Song Min Kyu

♡21 Days With MBLAQ♡

21Days also Revealed MBLAQ's Manager !! 

Say hello to Kyu ~



Birthname: Song Min Kyu

Nickname: Kyu

Gender: Male

Blood type: O

Date of Birth: 12, December 1992

Ethnicity: Korean

Language(s): [F] Korean || [Semi-Fluent] Japanese

Height: 171cm

Weight: 58kg

Personality: Eventhough Kyu is MBLAQ's official manager, but he always be the most favourite person to bully and tease by them. They said that it's always fun to tease and bully him since he easy to get tricked because he believe in what people say easily. he has this childish personality, which make him more fun to tease. 

Kyu is a bubbly person, kind of dorky sometimes. he likes to talk and jokes around or forced the people around him to play a game with him when he bored. well, he hates to lose in games but he rare to win too, this also become another reason for him to get bullied and teased by his friends [MBLAQ in this case]. they always find him cute when they tricked him or bullied him since he never mad at them, yet he would laugh at his own stupidness.

Kyu, also is a sensitive boy. one harsh comment would hurt him so bad and make him down. but if he received any comments like that, he won't tell anyone and keep it to himself. If he was under pressure and really depressed, he would hurt himself instead of telling the other about his problems. That's why it's rare for him to wear sleeveless shirt.

Kyu loves music so much, for him music is his oxygen. he can't live without music. he's good at playing instrument esp. Violin and Piano, when he already play violin/piano, you won't recognize him. his childish and cute looks will disappear, changed into a serious, cool looking guy.

He's spoiled sometimes but he can be responsible when it needs to. besides his childish and dorky personalities, Kyu is a romantic guy who will treat his girl very well and kind of overprotective to the person he likes. he also, a jealousy type of boy.

Likes: Frozen Yoghurt, Bubble gum, Sushi, Games, Winning, Pikachu

Dislikes: Losing, Any form of Tea and Coffee, Lift, Seafood





So this is my character trololol ~ i always use him for my 'male' character xD

i'll start the story tonight or maybe tomorrow keke :3


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Dude...what even happened to this story? ;A;
Ah! Hwaiting on your writing!

This seems good so far!
LOL, YUNMI. you awkward girl you. i can just imagine her awkwardness at starting that conversation. xD oh well, at least the girls are all talking now and not sitting around like awkward turtles, LMAO.
"not interested" --> more like "does not understand why she's here and is trying to hide her confusion". xDD;
AND I WAS RIGHT. THE MANAGER <I>IS</I> TOO CUTE FOR WORDS. Yah, Seungho, why would you hit that darling boy's face I cannot... LOL. XDD; MBLAQ has to wake up soon so they can meet the girls and the fun can ensue because omg I'm excited for everyone to know Yunmi's epic tale as to how she got there. Which isn't really epic; just coincidental and funny, in a sad way. XDD; /shot'd/

Overall, great chapter! Author-sshi hwaiting! I shall wait patiently for your next update. /sits with popcorn/ o w o;
jk. but omg, seriously! he's too cute! i am just overloaded by his adorableness right now! xD
he's really quite young though; younger than the rest of MBLAQ. LOL. XD HOW QUIERD (queer/weird; yeah, totally made that up on the spot LOL).

Congratulations to the last member, and YAY, WE ARE COMPLETE! Now we can start this fabulous story I am excited. 8DDDD
Ahhh congrats Aurora:D<3
Sovereign #6
I really got chosen? AAAAH.
Thanks so much!
and oh my lord, congrats, Lauren, too!:3
happy days!
LOL. All the excitement in the world is being had by me.
...Oh my god. I cannot believe this!
this has made my dayjsiofjsdfifjs.
Congratulations to the newest girl~
addictedtoyourlove #10
congratulations to the chosen girls so far they look so cool and stylish ^_^