Chapter 5

Fall For You
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At Kim's mansion 
The Kims are sitting on their living room having a tea while Hyun Joong father discussing business matter with his brother and Mrs. Kim chatting with her daughter in law by suddenly Mr. Kim shift the topic "it's been almost a month since I've seen Hyun Joong. How is he? Isn't he supposed to be here today? Then Mrs. Kim respond "he was here yesterday just eat lunch then gone quickly. Saying he has new trainee. Right. He has new private trainee or student." She stand up heading to telephone "Mr. Wong.?" "Yes. Madam. How can I help you?" On the other line. Mrs. Kim "pls. Check on my son Hyun Joong. Run a background check on his new student trainee or what so ever. It's kind a creepy since it's private class." Mr. Wong : "Yes. Madam." Mrs. Kim again "if it's a guy. Tighten security around Hyun Joong but don't let him be suspicious. If it's a girl no need but give me pictures and all details about her or him." "Ok. Madam." Call ended. 

Back to pool : 
Hyun Joong: "let's try again?"   Stood up heading upstairs to driving board 1 miter. Somin follow behind him silently. "I actually want to practice you looking down to the pool from 3 miter board so that when you're going to make a dive from 1 miter board youre no longer tense of height all you need to practice is the proper way of diving of each type." 
Somin : "I think I'm gonna try again." Without looking at Hyun Joong face. Hyun Joong know she's nervous. When the reached up 3 miter board Hyun Joong : "this time I'll stand behind you. I'll hold you on your shoulder so thay even you're nervous you won't fall. The longer you stare down the more you got nervous and you'll got use of it." Somin just nodded. Stepping towards the edge of diving board. Her foot now an ench to the very edge of diving board. She close her eyes as was instructed earlier. Inhale and exhale then slowly open her eyes lowering her face to look down as expected she nervous her knees is shaking but she can feel a warm hands on her shoulder and this gives him a little courage. She's staring down water for 3 minutes and Hyun Joong move her forward slowly saying "try to stand on the tip or try to tip toe" So Min  shake her her head for tip toe she just move forward. Hyun Joong still holding her but not tight. He just try to sense of she's too weak and seems to fall he will tighten his hold. But even Somin is nervous is not like the 1st time that she was about to fall. Now she can manage to stand on the very edge and look down the only thing is she's so nervous. After a while Hyun Joong say "you can come for a while" she was surprised that Hyun Joong was actually no longer behind her. Hyun Joong has left him 4 step apart when he had sense she's a bit calmer now. So Min "Yeah Mr. Coach! Why did you left me?" Hyun Joong smile is about to be seen but he had managed to hide it. "Ms. Jung. I was just helping you and I'm not gonna assist you for the whole class session after I explain what you're going to do." 
Somin : "but I might had fall." Frowning 
Hyun Joong: "now try to go back. Can you sit on that edge? If you can, sit there for a moment." So Min obey knowing she's actually improved. Her nervous don't that much but her knees still shaking. It start to calm when she's sitting on the edge.

Not knowing she's actually alone on that 3 miter board. Hyun Joong has left her when he found she's now more calm but he know he is not ready yet to dive. He went to his office to take some paper. He put it on a bench. He felt boar so he jump to the pool to wet his self. The splash catch So Min attention. Looking down at swimming Joongie coming out from the water with his white shirt that shows his six packs abs since it's wet. His hair. Somin's heartbeat now is different from her nervous feeling of being at the edge of high board but a feeling of excitement giddy feelings. "He is so damn handsome!" In  her mind biting her lower lips. She never been attracted to a guy. Nor looking at a guy hotness. She has been on a blind date but she always succeed to piss off guys. She never had interest but now she feel that he is interesting but he is my coach. Hyun Joong broke her silence which had actually cause her to forget her fear of height, her mind was focus at Hyun Joong, Hyun Joong then : "Ms. Jung. Don't you wanna try?" She startled : "no. I can't dive from here." "Then come down to 1 miter board." She went down to 1 miter board where Hyun Joong is there. Drying his hair with towel. He then motion her to stand on the edge. She's still nervous but not as before. She can look down from 1 miter board easily. She inhale exhale preparing for a dive. But since her knees is shaking a bit Hyun Joong then say "straighten your shoulder.

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Well , seems like So Min will be with HJ at Jeju! Isn't it exciting?! I'm also excited to upadte. I'll do as soon as I can! Love hugs my dearsssss ..
Hyun Joong Official Haze teaser is So damn hot !


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Jmjkjin #1
Chapter 14: Please update authornim🥺
very nice story
Pitu-kris #2
Chapter 14: Please update!!
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 14: Pls update it...
Sambolt0323 #4
Chapter 14: Update soon author Nim
Chapter 14: like your story..
please update soon authornim
syazza #6
Chapter 14: Woowww great story. I want more. Keke. Just love their progress. How they confess their feelings. Im getting giddy all the time. Hope to see the next update soon. Fighting ♥
ammukala #7
Chapter 14: Finally they told!!!!! Yehhhh!!!! Waiting for their romantic moments
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 14: Aish that Mal..what was he thinking? Trying to get SoMin for himself? Good job Shain Unnie make them acknowledge that they are boyfriend and girlfriend and not just because Mom set them up. hahaha
Chapter 14: Thanks for update authornim, update soon..