
The Runaway Prince

Only few people know and remember that there was one-time when the youngest prince of the immortal realm ran away from home.

He was so young back then. Barely seven years old but smart enough that he managed to go past the envoy that guards their land and went to the mortal realms. Yue was tired of hearing what people say behind his back. He was tired of being mocked and bullied by his peers. So he ran away. Far from home, far from those people who don't see and love him the way he is.

Yue was now in a forest. He took a deep breath and studied his surroundings. He smiled, feeling the breeze that softly brushed his face. It was a beautiful forest. He could hear the birds singing and playing up in the tree branches. He also saw some cute little rabbits scurrying away.

The serene atmosphere though was broken by a scream. Yue quickly looked around. His young heart beating faster. Someone needs help. Finding where the scream came from, he ran towards it.

What he saw was a girl, who looked only four years older than him, stuck in a mud pit. She was slowly sinking. Yue looked around, spotting a firm vine securely hanging on a tree. He pulled it and moved towards the girl.

"Here, grab it!" he said, urging the girl to hold the vine. The girl struggled for a while but she was able to grabbed to vine and pulled herself out.

"Are you alright?" Yue said moving closer to the girl who was now busy catching her breath.

"I- I'm fine." Said the girl looking at him. "Thanks for helping me." The girl smiled.

"No, problem. I'm glad you're okay. "He replied returning the smile.

"Uhm, so what's a boy from the Immortal Realm doing in here?" the girl asked.

Yue's eyes widened. "H-how did you know that I'm from the Immortal realm?" Looking at the girl warily.

"Duh, Black raven hair with red tints, blue eyes like the sky and those clothes of yours. Of course I'll know." She said stating the obvious. Besides how could I not my father made sure I know you guys. But what's the youngest Prince doing here? All by himself at that?

"I-..." Yue avoided her curious gaze. "I ran away from home." He said. He doesn't know her but he felt that he could trust her for some reason.


"Well, I was always being compared to my siblings. I don't have any powers so I was also always being bullied by my peers. No one actually likes me for who I am so I ran here." He explained.

" Oh." Said the girl, "I understand. My brothers always bully me too. Can I tell you a secret?" She asked coming closer to Yue.

Yue nodded. She then proceeded to move close to him. When she was near his ear she whispered. "I ran away from home too."

The girl then backed away from him. She giggled enjoying his perplexed expression.

"So why don't you become my companion? We both ran away from home anyway. And being alone in the mortal realm could be dangerous and lonely." She proposed looking directly into the young prince's eyes.

Yue looked back. Thinking. He then nodded. She has a point. Besides I don't know anything or anyone in here. It's better to have her by my side. "Okay."

The girl smiled brightly at that. She stretched out her hand. "You can call me Hime and you are?"

"Yue but you can call me Yuu if you want." He said accepting her hand.

"Okay. Yuu, let's have lots of adventures together, okay?"

Yue smiled. " Okay." He feels happier and lighter. There's something about the girl in front of him. Maybe it's because she was so full of life and energy so different from the people in his clan.

Being by her side felt right, he thought.


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