Taejin: It won't keep us apart

Stop Blowing Holes in my Ship!!

He opens his eyes as he looks up the sunny sky,  not a single cloud in the heaven, he breathes in and out, taking in the air as he cools himself down with a stretch and walk.

Taehyung had already run twenty laps for the day, the sweat in his forehead rolls down to his chin as he finally stops from the small power walk and pants for air,  his warm breath escapes his lips.

His other teammates had started doing some throws and scores with their gears on. 

Being in a rugby team has it's ups and downs,  this sport had been making them turn up to national teams that one day may give them an offer to be part with, and the downs,  is probably his excuse of not being able to study the subjects in the university as he practice, not like his dumb, his just always tired from practice that he usually forgets about studying.

" Kim Taehyung!  " he wipe his sweat and looks back, six feet away from the sidelines he sees their coach screaming his name from the other side of the field,  his teammates and along with other students who are using the field and bleachers had turn to them.

Oh boy.

Taehyung braces himself for some public humiliation.


" This is the third time this month, " coach Son had talked to him on the side of the field and  thankfully not too loud enough for his eavesdropping teammates to hear " , third time in a month you had to ditch your tutors and make them cry,  you should be thankful for them to even give their precious time to you just to save your dying grades "

Taehyung only looks at him boredly,  so what if those girls cried?  They couldn't even handle him in his mildly blunt personality for just a day,  what more if the person is stuck with him for a week.

" not really my fault, they agree to it,  they should have known what they sign up to  "

" as far as i know,  they sign up to helping you and your grades and not you being a towards these girls " Mr Song sighs.

" That's it, you leave me no choice,  if you don't want students helping you then I will have to ask one of the university substitute teachers to help your grades and toned down that attitude of yours  " he says and dismissed him and his teammates for the day.

Taehyung had his jaw dropped,  because what the fck,  substitute teacher?  To teach him? 

He groans and throws his helmet to the ground, one of his teammates had run to him,  Namjoon whose sweaty and smelling like a week old unwashed socks, pats his back.

Taehyung suddenly thought of substitute teachers whose usually old men and weird smells.

Oh sht,  someone help me.

" what was that all about?  " he asked the younger and Taehyung glares at him.

" if you would have been my tutor then I wouldn't be in this situation right now " he slightly punched his arm, not really hurting the older with such half assed attempt and Namjoon only laughs.

" sorry bro,  no can do alright,  Hoseok is kinda jealous already because I've been with this team 24/7, he needs my attention in every free time I have,  why won't you ask Jungkook then?  " he suggests and Taehyung looks at him with a raised brow challenging him to think what he just said.

" Jungkook?  Really?  "Taehyung rolls his eyes and looks at the university left wing building, thinking about burning that part down if his been assigned to some weird smelling old tutor.

" what? " Namjoon says and looks at their fellow teammate walking towards them whose ruffling his own raven hair to remove the sweat forming in the tips of his strand " Jungkook is pretty smart actually you know his GPA is higher than other freshmens, his even advance studying with his cousin---"

"great great " he cuts the older off and clicked his tongue as he sees girls whose approaching the field with blushing cheeks,  Taehyung had enough of these fangirls,  his teammates have a fair share of unpleasant experience with them and he doesn't want any part two of it.

Namjoon sees them and cursed silently.

" better go, if Hoseok sees me talking to them, he might cut my balls off so I'm gonna blast" Taehyung nods to him when he dash towards the locker room with Jungkook and Taehyung takes his time to run off the field and his classroom all sweaty and stinky.


After going home and shoving his uniform to the laundry station,  Taehyung gets a text from his coach about meeting his tutor in the usual cafe he was always sent to to meet the tutor he is assigned.

He really hates this.

His grades is really not dying,  heck he scores on average and sometimes he gets bigger grades, their just over reacting about it.

Taehyung doesn't make an effort in presenting himself properly,  he wears a wrinkled white shirt and unwashed jeans,  shoes and a beanie to cover his blonde hair.

He smells bad, and his proud of it,  if the tutor smells him,  the person might cancel his appointment and even better,  never come back.

He smirks to himself,  whoever the btch is, the person better get ready.



Taehyung had entered the cafe,  the workers great him yet their smiles didn't reached their eyes,  he only rolls his eyes.  The employees had already known him for being rude and cocky towards the people his been with in the cafe.


He sits in his usual spot and Lisa,  the only one who could tolerate his in this building asked for his order yet she already jolts down the first letter of the usual drink and dessert he take.


" the usual, take out " he says nonchalantly and looks outside the window,  Lisa disappears from the side of the table to assist the other pleasing customer who has the attitude and kindness.


He ordered it in take out, being ready to leave the place if he doesn't like the tutor and just leave the person without an explanation or with some little responce.


Taehyung just can't wait to get out of here with his dessert.



It had been over ten minutes since he had settle down to his seat and hoped about this tutor doesn't show up.

' excuse me, Kim Taehyung?  "

Taehyung had look to the person calling his name and sees a male wearing a white turtle neck and his jacket placed neatly on his arm.

Weird.  Does he know this pretty boy?.

" Hi I'm Seokjin " his doe eyes turns to cresent and smiles purely " I'm your tutor " Seokjin extends his hand for a shake and he offers a nod. Taehyung only stares at him, dumfounded and unable to process what the other male is saying, Seokjin takes his hand back to himself and fakes a cough as he sees the student hadn't move an inch.

" So " his smile has pipe down but theirs a hint of politeness in his lips and voice " may i have a seat?  "  Taehyung  nods,  expecting for the handsome brunet to take the seat in front of him only to be surprised when Seokjin sat next to him and his bag placed on the mans lap.

Taehyung leans in close to him, not too close to let the brunets crown touched his nose but enough to take up his secent and see his side profile closely and wow, he looks and smelled nice.

" So I've seen your grades,  which are not really worse nor too amaizing but " Seokjin chuckles a bit and Taehyung cant help but leans forward to see what the man had took out his bag " we could make it amaizing like,  enough to make that old fart shut the hell up  " Seokjin smiles.

Taehyung looks at him bewildered,  did he just called coach Son an old fart?

" you're......the substitute teacher right?  " he says and Seokjin looks like he had half expected this question.

" same old same old Son " he sighs " that old geezer always introduce me as an substitute teacher,  the disrespect " Taehyung raises an eyebrow when Seokjin looks at him straight in the eyes.

" I'm an acting professor in the arts department, though I'm new,  I'm a regular, and yes I tutor Math and English since I'm pretty good with it and Mr Son can eat his own whistle "

Taehyung smirks, as the older man had continued rummiging his bag to find the things he need and the blond male had his hand rested on the back of Seokjin's chair creating a somekind of protective circle behind the man because the boys on the other table had been looking at his company for a while.

Taehyung glances at the other customers, seeing how a majority had look at his companion and are whispering about Seokjin. He thinks the older must be somekind of celebrity and this must be a prank but the moment he sees a familiar textbooks being placed on the table, his already accepting the fact that the HIS tutor is really real, hot and god damn beautiful.

Lisa had came back with a paper bag but had look confused when he see Taehyung looking at Seokjin with fondness and decided to make his take out a dine-in order.


' your getting it ' Seokjin sighs, the first two hours had been easy,  Taehyung is not as dumb as Son thinks. He catch up easily and responds quickly whenever Seokjin asks him.

Taehyung's half eaten dessert and empty cup of caramel sundae had been placed on the side as well as Seokjin's milk tea and macaroons, as the two focused on the textbook and Taehyung's notes.

' it even looks like you don't  need much of my help ' Seokjin is impressed with Kim Taehyung's written solution on the paper.  He gets it quick and silentlty.

Taehyung had glance to the person next to him,  a recently receuited university professor and regular tutor sitting next on his side had a smile on his lips as he looked at the paper that Taehyung had answered.

Taehyung says thanks yet he doesn't look back at the other paper with new equations on his hand,  he wanted to work a bit harder,  Seokjin had taught him the basics and he gets it in one try.

Seokjin is impressed

" You still need to study these though,  practice your memory with it because we tend to make it harder for students to see if whoever really studied in subject--" Seokjin looks at beside him and Taehyung is caught staring, shameless of him as he continue to do so even if Seokjinhad raise a brow.

" is there something on my face Mr. Kim? " Seokjin ask and out of nowhere, the younger male had a thought in his mind.

" say,  if we both ever get married to eachother,  our surname is still Kim " Taehyung says and Seokjin doesn't know why his suddenly discussing a weird subject out of nowhere. " which is odd cause it would feel like we didn't even sign a marriage contract--"

" Taehyung-sshi "

" yes? " he leans on his hand, his arm on the table for support and smiles at the older male. He likes how Seokjin backs away a bit from the sudden closeness and how the older's eyes widens a bit. Taehyung likes how his cheeks had redden , how he smells like a whole field of vanilla and strawberry, how his looking anywhere but h---

" Taehyung-sshi, I'd appreciate if you remove your hand off my waist " He says and Taehyung snaps out of his trance and looks at his large hand placed on the olders waist, he mentally laughs at himself on how drawn he is to the older that he didn't realized his body  was already  making a move.

" whoops, sorry you were distracting me and my hand just " he lightly pinch the sides, feeling a bit of the mans curve and Seokjin rolls his eyes before removing the youngers hand.

" No flirting Mr. Kim " he says and Taehyung smiles.

"  can't help it Mr.Kim " he teases, with a smairk and a wink sent to the older but Seokjin only laughs and the blond had raised a brow, his facade crumbling slightly.

" You think I don't know how to handle students like you? Your mistaken about that, also, I think I wouldn't fall for someone who smells like an unwashed sock " he says and Taehyung's smile turned to a pout.

"Damn it," Taehyung leans away from the older male and sniff himself, Seokjin shortly laughs at the student. "  I should've washed up."

" Since you're interested in talking why don't we take a break for a short while " Seokjin says and Taehyung immediately looks at him and nods.

" Good idea " he push his pen away and leans back,  he streatched his arms and closed his eyes,  before he could look at Seokjin,  he stares at people outside through the glass wall and sees people and mostly couples walking hand in hand, fingers intertwined and smiling at eachother and some couples that looked like their bickering. 

Taehyung smiles when a subject pops out of his mind.

" Hey hyung,  listen to me, " he looks at Seokjin who was busydrinking his wintermelon milktea, still,  Seokjin was listening to him " do you believe in parallel universe?  "

The older had stop drinking and started to think,  making Taehyung happy seeing the subject is to Seokjins interest from the looks of his expression.

" Possible, not realistic but there could be " he says " I don't really believe in those stuff but I accept such ideas, I'm open minded since we can never be sure about he universe we live in, why do you asked Mr. Kim? "

Taehyung leans forward,  hands clasped together and rested on too of his notebook, he smiles.

" Just call me Taehyung,  hyung"

" okay " the older raises hi brow " why did you asked about that Taehyung?  "

" what if,  in another universe, we could be together, like a couple --- don't look at me like that hyung,  be open minded!! I'm just saying what if ? " he says when Seokjin glares a bit at him,  Taehyung likes to confess in a very teasing way and maybe that's why Seokjin won't take him seriously.

" If we were a couple in another universe, maybe we won't be together for that long " Seokjin says and the younger male laughs,  not believing in what his saying.

" that would probably be my fault " Taehyung replied with a smile.

" Why would you think so?  " the older male asked, eyes full of interest in their subject of love and parallel universe.

" I'm the kind of guy that's sure of what he wants but fcks up when he got what he wanted " he leans back and looks outside " and if we were in a relationship, your probably the one who would try to work things out than run away from it "

Seokjin had been staring at him,  wondering what kind of past this student had, to be able to say such things. He just met him today,  Seokjin wonder how did they end up talking about both of them together in another reality.

" don't think of it too much Taehyung " he says,  taking the straw towards his plump lips " it's just another universe, if it exists then we can't do anything about those two can we?  "

He smiles and Taehyung agrees,  his probably thinking about it too much.



The encounter with the english professor was very interesting for Taehyung, he meets him after school and they spent their time together more often even when inside the campus.


He would follow the professor around, like a big puppy. Helping  him carry notebooks and objects that Seokjin's holding.


" You're here again?  " Seokjin says when he sees Taehyung's broad figure on the door,  the students on his class were just heading out and they look at the infamous handsome rugby player whose leaning on the door frame and smiling at their equally handsome young professor.


" Thought you might need some help " Taehyung looks at the notebooks stacked on the desk and Seokjin noticed how the male is only wearing a thin navy blue clothed that hugged his body,  biceps bulging as he crossed his arms, dark jeans to match his clothes and nike shoes.


Seokjin let Taehyung stride inside the room and lessen their distance,  he thinks his used to it that he doesn't feel bothered or annoyed.


" Wanna grab something after your class?  " Taehyung stands so near that he could smell the musky scent of his cologne.  Seokjin looks up slightly to the younger,  his a tad bit tall so Seokjin has to adjust.


" Sure,  why not?  " the younger smiles and turns around to carry the notebooks on the desk and Seokjin smiles.


To him,  Taehyung is like a little brother he never had.


But to Taehyung,  Seokjin is more just his tutor and his friend.


They walked down the hallways as Seokjin replies greetings from students and teachers as they pass by.


' They look perfect together ' Taehyung would hear such comments when they walk together in the hallway,  no lies,  Taehyung knows his good looking and Seokjin is just a walking demi god.


His time together with the older male just makes him like him even more,  Taehyung would have to imagine fcking him when his lost in thought in his bed and even touched himself whenever Seokjin would call sometimes at night to remind Taehyung with his homework and next session.

Seokjin walks infront of him in the hall and Taehyung smiles to himself, being happy just being with the older man.



Taehyung's also been winning on their games, he feels like there's a rush of excitement in his viens every time they win,  just like right now.


He looks at the roaring crowd in the bleacher and finds Seokjin, his eyes widen the moment Taehyun's gaze on him ,  the younger was being dragged by his happy teammates but he stares at Seokjin when the older smiles.


Taehyung thinks,  his 's heart just throb.


Seokjin, he just love this man so much.




" Man, are you whipped for Mr. Kim " Jungkook says behind him and Taehyung had to look over his shoulder to see the younger teammates face was near him and his eyes looking at the phone his holding.


They were in their locker room, bunch of stinking males only wearing a towel around their waist after showering,  the guys around looks to Taehyung as Jungkook grabs his phone and inspects the pictures.


" Ugh,  give it back Jeon " he says but Jungkook only looks more into the album Taehyung was looking and swipe in every picture.


" Wow Mr. Kim looks cute in his teens, his so pretty " Jungkook says and Namjoon and the others came over to see and Taehyung only sighs.


" Damn Taehyung how many picture do you have of him?  "  one of his teammates asked and the owner of the phone just turned around to continue changing into his casual clothes.


" give my phone back " he says not even looking at Jungkook who was already snooping on his inbox,  he sees Taehyung contacts.


" Baby?  " Jungkook reads it out loud, his teasing stops and worriedly looks at the older male. " dude,  are you in love with him or something?  "


Without even replying back,  Taehyung grabs his phone and heads out with a bag over his shoulder.


Namjoon and Yoongi looks at eachother before to Jungkook who was also looking at the two, concern painted on thier face because they know Seokjin never liked Taehyung.


Everyone inside the campus knows the handsome young teacher isn't interested in him, even if they look good together, Kim Seokjin just never looked at the younger like how Taehyung looks at him.




They're inside the cafe again,  where they always sat for studying.


Seokjin is infront of him smiling at his phone and Taehyung only wants to know what is making him smile.


So he opens his mouth and asked.


" what are you smiling about?  " Seokjin looks at him and placed his phone down, the smile on his lips is still there.


" Nothing important " Taehyung slightly clenched his fist around his pen , he returns to work on the solution but his mind keeps going back to Seokjin's lovely smile on his phone.


He end up four hours not even finishing the last activity made for him as his mind always think about his tutor.


Their both walking outside the streets of Seoul heading towards the bus stop just a few blocks from the cafe,  but unlike before,  Seokjin feels like Taehyung is not his usual self.


He usually walks behind Seokjin,  but today,  his just in front and is silent.


Seokjin wanted to know what's bothering him, an unhappy Taehyung is an unsual one, so he grabs his hand and gained his attention.


" are you okay? You seem not yourself today " Seokjin's doesn't know Taehyung too well,  sure they're together most of the time but it's always just studying, talking about rugby,  and doing math homeworks.


Taehyung looks at him and for the first time Seokjin felt his heart thump,  the sadness in the younger's gaze.


" Hyung " he takes hold of his hand and intertwined them with his, taking Seokjin aback by his actions, the younger tugs him towards his direction, and they end up on a a dark alley in some shops.


Seokjin is pushed on his back to a cold wall and Taehyung hugs him, arms around the older males body, their bodies flushed together by the contact and closeness.


" Taehyung? " Seokjin couldn't see his face as the taller male burried it on his shoulder,  Seokjin knows his not crying, he holds Taehyung and he doesn't feel him trembling,  his just there breathing in the scent on his shoulder and Seokjin is just confused.


" Taehyung " he calls for his name again. This time, Taehyung removes his head on the older males shoulder and he sees how sad Taehyung is looking at him, Seokjin doesn't like the way he looks.


So he removes his hands around Taehyung, and placed them on his cheeks and let their lips touched, taking Taehyung by surprise.


The kiss didn't last long when Seokjin leans away but Taehyung needed more of him than just a small peck.


So he caged him and grabs his face for a deeper kiss, more of his tongue inside his mouth,  and more of Seokjin whimpering when his larger hand grabs his .


It's hot and Taehyung is being greedy, pushing Seokjin's lower half with his own, rubbing their jeans and Taehyung embracing him so close like his telling him he can't escape him.


But Seokjin tries to call the younger between kiss and catching their breathes, he successfully gained his attention as the younger takes his lips to his neck.


" T-Taehyung " Seokjin's hands is now pressed on the youngers chest and he pats it softly " are you gonna tell me now why you're acting strange?  "


" hmm " he continues leaving love marks on the olders neck, the sound of his skin being kissed and is making him flustered, Seokjin just sighs.


" I want you to ed me hard and raw Taehyung " and with that the younger looks at Seokjin,  his eyes widen and his just twitched at the way Seokjin just speaks to him. 


" Glad I got you're attention " he says but it seems like the younger is too distracted on his thoughts,  he looks like he is having such imagination running on his mind and Seokjin just sighs again,  but now it's louder.


" why do I like this idiot? " he says and that caught Taehyung's attention again.


" What?  " he looks at Seokjin who is obviously blushing and just pretending to be looking at something on the side.


"You're an idiot that's what I said" Seokjin says and Taehyung feel like he just see another side of Seokjin,  whose flustered and bold, he thinks it might not be impossible for them to happen.

" I love you Hyung " Seokjin looks at him and Taehyung feels like he just made Seokjin shy. " I thought you never liked me?  " Seokjin shrugs.

" I thought I would never like you too,  but I guess these past few days,  you preoccupied my mind " Seokjin answers honestly and his ears redden after saying that.

Hearing that,  Taehyung feels like his on cloud nine.

" Can I kiss you again?  " Taehyung says and Seokjin laughs shortly

" Not here,  my back's cold--"

Before he could finish,  the younger drags him out the alley and on the streets of Seoul,  Seokjin looks confused to why their heading away the direction of the university where their the students and teachers dorm is.

" T-Taehyung " he calls him " where are you going the campus is on the other side? " he sees the male fishing something inside his pocket and he takes out  a car key.


Seokjin is dragged in some underground public parking lot and Taehyung opens one car with a flash of it's headlight,  Seokjin is ushered inside a black sports car and Taehyung slides in his seat before turning the engine on.


" where are we going?  " Seokjin places his seatbelt on,  even though his clueless,  Taehyung looks at him and sees how his perfect teacher image is slowly crumbling down and how his now more open to show his emotions than just the usual.

" I'm taking you home "


He sees how Seokjin's cheeks flustered more and he makes sure Seokjin stays that way

He leans in and takes his head,  he dives in to his lips and kissed with tasted his tongue, letting Seokjin moan and then leans back to his seat leaving a messy Seokjin trying to catch his breath.









Dragging Seokjin towards his bedroom, his mind had already fogged with so many thoughts on how to him.


He undressed Seokjin with just a white sleeve on covering some of his skin with just one button left untouched,  Seokjin is y on his bed as Taehyung's three fingers inside him,  he hovers above a panting Seokjin,watched how his takes all of his long and rough fingers works inside him.


He looks at the way his thighs are twitching,  how he looks unsettled and ty, feeling every inch of Taehyungs long fingers.


Seokjin let his own fingers touched his own harden buds, he lets his sly tongue out,  his lower lip as he deliberately exposed his s  from the white sleeve his wearing with only one button left untoched that's the only thing keeping the clothes together.  Taehyung likes how Seokjin's looking like his ready to get some fill his hole.


Taehyung kisses those crooked fingers rubbing those hard s before Seokjin slides those hands behind the youngers shoulder as the man worked him inside and nibbling softly with his teeth on those soft buds.

Seokjin's breathy and broken moans filled the room with Taehyung's hungry kisses around the older mans skin.


" s-sht, Taehyung please "

Seokjin whimpers and cries in pleasure.

he let Taehyung hold one of his thighs and stare at him when his so open like this.


He's too calm,  Seokjin is scared,  his too quiet as he scan his body.


He lets out a small smile with hungry looking eyes and Seokjing thinks his gonna eat him out when he his lips.


" Seokjin Hyung " he calls his name in such a deeper voice, as he come closer.

" I'm going to you now" he hungry kissed his neck and without knowing it,  Seokjin is letting out dirty moans " and I won't be gentle "


He hears sees Taehyung taking off his clothes and boxers,  the moment he sees his size,  Seokjin felt his soul left his body.


" Tae you're too big--" he says, his heart thumping so loudly as he imagine being with that length and size, but Taehyung doesn't care and pushes himself inside and Seokjin gasp.


" Oh god-- T-Taehyung " he couldn't say anything else when he feels himself stretched and his being slowly filled " A-Ah " he feels so weird, as he watch how Taehyung slowly pushed and takes out his while holding his waist,  he lets out small cries of pleasure as he starts ing him slow. 


Taehyung sees how Seokjin likes it,  so he picks up his pace,  slowly getting harder and faster and more dirty,  his being swallowed in his hole after pounding it over and over until all of his fill his hole and Seokjin flinch.


" Tae,  what did you do?  " he smirks. Hitting the sweet spot,  he continues to pound on him and Seokjin screams his name with pleasure.


" there-- ah a-ah yes!! so good Taehy-- ah a-ah--please mor!!  "  he cries and lets the younger abuse his prostrate, his on Taehyungs stomach and his own,  and Taehyung s him more like a beast. It does even look like he would stop any moment.


" Say my name again Seokjin " he drops the formality,  feeling dominant on every he send, he loves the sound of his inside the soft hole, loves how broken Seokjin sound with every .


" Ta-Taehyung " He says breathless, and Taehyung wants to taste those lips that spoke his name with so much desire.  His practically s him while kissing eachother,  he spread Seokjin's legs apart on each side holding those thighs as he pounds on him,  Seokjin's crooked finger holding on those broad shoulders and the older one holding on his face as he let Taehyung devour him.


It felt so good being ed by the younger, how his feels so good in every and how his lips are greedy in every kiss,  he loves how their skin to skin and how pleasured he feels when Taehyung holds him and how he looks at him with those eyes full of desire.


Seokjin's lips are parted and sounds of dirty pleasure comes out of his mouth that makes Taehyung what to him more harder,  more longer,  he loves how his in love with such beautiful man who he never thought would end up being ed by him in his home. Seokjin is tight and he loves it when he gasp and mewls brokenly into Taehyung's ear.


" More harder" and Taehyung just s him like a beast he could cry from pleasure, it's too overwhelming for him and he wants to beg for more.


" I-I love the way you me " he says when Taehyung leans away,  a smirk on the youngers lips when they stop as he let Seokjin sits in his and Taehyubg resting his back on the headboard.


" Hmmm,  tell me more " he says when Seokjin fully lets Taehyungs slide inside him, Taehyungs big hands holding his waist as Seokjin knees hits the surface of the wood. Seokjin s himself in Taehyungs and smiles, sweat on his body,  making his white sleeve stick to his skin.

" B-Big fat i-inside me " he looks at Seokjin who starts to bounce his , Taehyung smiles when Seokjin looks like his seeing stars,  liking how he still looks like a beautiful doll.


Seokjin's back started to arch and Taehyung's big taking all inside of him,  feeling his inside stretched in such pace, he feels so good ing himself into Taehyungs fat .


" I'm close " Taehyung says and he stops Seokjin, making the older whine but what he didn't expect was to be pushed on his back, feeling warm and sticky when Taehyung started to be rough on him again. 

" Damn your still tight, after taking all of my ?  "


Seokjin cries in pleasure not even replying to him as Taehyung started ing to chase his , Taehyung cursed seeing how and pleasured Seokjin looked just taking him. The sound of his pushing his hole with and are mixing with Seokjin's voice.


" Look at you "   he tries to catch his breath " love to be ed by a student?  You like my that much?  " and without a warning,  he turns Seokjin around and let him on all fours.  He kisses his shoulder and pushed himself in again, his hand holding the leaking and Seokjin arms gave away.


" Please don't-----"  his eyes widen when Taehyung started to pound on him again yet his also being jerk in the same pace. His back touching the youngers skin, lips making bruises all over. Seokjin chokes on his sobs of pleasure and calls for Taehyungs name,  his on his sheets and Taehyungs large hand but that didn't stop Taehyung from ing him raw.


Seokjin feels like his going to pass out. It felt so good, and there's some tears on the corner of his eyes.



Taehyung is just too in love,  he couldn't keep his eyes off the sleeping figure as morning comes.


Seokjin laying close to his his neck, peacefully sleeping and leaning closer for warmth. Taehyung is soft, he loves the older male too much, his lucky to be in love with Seokjin and finally being loved back.

Other's seem to look at him like his hopeless when they see how he looks at the older but could they blame him for being in love? 


" Taehyung " he hears Seokjin voice, speaking so tiredly and softly, he smiles seeing how the older is talking in his sleep.


He close his eyes, an image play in his head, conversation clear in his mind, he remembers talking to Seokjin about parallel universes, and he smiles, knowing his thankful.

If multiple reality really existed, then his happy knowing in this universe, he gets to be with the person he fell in love with.



I read too many books in a week
I get crazy ideas from them and sometimes from an experience personally
or from another person


Lately I've been stuck with supernatural,
a/b/o, mafia, demons, Au in my head,
but mostly a/b/o lol.
as nice as my head pictures it, I can't translate it into words
at the moment, of course.


Ever had an idea in your head and you can't make it since you ?  Yeah i relate
I just need a lil push,  and more weekends,  it's not enough shshshshhshshs


If ever you want to write a book
please don't be burdend
with the responsibility of updating,
especially if your a busy student,
take your time, honestly.
Enjoy your life outside wattpad/twitter/ IG


Cause time is running.


Also for my readers,
Go have fun outside of this app.
The world is your playground,
Make memories and have some fun.



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Yeah I kinda changed this into Jin ships from just Sin, sorry but I gotta do it ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)


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Chapter 3: t-that hurt
Chapter 1: Omg I love this yoonjin is one of my fav bts ships
Chrt_kiana #3
Chapter 2: Wowowo I looovveeee this it's so cute
Yoonjin was cute but also romantic couple :D
But they had to take a deal with their five crazy friends
Chapter 2: heah wrote waiting love this chapter and yes yes part 2
cypherpt12 #6
Chapter 1: I am so in love oh my gosh, pls updatee❤
Chapter 1: fighting and if u have time write more