Spilling Red



(Y/n) leaned against the cold wall as she crossed her legs on the ground. Despite there being an empty bench beside her, she opted for the pale blue floor. Looking up from the ground let her see the same hallway in a different way. Different. Something she craved. Living in the hospital year after year proved to be mundane and any sort of change peaked her interest.

A stretcher surrounded by nurses flew by her sitting figure, not even blinking an eye at her. They were running towards surgery as fast as possible. She watched the mass travel quickly past her, not thinking much of it. But for some reason, her eyes were caught by the hand that laid lifeless on the edge of the stretcher, softly rocking back and forth along with the body as they nurses pushed them. A beautiful hand, drenched in dark red liquid. A thin, white gold, chain bracelet dangled from his arm, splatter with blood as well. A small star charm threatened to break away from the rest.

“Remove his shirt! Now!” shouted a nurse.

“Stop the bleeding! Apply pressure to the gash!” another cut in.

“Watch his head! Make way ahead”

“Vitals are not stable. We need to hurry!”

“Move to surgery room 4! Quickly”

“Sir! Jungkook Sir! Can you hear us?”

“Sir! Mr. Jeon!”

“No response! His pulse is weak!”


Their voices echoed as the panic in them rose. (Y/N) rose from the floor and watched as they disappeared behind the doors at the end of the hall. Their loud voices faded from her ears as it trailed behind the stretcher.

Red. All she could think about was dark red. In a place full of white, there was now color.

More nurses walked past her, but this time, more calm. A few paused nearby, watching the doors like she had.

“Jeon Jungkook. He’s barely 20. Life sure is cruel,” whispered one of them to the other.

“The car crash was utterly devastating. It’s amazing he’s even alive right now,” the other whispered back. They paused by the end of the bench, not noticing (Y/N)

“I heard the car just drove off”

“When EMT were examining him, they said that it looked like he had injuries that didn’t match those of a car crash too. Like someone beat him up”

“Beat up and hit by a car? What has this boy been up to?”

“What was he doing out so late anyway? It’s almost ten past two,”

“Why else would a young boy be wandering the streets so late?”

“Alcohol? Was he drunk?”

“His blood alcohol level was low. He wasn’t drinking,”


“He probably ran away from home,” (Y/N) said calmly.

The nurses jumped at the sound of her voice, realizing now that they had been feeding the young girl personal information of a stranger.

“Oh my! Sweetie you shouldn’t be sitting there on the ground,” one said sheepishly, making her way to (Y/N) and pulling her up.

“Come on, Darling. Let’s get you back into bed,” the other one ushered.


Guided by the other women, (Y/N) made her way back to her room and sat on her bed. Looking around her room, she sighed, hating the fact that she was constantly blinded by the dull blank walls. The small window in her room allowed her the perfect view of…another white building. But instead of seeing other windows and potentially people inside, she saw a white roof, worn down by rain and weather in general. The nurses left after watching her still figure for a short moment, closing the door gently behind them.


She glanced at her wrists, easily making out the dark veins that coursed through her weak body.





The small item in her clutched hand never felt so small. (Y/N) slowly opened her hand and peered at the worn down star.

“I hope you don’t fade away from me too…” she whispered, watching the little charm.

“Y/N!” a familiar voice called, snapping her out of her trance. She looked over at the nurse walking towards her with a frown on her face. “You are not supposed to be wandering around! How many times have we told you not to leave without telling us!” she scolded as she took hold of Y/N’s arm.

“It was way too boring in there. I hate it. I want to stay here,” Y/n stated, refusing to move or even stand up.

“Sweetie you have to go back inside. You can get lost out here or get hurt. Come on, Darling,” she said, pulling up the young girl with more force. Giving in, (Y/N) was led back to her white prison cell. The place that kept her alive.




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