
But I'm a fool for you,
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Taemin’s POV

I grinned when I saw Youngrae stir in her sleep. How is it possible for someone to look so beautiful while sleeping? I ran my fingers through her long, brown hair carelessly and took in the familiar scent of fresh strawberries. Bending over to have a better view of my princess, I noticed that there was a small, inconspicuous scar hidden right under her left ear. I rubbed it gently with my thumb and decided that the scar could do with a little bit of love.

“Heal well,” I said to the scar and gave it a quick peck. Ah, it felt great to just sit around in the dark, stealing kisses from an unsuspecting Youngrae. (^^V)

“Yah!” Youngrae suddenly exclaimed, causing my body to jerk backwards involuntarily, so that my head collided into the wall I was leaning against.


Your POV

“Ouch!” Taemin gasped in pain while clutching on to his throbbing head.

“I’m sorry!” I said, trying to hold back my laughter. Lee Taemin had just rammed his head into the wall from a shock! I sat up and felt the part of my face where Taemin’s lips had been a while ago. It was the scar I had from fighting with my brother when we were younger. A smile crept upon my face as I realized how similar my brother had been to Taemin. Both were rude, a little obnoxious, not to mention self-centered! But underneath all that tough exterior lay an endearing boy with a sensitive heart.

“Does it still hurt?” I asked while lightly the back of Taemin’s head. He nodded and pouted his lips like a small kid. Not that again! Sigh, but I guess it’s OK since there were only the both of us in the room. I let myself fall into Taemin’s irresistible charm, knelt on my knees, and gently kissed the back of his head.

“Woah! It doesn’t hurt anymore! My Princess is the best after all!” Taemin exclaimed dramatically and threw his hands into the air.

An unnaturally awkward silence fell between the both of us after that, as we sat under the shimmering moonlight. My brain whirred to think of a conversation topic to break the silence. How about the weather? What weather? It’s night time for Pete’s sake! Horoscope? Well, He’s a Cancer isn’t he? His family? Nah, I wouldn’t want to come off as nosey or intrusive…

“Then what the hell am I supposed to say?!!!”  Before I knew it, I’d let my thoughts escape my lips again. Really, I MUST find time to fix this problem of mine. I instantly slapped my hands over my lips and looked at Taemin apologetically.

“Eh? What were you saying?” Taemin asked, startled.

“Nothing,” I replied, blushing.

The awkward silence fell between us once again.

Drrrrrrrr. I was about to make a trip to Dreamland when a vibration from underneath me jolted me awake. I spun around in my seat to locate the source of the vibration but was having a pretty tough time due to the low light intensity in the gym. Taemin seemed to have felt the mysterious vibration, as I vaguely saw him moving his hands along the surface of the mattress, in what I believed was an attempt to feel for the source of the vibration.



“It’s coming from there,” I whispered cautiously while pointing to my right.

“How’d you know?” He replied, in an equally soft voice.

“The vibration feels stronger on the right side of the mattress”

“Smart girl. Now stay here while I go check it out,” Taemin said, put on his shoes and was about to leave when I caught him by the wrists.

“No, let’s go together,”

Taemin made to protest but alas, like how no one could win Kibum oppa in a war of words, no one could win me in a war of mental strength

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Chapter 34: omg <3 im so excited for the next chapter :3
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 32: New chapter please
Bleak_night #3
Good story authornim...
Taemin is such a cutie heheh
Chapter 29: Eunkyung you little ____ just get out of the country mkay? Taemin don't be an idiot, as much as you already are. Youngrae.. stop thinking about Taemin cause he's a /////jerk///// aiyoo the drama~
misz_anime197 #6
I'm so glad you updated! YAY YOU
StarlightN #7
Oh my gosh.... JUST SHUT UP AND TALK TO EACH OTHER YOU TWO BLOCKHEADS!!!! Grrrrr... Sorry, it really irritates me when people do stuff like what Taemin and Youngrae are doing, because of super fun life experiences and stuff... Ok now I'm off topic. But anyway, you did a good job, and I can't wait to see what you do next! Best of luck, author nin!