What The Dark Hides

The Night Walkers | Jikook

Night Walkers

Monsters everyone fears, blood thirsty beasts with deceiving features of beautiful young men and women luring the worst and the best of men kind in the darkness of the Dark Forest. No night walker had ever left the Dark Forest before because their skin had fallen in love with the dark a long time ago and the Sun cannot kiss them anymore.

“They’re cursed?” Jimin wondered, rubbing his eyes as he rolled on his back. His mother smiled, raising her hands to take his small hands away from his eyes. It had been six summers since she had given birth to the little angel and he was everything she hoped for. Jimin was kind and polite to people, a trait his mother had, maybe he was a bit naive and too curious but there was enough time for her to scold him. “Not really, I don’t think they consider that a curse. If we can’t go inside their forest doesn’t that make us cursed to them?” His mother asked, raising an eyebrow.

She always loved teaching Jimin about equality and understanding without discriminating. The night walkers weren’t really that bad, they were good enough to warn people to stay inside their homes after the nightfall because the night was their hunting time. “Mama, have you ever seen one?”

At that time Jimin didn’t notice that fearful look in her eyes, probably because she avoided the question swiftly like always. It wasn’t exactly a look of regret but more of reminiscing of something frightening. Not regret. Never regret.




“Jiminnie run faster!” Jihyun giggled as he sat on the roof of the house. Jimin glared at him as he ran past the house and towards the last clue, leaving the other ten contestants behind him. It was something they did every twenty Suns for fun, an event everyone willingly participated in. It included running through the village following tracks the village elder put without anyone knowing where they’d be except for him, then after that they played catch-the-fox, later before the nightfall among the eleven contestants the villagers voted for the one they thought was the fastest and the best.

It wasn’t Jimin’s first time participating, he had participated five times before and he always won. “It seems like it’s going to be Park this year too.” Namjoon chuckled to himself, turning to look at the village chief who smiled as he watched Jimin come to a halt with a grin on his face. “Yes, the fastest runner we’ve had in a while.” The two of them laughed when Jimin fell on his back against the rope, breaking it and the race was over. “Tomorrow is the Offering, I hope everything is taken care of.”

Namjoon nodded. “Yes, sir, I took care of everything myself.” “Thank you, Namjoon. Once everyone’s in their homes we should check once more. To be sure.” “Of course sir.”

Jihyun ran over and threw himself over Jimin. “Hyung you did it again!” The two of them giggled. “I knew you’d win.” “Because you threw corn at me!” Jihyun screamed when Jimin grabbed him and threw him on the ground, tickling him like there’s no tomorrow. “Pathetic!” Jihyun screamed as he pushed Jimin back and pinned him down. “You’re just fast, brother.” Jihyun teased. Jimin rolled his eyes as he pushed him away and stood up.

“Jiminnie!” Hoseok ran over and tackled him in a hug. “I’m so proud!” “Hyung you’re breaking my bones!” Jihyun and Hoseok laughed when Jimin moved away and took in a deep breath. “Anyway, you have a break till the middle (noon – when the Sun is on the middle of the sky) before catch-the-fox starts. Come on, let’s eat something.” Hoseok took Jihyun’s and Jimin’s hand but Jimin shook his head. “No, I’m just going to spend time at the fields. I’ve been running for days.” “Really? Alone?” “Yeah, I want to be alone for a bit.” Hoseok looked at Jihyun who was standing behind Jimin. Jihyun nodded with a smile which made Hoseok shrug. “Okay, sure. Just don’t be late for the chase!” “Yes, mother.”

Watching the stars from the inside of the house through the windows never gave much satisfaction to Jimin’s heart. He could see it for a few moments before his mother dragged him away once the first shriek echoes through the village. Jimin loved those few minutes of twinkling and the moon as their shepherd, it was all too beautiful. Unfortunately those moments of mesmerizing and admiring were always too short, taken away from him by those monsters that have terrorized the humans for as long as their great grandparents could remember.




Jimin watched the forest from the hill. It didn’t look sick, it just looked scary, with the evergreen trees of spruce, fir, pines and many more that were always ready for the cold and long winters that lingered for even seven new moons. It looked like something was in there, something people have yet to see. Although Jimin didn’t mind the winter (he loved the snow and games he’d play with his friends) it’s just that the days were shorter but the long nights full of stars were hidden by clouds.

Jimin’s eyes widened when he realized he was standing in front of the forest. He panicked as he tried to run back away from it but he ‘accidentally’ noticed how regular it seemed. He couldn’t see anything out of ordinary, no arrows, spears or weapons that made him believe anyone threatened the forest before. He could only see... lingering snow deeper inside. “Wow.” With a shaky breath and a glance at the fields Jimin took a step closer. He was very careful, looked left and right in case he’d see something and be able to run back. But it was quiet, way too quiet for him to think there was anyone else in the forest.

And it seemed so familiar, like he had been there before but he knew very well he never visited the forest, or anyone else before him. Probably never will after him. For a forest covered in snow it wasn’t that cold, his nose and cheeks were red but they weren’t cold beneath his thumbs. Then he noticed his hands weren’t cold either. Or at least he couldn’t feel it.

He winced when a twig snapped under his foot. Nearby he heard rustling. His heartbeat turned wild as he wasted no time to turn around and run back. “Yee!” He heard them screech suddenly and the so quiet forest became full of screaming and laughing. Tears of fear rolled down Jimin’s cheeks, he looked around and he could see big wolves, their eyes shining yellow and red as they ran along with him. He was so close to the end of the forest, so close to salvation – when something grabbed him and pulled him up, lifted him like he weighted nothing.

Again, the forest fell silent, he was pressed against someone – he could tell because someone was holding their hands over his mouth to hold him silent. The wolves soon ran off, the last one, big black one, lingered underneath the tree where Jimin was. Jimin moved back against the body of his saviour who held him tightly, as an order not to move. Once the wolf jumped away Jimin fell limp in the stranger’s arms.

Slowly the stranger removed his hand and Jimin tried to move away. “Don’t move too much, you’ll fall.” The man whispered in his ear. Jimin froze in order to obey the order. “You should go, they won’t come after you.” “W-Who are you? How did you get here?” Jimin turned his head to try to glance at the man. He looked straight again in shock. The man’s eyes were rimmed red, a little straw piercing his ear – clear signs of a Night Walker.

Jimin squirmed to get away from him. His foot slipped and he fell on the ground, groaning in pain at the uncomfortable position of his shoulder. “.” He stood up quickly and ran away. He couldn’t hear anything but his own breathing and steps. Nothing, just like when he came in. He cried silently as he continued to run away from the forest. With one last look casted at it from the hill Jimin saw the man. He lingered a bit, his gaze transfixed on Jimin like he was his prey. And then he stepped back into the forest, a few red eyes surrounding him.

“Hey Jimin!” Jimin screamed when Hoseok and Jihyun appeared in front of him. “Whoa what’s the matter?” Jihyun quickly ran over to him when he noticed Jimin holding his shoulder. “Nothing. It’s fine. I’m fine.” Jimin ignored both of them as he went back to the village. “Hey! Wait up!” Hoseok followed Jimin but Jihyun glanced once more at the forest, the only place Jimin could’ve gone to. After remembering it wasn’t just any forest Jihyun dismissed but didn’t forget the idea and went back to the village.





            “That was ridiculous!” Jeongguk remained unmoving as his father yelled, standing in front of him. “You saved him! From us! He walked on our territory and walked away!” “It’s not like we don’t walk on their territory every night.” Jeongguk growled, his eyes shining red. His father growled louder, moving closer to Jeongguk who prepared himself for a fight. “Enough!”

It was Grandfather who spoke, appearing from the side. Jeongguk bowed his head while his father watched him silently. He never liked it when people opposed his authority and position among the night walkers but Grandfather was the only one who dared to do so. “Son, I’ll talk with Jeongguk before we head out.” Grandfather patted Jeongguk’s back with a small smile while Jeongguk’s father scoffed before turning away and leaving.

The crowd that was around them slowly dispersed and Grandfather gestured for Jeongguk to walk. “Come, Jeongguk.”

“You know your mother came from Berstuk’s forest, right?” Grandfather started once he was sure no one could hear or see them. Jeongguk nodded as he looked up at the bright sky, it would soon be night. “On her way here she got lost and ventured in the forest alone, not knowing we were here. And your father found her, attacked her actually. He always told about how good she smelled, close to how you smell now; like spring, something about flowers, I think lilies. Anyway, he said he couldn’t bring himself to kill her, a trespasser, just like what happened today.”

Jeongguk smiled at the memory of his mother’s scent. It wasn’t the scent of lilies, it was the scent of cherry blossom, reminding everyone of the better coming days after the winter, of life in the forest. “You saved him because he...” Grandfather started but it was pretty hard to say it, considering the boy wasn’t one of them. “Jeongguk, you know your father is only worried because he can’t lose you.” “Gramps, we’ve been out of the forest, I know how things smell like but after smelling him today... I feel like I never used my nose before.”

Grandfather smiled and nodded, ruffling Jeongguk’s raven locks. “I... Will I ever see him again?” Jeongguk asked, hope almost crushing Grandfather. “You know we cannot take them from their homes.”






            Jimin groaned when Myungsoo accidentally nudged him in the shoulder he had already hurt. The fox was nowhere in sight yet most of the kids stuck to Jimin. Minseok climbed on a horse to see better but he knew better than to kick the horse. “Nothing.” Minseok muttered as he jumped down. Jimin wasn’t sure why he was told like he told him to do it in the first place.

Ignoring the group of four boys who followed him Jimin left the village once more and left to the fields. The fox was fed, there was no need for it to stick around the village no more, it most definitely went to the fields or the forest. Thinking of the forest Jimin shivered, his other hand coming up to cover his hurting shoulder. Hoseok and Jihyun wanted to know what happened, what was he doing in their absence but he ended up bursting and shocking them with his yelling.

You can’t really blame him, the two were persistent while Jimin came back from near-death experience, with a throbbing shoulder.

“Where are we going?” Minho asked while leaning closer to Jimin, making him lean away with a judging look on his face. “What do you mean ‘we’? There’s no ‘we’ in this!” Jimin glared at them before running ahead. “Hyung wait!” “We want to win something too!” “Don’t be selfish hyung!” They yelled after him. “Selfish?” Jimin gasped in disbelief. “Yes, hyung.” “You shouldn’t be like that, let’s get the fox for Myungsoo.” “Yeah, he wants to win it for his fiancé.”

Jimin scoffed. “If you don’t stay away from me I’m taking you to the forest.” “Please hyung!” The four of them whined, grabbing onto Jimin. He laughed at their faces. Myungsoo was standing in front of him with a blush on his face and his fingers playing with his hair. “Is it true, Myungsoo?” The other three moved away and watched with gleeful eyes. “Uh, yeah but it’s okay hyung, you don’t have to. It’s an individual game.” Jimin shook his head. “It’s okay, hyung will help you sweep your fiancé off her feet. Actually, you’ve already done that. Uh, hyung will help you!” Jimin shrugged the mistake and patted Myungsoo’s back. “Don’t worry and stay close to me until I say, I’ll catch it and bring it to Myungsoo.”

Indeed the fox ran to the Dark Forest. “I don’t feel like playing anymore.” Sehun spoke for the first time and the others agreed with him. Jimin swallowed a lump in his throat. The fox was sniffing around the forest, probably smelling the monsters inside. “I’ll, um, you stay here, I’ll try to catch it before it goes inside.” “Hyung it’s not safe!” “Sh! Be quiet!” “Minseok be quiet!”

Jimin approached the forest on his tiptoes but his heart was running miles, he could feel it against his sternum. He was so close, so close to catching it. He jumped at it but it was faster and ran inside the forest without second thoughts. “Damn it!” Jimin cursed as he stood up and glared at the forest.

His eyes widened when red shone from the darkness. But not just any red. Jimin fell back as the man raised his hand. The same one who saved him. The fox fell beside him, squirming a bit unconsciously. Jimin watched with wide eyes but the red disappeared. “Hyung!” The four boys screamed as they ran over to him and dragged him away as he couldn’t walk on his own. “Hyung did you see them!?” “Was it them!?” “They threw the fox at you!” “It’s because of the sunlight! You know they’re cursed!” “Wow, hyung survived!”

Jimin listened to them talk, with the fox in Myungsoo’s hands while Minseok and Minho  stood on both sides of Jimin and ‘carried’ him, while Jimin barely held his hands draped over their shoulders. “So brave, hyung.” “I’d leave it there, the Forest is just too scary.” “Mom would kill me if she knew I went there.” Jimin looked up at the darkening sky. “We should hurry. Let’s go, they’re coming out soon.”

Just as the words left Jimin’s mouth a screech echoed behind them. “That’s impossible.” Minho whispered. All heads turned towards the Sun that hadn’t set completely. “Go! Hurry!” Jimin pushed them all forward, making sure no one stayed behind. “Run! Run to the closest house!” “Hyung you hurry too!” “I will! Go!”

The kids ran, Myungsoo still holding onto the fox. Jimin tried to think it was maybe an accident, maybe they just wanted to scare them. But a howl was heard next, followed by many others and they didn’t sound so far away from the village.

“Jimin! Where have you been!?” Namjoon scolded him once he came through the gate with the kids. “They’re not supposed to be coming yet!” Jimin defended himself. “Never mind, let’s go! You have to hide!” “Where’s Jihyun?!” “With your mother.” Jimin nodded and ran off to his home.

“Jihyun!? Mom!?” Jimin yelled as he ran upstairs to his mother’s room. “Jiminnie?” she whispered weakly from her bed. “Yeah, it’s me. Where is Jihyun? Is he home?” Jimin crouched beside her to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Dunno.” She said with a concerned face. “He’s outside?” “I think. Didn’t come home.” Jimin turned around and ran outside.

The village was in chaos, parents searching for their children and lovers looking for lovers. “Jihyun! Jihyun ah!” Jimin yelled as he looked around, hoping to see his brother. People screamed when wolves jumped down from the trees on their houses. “Night Walkers!” People screamed, running to their homes and dragging their loved ones. For the first time in forever there were people sitting on the back of the wolves, their eyes shining red and yellow just like the wolves’. “Jihyun!” “Jimin!” Jihyun appeared from a house. Jimin swallowed a lump in his throat when he saw the wolf was on the house, watching Jimin. “Go – go back inside!” “What are you saying hyung?! Come on! Get in!” “Jihyun get your back inside and lock the door!”

The wolf moved forward before jumping in front of Jimin who stumbled back and fell. “Hyung!” Jihyun screamed but his friends held him back. The wolf moved forward, its yellow eyes glimmering as it sniffed the air around trembling Jimin, his body shaking like a flag in a blizzard. He closed his eyes, letting a tear escape down his cheek. “Go away.”

Jimin stopped shaking at the familiar voice. “Go.” The Night Walker was standing in front of him, the same one from earlier that day, his back turned to him as he shielded him from the wolf. Once the wolf ran away the man turned towards Jimin. “Are you hurt?” He took a step towards him. When he noticed Jimin wasn’t running away he slowly moved closer. Jimin looked around to see last few people run inside their houses, leaving only the wolves behind.

“No humans should be out after nightfall!” Jeongguk heard Grandfather speak. He turned to look at him, his eyes wide. Jimin silently cried as he looked around, he was the only one outside, surrounded by the Night Walkers. Jeongguk walked closer to him and faced his father with his eyes blazing red. “He’s mine.”

Those words seemed to silence everything, no one was breathing, the wind wasn’t blowing, no hearts were beating as everyone turned to look at Jeongguk’s father with wide and fearful eyes. Being called heartless and cold wasn’t really how Jeongguk would describe him. His father did what he had to do to protect his family and the pack. Perhaps that was the reason he barely nodded before turning around and walking away, a clear sign they were done. When wolves passed by Jimin and eyed him, just like a human would, Jimin moved closer to the man who offered him protection.

Jeongguk couldn’t hide the pride that made his chest swell and puff out as he growled at the wolves who eyed his human. He could tell the other humans were watching from their houses, waiting to see what would happen to Jimin. “You’re coming with me.” Jeongguk spoke softly not to scare him but still the order was clear in his voice. He wasn’t asking. “But... I can’t.” Jimin looked up at him with wide and childish eyes that make him feel like he was torturing him not sparing him. “Please.” Jimin raised his hands to hold onto Jeongguk’s. “I have-“ “-Jimin!” Jihyun left the house and stood behind Jeongguk.

Jeongguk noticed the resemblance and the similar scents; meaning they were related. Jeongguk held tightly on Jimin’s hands. He noticed his shoulder was slouching a bit, a clear sign the fall from the tree did something to him. “You’re hurt.” Jeongguk raised his hand, pulling out of Jimin’s and placing it against Jimin’s shoulder. “Please let me stay.” Jimin begged, not taking his eyes away from Jeongguk’s. Jeongguk felt captivated by them, he wanted to take him away –and it was extremely easy for him to do so, just throw him over his shoulder and waddle away. But the look he was giving him...

“Three moons. On the fourth moon I will come and you’re leaving with me. No tricks.” Jeongguk glanced back at Jihyun. “Or someone gets hurt.” He felt bad for threatening his relative, he could possibly be his only family but Jeongguk was being selfish for the first time in his life. Don’t call him a bad person because Jeongguk lost a lot for being too generous. The boy in front of him felt like the only thing Jeongguk shouldn’t be generous about. “Okay. Okay, no tricks. Three moons.” Jimin repeated, glancing at Jihyun. Jeongguk leaned forward, wrapping his hands around Jimin’s waist when he tried to move away. “Don’t move.” Jeongguk spoke, this time it didn’t feel like an order but Jimin didn’t want to anger him.

His eyes were shut tightly as he pressed his lips against his neck, just pressed them there as if it was a seal. “No tricks. You’re mine.” With a warning glance at the villagers who were moving towards Jimin Jeongguk left.

“Hyung.” Jihyun cried as he ran over to Jimin who silently fell on the ground, looking at Jihyun with tear-filled eyes. “I’m so sorry!” The two of them were surrounded by worried villagers but no one said anything. Hoseok looked at Namjoon who sadly shook his head. “Jimin... how did you attract his attention?” The village chief asked. Jimin shook his head, raising his hands in a pleading gesture. “I didn’t mean to I just ended up going inside the forest. I’m so sorry chief!” “Jimin, we’d really help if we could, but too many people could die. This... they left us no other choice, Jimin. I’m sorry.”

Jihyun helped Jimin up and dragged him away from pitiful and sympathetic looks. “Jihyun, I’m so sorry. It’s because I’m stupid.” “Sh, hyung, you’re not stupid.” Jihyun locked the door and hugged him again. “What do we tell mom? She’ll want to know where you disappeared to.” It only made him cry harder. “Jiminnie? Jihyunnie?” Jimin covered his mouth when he heard his mother’s voice. “Yes, mom?” Jihyun spoke, pulling Jimin to stand again. “Stop crying, Jiminnie, she can’t see you cry.” “Okay.”

With shaky hands Jimin wiped his tears and cleared his throat. With wobbly and weak legs he walked up the stairs to her room. “Jiminnie.” She smiled. She managed to sit up, her back resting against the headboard and her hands resting on her stomach. “Jiminnie I think I heard something on the roof. Is everything all right?” Jimin couldn’t it back, just thinking about only having three moons to watch his mother and brother. “Mom I’m so sorry!” Jimin fell next to the bed, holding tightly onto her hands. “What happened!?” She panicked immediately, her eyes wide as her head flooded with all kinds of ideas.

“Is it Jihyun? Is he okay? Where is he?!” “No, Jihyun is fine. It’s me, mom.” Jimin closed his eyes as she wiped his tears away. “I went to the forest today, during the day.” Her eyes widened. “What?” “I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I went.” “What happened!?” She hurried him to talk, taking his hands. “A Night Walker saved me from the others. And tonight they came earlier. And he found me! He... He’s going to take me away!” She pulled her son in her embrace, closing her eyes as she placed a comforting kiss on his forehead. “Jiminnie, did he try to harm you?”

Jimin shook his head. “No. He told another Walker to stay away. Before he left...” Jimin raised his hand up to his neck, touching the skin that was almost burning. Jimin’s mother’s eyes widened. “He marked you.” Instead of crying like he did she seemed confused. “He... he really marked you.” She muttered, much calmer than she had been before. Jimin felt a bit hurt that she wasn’t worrying anymore. “Mom? Why are you so calm?”

She breathed in air as she looked into Jimin’s eyes. “Jiminnie, I’ve been keeping a really important thing from you. I always wanted to tell you but it just... I was afraid of your reaction.” “Mom you’re scaring me. Am I sick?” “No, honey.” She kissed him again, her eyes filling with tears. “You never saw you father, Jiminnie, but you remember everything I told you about him, right?” Jimin nodded, not realizing how she could talk about his father when he told her he was basically being taken away from her. “I met him when I was picking up herbs close to the Forest. He was so beautiful, Jimin, such a prince I fell for him the moment our eyes met. I came to the Forest every day to meet him, he kept the other Walkers away but I met some. No one knows Jiminnie, but they are not like we think they are.” Jimin shook his head, his eyes still wide. “Mom, you can’t be saying that. My father is... No.” Jimin tried to take his hands back from hers but she wouldn’t let go.

“Jiminnie, the boy who marked you as his is nothing like you think. I’ve told you to never discriminate people and Walkers are not that different. They’re just... more free, more... natural. You’ll see when you see them.” “Mom you’re sending me away? You’re... you’re not going to cry because I’m leaving?” “Jiminnie, I’ve been thinking about your future a lot, Jihyun and you would have eventually felt the connection to the forest, your father said so. It was only the matter of time you went there.” “But I don’t want to go with those monsters!” “Jimin! They’re not-“ “-Just because dad was one of them doesn’t make them better!” “You never met them the way I did to know who they are! You should be ashamed of yourself for that prejudice!”

“You didn’t have this prejudice before you met dad?! Liar!” “I did but you’re going to meet them and I know you’ll regret those words when you see everything.” “Can’t wait.” Jimin spat before stomping out of the room.

For the first since his birth Jimin stepped out of the house without the presence of the sun. It felt strange but it also felt beautiful. He breathed in the cold air as he watched the sky full of stars. Wouldn’t he be able to look up at the sky every night? Or would the man hold him captive? He continued to cry silently at his mother’s words. He felt betrayed, she told him to deal with it. He grew up listening to stories about the Night Walkers and he was just supposed to forget all of that because of one beast that claimed him?

Jimin touched his neck once more. The shiver that ran down his spine made him halt his steps. As he looked around he realized where he was headed. With wide eyes he walked back. People were still inside their houses, carefully peeking through the windows. Jimin ignored them and went back to his house. “Jihyun ah!” “Yes, hyung?”

If a Night Walker was their father then Jihyun was the same as Jimin. “Mom got worried.” Jihyun said later when they sat down on a mattress in front of the fire in the backyard. Jimin glanced back at the house even though his mother’s room was on the other side.  He took a sip of his warm tea. “About me leaving for a moment or leaving forever?” “Jiminnie hyung don’t be like that. Don’t you think she could be right?” Jihyun ignored the look of disbelief Jimin gave him.

“Jimin, when we lock the doors at night they never knock, they never take our cattle, destroy our crops – they literally just walk through and leave.” “Why would they do that? What’s the point?” Jihyun shrugged. “There could be many reasons, Jiminnie, we don’t know anything after all. What makes you think they’re harming us? And this tonight – not a single villager got hurt. We were just scared. And you were protected by that man, he didn’t really look like he’d hurt you. I saw him threaten that wolf, his eyes were red.” Not when he looked at me, Jimin stayed quiet, sipping on his tea. “I’m being taken from my family and no one’s worried.”

Jimin shook his head. Jihyun stayed quiet. “Not a bit? Really? You’re not panicking that I could be eaten alive by those savages!?” Jimin stood up and towered over his brother who shook his head, a guilty look in his eyes but it’s the one Jimin wanted. He didn’t want his family to not feel worried, he wanted to feel the love, he wanted to know how much they were afraid of letting him go. It didn’t feel like family to Jimin anymore. “I... Sorry, Jiminnie.”

Despite wanting to pack his bags and leave that very night Jimin found himself crying silently in his bed, crying over the lack of worry and panic he expected from his brother and mother. That night his mother staggered in his room, holding onto the walls for support. “Jiminnie.” She was crying, her cheeks stained with tears. Without a word he moved away to make space for her on the bed and they cuddled, her arms wrapped around Jimin like a shield. It’s what he was looking for and wanted.

“You’re half human so you can come visit us during the day, Jimin. We can also visit you on the border. Nothing can stop us from seeing you, Jiminnie, not even those you fear. And you can’t fear them, Jiminnie, they can smell it and it’s not nice. You don’t like it when guests come over feeling angry, annoyed or something, right?” Jimin shook his head, his eyes closed as tears soaked his mother’s sleeping gown. “Mom, I’m not going as a guest, I’m a prisoner.” “No, Jimin!”

She pushed him a bit to look at his face. “You’re going as that boy’s soul mate. He won’t let anyone lay a hand on you or look at you the wrong way. Ah, you have no idea how lucky you are Jimin, don’t go around calling your mother crazy.” Jimin looked away so he wouldn’t give her exactly the look. “I’ve met you father’s friends, they were so nice. A bit rough around the edges but they rarely brought humans to their homes.”

“Dad... really loved you.” Jimin muttered. She smiled, running her hand through Jimin’s hair. “He did. He brought me to their leader, everyone called him Grandfather. He was good friends with his son who at that time had a son and I spent time playing with him.” “He was a kid?” “Yeah, he must be, um... a bit over twenty now.” “They treated you nicely?” “They were cautious at first, they didn’t know anything about me so they were suspicious. But I didn’t change or fake anything so they liked me very quickly.” “Sounds like you, mom.” “That’s a compliment, Jiminnie. Not having to change and be accepted is not easy for some people.”

“I don’t want to go. This is my home.” Jimin started to cry again as he moved away to look at her. “Jiminnie, home is here.” She placed her hand over his chest. “You’ll carry us everywhere with you and soon enough you’ll bring that boy to your home. Don’t think he won’t try hard, your father did even though he didn’t have to. Don’t be rude to him because I know for sure that he won’t do anything but cherish you.” “You don’t even know him. I don’t know him. I won’t know anyone there! I’ll be alone! I don’t want to be alone!” “Jimin, once you go there, once you feel that way they’ll make you feel... you won’t leave. You won’t have the courage to turn your back on them. They’ll become family. They already are and I don’t doubt they will accept you easily if you are nice to them.”

“What if you’re wrong?” his mother sighed, closing her eyes and placing her hands on her stomach, it seemed like she developed a habit. Jimin took her hands. “If I’m wrong ... do you think it was wrong for me to fall in love with a monster? To have children with him?” “No, it’s a bit creepy but I love you mom. I don’t – I didn’t mean it that way!” “I know, love, but having one set of mind won’t do you good. I told you to accept people the way they are or to leave them. If I’m wrong then you leave them. But that mark he left on your neck won’t let you get away too far.” “What did he do to me?”  “Humans can’t smell it but the Night Walkers can, he left his scent on you. You can’t hide no matter where you go. No water, no clothes can hide it. But trust me when I say, they don’t take anyone for their mates, Jiminnie. He must have seen something in you.”

“A potential slave.” “Jimin!” Jimin stayed quiet after that, leaning his head against her chest, letting her slow heart lull him to sleep. “I love you, mom.” “I love you too, darling.”






            Leaving the house wasn’t as comfortable as Jimin thought it’d be. His friends were staring at him with sympathetic looks of pity and sadness. It didn’t feel nice although he felt touched they cared. He forced smiles at them, expecting ones in return but they shook their heads at him. He felt like he failed at something big in his life.

“Hey.” Hoseok fell in step with him, the same friendly smile on his face – no strange looks. “We’re going fishing at the lake. You’re coming, right? You haven’t been there in a really long time.” Jimin smiled as he nodded. “Sure.”

Myungsoo, Minho, Sehun, Minseok and Hoseok joked around with Jimin like he wasn’t going anywhere, like nothing happened night before. “Myungsoo even spent the night at his fiancé’s place!” Minho teased the boy who blushed and pushed him away. “Thanks hyung.” Myungsoo looked at Jimin who nodded, a proud smile on his face. “I’m glad it payed off.” Jimin winked and Myungsoo rolled his eyes. “Anyway, we saw that man last night.”

Minseok nudged Minho who was confused. Jimin shifted uncomfortably. Hoseok sighed, wrapping his arm around Jimin. “He didn’t look like he wanted to harm you. And that moment you two shared. Ah, like a moment in a fairytale.” Jimin hit him on the head. “Fairytale my ! We shared nothing! He’s just... he’s nothing but a monster.” “He didn’t really act like a monster. He acted more like a protective boyfriend.” Minseok commented once he noticed Jimin wasn’t bothered that much by the subject of the conversation. “How did you people manage to see that?”

“It’s not what I was focusing on but now when I remember I know for sure he looked like that.” Hoseok nodded to himself, confident about his words. “Did you tell your mother?” Sehun asked a second before his fishing stick trembled. “Yeah.” Jimin looked away. “And? Was she all right?” What they talked about would definitely frighten them, Jimin was half human and half monster they all feared. “She cried.” Jimin stood up. “I’m going to get some firewood.”

Jimin angrily kicked the pebbles in front of him, stomping on the wood he wanted to pick. Without thinking he punched a tree that was closest to him, only to fall to his knees when he felt the pain. “Jiminnie...” Jihyun appeared behind him, crouching next to Jimin and taking his hand. Jimin didn’t look up at him, he knew for sure if he did he’d cry. “Mom got worried.” Of course she did, he left early and spent the entire day with Hoseok and the others at the lake. He felt too betrayed to stick with his brother and mother.

Instead of saying something he’d regret Jimin took his hand from Jihyun’s and stood up. “Why are you here?” Jimin asked, deciding to pick firewood and leave quickly. “Since you don’t have much time left to spend here I guess I just... I wanted to be with you until..” In his head Jimin already finished that sentence. Jimin glanced over his shoulder. “You’re just going to stand there and watch me work?” Jimin looked away but he managed to see Jihyun’s smile.






            Jeongguk sighed, his eyes moving down from the moon to his hands. Hands that still carried a faint scent from the boy’s clothes. After they came back Jeongguk’s father and grandfather had a discussion about Jeongguk’s actions. The reason they could leave the forest earlier than the night had fallen had yet to be known, some of the elders claim they have become stronger than the curse so soon enough they’d be able to roam the lands without waiting for the moon.

It was decided they wouldn’t go to the village until the boy came to the Forest. For sure even someone as animalistic as them has some respect. “Thinking about your mate?” Jeongguk didn’t bother to look up, the familiar scent of his best friend was enough of a give-away. Taehyung sat down next to him with a smile. “I didn’t see him, what’s he like?”

For the second time another sigh left Jeongguk’s lips. “I scared him, other than the wide eyes and the sour scent of horror I don’t think I can really tell what he’s like.” Taehyung chuckled, swinging his arm around his shoulders. “I see. You shouldn’t really worry too much, once he sees what you’re really like he’ll like you.” “I don’t think he’s ever going to stop being afraid of a monster, Tae.” “I know it’s hard for him but those stories they tell about us? They have no idea how they came to exist. We never harmed anyone in their village.” “Yeah, I know. But it’ll take more than a ‘sorry’ to make up for the bedtime stories they listened to as kids. And they still are listening to those, probably even worse versions of it.”

“That surely didn’t stop you from taking him.” “Of course it didn’t! I’d be stupid to let him leave.” “You even scented him, I’ve heard.” Jeongguk smiled. “Yeah, can’t let him get away.” Taehyung laughed while Jeongguk blushed at the bold sentence and looked away. “Um Jeongguk, you know you can’t have a human mate.”

Jeongguk nodded, remembering he was abusing the surface of the water with the pebbles. “I know. And I don’t really care.” “It’s okay about that part, I understand that urge-“ Taehyung smiled, his hand going to the mate mark he got three years ago. “-But I’m talking about his difference from us. We’re part animals, that means our urges, ways we do things – do you think he’ll be able to withstand it?” Jeongguk didn’t answer back immediately. He knew Taehyung was just being considerate. “I believe so, yes. He’ll have me with every step he takes. Don’t worry.” Jeongguk nodded, looking at Taehyung with that proud alpha smirk that made Taehyung roll his eyes. “You’re growing up too soon, Kookie.” “Yeah, one of us has to.” “Hey!”






No matter how angry and betrayed he felt Jimin spent the two days he had left in the arms of his mother along with Jihyun, talking about things, calming Jimin and encouraging him to be brave and to deal with everything maturely and readily. “Those horror stories have a reason for existing.” Jimin told his mother when she told him about how welcoming they are to their loved ones. “Jiminnie, you call a mouse a pig when you see it, why wouldn’t someone call a wolf a monster without petting it?”

All in all, they reminisced the old times, it made Jimin realize just how much he’d miss them. Obviously he’d beg that boy to take him to visit his family once in a while since the boy would have his family in front of his nose. At night, before going to sleep he’d imagine his life in the forest. At first it was nothing scary, but soon his pessimistic and frightened side surged on surface and he thought about being abused and a slave, he’d fall asleep with tears covered cheeks.

The day he was supposed to leave he woke up squeezed between his mother and brother, both of them holding him close so he was pretty much barely breathing. He smiled and somehow sneaked out of the bed. He made them goulash, hoping they’d eat it before he left because for sure after he leaves they won’t have an appetite. The Night Walkers hadn’t came after the man claimed Jimin, it left everyone wondering if giving them Jimin would mean no more visits from them. And just like that the looks of pity turned into one of gratitude and happiness.

Jimin knew in the bottom of his heart the people around him weren’t bad, they wanted it all for their children, for them to be safe, just like any other parent would. Yet still, he felt like a sacrifice.

“Here.” Jimin spun around to face his mother, letting the clothes fall on his bag. He walked over to his mother and helped her sit before taking the silver locket from her hand. “It’s your father’s.” She smiled. “He gave it to me as a wedding gift.” “I didn’t know you actually got married.” “Jimin, honey, it’s the heart bond that counts, not the formalities.” Jimin nodded. She watched him pack his stuff and they talked more. Soon enough Jihyun joined them and said the Sun started to set.

“I... Do I wait for him outside? Or maybe I should go to the forest.” Jimin slung the bag over his shoulder. His mother shrugged. “Maybe you should wait for the howl.” “You mean the screaming?” “Be nice!” she hit his shoulder and he smiled. Jihyun carried his mother in his arms as Jimin left the house towards the gate to wait for his freedom/prison. He still had to see where exactly he was going. The villagers waved from their doors and wished them luck. The Sun hadn’t even fully set when the howl pierced the comfortable silence.

Jimin’s heart was racing, he was so afraid, no matter how much he said he wouldn’t let anyone degrade him he knew for sure if they said it he’d kiss the ground. “My baby.” His mother kissed his cheek one last time, silently crying but trying her best to smile. Soon enough the boy appeared alone. Once he stepped in front of them he bowed to Jimin’s mother, making her smile. “Hello there, young man.” Jimin and Jihyun awaited the boy’s reaction with wide eyes. “Hello.” The boy smiled. Jimin stared for a moment but looked away when the boy looked at him. “I’m sure you know I won’t tolerate any disrespect towards my son, young man. I raised him to be nice and kind, if I find out it wasn’t returned the way he deserved I’ll murder you with my own two hands.”

Jeongguk rubbed his nose to hide his smile. “Yes.” The boy nodded. “What’s your name?” “Jeongguk.” “Jeongguk. This is Jimin, my oldest son. I hope you take good care of him, he’s a humble person, knows his boundaries and respects everyone he knows.” “Mom.” Jimin shook his head but she smiled. “Jeongguk, are Night Walkers coming ever again?” Jeongguk’s face turned serious again and he nodded. “Yes, I wanted Jimin to spend time with his family in peace.”

Jimin looked away once the attention fell on him. He knew his mother and brother would probably yell at him to be kind because Jeongguk definitely was. In the Night Walker way at least. “We should go.” Jeongguk moved aside for Jimin to walk. His mother smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry about us, Jiminnie, I’ll take good care of mother.” Jihyun said. Jimin nodded as he waved slightly before looking away, not wanting them to see his tears. Without looking back the two of them left, Jimin was afraid to look behind at his family because he was too weak not to run back.

Jeongguk could smell the fear, sadness and loneliness on him. Jimin was shorter than him a bit which only made things harder for Jeongguk – it was only a matter of time before he launched himself in a bear hug. It was Jimin’s scent of red roses and grass that kept him in control. He knew for sure it was the most beautiful scent his nose ever felt in the air. Jeongguk had no idea what to talk about with him but Jimin didn’t seem to want talk to him at all. “You...” Jeongguk spluttered in the midst of his thoughts but Jimin ignored it.

“Don’t be angry with me, I’ll take you to them every ten moons.” Jeongguk found himself giving in to the sorrowful scent that made him breathe harder. Jimin looked at him with a surprised look on his face. “Really?” Jeongguk nodded, an unstoppable smile falling upon his face. “Yes. I don’t know how it feels to leave family behind but I can imagine the feeling.”

Jimin’s eyes lingered on him a bit longer, taking in the soft boyish features and the smile. He nodded, not sure if he should say thank you. Why would he thank him for allowing him to see his family after ripping him away from it? Well, not actually ripping him away but it’s how he felt when he said he had three moons to spend with his family. “You never told me your name.” What the actual , Jimin? He introduced himself to your mother in front of your face, your eyes and your ears – you dumb .

Jimin almost smiled at the glimmer in the boy’s eyes, the scolding he was having in his head stopped him. “It’s Jeongguk.” Jimin nodded, making sure to remember he had asked his name twice before he asks the third time. “Jimin?” “Yeah?” as they reached the top of the hill they could see the forest below. “That day in the forest... what exactly were you doing there?”

“Um, curiosity, I guess.” “Full of monsters and wild beasts?” “I didn’t think at that moment!” Jimin rolled his eyes. “And look where it got me.” Jimin’s eyes widened as he covered his damn mouth, glancing nervously at Jeongguk Jimin thought about apologizing but he wasn’t enjoying what Jeongguk had done to him – did it make sense to apologize for saying the truth?

Jeongguk cleared his throat. “You should know that the moment I saved you I opposed my father and my pack. For your safety.” Okay, now Jimin did want to apologize. “Bringing you back with me means... you’ll see for yourself. You can forget about those fears you feel because I’m ready to fight any nightmare for your sake.” “I’m sorry.” “I know you’re scared, Jimin. But when I’m beside you don’t be.” “It’s hard for me, Jeongguk, you have no idea what I’ve heard about you.”

The two of them came to a halt in front of the forest, two steps separating them from the Dark Forest. Jimin looked back at the fields and hills, he wondered if he’d be able to run across them with his friends again someday. Then he looked at Jeongguk who was already staring at him. “I’m not taking your freedom away from you.” Jeongguk said. Jimin couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief. “In that case we have different concepts of freedom.” Without waiting for Jeongguk Jimin walked into the forest just like he did that day that ruined his life.

Jeongguk followed closely behind him, his hands lingering in the air when he noticed Jimin had troubles walking through the dark. “I can carry you.” “I can walk on my own.” “I can see in the dark and no, you can’t walk on your own.” Jeongguk almost grabbed him when he tripped but since it was Jimin’s decision he held back. “Jimin, you can hurt yourself.” “I’ve been walking on my own my entire life! I can-“ Jimin’s yelling was interrupted when he fell into the ground. Jeongguk was quick to catch his collar and hold him in the air.

Without a word and with ease he pulled Jimin up and kept him by his side. He watched with wide eyes the pit filled with spears. He knew very well they didn’t use these kind of traps so someone else must have dug it and put those spears inside. But who could come inside the forest without them knowing? The hole was too deep and big for one man, or wolf, plus it’d take at least three sons to set it up.

“Um, you can let go now.” Jimin muttered. Jeongguk looked down to see he was holding Jimin tightly against him. “You don’t see what’s down there?” “It’s a hole.” Jimin tried to see but his sight was useless in the dark. “Filled with sharp spears. You could’ve...” Jeongguk trailed off, trying to ignore the thoughts of Jimin dying right in front of his nose. “I’ll carry you. Don’t even bother arguing.” Jeongguk crouched down and easily picked him up. “My bag! It fell down!” Jimin panicked, remembering he put his father’s locket in there. “I’ll leave you at home first.” “Jeongguk please-“ “-Don’t worry, Jimin. I’ll bring your bag to you.”

Jimin was shocked to see the houses, smaller than the ones in Jimin’s village but they looked... nice and pretty. Homey. “It’s so pretty.” Jimin muttered as Jeongguk carried him through the small village. Thanks to the clearing the moon was lightening up the path and their surroundings. Jeongguk smiled at the compliment. Carrying Jimin like that brought a beautiful feeling to Jeongguk’s chest and it stayed nestled there until he stopped in front of the door of his cabin. “It’s going to rain tonight.” Jeongguk muttered, more to himself but he wanted Jimin to know that too.

However the boy didn’t say anything and instead just looked around. “Jeongguk?” He whispered while nudging him with his elbow. “Yes?” Jeongguk chuckled as he looked at him. “Can we... can we watch the stars?”






“I always wanted to do this.” Jimin sighed, a constellation in his eyes brighter than any amount of stars in the sky. Jeongguk didn’t find the sky more interesting than Jimin so he used his chance to gaze at him. “How old are you?” Jeongguk found himself asking, having a feeling and hoping Jimin was younger. “Twenty. You?” Jeongguk couldn’t help the smile on his face. “Twenty three. I’m older.” Jimin rolled his eyes but Jeongguk could see him smiling.

“I’m sorry.” Jeongguk muttered, turning away from Jimin in case the younger boy looked at him. “For what?” “For taking you like this but I don’t mean ill, I swear.” Jeongguk closed his eyes and inhaled. Just say it Jeongguk, it’s not like he’ll leave if you say you were a bit selfish. “I’m sorry if I made you feel bad, I’m sorry for scaring you and separating you from your family but I just couldn’t let you go.” “There are other ways, Jeongguk. Like courting and stuff.” “I know.”

Jeongguk plucked grass and threw it away, sitting up so he didn’t see Jimin at all. “It’s just – I never did something I was told not to, I was never a selfish person and there’s your scent that makes me feel out of it and I’m not sorry for being selfish for the first time in my life and it’s definitely the last. I’m sorry but... it’s the way things are.”

Jimin stayed quiet. He couldn’t really say ‘it’s okay’ or everything will be fine because first of all his feelings weren’t okay, he had no idea why he had gone to the forest that day but he cursed the day he did. Instead of saying anything Jimin sat up and patted his back. Jeongguk glanced at him and Jimin tried his best to smile reassuringly. “I guess we’ll have to try our best.”

Jeongguk barely nodded, still a bit absent but soon enough he raised his head and looked up at the oncoming clouds. “It’s going to rain soon.” He stood up and offered Jimin his hand which the younger boy took with a smile. They went inside through the back door, leaving the backyard of Jeongguk’s cabin.

Jimin silently followed Jeongguk upstairs and looked around the cosy looking house. It felt so welcoming and warm, it reminded him of the home he left behind. He almost bumped into Jeongguk when the older boy stopped. Jeongguk stepped aside and gestured for Jimin to walk in. Jimin walked past him and awkwardly looked at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll sleep downstairs.” Jeongguk smiled and nodded. “Good night Jimin.” Jimin awkwardly rubbed his nape. “Good night Jeongguk.”






“I see.” Junghyun said as he ran his hand through his hair. “I’ll send a group out to scout the forest. It doesn’t make sense how such a big hole was never noticed.”

“Jimin almost died.” Jeongguk couldn’t stop himself from saying, pinning the blame to the lack of his father’s leadership skills. Junghyun rolled his eyes and patted his back, pushing him away from the hole and towards the pack. “I trust you can protect your mate from everything, Jeongguk-ah.” “That’s not the matter, it could’ve been a pup playing, father. This is too serious.” “I know son.” Jeongguk wanted to argue further but the rain gave its last warning before Jeongguk heard a downpour somewhere near the forest. “Go. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

With a nod Jeongguk parted ways with his father and ran to his cabin. He had to admit he jumped when the thunder roared. The thought of his mate being alone in the cabin, lonely and afraid made Jeongguk run faster, clutching Jimin’s bag and trying not to let it get wet too much.

He sighed when he opened the door and got inside. “Jeongguk?” Jimin was standing in front of him, holding tightly onto the furs around him, his eyes wide and pupils blown wide. Jeongguk nodded, taking in the scent of roses and a hint of worry etched on it, making him smile. “Yeah, got your bag. Why aren’t you sleeping?” Jimin took the bag from Jeongguk with a sleepy smile and nodded. “Thank you. Uh, thunder woke me up and I couldn’t fall asleep anymore.” “I see. Want me to make you a tea?” “I’d love a cup of tea.”

Jeongguk hurried to throw more wood in the fire before putting the water to boil. He pushed an armchair closer to the fire and smiled at Jimin. “Sit down.” “What about you? Aren’t you cold?” After all it was Jeongguk who was shirtless. “No, we have a higher body temperature.”

“Have you ever... turned into a wolf?” Jimin asked once Jeongguk sat in front of him. Jeongguk nodded. “Yeah, when I was three. One of the youngest wolves to turn.” “Really? Three winters old?” “I guess it’s because I’m an alpha, we sort of go overboard with everything.” Jeongguk rolled his eyes and Jimin could see he was scolding himself. “Alpha?” “Yeah, there are ranks here, a hierarchy. Alphas are the strongest, we’re the hunters and protectors; betas are not much of fighters, they tend to be more of strategists but it doesn’t mean they don’t know how to fight. The instinct to fight lies in every living being. And omegas are... um, not the weakest really... uh, alphas and betas have this urge to protect omegas, especially if they’re mateless. And especially alphas. Omegas are the kindest and the most beautiful of the three ranks. You’d probably be an omega if you were a wolf.”

Jimin blushed. “And all of you can turn into wolves?” “Yes.” “What do you look like?” Jeongguk thought for a moment before shrugging. “Some people tell me I have black some dark gray fur, personally I’ve never seen my reflection myself but I’m quite sure it’s charcoal black. Alphas have red eyes, betas and omegas have yellow eyes. Although some omegas tend to have blue eyes.” “Blue? It’s a pretty colour.” “It is.” Jeongguk smiled as he looked back at Jimin.

Thunder roared once more, making both of them jump but Jeongguk was the only one who quickly dismissed it. Jimin raised his feet off the floor and sat on them, warming them up. The furs around him looked like a cocoon, Jeongguk smiled widely. “You’re afraid of thunder? Don’t worry it’s only noisy.” Jimin stayed quiet. “I’m worried about mom and Jihyun. Do they have enough firewood? Are they cold? What if the roof leaks? What if one of them gets hurt?” Jimin mumbled, closing his eyes for a moment to force his tears back.

Jeongguk frowned. The water boiled and he carefully picked the pot up and sipped it in a pot with chamomiles in it before covering it and waiting a bit. “I’m sure they’re fine. Is there anything you particularly remember being worrisome?” Jimin sighed. “Not really but what if I didn’t notice something was wrong?” “Jimin your brother and mother can come inside the Forest for you, if anything happens we’ll know. Stop worrying so much. Talk to me. About anything else. I thought you’d have a lot of questions about this place.”

The younger boy thought for a moment. “Do you... eat people?” Jeongguk chuckled while shaking his head. “Didn’t expect that one. No, I kill them if they’re threatening to me or someone from the pack. This pack is one big family, we’re all like siblings here so we try our best to protect each other. Since no humans have stepped inside the forest before you we never really had a chance to actually kill anyone. A few people have passed by and lived. There are also a lot of wild animals...”

Jimin and Jeongguk talked for a really long time, Jimin found out a lot of things about his new ‘family’ and Jeongguk negated all the horror stories, replaced them with beautiful ones he almost cried to. “We howl at the moon because we don’t want it to be alone. It’s surrounded by so many stars yet there’s nothing happy about him, he’s alone nevertheless. A lone wolf can’t survive, slowly he goes insane because of the loneliness in his mind and heart, wolves have to rely on each other, wolves have to be a family. We want the moon to know it’s not alone because we know the pain.”

Stories like that lulled Jimin to sleep, the cup empty a long time before he closed his eyes, watching Jeongguk enjoy telling him about everything. Jeongguk lowered his voice to a whisper before completely stopping. Jimin’s hand slid beneath his head and fell on the armrest. Jeongguk giggled quietly as he stood up and walked over to Jimin. He contemplated whether to leave him there so he’d have neck pain in the morning or he could carry him to the bedroom where he’d probably be cold.

After all Jeongguk decided to carry him upstairs. He took all the furs he had and covered Jimin with them. Before he left the room he made sure Jimin was tucked in nicely and could breathe properly because that was a lot of furs. Jeongguk fell asleep in an uncomfortable position downstairs but the content feeling in his chest made up for the pain he felt in the morning.






Taehyung stopped himself from groaning out loud when he raised a tree along with a few more alphas. Yoongi wanted to stay with him to help but Taehyung assured him he could do it. It’d be a lie if he said he didn’t do it to show his alpha just how strong and capable he is. Perhaps a bad thing to do considering what they were pulling from beneath the tree. “Bom should have been here by now.”

Junghyun sighed as he stared at the body of a dead woman, she was most definitely crushed the night before because the wind was quite strong, stronger than usual. Thankfully no children saw her.

“Move! Get outta my way!” Bom yelled as she slapped the taller alphas who stood in front of her. They all laughed at her high pitched voice but she merely glared at them. Her hair was slightly dishevelled, maybe she had slept in (which happened extremely often because she spent her nights awake experimenting and researching) or maybe she ran. Either way she looked ridiculously cute with her big brown eyes and messy hair.  “This better be-“  Her glare turned into a frown once she caught the sight of the woman. The alphas that were laughing fell silent, looks of shared sorrow and worry.

Without a word she reached behind and her friend and helper, Dara handed her a case. Bom stumbled around, her feet getting stuck between thick branches. She took in a deep breath, Taehyung wanted to ask her how she maintained that unbothered expression. “I, uh...” Bom looked away for a moment and closed her eyes. Taehyung saw the look on her face wasn’t of disgust and soon enough they could smell her in the air, she was sad and shocked, mourning the loss of the life. No one said anything, they all felt the same but the alphas were angered because the woman was an omega, there was a lingering scent on her despite the rain.

Bom wiped her cheeks before looking down at her and looking for something before touching her. “A knife wound in her lower abdomen, I can see a lot of blood on her clothes...” Bom lifted her shirt and nodded. “She was stabbed before the tree fell on her.” The spicy scent that filled the air bothered Taehyung who raised his hand and covered his nose, nervously looking at the alphas who looked like they were ready to murder them. “These... these look like chain marks.” Bom said as she examined her wrists and ankles before hurriedly moving up to her neck. “Yes, she was definitely a slave. I’ll examine her further in my cabin.”

“Hey.” Taehyung jumped on Yoongi as soon as he turned around. He nuzzled his nose against his neck and inhaled deeply, desperate to get rid of the spicy scent the alphas left behind. “Tae, I have to go scout the forest with the alphas, go home and wait for me.” Yoongi wrapped his arms around Taehyung and nipped at his neck softly but Taehyung knew Yoongi wanted more than a few nips. However Taehyung also knew Yoongi felt the distress the omega felt and wanted to ease it with his scent. Taehyung sighed in content, almost falling limp over the alpha who chuckled, nipping harsher to bring Taehyung back to his senses.

“Or you can go and meet Jeongguk’s mate. I’m sure he doesn’t want him to be alone.” Taehyung nodded and moved back with a wide smile on his face. Yoongi cupped Taehyung’s cheek and placed a chaste on his forehead, involuntary a bright smile cracking his usual ‘moody’ look. “Go.” Taehyung stole another kiss before running away. Despite himself Yoongi continued to smile even when he heard other alphas making smooching noises. He picked up a branch and threw it at them, ‘unfortunately’ missing. “.” Yoongi glared.






            Jimin forced his upper half off the bed. With barely opened eyes he looked around the room, becoming confused when he noticed how many layers of furs were on him. He fought back a smile as he pushed them off and stood up. He slowly made his way down the stairs and he couldn’t keep the smile from his face. The table was full of food and Jimin couldn’t help but feel guilty for all the prejudice.

“Hi!” Jimin jumped at the voice behind him. A boy was standing at the door with a wide smile on his face. “You must be Jimin! I’m Taehyung, Jeongguk’s brother! Nice to meet you! I’ve heard so much about you! Did you just wake up? Jeongguk has some stuff to do but don’t worry, you won’t be alone. I’ll be keeping you company. Let’s go eat first, I’m starving!”

Taehyung took Jimin’s hand dragged him to the table. Jimin raised an eyebrow as he didn’t utter a single word. Was Taehyung really that talkative? “Sorry for talking so much.” Taehyung chuckled, a blush tinting his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I talk much when I’m excited. Or nervous. But I talk a lot when I’m scared too. And when I hang out with my friends.” “So you talk a lot in general?” Jimin asked before he could think about it. He avoided to look at Taehyung and silently ate the soup.

“Yes. Sorry.” Okay, now Jimin felt bad. “I don’t mind.” Jimin looked up to see Taehyung’s shoulders slouched and corners of his lips turned downward, playing with the soup in front of him. He looked at Jimin, he didn’t seem to believe him. “I have a friend like you, he talks a lot too. Although not as much as you, I’m used to it.” Jimin smiled and nodded. It felt like talking to a puppy. Taehyung smiled widely. “Really? I thought you already didn’t like me.” “No, it’s not bad to talk.” “I don’t just talk. Sometimes I feel like I’m torturing people I talk to.”

Jimin laughed at the funny depressed face Taehyung made. “You’re so cute.” Jimin commented with a kind smile. Taehyung blushed and bowed his head. “Thank you. How old are you, Jimin?” “Twenty winters.” “Really? Me too! Jeongguk must have been delighted.” Taehyung rolled his eyes with a small annoyed smile. “Why would he be delighted?” “He’s a pretty dominant bastard, wants to be in control, wants to be above someone, just like every other alpha. Gets on my nerves but he stopped when I mated Yoongi.” The smile that blossomed on Taehyung’s face made Jimin smile too. “I have a question.” Jimin raised his hand like a child wanting permission.

Taehyung nodded and gestured for Jimin to talk comfortably. “How does mating work? Jeongguk brought me here as his mate but he never really explained things to me.” Taehyung continued to smile cheekily, like he was asked something only he knew. Taehyung straightened on his chair and held his head a bit higher. “Mating, my dear Jiminnie, is the best thing that can happen to someone. It means to be someone’s for life, to be loved, taken care of and protected and to be the source of happiness for your mate. Ah, it’s such a beautiful feeling. I heard stories from elders when I was a kid but the feeling...” Taehyung sighed contently, giving a shake of his head.

“You really have to feel that. The feelings of security, of being loved, no loneliness, nothing in the world could ruin that feeling. I always thought people were overreacting, how could you possibly feel like that? But when Yoongi left this mark-“ Jimin’s eyes widened at the sight of teeth marks, embedded in Taehyung’s skin like a scar. “-We created a bond, he feels what I feel, we don’t really agree a lot so Yoongi easily reads me and we don’t argue, it helps a lot. Even though he doesn’t look like it he’s really careful and gentle. In the beginning I didn’t feel really comfortable with exposing myself to him but he was there to hold me, to tell me he’ll never leave. We’ve been mated for three years but the bonds never weaken, Jiminnie, that’s so perfect about them – they’re not prey to time and experience.” “He bit you!”

“Uh, yes?” “It didn’t hurt?” “Well, a bit, a neck is a sensitive spot for us and also the weak point, baring your neck to someone means submission and trust but the pain is nothing compared to shifting.” “Everyone in the forest can shift?” “Yes. But don’t be scared! We don’t lose our mind, we’re still us.” “What do you look like?”

“Hm, Yoongi told me my fur is light brown, I’ve never seen it but there’s apparently a white stripe going across my back and my tail is also white.” Taehyung blushed at the memory of Yoongi running his nuzzle across his spine before bitting onto his tail playfully, making Taehyung jump.

Neck, huh? Jimin touched the soft skin on his neck. Would he bleed out? Would Jeongguk treat his wound after bitting it? Jimin chuckled in disbelief, he spent a night in his kidnapper’s home and he was already thinking of the boy massacring his neck? Get a grip Jimin, you’re supposed to be opposed to the idea of mating a wolf! But just... how would it feel like? Would Jeongguk take care of him like a baby? Hold him tight and never let him go? Jimin stared at the food that was on the table. “Did you make all this?” Jimin asked.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He looked down at the bread he was stuffing his mouth with. “I thought you did?” Jimin shook his head and Taehyung smiled. “Ah, I see! Jeongguk went to bring you food! How sweet of him! Bastard never did that for me.” Taehyung smile turned into an angry frown as he thought back to the times Jeongguk would kick him off the bed and run away. It was a ritual, unless Taehyung woke up early (rarely, in that case he’d jump on Jeongguk and make him carry him around).

“When will Jeongguk be coming back?” Taehyung shrugged. “Soon, surely before the Sun sets.” “What? I slept that long?” Jimin stood up and walked over to the window. The Sun had passed the half of the sky meaning Jimin slept that long for the first time in his life. “Why are you so surprised? Jeongguk probably couldn’t bring himself to wake you up. I bet you look cute when you sleep!” Taehyung walked over to Jimin and squeezed his cheeks. Jimin slapped his hands, a blush already on his cheeks. “Do you want to go outside? People want to meet you.” “What?” Jimin’s eyes widened. “Yeah, Jeongguk shocked everyone when he scented you in the village. But before that he shocked us when he saved you in the forest.” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows. “Have you been here before, Jiminnie?” “No!” Jimin rolled his eyes and nudged him.

He peeked outside to see people walking around, no wolves, it was a village like any other. “They’re normal.” Jimin mumbled to which Taehyung laughed. “We’re only part animals, Jiminnie. Go and get dressed if you want to before we leave. Pups really liked your scent.” “What? I haven’t left the house at all.” “It stuck on Jeongguk. He proudly carried it through the village, you know? And the pups just knocked him down. A sight to behold.” Jimin ignored Taehyung, as well as his red cheeks as he quickly went upstairs to change his clothes.






Jimin stared back at the crowd of women and children that surrounded him. They were curiously sniffing and staring at him, exchanging words among themselves without Jimin hearing them. “Hi.” He smiled at them and they fell silent. “Hyung!” The children screamed and stumbled towards him, holding onto him like their life depended on it. Jimin blushed as he looked at the women who made no move forward. At first Jimin thought they were afraid and worried, maybe they had their own stories about humans, but they continued to talk amongst each other with smiles on their faces and eyes on Jimin.

“Uh, yes?” Jimin picked up a kid that couldn’t have been older than four winters. The kid leaned forward and sniffed Jimin’s neck, nuzzling against it and wrapping his arms around his neck. Jimin waited him to say or do something else but he fell limp and took in deep breaths. He felt uncomfortable with the women, he didn’t mind the children. Where exactly did Taehyung run off to? He said a moment.

“You’re so cute!” “I heard your name’s Jimin.” “You smell nice.” “Like roses. I love roses.” “I bet Jeongguk does too.” They all giggled together as they sat down in front of Jimin. Jimin uncomfortably switched the weight on his feet. “Sit down, silly!” A little girl pulled him down. He smiled in gratitude. “Tell us about yourself, Jimin.” “It’s Jimin right?” “Yes, I’m Park Jimin.” “Oh Moon, you sound like an angel!” They all squealed. “Thank you.” Jimin smiled. The kids were all standing and sitting around him and smelling him. “The pups usually have a hard time adapting to new scents.” One woman pointed out with a smile and Jimin looked around at the kids.

There were five of them, one sleeping in his arms, two boys standing behind him and nudging the sleeping boy so they could smell Jimin’s neck too, while two girls were sitting by his sides and leaning against his arms, barely awake. They seemed to be of same age. “They’re cute.” Jimin spoke, smiling back to the kids once they smiled at him. “So, Jiminnie, tell us what you think of Jeongguk!” “And us!” “Right, I meant us.” “Of course you did.”

Jimin almost laughed at them. “Um, what about Jeongguk?” “He never showed any interest in anyone, we started to worry about him.” “We thought he’d die alone in his cabin of old age.” “That day in the forest he was the first one who dashed.” “That look on his face-“ They all laughed at the woman who made a grimace. “Seriously, did you put something on you? You smell good even to me.” A woman leaned closer and sniffed. “Can’t you tell it’s his natural scent, Hyuna?” “He smells like roses! And grass! I love roses!” Hyuna whined, moving closer so she could breathe in the scent. Jimin thought about moving away but that would probably seem rude.

“Kids are right.” Hyuna mumbled, her eyes closing for a moment. However her eyes widened at the familiar scent of frost and rain, with a hint of spiciness. She opened her eyes and looked up, eyes falling on Jeongguk. She crawled back and smiled. The pups started to crawl and cling onto Jimin, warning growls coming from them. Jeongguk’s intimidating appearance and scent seemed to bother them enough to want to chase him away from Jimin instead of running away. “What’s going on here?” Jeongguk wondered, looking in surprise at the women who laughed at his wide and surprised eyes.

“The pups might steal him away from you, Jeongguk.” “He’s awfully cute.” “And smells nice.” Jeongguk ignored them and sat down next to Jimin, watching the kids glare at him, their teeth bared and they looked ready to bite him if he reached forward. Jimin turned to look at him and couldn’t help but laugh. “They attacked me!” Jimin giggled, patting the sleeping boy’s back. He only shifted a bit, startling Jimin when he started to nip on his skin. Jimin’s scent was becoming clouded with the pups’ but it was still there and it mingled well with theirs. “Did you see Taehyung anywhere?” Jimin asked, bringing Jeongguk back from his thoughts of how nice and natural Jimin looked surrounded by pups. Brought more thoughts to his head.

“Uh, yeah, he, um-“ Jeongguk stuttered and the woman laughed, moving forward to pinch him and nudge him because they had never seen Jeongguk look so lost and confused. He was always serious and mature, he was rarely seen sitting, he always worked and helped people – there was no such thing as a break for him. “Look at what your mate is doing to you, Jeongguk-ah!” Hyuna rolled her eyes as she moved closer to Jimin to pat his back but the wave of spiciness made all of them move back. Jimin was confused by their behaviour but didn’t ask. “The Sun is setting.” Jeongguk said.

The women picked their children up from Jimin and carried them away. When one of the women attempted to take the sleeping boy from Jimin Jeongguk raised his hand and nodded, as if silently telling her it’s okay, not to take him away. Jimin looked at Jeongguk when the woman nodded back and walked away with her child. “Where is she going? Why didn’t she take him?”

Jeongguk stood up and helped Jimin stand too. “Because she’s not his mother.” The two silently made their way home. “His name is Minhyuk. His mother went missing a few months after she gave birth to him. His father went to looks for her but he never came back. He’s been staying over at Taeyeon’s house since then but he just kept misbehaving and looking for his parents. Even though he was too young to remember them he could smell the difference between himself and Taeyeon’s family. Everyone was worried about him. I’ve never seen him adapt to someone’s scent so I think it’d be nice if he spent some time with you. Unless you mind?”

“No, I’m glad I can help.” Jimin smiled when Minhyuk nipped at his skin with his lips, perhaps in his sleep. Jeongguk smiled at the sight, his entire body felt warm.






Once they got home Jimin carried Minhyuk up to the bed while Jeongguk ignited the fire. Jimin covered Minhyuk with the furs but Minhyuk immediately woke up when Jimin moved away. His eyes filled with tears and he reached towards him, soft sobs filling the silence. “Sh.” Jimin hurriedly picked him up again. “Don’t cry, I’m not going anywhere.” Minhyuk wrapped his arms tightly around Jimin and sobbed until he smelled worry in Jimin’s scent. With the intent to change it back to normal he sniffed for the source of the scent, nipping at the skin and sniffing to make sure the strange scent is gone. Jimin sighed in relief when Minhyuk stopped crying.

“Jimin?” Jeongguk appeared at the door. “Why didn’t you put him down?” “I can’t, he starts crying.” Jeongguk sighed as he walked over to the bed. “Give him something yours, something with your scent on it.” Jimin took his bag and pulled out his shirt. “This works?” “Usually.” Jeongguk took the shirt and Minhyuk and laid him down on the bed gently before he hurried to put the shirt next to his nose. Minhyuk shifted a bit before burying his nose in the shirt, curling himself around it. Jeongguk breathed out in relief and looked at Jimin who looked concerned. “You never found out what happened to his mother?” Jimin asked.

Jeongguk shook his head. The two of them left the room, Jimin albeit a bit hesitant. “Her mate said she went to the river to wash the clothes and never returned. We found a basket with their clothes near the river with no trace of her or her scent.” “How can someone just disappear?” Jimin muttered. Jeongguk felt the need to wrap his arms around him and tell him not to worry, he had Jeongguk to protect him but he held back and crouched down to throw more wood in the fire. Jimin sat down on the armchair like the night before and sighed while staring at the fire. “Whoever it is it’s only the matter of time before we catch them. If someone gets hurt once more we’re blocking the pack from the forest.” “Blocking?” “No one goes anywhere, no one is allowed to go anywhere a step away from the houses. Alphas scout the forest, we hold the guard and get everything the pack needs. Omegas and betas have to be watched the moment they leave the house.”

“How will we go back to my village if the village is blocked?” Jimin asked, his chest tightening at the thought of not seeing in family for a long time. What if whoever kidnapped Minhyuk’s mother kidnaps Jihyun or one of Jimin’s friends? “I’ll find a way. Don’t worry.” Jeongguk smiled, a comforting smile that made Jimin believe him. Jeongguk seemed like the type of a person who never went back on his word. “Thank you.” Jimin smiled back, leaning back in the armrest and repeating in his head ‘only nine more nights until I see them again’.


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Chapter 5: I, usually, have a hard time leaving a comment, because I just don't know what to write but I feel the need to left a comment for your story because I trully, really enjoyed it!!
I like this type of stories, but I was captivated by this one!!
Good Job !!!
MoChuJiKook #2
Chapter 5: OMG SUPER DUPER GREAT I really like it
I can't wait to read this one XD
D description tells me its gonna be good