Chapter 1

You're Mine


Grocery shopping has never been easy. Myungsoo cursed under his breath. Ever since he moved around here three months ago, nothing has been going right. Absolutely nothing.


He has been going around for half an hour snatching things off the shelf, tossing them into the basket before deciding that he didn't need it in the first place, and then place it back neatly at its original place. He sighs, slowly getting frustrated with himself.


15 minutes later, he had managed to get himself out from the supermarket, and ended up buying only two boxes of fresh milk, a loaf of bread, a half sized wrapped watermelon and two boxes of Australian strawberries. Crap, he muttered softly. He can't believe that was all he bought after spending an hour in there. He hates supermarket.


Making his way to the nearest subway station, he took a quick glance at his wrist watch. 9:45 AM. He has exactly forty five minutes to return home and head out again for class. Lecture starts at 11, so he should be able to make it in time.


He might be a Korean residing in Seoul, but he is still getting himself used to this whole new world. Reason has it that he was born in the States and his parents have been living in there ever since over thirty years ago. He did not object when his parents decided to send him off to Seoul alone for studies. Thinking that Myungsoo is a grown up boy and he could surely take care of himself well, his parents are only responsible in defraying his living and education expenses in Seoul. Myungsoo has no objections at all. This could be the beginning of his future, a challenge, living far away from the care of the two most important persons in his life. Yet still, he wished he would never have to do grocery shopping again. Why does it have to be so complicated anyway?


A light weight on his shoulder snapped him out of his thought. Myungsoo crooked his neck slightly to the left and glanced to the figure on the other side that was comfortably sleeping on him. Myungsoo tried to move his arms but realized that the girl was slowly and unconsciously pressing her head more towards his chest. He looked around, embarrassed at what was happening at that moment. Slightly relieved that everyone else around him was too engrossed with either napping or listening to music, he slowly pushed her head upwards, resting it back on his shoulder. His whole body stiffened as he felt a pair of hands snaking around his arm. He could feel his body heat rising. Just what the hell is this girl doing, he muttered, biting his lips in discomfort. He glanced at the LCD screen above the seats in front of him. Obviously his stop is the next station, he tried to let his arm off from the girl's grip unfortunately he now has her arms chained around his. Mad crazy!


"Omooo, such a sweet young couple!" Myungsoo's eyes widened at the exclamation. He looked up, to find two grannies in front of him gaping and smiling at him. Damn it, he cursed.


Myungsoo turned towards the girl beside him dressed in a beige polka dotted dress, and heaved out a sigh. He can be brutal if he wants to but he chose not to. Myungsoo cleared his throat out loud as the train draws into Gusan, in hope the girl could wake up and release him off. Thank god she did. From the corner of his eye, he saw her throwing her head back towards the glass pane with her eyes still closed, slowly removing her arms off of him. Shaking his head, he got up from his seat quickly exiting the train, leaving the two old ladies from just now in confusion.




“Young lady, where are you going? You have been sleeping for too long.”


Jia had to give up her beautiful dream as she felt two pairs of arms shaking her shoulders vigorously. She groaned as she slowly opened her eyelids. In front of her were two grannies staring right at her. She ignored their stares and glanced above her. It didn’t take long for her to realize that she had missed her stations. Eyes widening up, she looked at the two grannies in front of her as they giggled. Still half asleep, she snapped her forehead at her own stupidity, trying to figure out what she should do.


“You are so adorable, young lady.” One of the old ladies said and smiled at her. Jia could not help but smirked idiotically at her remarks. She quickly got up, giving her seat to one of them. She decided to get a cab to school since detouring back to her destined station would take more than the time she has.


“No, no it’s okay. I’m alighting now.” She said when the old lady refused.


As she was about to leave, she heard one of them said, “Take good care of your boyfriend.” She froze. Boyfriend? She turned around, giving them a questioning look.


“The guy you slept on his shoulder….. not?” the lady in green said, trailing off.


Jia shook her head and quickly left after that. Did she really sleep on a guy? ‘Ah! Embarassing!’ she muttered to herself.


As soon as she got her way out of the subway station, Jia hailed a cab. She only has fifteen minutes before her lecture starts. Thank god her university isn’t that far and it will only take ten minutes. Jia took out her phone, dialing Soojung’s number and told her to meet her at the school’s cafeteria.


Arriving at her school, Jia made her way to the cafeteria, eyes fast enough to catch the sight of the person waiting for her, calmly seated on an orange bench at a corner with earpiece plugged on her both ears. Her head bobbed to the right and left, eyes looking down on the book she was reading on her lap. Jia slapped her best friend on her back, making the girl jerked forward totally surprised.


“I nearly died thanks to you.”


“Stop exaggerating, my dear. That was nothing if you compare to the way you wake me up from my sleep when we have sleepovers.” Jia pouted, while they head towards the entrance of the lecture hall. They both settled at their seats together, taking in the third row from the front.


Few minutes later, the professor entered the hall with a suitcase in his hand, clearing his throat. The buzzing noises slowly subsided into a complete silence as the professor uttered a cheery good morning and smiled before writing out today’s topic on the whiteboard.


Fifteen minutes through the lecture, suddenly the door blasted open, revealing a guy in plaid blue shirt. Ignoring all the eyes on him, he walked towards an empty seat in front of Soojung, taking out a grey notebook and a pen. The professor must have heard him walking in but he decided to let it pass since he looks like he was in a good mood. Jia felt her best friend elbowed her.


“Isn’t he cute?”


“Not my type.” Jia responded uninterestedly, eyes set back on the slideshow in front. Throughout the entire lesson, Soojung was intensely looking at each move the cute guy in front of her made instead of the topic discussed on the 2-hour History lesson today. Even when the guy fell asleep halfway, Soojung could not stop smiling and grinning amorously at him.




Myungsoo on the other hand was totally annoyed at the fact that Choco had to just pee at the doorstep as he was about to leave for his class. There was no way Myungsoo could leave Choco’s work of art stained at his doorstep. It would be such a trouble to get rid of the smell later on since his class only ends after 4 o’clock.


He was fifteen minutes late for class. Assuming the History professor would not give a damn about late comers; Myungsoo stepped in the lecture hall and got himself a seat. Ignoring the fact that hundred pairs of eyes are on him, Myungsoo quickly pulled out his favorite notebook and pen before finally resting his tired arms on the table.


History has always been his favourite lesson but weirdly, he finds himself yawning and falling asleep. And it’s not even five minutes since he entered the class! He blinked his eyes a few times to keep himself awake but the yawns just won’t stop. As he was about to fall asleep, he heard whispers from behind.


Isn’t he cute?


Not my type.


He heard them say. He couldn’t help but to chuckle to himself before falling deep into a slumber.




“He is so cute, oh my god!” squealed Soojung beside her as they walked out of the lecture hall. Jia ignored her friend, aware that the girl would go mentally insane if she were to entertain her.


“Don’t ask for any notes from me.” Jia told her.


“You are still the prettiest girl ever, Ji-ah~” Soojung said, pouting her lips and making cute faces to the serious looking Jia. She knew Jia wouldn’t have the heart to let her fail the test next week.


“Yeah, thank you.” Jia walked towards her locker while Soojung headed to the toilet. The girl had been complaining that her stomach was not feeling good for the last thirty minutes of the lecture.


Jia was fidgeting with the keys in her hand, looking for her locker key when she heard a familiar voice calling out for her. She turned around to find her brother among the dozen heads, Seungho, heading towards her from the end of the hallway.


“Yoo Jia!”


Ugh, damn it. Jia knows why her brother was looking for her. She knows exactly why. Seungho has been going around the campus selling her in the silliest way he could in order to get her a damn boyfriend. He had tried to hook her up with all of his friends but none of it worked out. It was not until Sunggyu that…… wait, he’s nearing.


What do I do, what do I do? Panic attacked her. She looked around for Soojung but seems like her friend was nowhere to be seen. That girl must be still constipating.


Suddenly a guy in plaid blue shirt caught her attention. Oh, that guy! Knowing that this would be her last resort, Jia approached him, who seems to be searching something from inside his locker.


“Excuse me, I kind of need your help.....”


The guy ignored her.


“Yah! Yoo Jia!” she heard that voice again.


She then realized that the guy had his headphones on and he obviously did not hear her. She glanced behind her; feet getting colder when she saw Seungho getting closer. Without further thinking, she grabbed his hand forcefully and looked at him with a pleading look, not caring whether he would hear her or not.


“I know this might look absurd and ridiculous but could you please be my boyfriend for just a minute or two? I promise I’ll treat you to lunch or a coffee or tea or whatever that you want….” Jia said, slowly trailing off, eyeing her approaching brother. She glanced at the guy beside him, who had an obvious surprised face.


‘I have no choice. Sorry, boy.’  was the last thing she got to say.




Myungsoo was looking for his Chemistry notes when a hand grabbed his wrist ferociously. He was taken aback at the sudden contact. Slowly pulling the headphone over his head, he could only hear the girl uttering an apology to him. He was about to speak up when another guy appeared in front of them.


“Yah, Yoo Jia! I've been looking for you the whole day! Where were you?” The blonde haired guy asked, staring at the girl in front of her.


“I.. I had some lesson.. just finished, you see.” The girl said, her words came out stuttering.


“Who is this?” the guy asked again, lips slightly perked up while gazing at Myungsoo from head to toe and then to the entwined hands in front of him.


There was a short silence before the girl glanced up at Myungsoo and bit her lips.


“My boyfriend, of course!” she laughs. As if he had just heard the worst news of the day, Myungsoo gaped at the girl’s response.


“What?!” he heard the other guy shrieked out.


“Seungho oppaaaa~ Lower down your voice! That's embarrassing, okay.”


 “Okay, fine.” That Seungho guy cleared his throat. “Since when?”


“Uhm.. just recently.”


“What’s your name, boy?”


Myungsoo on the other hand was still staring at the girl, Jia. ‘Jia was it, her name?’  he asked himself. He was unaware of the question that was thrown to him at that moment. The only thing he understands is that some mad girl just came up to him and claimed him as her boyfriend in front of another guy.


Suddenly he felt the girl elbowed his waist.


“Your name.” The girl muttered softly.


He altered his gaze towards the Seungho guy in front of him, who was staring at him as if he wants to cut his throat out. “K-ki-kim Myungsoo.”


Seungho’s serious face faded away and he broke into a long laugh.


“Are you serious this guy is your boyfriend? He looks stupid enough!” he said, laughs still evoking between his words. Myungsoo felt the girl’s grip on him tightened.


“Oppa, it’s not funny.”


“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. He looks pretty good looking actually. Anyway, bring him out to the dinner tonight at our house. Me and him need to have a……. long talk.” Seungho said, emphasizing on his last two words.


“No, he can’t. He has something…”


“Nah, see you guys at 8 tonight!” Seungho cut her off and smiled, leaving the two of them dumb founded.


It was not long until Jia let her hand off him, eyes still staring at the back of the blonde guy who left.


Now that he could recollect back his conscience, he felt pissed. The girl was still staring into the blankness in front of her.


“What was that?” Myungsoo asked. There was an obvious sound of annoyance at his question. Of course he would feel annoyed. Annoyed at the fact that he was actually used and the girl is still ignoring his presence without even caring to explain a thing to him.


The girl dragged her feet and moved away. Myungsoo could not help but scoff out loud.


“Yah you woman. I asked, what the hell was that?” he asked, grabbing the girl’s wrist hard which made her light body turned around towards him.


At that moment, Jia could only swear to herself that she was staring right into a pair of the most beautiful hazel eyes on earth.




A/N: Okay, I don't know my first chapter went but I hope it was alright. Comments and critics are welcome! :)

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You neeeed to update soon! ^^
purpleshadeglow #2
don't stoppp ><
ooooo. did you stop writing this? :( I'm liking it. so far..
hope you will update soon~ ><
Oooh I just read this but I like it :) Keep it up!
LittleYasmeen #6
Officially ship yoo jia and kim myungsoo!<br />
All thanks to you :)<br />
now suscribing :D
Didn't expect that's how they first met... anyway like it so far, keep it up :)
ensabie #8
And oh sorry my comment so long huhu n_n