A Human Heart

The Night Walkers | Jikook

Dara watched in silence as Bom sat on top of the table with her arms crossed and a cute glare on her face as she stared at the mouse inside a cage.

 “Bomie, what are you doing?” She finally asked and made a step towards her but Bom raised her hand to stop her. “Don’t! He’ll lose concentration.” Dara rolled her eyes. She laughed at Bom’s expression when the mouse turned its back to her.

“Dara!” Bom screeched, turning towards her before jumping off the table. The beta giggled and held up a basket with delicious smelling meat inside. Bom’s glare quickly turned into a grin and she squealed.“Thank you!” Dara watched with wide eyes as Bom snatched the basket and ran off.

 “Yah! My mom made those!” “Don’t go around waving delicious food in front of a hungry wolf’s nose then! I’m sure your mom made this for me!” Bom drooled at the sight of meat with potatoes and vegetables. She took in a deep breath, savouring the smell on the tip of her tongue. Dara rolled her eyes and thwacked her on the forehead.

“Anyway, I met Grandfather on my way here. He asked about the omega.”

Bom looked visibly discouraged at the mention of the woman. She nodded her head and took a paper off the table. “I wrote down here what I found. She was , there are several bruises of fingers around her hips, found some on her neck too. And she... she carried a child.” Dara’s eyes widened.

“What?” “Yeah, I don’t know how long she walked with that wound but it was deep enough to kill the child although the reason for the murder remains unknown. I highly doubt the child was conceived out of love.” “Maybe someone didn’t want her to give birth?” “Or she escaped and left them no choice. I pray for Minhyuk’s sake that Haejun is alive.” “We’re all worried about the pup, he’s been so restless and weird for the past few days.”

Bom waved her off and smiled. “He still hasn’t shifted, don’t worry, his body is preparing for all the future transformations and his bones are not the only thing inside him, you know? Remember when that kid jumped off the roof because he thought wings were growing from his back? Or that girl that made everyone think God was talking to her when it was just her wolf?”

Dara sighed and rolled her eyes. “You eat well and go report to Grandfather. I’m going to pick more herbs then I’ll go check up on Minhyuk.”

 “We need more mandrake and poppy!”

 “I’ll use those to put you to sleep once!”

“I wouldn’t mind!”

“Of course you wouldn’t!”







Jeongguk watched as Jimin played with Minhyuk in his lap. They were sitting in front of his father’s cabin. Jimin was extremely nervous and uncomfortable, no matter how many times Jeongguk told him his father had already accepted him. But it was Minhyuk who eased Jimin’s worries. And that hurt his alpha pride a bit. Not like his pride would let him admit that. Nope, he’s good.

Jimin threw his head back and laughed, making Minhyuk giggle too. Minhyuk bounced on his lap, his fingers tugging on Jimin’s raven locks that were so soft (Jeongguk just knew). His head snapped towards his father and he stopped smiling. Interesting how he couldn’t remember smiling in the first place.

Junghyun glanced at Jimin and waved once the boy saw him, murdering the laughter. Jimin managed to wave back before Minhyuk launched himself at him and knocked him back. Junghyun chuckled. Instead of waiting for Jimin to stand up with Minhyuk Junghyun walked over to him. Jimin glanced at Jeongguk worriedly but Jeongguk smiled and nodded reassuringly.

 “Hello, Jimin.” Junghyun greeted politely. Jimin stopped himself from sighing in relief when he couldn’t feel anything but kindness and friendliness.

“Hello sir.” Jimin said which made Junghyun laugh. “Please, Junghyun is fine. Or dad.” Junghyun glanced at Jeongguk who rolled his eyes (he was annoyed by the unstoppable blush on his cheeks). Junghyun sat down next to Jimin, making Minhyuk growl and hold on tightly onto Jimin. Junghyun looked at Jimin in surprise. Jimin patted Minhyuk’s back in embarrassment, not sure how safe it was for him to growl at someone like Junghyun.

 “Sorry he’s really...” Jimin stuttered but Jeongguk finished for him. “He’s protecting Jimin. Jimin agreed to take care of Minhyuk for the time being.” Jeongguk proudly said, albeit a bit softly as he watched the two of them.

Both of them looked at Junghyun when he cleared his throat. “Dealing with two alphas in the house can be difficult. Let me know if they cause you troubles.” Junghyun smiled and Jimin felt relieved at the considerate thoughts. He thanked God for being surrounded by such people.

 “Thank you sir.” Junghyun rolled his eyes but continued to smile. “Jeongguk, you two should come to our cabin tonight for supper.”

Minhyuk exhaled loudly, content with his nose against Jimin’s neck. Jimin smiled and nodded before setting his chin on top of Minhyuk’s head. Jeongguk looked at his father with a bright smile and also nodded.

“Sure.” “Very well then. I’ll see you around, Jimin.” Jimin nodded with a smile. “Oh you should probably take Minhyuk to Bom. From the way he smells he’ll be shifting soon.” “Will do.” Jeongguk nodded.

Jeongguk sat down beside Jimin and sighed. “Still scared of him?” Jeongguk nudged Jimin who rolled his eyes and looked away.

“You can’t really blame me. Aren’t fathers usually scary? Plus I’m not one of you.” Jimin knew it was bad to lie but he really wasn’t completely  one of them – did one half mean he belonged to them? “Yes you are. The moment I brought you here you became one of us. You became family.” Jeongguk smiled. Jimin nodded, weirdly feeling better for not being alienated. “Okay, I feel far more comfortable now.” The two laughed a bit more before Minhyuk bit Jimin’s neck. He winced and attempted to lean back but Minhyuk followed with his teeth.

 “Jeongguk- ouch!“

Minhyuk’s nails were sharp as they dug into Jimin’s skin. Jeongguk quickly wrapped his arms around Minhyuk’s waist and pulled him off. Jimin tapped his neck, more worried about Minhyuk than the blood he wiped off. Minhyuk clawed at Jeongguk’s arms before Jeongguk grabbed his hands and held them behind his back.

“Enough.” Jeongguk’s eyes blazed red and Minhyuk stopped struggling. Jimin’s lungs almost collapsed at a sudden rush of blood through his body. He had no idea what the reason was but he pinched himself to snap out of it.

“What happened to him?” Jimin asked as he hurried to his side but Jeongguk shook his head. “Don’t come close to him, he can shift any moment. , I need to get Bom here.” “I can go and get her.” “You don’t know where her cabin is.” “Better hurry and tell me.” Jimin scoffed.






Bom carefully pressed the tip of the knife against the skin of the omega.

 “I am so sorry, Minah, but I have to know if something else happened to you.” Bom muttered, smiling warmly at the corpse as if it would smile back like before. Ignoring the pain from the memories Bom cut the skin from her sternum down till below her bellybutton. At the sight of the fetus Bom had to stop for a moment. The thin layer of something that surrounded the fetus wasn’t filled with water like Bom had seen before, when she moved the fetus she saw a stab wound on its back.

“God damn it!” Bom moved away and furiously wiped her tears away. It wasn’t the first time she examined a body but she had never examined a friend’s body before.

She could remember spending her childhood with Minah back in Berstuk’s forest, having no worries and planning their children’s names, sharing thoughts and expectations of their future mates. Those days were so far away but Bom couldn’t let go and held them closer. No one knew Minah from this pack and not that Bom was obliged to say she knew her since it would make no difference. Perhaps it was the stubborn side of her that didn’t want pity and sympathetic looks and hugs – she hated those – but she couldn’t help but think how much a hug would help her.


She turned around, ready to curse hell out of the person who invaded her cabin and her moment of self-criticising and reminiscing. However she forgot her words when she couldn’t recognize the boy that stood in front of her.

“Are you Bom? Jeongguk and I need your help.”

“Can’t you see I’m busy?!” She scoffed as she raised her bloody hands and the boy’s eyes widened. His entire face paled when he saw Minah lying on the bed with her insides visible. Bom reached out for a sheet and covered her body while glaring at him.

 “Help with what? Talk, I don’t have all day!” She washed her hands in a bowl of water and dried them before pushing Jimin out of the room and closing the door.

“It’s about Minhyuk. He’s shifting.”

Bom grabbed her headband and tied her hair in a bun on top of her head.

“Where is he?” She looked back at Jimin who looked frightened by her. “Hurry! I don’t have all day and neither does Minhyuk!” Bom slapped his shoulder which made Jimin snap out of it and hurry towards the place where he left Minhyuk and Jeongguk.

Jimin kept glancing at Bom who looked rather annoyed and scary, she looked ahead of her with a murderous intent and Jimin wondered if Jeongguk ever feared her.

“Kids these days. Won’t even come for a check up for their own good.”

Jimin chose not to say anything, she was probably beyond pissed by something and Jimin didn’t want to know exactly how pissed she was. Once he saw Jeongguk his steps became lighter and he remembered to breathe. But not loudly so Bom wouldn’t be offended and annoyed with him too.

“What the hell are you doing!?” Bom screeched as she ran at Jeongguk and hit him on the back. Instead of being shocked and worried like Jimin was Jeongguk rolled his eyes and turned Minhyuk towards her.

“This damn brat hurt Jimin. You better calm him down or he’s going to get hurt.” Jeongguk’s eyes were narrowed as he stared at the top of the pup’s head. “Jeongguk...” Jimin glared at the boy who slightly pouted for being scolded for caring.

Bom sighed, her hands on her hips while she looked at Minhyuk from head to toe and sniffed the air. “It’s just a pre-shifting phase, the one where we don’t know if there’s someone else inside our mind. Like all other pups he’s confused, it’s an alpha instinct to mark an omega.”

“Jimin is human.” Jeongguk growled. “I know but he’s the closest to omega. I can only give him something to calm him down temporarily. After he shifts he’ll be a mess for awhile too.”

Jeongguk picked Minhyuk up with ease despite the kid kicking around and growling. “Jimin go back home, I’ll come in a moment.”

Jimin nodded, not trusting his voice as he watched Minhyuk start to whine and turn towards him.

“I’m sorry.” It was barely a whisper but Jeongguk heard it. There was nothing he could do about the situation, it’s something natural for them. It might take a while for Jimin to get used to the village completely.

Once they got inside the cabin Jeongguk let go of Minhyuk, not having fear for Bom who was also an alpha and could control him a bit until he shifted. “I thought Dara was with you three.” Bom said as she looked through the sacks of dry herbs.

Jeongguk shook his head, not taking his eyes off Minhyuk who remained unmoving while leaning against the bed. “No, I didn’t even see her.”

Minhyuk gripped the edge of the bed, his knife sharp nails piercing the sheets and going through his flesh. The pup gritted his teeth, the uncontrolled growling stirring in his chest like unstoppable fire, he had no idea how he got inside the cabin but he missed the scent of roses. He tried to walk past Jeongguk but the older alpha easily picked him up and sat him down on the bed.

“Listen here, you little rascal, that’s my mate you bit.” Jeongguk scoffed at him but Minhyuk’s growling only turned louder. Bom pushed Jeongguk away harshly and glared. “He’s a pup, you .”

Jeongguk rolled his eyes as he watched her smile at Minhyuk. Over her shoulder Jeongguk continued to glare, his spicy scent only making Minhyuk angrier.

“He’s not submitting.” Bom muttered, cupping Minhyuk’s cheeks and looking into his eyes that were red but the blown pupils made his eyes look black. “I’m seeing this for the first time myself.”

“Will you be fine with him? I have to go and reassure Jimin this little -“ Jeongguk groaned when Bom turned around and hit him in the stomach. “-Fine! I’m going!” Jeongguk growled lowly.

“Who are you growling at? Get your out of my cabin!” Bom threw a bowl with knives at him but he managed to close the door before he could get hit.








Jimin listened to Taehyung talk but he pretty much had no idea what the boy was saying. The only things in his head were Minhyuk and Jeongguk. What if something complicated happens and Minhyuk gets hurt? What if Jeongguk hurts Minhyuk? What if Minhyuk hurts Jeongguk? What if Minhyuk needs Jimin with him? Jeongguk gave Minhyuk Jimin’s shirt because it had his scent on it but Jeongguk carried Minhyuk away without anything of Jimin’s.

“-happen?” Taehyung leaned down to look at Jimin who had no idea he was holding his head in his hands. “Jimin? Did something happen?” Taehyung repeated and Jimin felt like pulling his hair out in worry.

“Minhyuk almost shifted today and-“ Jimin’s eyes widened when he realized he was bitted and scratched. Taehyung on the other hand patted his back and smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. Transforming into a wolf hurts a lot, his body is changing so the shifting hurts less in the future.”

“He bit me.” Taehyung’s smile fell and Jimin couldn’t help but worry. Did it mean something bad? Didn’t mates bite each other to leave mating bites?

“Uh, since he’s a pup and hasn’t presented his status I wouldn’t be worried. You should have Bom check on you.”

Jimin shook his head as a shiver ran down his spine. “I’m not going back to her cabin ever again.”  At the memory of her bloody hands and that corpse Jimin felt like sick. Was she all right? All bossy and angry, ready to kill someone if they crossed her path. Jimin was sure she wouldn’t hesitate.

Taehyung on the other hand laughed and raised an eyebrow. “You’ve already met her? And?” “She’s scary! I looked for her to help Minhyuk and stumbled upon her – um, I’m not really sure what she was doing but she cut open a body of a dead woman.”

Taehyung nodded. “Yeah, she’s a really skilled doctor, born in Europe and travelled across the world. No one knows why she stayed here but we’re thankful. We know so many things about ourselves thanks to her, and she’s cured us many times. She knows so many different herbs, she makes a lot of medicine and she doesn’t waste a second of her life. Always working. She probably didn’t get enough sleep so she was moody.” Taehyung winked but Jimin shook his head. Before Taehyung could speak again Jimin saw Jeongguk.

 “Jeongguk.” Jimin stood up from the stairs and ran over to the older boy who looked angry. Taehyung sighed as he forced his tired body off the stairs and followed Jimin.

“Is Minhyuk okay? Maybe I should give him my shirt again.” “He’s fine, he’s with Bom. I hope she teaches him how to behave.” The bite in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by the two younger boys but only Taehyung could smell how angry he was. If he was angry then that meant nothing was wrong with Minhyuk.

“Marked Jimin before you?” Taehyung cackled. Jimin blushed in embarrassment and looked at Taehyung with wide eyes while Jeongguk jumped at him and knocked him down on the ground. Taehyung laughed and screamed for help when Jeongguk tickled him. “You prick!” Taehyung couldn’t even grab his hands to stop him.

Jimin smiled at the sight of the two idiots yelling at each other and laughing. In the corner of his eye he noticed someone else step beside him. The man was the same height as him, with black hair and if possible, darker eyes. He looked extremely serious, Jimin didn’t expect the friendly talk.

“Hey, you must be Jimin.” The man greeted and raised his hand for a handshake. Jimin bowed and shook his hand with a smile. “Yes, hello.” Jimin greeted, glancing at Jeongguk who was still torturing Taehyung. The man smiled when he heard Taehyung screech once Jeongguk found a very sensitive spot.

“I’m Yoongi, Taehyung’s mate. He’s been boasting about you since yesterday.” Jimin blushed and nodded. “Yes, we hung out yesterday. But he bailed on me.” Jimin turned away so Yoongi couldn’t see his sour face but judging by the scent Jimin didn’t mean anything bad.

“Yeah, I stole him. Sorry.” Yoongi smiled apologetically. Jimin shook his head. “No, it’s fine. He didn’t leave me alone.” “Even if he did you wouldn’t have been alone for too long.” Yoongi rolled his eyes but still smiling.

“Yoongi baby!” Taehyung surprised both Jimin and Yoongi when he launched himself at Yoongi and almost knocked him back. Jimin glanced at Jeongguk who was slowly making his way towards him.

“Isn’t my Yoongi bear cute? I’m so glad you two met finally! I hope you don’t mind the exterior, Jimin-“ Taehyung gestured towards Yoongi’s emotionless face that soon turned into a glare but Taehyung ignored it “-He’s literally a baby beneath all that.” Jimin and Jeongguk laughed when Yoongi kicked Taehyung with his foot.

Taehyung giggled as he kissed Yoongi’s cheek and in an instant the alpha smiled, his hand searching for Taehyung’s before their fingers tangled. Jimin couldn’t help but smile. Jimin noticed how unnaturally pale Yoongi was while Taehyung’s was tanner; Taehyung was all about smiles and cheering while Yoongi seemed to prefer silence and peace;  plus Taehyung was taller than Yoongi but no matter the contrast between them the two looked like two pieces of a puzzle.

Were Jeongguk and him like that? Did they look like they belong with each other?

“You’re bringing Jimin tomorrow to the Praying?” Yoongi asked, looking between the two boys. Jimin was confused as he heard about it for the first time while Jeongguk looked confused for a different reason. “Praying is tomorrow?”

Taehyung and Yoongi quietly stared at the boy (probably scolding him without having to say anything), making Jimin glance at Jeongguk too. Jeongguk rolled his eyes. “I forgot!” “Uh huh, I’m sure it’s Jimin’s fault.” Taehyung winked. Jimin wanted to punch him but instead decided to change the subject. “What is Praying?”

Yoongi glanced at Jeongguk who nodded for him to explain. “It’s the full moon tomorrow, we go to the mountain to spend our time with the moon that guided us through the dark and never left us alone.”

Taehyung placed his hand over his heart and pouted at his mate. “Yoongi bear, you’re becoming poetic, I love you so much.”

“And that’s our cue to leave.” Jeongguk whispered as he placed his hand on Jimin’s back and nudged him to go. “Why?” Jimin whispered back but obeyed nevertheless. Jimin glanced back and immediately looked ahead, ears red. Yoongi and Taehyung were stumbling up the stairs with their lips locked, their hands all over each other.

“That’s why.”

Jimin stayed quiet for a moment, recovering his innocent thoughts. There’s no doubt what that type of kissing lead to. Jimin shook his head as if shaking off the thoughts.

“What happened to Minhyuk? Why can’t he come home with us?” “We’ll visit him tomorrow, I’m sure Bom-“ Jeongguk tensed at the familiar scent in the air.

Minhyuk ran towards Jimin, his eyes red and his cheeks covered with tears. He was breathing heavily, as if he ran miles. Jimin felt like crying himself as he crouched down to hold him but Jeongguk stepped in front of him. Minhyuk growled at him but whined loudly when Jimin tried to pass by Jeongguk.

“Jeongguk let me hold him!” “He’s dangerous and unstable right now!” “Jeongguk please, if he does something I’m sure you can stop him.” Jimin held tight onto Jeongguk’s arm, feeling the muscles flex beneath it but Jeongguk found it hard to relax with Minhyuk in front of him.

Jimin took the chance and stood in front of Jeongguk, crouching down and smiling at Minhyuk, his hands raised in an inviting hug. “Minhyuk, love, you have to be nice, okay? No biting, no scratching.”

Minhyuk sniffed and with one last wary glance at Jeongguk he ran towards Jimin, hiding in the crook of his neck and crying loudly. Jimin rubbed his back and picked him up. He placed a small kiss on his temple before turning to Jeongguk who didn’t look at him and instead walked ahead, leaving Jimin and Minhyuk behind.








“It’s the protective instinct in him.” Bom said later that night when Jeongguk came over and plopped on her couch. Bom made them tea and as always she was there to listen to his worries and advise him.

Jeongguk glared at the ceiling. “What ing instinct? Hug someone that’s after your neck? Literally.” 
Bom rolled her eyes. “Haven’t you noticed he’s completely different from humans? It’s his scent – how come we never noticed it before when we went to the village?”

Jeongguk sighed, his eyes closing as the glare disappeared from his face. He looked exhausted and tired until a smile spread across his face. Bom made a disgusted face because she knew he was thinking of Jimin’s scent. “Hey! Don’t be disgusting!” She threw a pillow at him.

“I think it’s dangerous for him to be the centre of attention so easily.” Jeongguk mumbled. Bom nodded. “Yes, I thought so too. He’s safe with us, he’ll be even safer when you scent mark him.” Once again Jeongguk smiled and this time Bom sighed in surrender.

“I’m going to kick your out. I thought you wouldn’t be such a pup once you’ve found your mate.” Bom threw more wood in the fire and cuddled her pillow on the armchair. Jeongguk shrugged.

“I never said how I’d act with my mate or how I’d treat him. You people just went around and guessed.” “Okay, that’s true but you didn’t give us anything to think you’d come to Lisa to wake her up so she’d make Jimin something delicious. And you paid her.” “Well not every alpha’s an .”

“Jeongguk, honey, if you weren’t an you’d be sleeping in your own house.”

Jeongguk stayed quiet while Bom smiled to herself, satisfied she made a nice comeback. “Seriously, Jeongguk, why did you come?” Jeongguk knew she didn’t mind, not like she went to sleep early – everyone knew Bom spent her nights in the cabin doing crazy research that creeped out everyone – she was genuinely worried because the young alpha rarely sought help of others (must be the pride but Bom liked to think he only came to special people J)

“Noona... when my rut comes... what will happen to Jimin?”

Bom stared at the boy in surprise, she never would have guessed he’d ask about that. “You think he’ll stay around for so long?”

 “I’m so close to jumping at your throat.” Bom giggled as she reached for her tea. She drank her tea before she spoke and it somehow eased Jeongguk’s worries because if she was so relaxed it couldn’t be something worrisome.

“If you’re not careful you can kill him. Easily.”

Jeongguk sat up and with wide, terrified eyes stared at the woman. “What?”

Bom smiled and waved him off reassuringly. “Don’t worry, not really that easily.” “Noona!” Bom laughed at his glimmering eyes. “Ah, Jeongguk, you’re so funny!” Jeongguk growled but got nothing but a threatening look from her. Once he calmed down she continued to smile.

“Jimin’s human body won’t respond to your rut like an omega’s would; there will be a lot of new things to learn for both of you. I’m not worried about your self control, I know you exceed at that but Jimin’s body is built differently. Jeongguk-“ Her voice was barely a whisper as she looked away from Jeongguk at her lap. “-Human males can’t bear children.”

Jeongguk leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. “I know, Bom. I don’t care about that because all I need is him.”








“Stop!” Jimin giggled as Minhyuk continued to bounce on his stomach. Jeongguk hadn’t slept at home, Jimin knew because he didn’t sleep at all. It wasn’t Minhyuk’s fault, it was more of the worry Jimin felt. Minhyuk stilled suddenly, his attention stolen by the door opening downstairs. “Jimin! Minhyuk!” Jeongguk called.

Jimin carried Minhyuk on his back downstairs. When Jeongguk smiled at him Jimin instantly smiled back and Minhyuk became a lot lighter. Okay, that meant Jeongguk was in a good mood.

“Hi.” Minhyuk surprised both of them when he spoke, then without wanting Jeongguk to stare at him for any longer hid his head behind Jimin’s. Jeongguk smiled again.

“Father got worried when we didn’t come for supper last night so he called us now for breakfast.” Jimin nodded. “Sure, give me a moment.” Jimin left Minhyuk alone with Jeongguk.

Jeongguk wasn’t surprised when he couldn’t smell the hostility around Minhyuk. The boy even moved closer, not taking his eyes of the older alpha – most definitely his instinct to be wary of those of same rank as himself.

“You’re feeling better?” Minhyuk jumped a bit when Jeongguk asked him. He nodded timidly, glancing at the stairs from where he expected Jimin to come. Jeongguk swallowed a lump in his throat for which he could bet was his pride. “I’m sorry for my behaviour yesterday. I know how it feels to go through that yet I acted like that. It’s not really your fault.”

Minhyuk was quiet as he stared at Jeongguk who couldn’t pick up anything in his scent. Did the boy expect of him to apologize because he knew it wasn’t his fault? Jeongguk felt a bit apprehensive about apologizing when Minhyuk didn’t do anything.

“Okay.” Minhyuk whispered, not even blinking as he looked into Jeongguk’s eyes. Jeongguk didn’t feel uncomfortable and instead felt all the honesty behind Minhyuk’s short ‘okay’. It’s okay, you understand me, I understand you – that kind of feeling which made Jeongguk smile easily. He raised his hand and Minhyuk hit it, an innocent and happy smile spreading across Minhyuk’s face.

At the same time Jimin came down the stairs and stared at the two alphas with wide eyes. Without feeling the need to say anything he joined them in smiling and they left the cabin with Minhyuk on Jeongguk’s back.








The supper was extremely familiar to Jimin, the love of family, the warmth and hospitality he was showered with only made him miss his family more. “Minhyuk has grown a lot since the last time I saw him.” Grandfather smiled at the boy who shyly glanced at Jimin before lowering his gaze to his lap which made everyone laugh. There were a few more people Jimin easily got to know, plus a few women he got to meet before.

Hyuna was Jeongguk’s closest cousin along with her sister Hyolyn, daughters of Junghyun’s brother and Grandfather’s younger omega son. Even though Hyuna and Hyolyn were laughing and joking with Jimin, Jeongguk and Minhyuk they weren’t communicating with Grandfather and Junghyun that much.

“So, Jimin-“ Grandfather started, silencing everyone at the table. Jimin nodded, letting the man know he was paying attention. “You’re coming with us to Pray tonight, right? Jeongguk surely talked to you about it.”

Jimin suppressed himself from rolling his eyes as he looked at Jeongguk who grinned like an innocent but guilty child would, luring a smile on Jimin’s face. “Yeah, he mentioned that.” “Wonderful, since you’re one of us it’s be nice if you participated in our events with us.” Grandfather smiled.



Later that night when Minhyuk fell asleep Jimin got dressed and walked downstairs to see Jeongguk pacing around in front of the fireplace. “Jeongguk?”

Jeongguk ‘s head snapped towards him, his eyes wide and face red. “Is something the matter? You look worried.” Jimin spoke quietly, afraid to wake Minhyuk up when the boy had been acting well that day.

“Uh, yeah, just wanted to talk to you about something.” Jeongguk cleared his throat. Jimin nodded and walked over to him. “Tonight when we leave to the mountain there will be a lot of wolves from our pack and it might even happen that another pack runs into us and your scent is just so strong and rare.” Jimin waited for Jeongguk to continue talking but Jeongguk looked like he was suffering an inner turmoil. “Yes and? I shouldn’t come?”

“No, you are coming! It’s just, I should probably scent you before we leave.” Jeongguk lowered his head and nervously rubbed his nape, tugging on the strands of hair. “Scent? Like, leave your scent on me?” “Yeah.” Jeongguk had explained to Jimin what scenting was two nights ago in front of the firewood and why it was done. The nod of confirmation that came from Jimin made Jeongguk relax and more nervous at the same time. Not to mention excited, his wolf prancing around like a pup.

“How do you do that?” Jimin asked as he stepped closer. At the signs of acceptance and no hesitation Jeongguk relaxed and smiled as he stood in front of him. With light and careful hands he pulled Jimin closer and held him firmly against his chest. Jimin returned the hug and closed his eyes, feeling Jeongguk’s scent for the first time; a picture of snow covered forest, almost like that day he first stepped inside the Dark Forest, and a beautiful feeling of content even though he felt like it was winter. Jimin’s eyes fluttered shut as he vividly imagined the forest, Jeongguk walking among the trees and then a big charcoal black wolf standing in front of him.

Jeongguk closed his eyes as an uncertain scent filled the air, for a moment he thought Minhyuk was at it again but he realized it was Jimin. The scent only ushered him to pepper Jimin’s neck with kisses, nothing more that chaste, butterfly touches that left the skin burning. Jimin shifted, pressing his nose against Jeongguk’s neck and inhaling, Jeongguk felt Jimin’s body go a bit limp and it made him smile proudly.

“Jiminnie! Ggukie!” Taehyung hollered as the door of the house slammed open. Jimin eyes widened as he stepped away from Jeongguk but subconsciously he reached for Jeongguk’s hand and clenched it. Jeongguk scoffed when he saw Taehyung.

“We’re ing coming!” Jeongguk growled at him before turning to Jimin and tightening his hold on his hand. Jimin blushed and avoided to look at Jeongguk but he made sure to squeeze Jeongguk’s hand. “I’ll check Minhyuk once more.” Jimin apprehensively let go and ran up the stairs.

Jeongguk watched him with a soft look on his face while Taehyung smirked. “I interrupted something?” He wiggled his eyebrows. Jeongguk glared as he punched his shoulder, making Taehyung cry out. “Yes you did, you ing moron!” Taehyung pouted, returning the punch but without even half the strength. “Well I’m sorry for ruining your moment but you took too long. You were nervous, weren’t you?” Jeongguk looked away, chest grumbling as he growled.








The pack members were all standing at the edge of the village, waiting patiently, talking and laughing with each other. “Got the lovebirds.” Taehyung rolled his eyes as he walked over to Yoongi whose hand automatic moved around his waist.

Jimin smiled at the people who looked at him and they return the smiles. Jeongguk sighed as he watched the alphas watch Jimin. He stood closer to him and wrapped his arm around his waist to pull him closer. Jimin looked up at him with crimson red cheeks. “Jeongguk?”

“Yes?” Jeongguk avoided his eyes and only pulled him closer, hiding him from the curious eyes. Jimin couldn’t help but smile, his hands going around Jeongguk and his cheek pressed against Jeongguk’s chest. Once again Jimin closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of winter and snow. Jeongguk grinned widely, looking at the other alphas like he won all the gold in the world.

“Are all of us present?” Grandfather asked, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. While Grandfather talked about the importance of the Praying and the nature around them Jeongguk dragged Jimin away until they were in the forest, leaving everyone behind.

“Jeongguk? They might be angry with us!” Jimin kept glancing back and awaiting for someone to call their names. “Don’t worry, I asked for father’s permission to show you first.” “What? Show me what?” Jeongguk let go of Jimin’s hand, both of them clenching their fists to savour each other’s warmth.

Jimin looked around the forest lightened up by the moonlight they were supposed to be cherishing. “I wanted to show you my wolf.” Jeongguk walked behind a tree and Jimin saw him take his clothes off. He quickly looked away and waited patiently, albeit a bit nervous but excited nevertheless.

Shuffling was heard and then steps, paws Jimin thought as he waited for a sign it was okay for him to turn around. Jeongguk nudged him with his snout. Jimin turned around and gaped.

He called that a monster? All those nights he spent thinking there was something blood thirsty under his bed but he never thought he’d fear such beauty.

Jeongguk’s fur was darker than the night, his red eyes the only lighter colour on him. He was standing in front of Jimin, taller than him but it didn’t frighten Jimin. Without hesitation he reached forward and his hands disappeared into the soft fur behind Jeongguk's ears.

 “You’re beautiful.” Jimin whispered, his hands moving around Jeongguk’s neck and stopping beneath his snout. The red eyes were barely blinking as he stared at Jimin, his tail moving swiftly in happiness. The moment however was interrupted by a group of howls. Jimin looked back towards the village. Jeongguk nudged him for attention before jerking his head back. “What?” Jimin muttered, running his hand along Jeongguk’s spine. Jeongguk’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as his knees slightly buckled in pleasure. Imagine what scratching would do.

Jimin giggled. Jeongguk quickly composed himself and lowered himself so Jimin could swing his leg over is back. “Really? I won’t fall off?” Jeongguk shook his head. Jimin knew for sure Jeongguk would tell him not to worry and to trust him that he was there to hold him if he weren’t transformed.








Jihyun stared suspiciously at the moon. It was incredibly big, like one huge head of someone watching over everyone. Glancing back at his friends that were screaming and laughing around the bonfire Jihyun left towards the fields. It was beautiful in the forest despite it being quieter thanks to the oncoming winter. Jihyun looked up, wondering if Jimin was finally watching the stars like he always wanted to. It was always his only wish, he didn’t want anything else. Jihyun knew Jimin deserved to have his wish fulfilled, after all the effort Jimin put in being a good older brother, a son, a friend and a fellow neighbour.

He listened to the howls in the distance, too far away from the forest. Must be the wolves, Jihyun smiled at the thought of Jimin running with them and having fun. That must be a nice feeling; running in the forest without cares in the world.

“Watch out!”

Jihyun had no idea where the voice came from but he had no time to look for the source before something hit the back of his knees and he fell back onto the grass. It took him a moment to chase the black dots from his vision to look at the stars and that’s when the pain kicked in. He groaned as he sat up and tried to see what knocked him down. His eyes widened at the ropes with rocks tied to the ends, tightly keeping his knees together and not allowing him to move.

“I am so sorry!” He jumped at the loud voice of a girl who dropped down beside him and quickly untied the rope. Jihyun took a moment to see if he knew her from somewhere but she was a stranger. Her light brown hair was tied in a ponytail on top of her head, her eyes shining as she smiled widely, not looking remotely sorry but she looked so childish and it seemed like it was just a funny accident to her.

“Uh...” Jihyun stared at the ropes in her hands. She followed his gaze and blushed as she hid it behind her back. She smiled shyly and Jihyun forgot about the ropes. “Sorry, once again, I really had no idea I could throw it so clumsily.” “Why would you even throw that?” Jihyun rolled his eyes as he reeled himself back in. He moved a bit away from her when he realized she was the one who knocked him down. She scratched the top of her head while continuing to smile like knocking someone down like that happened almost every day.

Well maybe it did from where she came from but Jihyun was pretty sure no one in the village ever saw tackling ropes like that. “Um, what’s your name?” She asked.

“Jihyun.” Jihyun said shortly, eyeing her suspiciously. A woman walking around the fields throwing something like that around and tripping people can be nothing but suspicious and dangerous. “Jihyun? I’m Momo. Say, Jihyun oppa-“ Jihyun blushed “-Do you believe in monsters?”

You have got to be ing kidding me, Jihyun felt stupid for blushing in the first place. He sat up slowly and started to walk back to his village. “Oppa! Where are you going? Answer my question!” “I’m going home where it’s safe from strange and dangerous people like you!” Jihyun yelled back, not even looking over his shoulder. Mom pouted, standing up and swinging the ropes in her hand. “Oppa!” Without meaning to the ropes flew off her fingers. She sighed. “Okay, I am becoming dangerous.”

Jihyun shook his head. What a strange kid. More howls filled the silence and once again Jihyun’s mind was filled with Jimin and Jeongguk. The boy didn’t seem that bad but Jihyun couldn’t really judge him based on one appearance. He wondered if he’d ever see Jimin again. Ever since Jimin left the wolves stayed inside the forest and away from the village, even though Jeongguk said they’d come, everyone felt guilty for enjoying the freedom because it was only Jimin who paid for it but it was also only Jimin who went to the forest so they just expressed their gratitude to Jihyun and his mother.

“Hey.” Jihyun screamed at the face that appeared beside him from the darkness. Momo laughed while Jihyun covered his beating heart with his hand even though it made no difference. “Hey my ! You scared the hell out of me!” Momo rolled her eyes, the ever-present smile on her face. “Glad I helped.” She stuck her tongue out. Jihyun stared in disbelief at her. He looked around at the fields, not a soul was outside and she ventured around alone.

“Seriously, what is your problem? Why did you follow me? Are you a murderer?” Jihyun raised his fists and spread his feet apart to threaten her but she laughed and waved him off. “If I wanted you dead you’d get more than ropes round your knees.”

Whatever she really meant with those words went unnoticed by Jihyun who glared at her. “Are you lost? It’s dangerous to walk at night alone.” “Don’t worry, I am more than capable of protecting myself. I was actually travelling by. Mind if I stay at your place tonight? I’ll pay you good.” She threw a small sack at Jihyun. He opened it and his eyes widened. “You’re staying for a month?”

Momo giggled. “That depends on you.” Jihyun stayed quiet. With the amount of coins she gave him he could probably buy a small house for his mother and him in the city and live a pleasant life for a while. He glanced up at Momo who wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “What cha say?”

“I don’t know anything about you. You could be some murderer running from the law.” “Well you’ll have a month to get to know me.”








Jimin hated to admit how scared he was, being so high off the ground, even though there was no way he could fall from Jeongguk’s back he couldn’t help but think of the worst. Apparently as Jeongguk mentioned once; the pack climbed as high as they could to be closest to the moon.

Jimin also noticed Jeongguk was the only one so high. “Jeongguk, I’m scared.” Jimin finally admitted, feeling a bit weak but glad that Jeongguk stopped nevertheless. The path that was on the edge of the mountain turned into a cave. Once Jeongguk stopped and lied on the ground Jimin stood up from his back and left Jeongguk’s clothes in front of him before he looked up at the moon.

“It’s beautiful.” He smiled at the moon. He heard a sigh behind him, a human one so he turned around. The smile fell from his face when he saw Jeongguk lying down, wearing only shorts as his eyes remained closed.

“Jeongguk?” Jimin hurried towards him, looking over his body glistening with sweat and muscles that constricted and relaxed. Jimin scolded himself for being so bold and staring at Jeongguk while the man wasn’t feeling well. “What’s wrong?” Jimin asked, leaning over his head to look into his eyes. Jeongguk shook his head, taking in a whiff of the scent of roses and grasses and his muscles relaxed but the pain still lingered.

“It’s the aftermath of shifting.” Jeongguk muttered, eyes not opening and his hand blindly looking for Jimin who wasted no time in holding it. Jimin stopped himself from wincing when Jeongguk used more force. It wasn’t intended, Jimin knew, it was the pain. It wouldn’t be nice of Jimin to go off on him for that.

“You guys shift despite being in pain later? Is it that important?” It didn’t make sense to go through so much pain just to howl at the moon. Surely the moon could understand their pain and they could just light a bonfire or just plainly scream.

Jimin moved and raised Jeongguk’s head off the ground to lay it gently on his lap. The other wolves weren’t howling, probably not all of them had climbed high enough. Which reminds him that Jeongguk would have to shift again if he wanted to Pray.

“You can’t howl unless you shift again.” Jimin said, his soft hand cupping Jeongguk’s chin. Jeongguk smiled, finally opening his eyes. For a moment Jimin saw the last bits of redness disappear unto the darkness of Jeongguk’s unfocused eyes. Then his pupils dilated and he was staring at Jimin’s face with a wide eyes. “You’re so beautiful.”

Jimin blushed and rolled his eyes, lightly tapping the boy’s chin. Jeongguk raised his hand and ran the back of his hand along Jimin’s jaw before tangling it in Jimin’s hair. Jimin couldn’t help but smile, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment when Jeongguk scrubbed his head. Jeongguk chuckled without removing his hand. “Why... are the others not Praying?” Jimin mumbled slowly.

“Probably waiting for everyone to come.” Jeongguk sat up despite his muscles being sore. Jimin wanted to scold him but the words were somehow gone as he watched Jeongguk’s body. Jeongguk gritted his teeth and without realizing held Jimin’s hand. Jimin winced this time but didn’t say anything, only moving behind Jeongguk so he could lean against him. Jeongguk relaxed immediately, forgetting about the pain and focusing on the scent coming from Jimin whose neck was closer to his lips that before. Jeongguk angled his neck towards Jimin’s neck and sniffed. Jimin giggled and shook his head.

“Jiminnie, why do you smell so ing good?” Jeongguk moved closer, forcing his muscles and bones to cooperate with his brain. He could smell his own scent mixed with Jimin’s, left from the scenting but it should’ve been stronger. The thought of his scent not lingering on Jimin made Jeongguk leap forward and knock the younger boy back.

“Jeongguk?” Jimin raised an eyebrow as the older boy crawled on top of him. “Jeongguk!” Jimin panicked when he noticed the darkness in Jeongguk’s eyes that were set on Jimin’s neck.

 “I won’t hurt you. I just want to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” Jeongguk muttered, his lips pressed lightly against Jimin’s skin. Jimin was breathing fast, his hand on Jeongguk’s chest and ready to push him away if he crossed his boundaries. But Jeongguk stayed true to his words, both of them lost track of time as Jeongguk left and nips, his lips pressed against the vein that pulsated under the flesh. Jeongguk wanted his scent to be embedded in Jimin’s skin for a really long time.

When the wolves howled Jeongguk moved away, hovering over Jimin who didn’t look frightened anymore, maybe a bit on guard. Jeongguk brought his forehead down to Jimin’s and closed his eyes, loving the way their scents mingled together perfectly; roses blooming proudly and opposing the winter and cold – Jeongguk had it already in his head and he felt a bit bad that Jimin couldn’t imagine it like him.

Jeongguk didn’t really regret taking a human for a mate but he was worried about Jimin, he wanted Jimin to live the life Jeongguk did, he wanted Jimin to experience things Jeongguk did, he wanted them to be the same but at the same time he didn’t want to change a thing about Jimin. He wanted him to stay human and just the way he is.

“I frightened you.” Jeongguk mumbled, remembering Jimin’s hands on his chest as defence. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Jimin nodded, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the moment just like Jeongguk did.

For an emotion to be scented in the air it had to be felt really strong, although Jimin’s fear was long gone and not that strong to begin with Jeongguk still felt bad. Frightening your own mate, someone that’s supposed to feel safe next to you was something a wolf should feel embarrassed about.

“It’s not okay, Jimin.” Jeongguk moved away and Jimin quickly followed him, something in his heart ushering him to reassure Jeongguk.

“You surprised me, I wasn’t really scared.”

Jeongguk shook his head and instead look up at the moon. He glanced at Jimin who had followed his gaze to the sky. “Before I found you I came here every night.” Jeongguk started. Jimin focused on him, his arms circling his knees that were pressed against his chest.

“The pack always thought I didn’t want a mate, that I wasn’t interested in finding one. They tried to make me leave to the city but I didn’t want to, I just knew there was no one waiting there for me.” Jeongguk smiled to himself when he realized how right he was. He should remember to rub in their faces how right he was.

“That day when I let you go back to the village I realized how empty I was, I felt so... lonely. I never felt lonely, Jimin. That’s why I don’t want to let you go, I don’t want to feel that way ever again.” Jeongguk shook his head.

Jimin didn’t say anything and only scooted closer, his shoulder brushing Jeongguk’s. “You know, if you came to the village and asked nicely perhaps I would’ve come along.”

Jeongguk scoffed playfully. “Perhaps.”

Jimin laughed. “You really think it’s that easy to say yes to leaving home? Have you ever left this place against your own will?”

“Not really.”

“I know how it feels like to be lonely. I have a younger brother but sometimes... this will sound bad but sometimes I wanted someone else.”

Jeongguk stared at him for a moment but Jimin stared down at his knees. “That day you brought me over here I... I guess I didn’t feel lonely, I just missed my family. It’s not really that bad here when everyone’s so nice and welcoming, it felt like home –sort of.”

“I’m glad I’m not a bad guy anymore.” Jeongguk chuckled and Jimin giggled, glancing at him.

“Give and take your feelings and past – from your point of view you never were a bad guy.”

“Give and take your antics and fear that night we came – from your point of view I was the worst man on the planet.” The two of them laughed, louder than the wolves below them but it sounded like music in the background.

Jimin smiled when he noticed Jeongguk wasn’t sweating anymore or in pain. “You’re better now?”

Jeongguk nodded. “Yeah, being with you eases every kind of pain.”

Jimin blushed and looked away, his hands coming up to check the warmth of his cheeks. But still he couldn’t help but feel nice for being the medicine for Jeongguk. Jeongguk laughed as he wrapped his arm around Jimin and pulled him closer to his chest. Jimin’s cheeks were set on fire but he didn’t fight the hug and instead shifted closer and made himself comfortable.

A lot of times Jimin and Jihyun fell asleep together but Jihyun could never possibly make him feel that way, like he was the only being in the world that could be in his arms. Jeongguk made him feel that way. Jeongguk made him think and believe that his arms could only hold Jimin, his eyes could only see Jimin and his heart could only feel for Jimin. He felt so special, beautiful, unique, loved, taken care of, safe and protected, there was nothing in the world that could ruin the feeling for him.

Jeongguk sighed contently, smiling to himself as he leaned down and sniffed the top of Jimin’s head.

“I hear you.” Jimin mumbled, lightly tapping Jeongguk’s thigh. Jeongguk continued to smile even after placing a soft kiss on top of Jimin’s head.








“This is amazing! Wow!”

Jihyun watched with wide eyes as the girl in front of him stuffed her face with bread and ripped the meat off the bones. Jihyun glanced at his mother who was hiding her smile behind her hand. He glared at her but she only rolled her eyes.

“So, Momo, right?” the woman asked, a kind smile on her face despite watching Momo eat like a hungry animal. Momo nodded and tried her best to smile with her (full) mouth closed. “Jihyun told me you’ll be staying here for a while. You’re travelling?”

 “Uh, yeah-“ Momo drank her water and let out a sigh that shortly told everyone how thankful she was for the meal. “-I’ve been travelling for a while, interested in a lot of things, mysteries, strange accidents, fairytales...” she looked around the house while talking, as if expecting to see something interesting. Jihyun’s mom nervously glanced at Jihyun but the boy didn’t notice.

“There are no mysteries here or fairytales.” Jihyun rolled his eyes as he stood up and cleaned the table in front of her.

Jihyun’s mother on the other hand seemed worried as she stared at the girl. “Where are you from, Momo?” “North.” “You don’t look like people from the North.” Momo seemed taken aback for a moment but the dazzling smile was back on her face. “You expected coats and boots?” “Yes, winter is coming, shouldn’t you have brought more clothes?”

Jihyun listened with great interest as his mother talked like a professional but also like she was trying to uncover something. Why else would you tell someone they’re not from where they said they are? Jihyun sat down and watched from right to left between the two of them. Jihyun’s mother was full of weapons but Momo seemed prepared for everything.

“And how long do you plan on staying exactly?” Jihyun’s mother raised an eyebrow. “Jihyun said a month.” “Did not! I asked if you were staying for a month! You said that it depends on me!” “So?”

Both of them waited for his answer and he felt cornered under their gazes; his mother seemed to await with dread for his answer while Momo seemed like she already knew the answer with a smirk on her face.

“Three coins per night, you’ll sleep in my brother’s room, I’ll let you know when we have meals but other than that you take care of yourself.” Jihyun said, breaking the shell around him and for the first time feeling like a man in front of the two women.

His mother shrugged and stood up, slowly walking away without looking at Momo who didn’t look too disappointed with Jihyun’s decision. “All righty then-“ She slammed three coins on the table, startling Jihyun who quickly stood up to mask his jump. “-lead the way captain.”








Jimin woke up feeling strange. A new strong  feeling woke him up. Somehow, he felt like he should do something, there was something to be done but he couldn’t think of anything – did he promise something? Did someone ask him to do something? Or he forgot it maybe? Then he noticed Minhyuk wasn’t all snuggled up with him. Wasn’t actually in the room. Jimin quickly dressed and went downstairs, worried about the child but the worries left through the window when he spotted him.

He was sitting on Jeongguk’s stomach, laughing as he tried to tickle the older alpha who laughed along and remained as strong as always. Minhyuk squealed when Jeongguk stood up and picked him up, raising him up in the air and swinging him around to frighten and pleasure him.

Once he noticed Jimin he stopped and positioned Minhyuk on his hip. “Good morning. I’m sorry if we woke you up.”

Minhyuk wiggled out of Jeongguk’s hold and ran at Jimin who hugged him and placed a kiss on his temple before lifting him.

“No, I woke up on my own.” Jimin smiled at Jeongguk, his smile widening when he looked at Minhyuk, making a grimace and making the boy laugh. “I should be sorry for interrupting you two.”

“Don’t worry, we’ve been awake and playing for a while.” “Really? Then how long did I sleep?” “The Sun’s almost at its peak.” “What!?” Jimin could not believe he did it again.

It seemed like the bed was too comfortable for him. He couldn’t help but feel bad for Jeongguk who slept on the couch. Jeongguk walked over to him and patted Minhyuk’s head.

“We should take Minhyuk out to play, pups have a lot of energy ready to be spent.”

Jimin nodded, involuntarily staring at Jeongguk’s neck. He could see the vein pulsating, blood was rushing through it. Jeongguk raised an eyebrow when Jimin leaned forward. He put his hand on the younger boy’s shoulder to steady him in case he fell forward.

“Are you all right?”

“Huh?” Jimin’s attention snapped up to Jeongguk’s eyes, he looked confused and surprised as his eyebrows furrowed.


Jimin nodded, closing eyes for a moment to gather his thoughts that didn’t include Jeongguk’s neck and strong gaze. “Yeah, I’m great. Are we leaving now or?”

Jeongguk didn’t look a bit convinced but for now he’d let it slip, knowing for sure he wouldn’t let it happen the second time.

 “You should eat first. Hyuna brought over something, I have no idea if it’s edible but I have faith in her.”Jeongguk rolled his eyes with a smile as he took Minhyuk away from Jimin and nudged him towards the table. Jimin smiled back and nodded.





Well, true to what Jeongguk said pups really did have a lot of energy to use. There was a special place in the centre of the village where all parents brought their pups and watched over them or left them with a bit older alphas or betas to watch over them instead. That’s why Jimin and Jeongguk were the oldest ones among the pups that had to take care of ten pups.

Wait... weren’t there eleven of them?

“Found her!” Jeongguk yelled as he came running from the forest. Jimin sighed in relief, laughing when the pups tickled his neck with their teeth and lips.

As expected the pups who remembered Jimin from before tackled him when he arrived as well as the ones who were lured in by the new interesting and rare scent. Jeongguk pouted as the kids got to touch Jimin where he wasn’t allowed to (hopefully not for too long).

“Hey that’s my mate!” Jeongguk whined, sitting down in front of Jimin despite the pups growling and glaring.

 “He’s mine anyway!” Jeongguk huffed and held the omega pup in his lap, noticing she was the only one who wasn’t fighting her way to Jimin.

Instead she watched him with wide eyes, interested but wary in a way. Perhaps because she didn’t recognize him as a wolf.

“Haru? Have you met Jimin yet?” Jeongguk asked, wrapping his arms around her and she sighed contently, closing her eyes for a moment as the strong alpha scent almost lulled her to sleep. Jimin watched as Jeongguk carefully held the little pup like she could break any moment.

Again that same feeling from before crept under his skin, he felt like he had to do something. There was something undone but Jimin had no idea why the feeling was there in the first place. He returned his attention to the pups hoping he would forget about it.

“He’s strange.” Haru whispered in Jeongguk’s ear. Jeongguk laughed but nodded. “Yes, he is. But he’s also really nice. Go play with him.” “I like Ggukie oppa more.” She closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep, leaving Jeongguk to coo over how cute she was.

“Go and play!” Jimin yelled, taking the pups off his lap but they whined and stared at him with wide and expectant eyes but Jimin glared playfully. “If you play nicely I’ll give you a treat!” The pups considered for a moment, slowly taking steps away although hesitantly. Jimin scooted closer to Jeongguk and sighed. Jeongguk rolled his eyes when he noticed all the scratch marks and redness on Jimin’s neck.

“Why did Minhyuk leave with Bom?” Jimin asked, missing the pup as if it were his own. Jeongguk smiled at the thought of having a pup with Jimin. “Jeongguk?”

Jeongguk snapped out of his thoughts, not even aware he was taking his time picturing dozens of pups surrounding Jimin, bearing different scents but the one of roses in the winter like a mark on all of them.

“Yes? Uh, yeah, Bom is really worried about Minhyuk.” “Can something go wrong?” “Not really, just the longer it takes for him to shift the more pain he takes. Not really pleasant, especially for a pup.”

“When you shifted for the first time, were you in pain like him?”

Jeongguk nodded, appreciating that Jimin thought of his pain even though it happened a long time ago and he had no idea about Jeongguk’s existence. Was Jimin even born then?

“Yeah, everybody goes through that, sooner or later.”

Jimin nodded, his eyes falling on Haru who was sleeping in Jeongguk’s arms. “She’s adorable.” He muttered, reaching forward and moving hair strands from her face, making her shift a bit in Jeongguk’s arms.

“She’s the first one who called you strange.”

“Really? Why?”

“I guess because you’re not human. But the others seem to love it.”

On cue Jimin was tackled by the pups again, pushing and dragging him away from Jeongguk who growled playfully at them, only eliciting adorable growls and whines from the little ones. Jimin laughed as moved away for the sake of Haru’s dreaming.

They played till the nightfall even though Minhyuk ended all the playing when he came and chased all the other pups away. He ignored Jimin’s protests and Jeongguk seemed to understand Minhyuk the best. So he watched proudly as the pups ran away from Minhyuk who was the eldest and strongest among them. “Jeongguk do something!” “I am.” He clapped and patted Minhyuk’s back.

But then Minhyuk pushed him away too so Jeongguk was at loss once again. With a pout he followed the two of them home.

However they weren’t even close to the door when a wolf came running from the forest, its eyes amber as it whined and limped. Jeongguk pushed Jimin and Minhyuk behind him, not feeling threatened because the wolf wasn’t an alpha. Instead it reeked of fear. No doubt it was running away from something.

“Go inside and lock the door.” Jeongguk ordered, his eyes blazing red as he realized someone managed to come inside the pack without anyone noticing. “Now!” Jeongguk glanced at Jimin, startling the younger boy who quickly pulled Minhyuk inside and slammed the door shut.

Other alphas gathered around the wolf, a female, Jeongguk could tell by her smell and the size. She was terrified.

“Easy!” Junghyun came running. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re safe here.” Junghyun crouched in front of her, an obvious sign he wasn’t trying to be dominant but friendly.

It didn’t matter who the wolf was to Jeongguk, he was far more interested in the reason of her fright because to be able to scent that much fear meant she had suffered quite a lot of something. When a wolf lies its scent never can, the scent is the most important thing when it comes to situations like these.

The omega whined as she flopped on her belly and dragged her body over the ground towards Junghyun. He wrapped his hands around her and petted her head. “It’s okay, you’re safe.”

“Father we have to scout the forest.” Jeongguk looked around cautiously. Whatever scared her could be close. Or rather, whoever scared her. Junghyun nodded.

 “I’ll take her to Bom.” Junghyun helped the small wolf stand, it whined but followed him towards Bom’s cabin.

The wolves turned expectantly towards Jeongguk who nodded to them. “You’re all aware the pack could be in danger. Scout the forest but stay close to the village just in case.”

The alphas shifted without second thoughts, bearing the images of their mates and pups made the pain lesser as they ran away. Jeongguk glanced at his cabin and with a worried heart shifted before taking off.

Jeongguk caught the trail of the omega’s scent and followed it, his nose even more sensitive in his wolf form. For a moment he thought he was coming closer to something, he believed there was something right in front of him. Until it all disappeared. No scents, no trails, nowhere to go and nothing to trace. Jeongguk moved back a bit and the scent was there but once he moved forward again it was gone, like he entered a field clear of all scents. He leaned down but not even the grass had a scent. Jeongguk growled in despair and anger – what kind of witchcraft was hiding right in front of Jeongguk’s nose?

Just when he decided to go back to find the general direction the omega came from the entire scent was gone, leaving Jeongguk alone – no scents that he was even inside a forest or standing on soil. He whined at the feeling of blindness even though his eyes were wide opened. He ran back, trying to remember where he came from, for the first time in a while feeling fear – for the pack and Jimin. The thought of his mate injured and calling for his help only made him run faster.








Junghyun stayed quiet while Bom tended the omega’s wounds. She had cuts and bruises all over her body. When he saw the chain marks around her neck and wrists he exchanged worried and aware looks with Bom who nodded and took the omega to her room to dress her.

“There, just don’t move a lot, okay?” Bom smiled warmly as she sat down beside her on the bed. Junghyun cleared his throat and to Bom it was a clear sign he’d love to ask questions if it were all right. Once Bom nodded Junghyun tried his best to smile at the omega.

She didn’t look a day older than twenty winters, whoever did that to her would pay – Junghyun swore on the Moon.

“What’s your name?” He asked as he dragged a chair and sat down in front of her.


“Younhwa. Where did you come from, Younhwa?”

Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at Junghyun and the man felt his heart shatter. “I ran away. I left them all behind. They’re still...” “Sh.” Bom wrapped her arm around her while taking a bag with dried poppy in it. “Here, breathe this in, it’ll help.” Younhwa inhaled the scent and in a moment she was calmer.

“Who did you leave behind? With who?” “They hunt us down, they burned my pack, killed everyone except the omegas. We... They force us to... To...” When she started to cry again Junghyun had no heart to continue, instead he stood up and moved away from them, giving Bom a nod to follow him.

Bom sighed and nodded before he could speak. “I know, you need answers fast but until she’s relaxed and rested you’re not hearing more.” “I’m really sorry but a few things have happened and I’m worried about the safety of the pack.”

“I know, I understand that but rushing her to remember and answer won’t make her talk faster, I think she’ll only be further traumatised. I’ll try to make her relax but I can’t promise anything.”

Junghyun sighed, glancing at the girl who was sniffing the herbs Bom had given her. “Junghyun, I understand your feelings. I’ll talk to her and you can come tomorrow. Okay? This is a heart we’re talking about, she won’t get over those things easily.”

Of course she won’t, Junghyun stayed quiet however and with a nod left Bom’s cabin. “Wait! Have you seen Dara?” Bom yelled from her door. Junghyun shook his head. “No, haven’t seen her in two days, I think.” “Really?” Bom pouted but didn’t say more. She waved before closing and locking the door.








Jeongguk stomped towards his cabin, still bothered by the disgusting and horrible feeling of being without his sense of smell. He plopped in front of the door in despair when he realized it was locked. He whined and with a heavy heart scratched the door in order to wake one of the sleeping boys up. The door opened soon and instead of a sleepy Jimin he was met with Jimin whose cheeks were covered in tears.

“Jeongguk.” Jimin exhaled, falling on his knees in front of the wolf and wrapping his arms tightly around his neck. “I was so worried!” Jimin continued to cry, not bothered to move inside the cabin. Jeongguk didn’t mind the hug but he felt so disapproving of his actions that lead Jimin to the tears.

He leaned back to look at Jimin’s face and to get enough space to the salty tears. Jimin was disgusted at first, his eyes shut tightly as he held his breath but soon he laughed. “You’re an idiot.” Jimin muttered as he stood up and pushed Jeongguk inside before locking the door.

While Jeongguk shifted back to his human form and dressed Jimin sat in front of the firewood like he had done so before Jeongguk came. Once Jeongguk sat down beside him Jimin smiled and raised his cup of tea to give it to him. Jeongguk took it with a smile and a nod of gratitude.

“Did you find anything?” Jimin questioned. Jeongguk sighed as he glared at the flames in front of him.

“Nothing. Just when I thought I was close, just when I thought we’d put an end to whatever it is – it was gone. Like it was never there.” Jeongguk growled at the returning feeling of helplessness.

What if whatever hides behind that witchcraft is watching them right now? Doesn’t that mean they’re not safe? The tea Jeongguk was drinking felt bitter almost like a poison that reminded him he failed as an alpha, a mate and a friend.

 “I should’ve been faster. If only I were stronger then I could’ve found it –“ Jeongguk stopped talking when Jimin stood up and walked over to him. He stayed quiet when Jimin sat down on his lap and wrapped his arms around him, Jeongguk’s head resting against his chest and Jimin’s chin on top of his head.

Jeongguk’s eyes fluttered shut and he left the tea on the table before holding Jimin close to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Forget about your worries for a moment, Jeongguk advised himself as he enjoyed the warmth of the hug, enjoy your mate’s presence, enjoy everything your mate is giving you.

“Jeongguk, you’re the strongest man I know. Don’t think like that, don’t speak like that, I believe in you. Will that be enough?” Jimin smiled even though Jeongguk couldn’t see him.

Jeongguk smiled and nodded. “Of course, you’re the only one I need.” Those were the last words spoken between the two before they fell asleep.








Jimin groaned at the uncomfortable feeling. His neck hurt as he sat up on Jeongguk’s lap, the older boy’s hands moving to his back to support him in case he’d fall even though he was asleep. Jimin’ s body warmed up at the thought of Jeongguk taking care of Jimin even when he was unconscious. He smiled at the sight of Jeongguk’s soft features, he looked like a child forced to grow up but still from what Jimin had seen that child never died inside Jeongguk. It was still there and even though Jeongguk hid it from others Jimin wanted to see more of it.

From Jeongguk’s face Jimin’s eyes landed on his neck. Jeongguk’s neck that was pulsating, and with it so did Jimin start to notice that what he was supposed to do. He strangely felt like whatever he had to do was on Jeongguk’s neck. He leaned forward, his hands resting on Jeongguk’s shoulder for support. It felt right, not a single question was in his head and even if there was something warning him to stop it dissipated in thin air when his lips settled against the soft skin.

He kissed again and again, taking a bit longer to move away every time, his hands clenching on Jeongguk’s shirt. The long and hot kisses soon turned into nips, hands sneaking under Jeongguk’s shirt and touching the smooth skin.

Jeongguk’s eyes snapped open at the feeling of someone touching him so intimately but when his nose couldn’t scent anyone but Jimin he was flabbergasted to say the least. He carefully placed his hands on the younger boy’s hips and tried to look at him but Jimin was too busy nipping on his neck. Honestly he was afraid to speak, he didn’t want Jimin to stop because it felt so good to be touched and kissed by your mate, someone you wanted to touch and kiss too.

Jimin’s nips turned into bites and Jeongguk became worried. “Jimin?” He whispered, still afraid of Jimin stopping. Jimin shifted, his thighs on both sides of Jeongguk and holding him down while Jimin marked Jeongguk's neck. Jeongguk closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. He could feel it settling in his bones; the feeling of being Jimin’s and belonging to him. it felt good. He wrapped his arms around Jimin and pulled him closer, finding Jimin’s neck easily. He started to leave small marks, nothing compared to the mating bite but strong enough to stay for awhile and let other wolves know Jimin’s Jeongguk’s.

Jimin felt what he was doing was right, the more Jeongguk bit the stronger the feeling got. For a moment he thought he heard something but it sounded so far away; for a moment he thought he smelled something and it only edged him to continue, to bite harder, to leave something everyone would see. As he moved down towards Jeongguk’s collarbone he could see the blood drawn to the surface and he could smell it. He turned his head aside for Jeongguk to leave more bites, to make Jimin feel more of that feeling of content.

A small whine escaped his lips when Jeongguk bit harder than ever. Jeongguk however stopped because he was beyond confused. “Jimin are you all right?”

Jimin’s body became heavier as his forehead fell against Jeongguk’s shoulder, right over the bruises he had left before. “Jimin!?” Jeongguk panicked, standing up and carrying Jimin’s unconscious body to the couch. “Jimin? Jimin!” Jeongguk slapped his cheeks, shook his shoulders but Jimin’s face confronted into one of pain as he curled his body and started to rub his chest. He gasped and soon cried but Jeongguk had no idea what was happening to him.

Without wasting a minute he picked him up and ran to Bom’s cabin. Others watched worriedly, they could smell Jeongguk’s sour scent and it stuck behind him for a long while.



“Bom!” Jeongguk screamed as he almost knocked the door down. He ran inside and not noticing the young girl sitting on the couch went straight to the room where Bom usually spent her time. And that’s where he found her.

“What the-“ “-I have no idea what’s going on with him! Please help him!” Bom watched with wide eyes as Jeongguk’s eyes shone with tears, something she had never seen before in her life. But that wasn’t that important. The reason behind Jeongguk’s crying was important.

“What happened?” she asked as she touched Jimin’s forehead, opening his eyes and touching his neck. “He woke me up with – he was nipping at my neck.” Jeongguk said, not feeling as embarrassed as he always was while talking about something like that.

“And?” Bom raised an eyebrow while trying to keep Jimin’s hands at his sides. Jeongguk silently helped her, feeling his skin burn against Jimin’s and Jimin seemed to feel it too.

“He never really did it before, I didn’t want to do it as much as it’s usually done because I don’t want to come off as an but he’d never done that, Bom!”

“Okay. Can you please hold him-“ Bom sniffed the air, her eyes widening in surprise and confusion. Jimin cried out loudly while trying to sit up. “Jeongguk... Jeongguk.” Jimin whined, tears rolling down his cheeks as he begged.

Jeongguk shared the shocked expression with Bom when he sniffed the air. “What the hell is this!?” Jeongguk panicked, breathing in more of the omega scent that couldn’t belong to anyone else but Jimin. It was faint, almost like it didn’t really belong to him but it did.

“I – I have no idea. What caused him to act like this? What did you do?!”  “I left marks on his neck, not the mating mark, just... just this.” Jeongguk looked weak as he hovered over Jimin to hold him down, tears finally escaping his eyes and falling on Jimin’s face.

Bom rubbed her face, slapping her cheeks to try and think of something. “Let him go.” “What?” “Let him go, now.” Bom took a step back and nodded reassuringly. “He won’t hurt you, you won’t hurt him, if he smells like an omega-“ She took in a sharp breath, not believing what she was witnessing“-Then all he wants is his alpha. Let him go, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk held his breath as he loosened the grip around Jimin’s wrist. In a blink Jimin’s arms were around his neck, pulling himself up to meet Jeongguk’s body with his own as much as he could. Jeongguk paid no attention to Bom and enjoyed the affection, returning the hug equally desperate.

“Jeongguk, I think you should go to his parents and have a word with him. Wolf blood couldn’t have come to be inside him because of some sickness. One of his parents has to be a wolf for Jimin to be half, you know that.” Jeongguk heard what she said but his words of understanding died on his tongue. Bom left the room, not feeling like watching the exchange of affection.

Jeongguk sat down on the bed beside Jimin and the boy settled on his lap, leaning against him and enjoying Jeongguk’s strong scent he had no idea he could scent that strongly. Have I ever used my nose before, Jimin scolded himself as he breathed in nonstop. Jeongguk didn’t mind but he was worried. Jimin carried the scent of an omega, the sweetness of the roses could be felt on the tip of his tongue when he was just a human last night.

Jeongguk thought back to the night he came for Jimin. His brother was carrying his mother – no sign of his father and his mother was extremely protective and women usually have no need to feel protective if there is someone else, someone stronger than them to the job better. That meant Jimin’s father hadn’t been around for too long and Jimin’s mother had no choice but to take on the role of being both a mother and a father.

Was Jimin’s father a wolf? Jeongguk ran his hand soothing across Jimin, knowing very well the only thing he needed was the closeness of an alpha. And not just any alpha. He needed closeness of his alpha Jeongguk. Jeongguk had no idea how long he sat there with his mate in his arms, Jimin would occasionally nip on Jeongguk’s neck but when Jeongguk noticed there was nothing life threatening happening he left Bom’s cabin, glancing warily at the omega Bom was talking with.







Minji sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. There was an unpleasant feeling in her stomach, she couldn’t bring herself to blow out the candle beside her – for some reason she was dreading the sleep.


She smiled when she heard Jihyun come in. She managed to sit up and usher him towards her. “Come in, I’m bored out of my mind.”

Jihyun padded over and lied down next to her, resting his head on her stomach, their legs tangled and her hands caressing his raven locks. Just like Jimin would do when he couldn’t sleep, she thought. Glancing outside at the calm night she couldn’t help but be a bit worried; as his mother she knew Jimin could get along very well with them but she also knew Jimin loved his family and it hurt him when he spent too much time away. He hates to be alone for a day when Jihyun and mother go to the city for food supplies let alone going away to live somewhere. So close but so far away.

“Thinking about Jimin?” Jihyun wondered, knowing well he himself did it often. “I’m worried about him, mom.”

“I know, love. But once he realizes things he’ll be happy. He just has to grow up.”

“You know he doesn’t want to grow up. He doesn’t want the responsibilities, he’s always whining about how things were easier when he was babied and taken care of.” Jihyun rolled his eyes.

Minji laughed. “We all miss those times.” “I miss him.” Jihyun closed his eyes to force his tears back. “I wouldn’t miss him this much if he had gone away willingly.”

“If he ever comes back we’ll ask him about his new life. I think you’d be surprised to hear what he has to say.”

“Do you think they can tell he’s almost one of them?”

Minji sighed, her hands stopping in Jihyun’s hair. “I don’t know. You father never got a chance to explain a lot to me.”

Tears filled her eyes as she remembered the times she’d sneak from her room to spend time with him, to see him and enjoy his presence and bask in his love like no one had ever let her do before. Youngjae was an angel, the purest being she had ever met. Growing up with parents like Minji’s was hard, villagers loved her but her parents were never liked and they took all their anger and distaste with the villagers at Minji. That’s why she spent a lot of time outside, having fun on her own.

Accidentally meeting Youngjae made her believe she was lucky after all. Youngjae shielded her from everything when he held her in his arms, she wanted to run away from her parents – she wouldn’t run away from much – and Youngjae helped her every time he came to the edge of the forest. Without anyone knowing, without anyone even suspecting she was talking to one of the monsters or even spending days playing with him.

One day Minji woke up and she was alone. No sign of her parents in the house. She didn’t feel alone, instead she felt relieved. None of the villagers knew where they had gone even though they did see them leave as soon as the soon peaked behind the hills. Minji never wondered where they had gone, she only wanted to know if they’d come back.

Because she didn’t want them to.

The baby bump was very visible when Youngjae stopped coming to the spot. Minji knew it wasn’t the baby hat stopped him from coming, Youngjae was beyond looking forward to the ‘pups’ as he loved to call them. But she never asked anyone, when she entered the forest alone she got lost, she had no idea where Youngjae took her all those times so she blamed herself for never paying attention. Every day she hoped, every day she waited but he never came. Youngjae never returned to hug her and hold her, to see his pups, to hold them too and showered them with love he felt.

She was never told what happened but she knew Youngjae would never make the decision to stop seeing her. Especially their pups.

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Chapter 5: I, usually, have a hard time leaving a comment, because I just don't know what to write but I feel the need to left a comment for your story because I trully, really enjoyed it!!
I like this type of stories, but I was captivated by this one!!
Good Job !!!
MoChuJiKook #2
Chapter 5: OMG SUPER DUPER GREAT I really like it
I can't wait to read this one XD
D description tells me its gonna be good