Talking to the Stars


Note: After getting through treatment, Kei and her mother moved back to Korea so that they could be near her Mother's family. In Korea, Kei had a grandmother and a grandfather. They both passed away over the years. Kei and her mother are still currently living in Korea. Day to day, Kei is works part time in a resturaunt as a server and part time at a coffee shop. She started working out of high school because she cannot afford college fees. Her mother's salary is barely making ends meet (ie. for rent, food, and utilities). This chapter all takes place in the same day between different characters. 


~Kei POV~

I guess I didn't need to make dinner...

I fumbled into my room and shut the door softly behind me.

19...I barely turned 19 this year. I still have...had so much to look forward to.

My fingers uncurled the ball of paper I thoughtlessly scrunched.

So...its back.

Maybe I saw it wrong! Maybe I was reading the letters too quickly!

My eyes skimmed over the page once more

We have found malignant cells...

It's really back. Its..real

Does the world really hate me so?

Not once! But twice! TWICE!

It wasn't enough that I beat it the first time?!

I want to scream to the WORLD! HEAVENS! GOD! Someone...please just tell me why?




~Narrator POV~

Korea...I'm back

A tall man (around 180cms) grabbed his large luggage and headed out the automatic doors of Incheon International Airport. He was dressed in a grey suit that matched his handsome features; his nose was sharp and his brown hair touseled ever so slightly for a more casual look. He beamed brightly at the group of guys huddled near the doorway. 

Youngbin, Jaeyoon, Rowoon, Dawon, Chani, Zuho, Taeyang, and Hwiyoung. The whole group was here at the gate waiting for him.

"OI! Inseong Hyung!" a boy with golden brown hair shouted out. His voice was high and filled with joy.

Inseong rolled his eyes yet still marched towards the boys with a wide grin planted on his face. 

"Dawon! Shhhh! You're being too loud in the airport" Youngbin hushed

"Oh yahhh James Kim! Back from England!" Jaeyoon attempted to say in English

Inseong chuckled "You guys didn't all have to come pick me up you know"

"dawww...WHAT A LIAR. We all know you wanted us here to welcome you back" Chani blurted

"Chani, man you were a tiny child when I left. What happened!" 

Chani shrugged

"It's called puberty, Inseong hyung. Did you get a good education in London? I sure hope you didn't waste all that money for nothing!" Dawon blabbered

"Alright go easy on him! We have plenty of time to diss him later" Rowoon chuckled "Hyung! I'm glad you're back" 

"woah...Rowoon...I think you're taller than me now. HOW!"

"okay now we're back in a circle! Hyung! Its like I said it's because of pub-"

"oh thanks Zuho. I see Dawon hasn't changed a bit"

Dawon struggled to utter "hey! Remove your dirty hand from my mouth!" Dawon set his arms on his hips "Zuho you are younger than me! How dare you!"


"Hwiyoung! Taeyang!" The boys huddled into a group hug "Thanks for coming to pick me up guys"

"Yeah hyung!"

"Of course we would!"

"Enough of this. Lets get out of here. I REALLY really missed good korean food! Holy cow! I missed it so much you guys don't even know"



Dawon dashed out the main entrace, the younger boys (Hwiyoung, Chani, and Taeyang) followed suit in a screaming frenzy

Inseong couldn't help but face palm, but the remaning members weren't fazed

"Let's go hyung! Lunch time!" Rowoon tapped at his watch

Inseong chuckled, as embarassing as they could be sometimes, he had missed his friends dearly

"Alright I'm coming! I'm coming"



Kei hovered over her open window and released a hopeless sigh

"To the brightest star in the sky" her round palms cupped together "I pray for my mother tonight. She is a brave and courageous woman who deserves all the love in this world. Please protect her and bring her happiness. Especially in a world without me in it, please watch over her in my stead."

The long brown haired girl pulled herself to her feet. She was frail and thin like her mother.

If her father ever saw her now, he would probably be happy at how much she looked like her mother.

She is a carbon copy, a replica of her beautiful mother when her mother was this age. 

Was her mother happy at this age? She must have been!

Her mother was in love at 19...with the love of her life

Couldn't Kei fall in love too? It was too late now...right?

The world works in mysterious ways, and never in the way you want it to be

There is no happily ever after.

Kei was certain of that

Happy endings aren't real, her mere existence had proved that.

Her father was dead, then she watched her grandparents pass away one by one. 

Her mother is all she has now. 

Kei blinked away her tears silently

"I don't have enough faith in myself. I don't think I'm strong enough to endure this a second time"

What would she think...what would she say! If her mother knew she was thinking about rejecting treatment?

She uncrimpled the letter, then folded it as neatly as she could. Then stuck the letter in between the mattress and the box springs. 

Her frail body laid against the cold white sheets, she folded her body to hug her knees.

Without a sound, Kei cried herself to sleep that night. 

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