We did hang out together in the past but we were just friends that time, this time it will be different since he already confessed how he truly feels about me.


“Miss Park, we will resume in a minute.” One of the staff called my attention. I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at her, she smiled weakly at me.
















I sighed as I stare blankly at the elevator door infront of me, waiting to hop on. I badly want to rest right now. For the whole week i could only get around 2-3 hours of sleep a day and my last schedule was the hardest for me. I ran with all the energy left in me when I was shooting for running man. I almost bathe myself with coffee trying to survive this hell week and I did, luckily. The elevator pinged making me snap back to reality. I dragged myself inside thinking of the comforts of my bed, I badly need a sleep or I won’t be able to survive my schedule for tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what Dad is thinking while arranging my schedule that even my meals are now scheduled just to make sure there isn’t a second wasted. I saw my schedule for this week and it was another hell. I’ll be flying to Japan, Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur, Thailand for my endorsement. I don’t even have time to meet with Jong Suk again.


I groaned when I suddenly feel like my head is being hammered, I tried to grab my hair in any direction hoping it would ease the pain but it didn’t. I also felt like my heart was burning and made it hard to breath. I heard the elevator pinged and I struggled my way out trying to hold on to anything I could hold. I tried to calm myself down hoping it would ease the burning sensation I was feeling in my chest.


“Sandara?” I heard a familiar voice and some rushed footsteps coming at me. I tried to stand straight on squinted my eyes to see who it was.


“Jiyong?”I mumbled, unsure if it was really him.


My sight was still hazy but I caught a sight of his green hair and it’s Jiyong without a doubt. He rushed to my side and held my wrist helping me to stand straight while his other hand was on my waist. He stared at me, worry evident in his eyes. I tried to step away from him but I felt my head started to hurt again.


“Hey, what’s wrong with you?. Are you okay?” I heard him ask in panic. I nodded at him trying to stand on my own.


“I’m fine. Let go.” I said and stepped away from him when his hold was loosened. I did not bother to look back and tried to walk to my door as I held on the walls as support.


“arggh!” I groaned as I felt again the pain in my head. I slumped on the carpeted floor not knowing what to do until my vision got hazy again and a few seconds later i went blank.







I groaned as I stirred in my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. It was dark around me as I roam my eyes around. I’m pretty sure i’m not in

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Daragon scenes coming up next! Hahahaaha !


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bernie20 #1
Chapter 6: Dang bi*tch...too much insecurities will eat u alive...can't wait for next update...thank u
tokki9 #2
Chapter 6: Just breakup already kkkk but Dara is in love with Jongsuk huhu poor jiyong he might have one sided love
Chapter 6: oh I can smell that jiyong will be single soon!!! i want him and dara together!! but dara is dating too(TT)
i cant really wait for the time that they are both free!
thanks for the update! i really love this story!! cant wait for more!! fighting authornim!
gracetan #4
Chapter 3: No daragon moment at all coz he got a girlfriend, which I really dun like hehe...sorry only like daragon.but really like ur story very much juz take a way his gf, make Dara his real gf haha...u'r an author,as a reader need 2respect ur choices.thx???
greiyz_14 #5
Chapter 5: Wow fighting dara!
tokki9 #6
Chapter 5: So Jongsuk and Dara are together now?
cesmari #7
Jongsuk??? Ehhhhh ok i will just wait for my dg moments :)
Chapter 4: Moreeee juseyo~~~~ ????
haruhi19 #9
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update! I was shocked with nana as his girlfriend but keep the updates coming! I feel like jiyong is starting to have a little crush on dara lol
bernie20 #10
Chapter 4: Dara is confused now...she's falling for jiyong...waahhh I can't wait for more....thank u