Chapter 3: Best day ever


The boys woke up and went down to the lobby to have breakfast and deciding where to go to spend their last free day in Chicago. Some wanted to go shopping, some wanted to visit touristy places and some wanted to swim in the hotel.

So they split up according to their preferences. 

Shopping: Joshua, Jeonghan, The8, Dino

Swimming: Woozi, Jun, DK, S.Coups

Sightseeing: Wonwoo, Hoshi, Seungkwan, Vernon, Mingyu

They decided to take 1 van and leave at 11am. They have ample time for them to change and get ready while some are searching for places to visit and which malls to go to.



Jaerin woke up at about 10am, ate breakfast and she knew what was she going to do today. She wanted to pass by a mall first to get some stuff that her mom asked her to get and then head to a park to chill. She decided to go Fashion Outlets of Chicago. She left the hotel about 11am and started driving there. She finally reached after 1hour and parked her car along the streets.


‘’We’re here.’’ The driver told the boys. They have reached Fashion Outlets of Chicago. The hotel recommended them this place because it has the most amount of stuff and you can basically find everything here. The boys alighted and suddenly Wonwoo said ‘’Can I come along too? I changed my mind’’ with a straight face. Everyone just looked at him because he is not those type to do shopping even in Korea. 

‘’Just need to buy some stuff for my family’’ Wonwoo realised its so awkward so he cleared his throat and said.

‘’Yeah sure why not. I’m glad you are at least shopping.’’ Jeonghan put an arm over his as Wonwoo alighted the van. 


5mins ago, in the van

Wonwoo saw a familiar figure coming out of the car parked in front of the van and he saw it was Jaerin. His eyes sparkled because he never knew they would meet so soon again so he decided to join the shopping team although he really hated shopping a lot but the thought of him bumping into Jaerin later makes him happy. 

They were shopping and practically going in every single store they see and Wonwoo haven’t spotted Jaerin at all yet. He thought that she might have left already. He shrugged and just decided to wait for s outside the store. As he was waiting, he looked around and spotted this small girl walking out from ‘Gucci’ and she was already carrying so many paper bags. He wanted to go up and help but he guess it’s probably very awkward since he is an idol and she is his fansite. He just follow 100m behind her to make sure she walked to her car safely while carrying so many bags. She have been walking for 15minutes and Wonwoo realised she’s not going back to her car yet but still shopping for more stuff. He saw she was shopping for guys clothes, can’t help to think that she might have a boyfriend, feeling a little dejected. Finally, she was heading towards her car after 1 hour. While walking, she suddenly stopped abruptly making Wonwoo stop and finding a place to hide because he was directly behind her. 


‘’Yes, Ms Germaine? I have bought everything already. What else do you want?’’ Jaerin said over the phone jokingly

‘’Hehe just one more perfume pleaseeeeee!!!’’ Germaine cheekily said

‘’Yes yes sure, by the way just now I walked in to the shops and saw so many nice shirts and I bought like 10 for Wonwoo cause his birthday is coming hehehe. I hope he likes it!!!’’ Jaerin said excitedly

‘’Yeah he will don’t worry! I’ll call later, I’m going for a meeting now! Bye love~’’ Germaine ended the call.


Jaerin unloaded all the stuff back into the car and went back to the mall to buy the perfume Germaine wanted. Meanwhile, Wonwoo overheard what she said over the phone and was smiling to himself.

‘’So, those shirts and stuff are for me?’’ He can’t help but to chuckle at the thought of it. 

He saw Jaerin walking back his direction so he quickly face away and luckily she didn’t spot him. He quickly traced back his steps and went to find the other members. His phone didn’t have data so he couldn’t call anyone and only walk around aimlessly. He decided to just find a cafe and sit down there and wait for them to find him. He accidentally dozed off and when he woke up he realised its already 4pm and members not in sight. He decided to go find them again hopefully they didn’t left him here. He still couldn’t find them so he just sat by the road that the van dropped them earlier in hope to see them. 


Jaerin walked out of the mall again since she came back to collect something she customised for Wonwoo as well.

‘’Its so pretty~ I hope Wonwoo likes it’’ She put the item back into the bag and skipped to her car. Wonwoo spotted her coming his direction and was still surprised why is she still around but the only thing in his mind is should he approach her. He was left in an unfamiliar mall without any contact and members just left too. Jaerin was just 100m from him and he decided to approach her no matter what. He walked up to her and stood in front of her, Jaerin got shocked and taken aback. Because Wonwoo was wearing a hoodie, cap and mask, she totally couldn’t recognise him at all. She took a step back ready to attack the guy in front of her if he plans to do anything.


Wonwoo put both hands out and pull down his cap and mask and faced Jaerin.

‘’It’s me’’ Wonwoo said

Jaerin was shocked and speechless to why Wonwoo was in front of her at that point of time.

‘’Why…why…..what are you doing here omg’’ she stuttered as she tried to stay calm and process stuff but her heart is beating non stop although this is the first time she actually spoke to him so close and personal. 

Wonwoo scratched the back of his head and said ‘’I kinda got lost and I can’t find any of my members. Its been 5hours and I think they left me here. I kinda recognise you from the concert so I hope you can help me’’ he turned away quickly cause he felt embarrassed. Jaerin was still shocked but tried to comprehend everything. 

‘’Okay so you want to call them? I can help you to call them or something!!’’ Jaerin flustered 

‘’I don’t have any of their numbers. I only know what hotel we stay.’’ Wonwoo replied shyly

‘’Why can’t I be myself and act normal in front of her! Is it because she is my fan and I feel pressurised. Ugh.’’ He thought and hit his head.

Jaerin then suggested to send him back to his hotel if he don’t mind taking a lift from her. He said he had no choice anyway so they were on the way. The whole car ride was so awkward. Jaerin can’t believe she is actually driving the guy she like the most and he is in her car. 

‘’Um… Can I stop by Starbucks to get something first? Real fast!’’ Jaerin awkwardly breaking the atmosphere.

‘’Yeah of course, do whatever you need to do. I am the one disturbing you…’’ Wonwoo replied

‘’No its okay! Its an honour. Who gets an idol in their car so coincidentally~’’ Jaerin cracked a joke.


She went in Starbucks and got an Pumpkin Spice for herself and a green tea frappe for Wonwoo because she knew he loved Matcha and got some souvenirs that her brother asked her to get too. She put the green tea frappe in front of Wonwoo shyly and started to drive off. 

‘’Oh thanks.’’ 

‘’Its okay, you look thirsty and hungry too’’ Jaerin said as she turned in to the hotel Seventeen stayed at. 

‘’Okay, we reached! Stay safe…wonwoo-sshi’’

‘’Thank you, travel safe too.’’ Wonwoo said with a straight face and walked away from the car

‘’Ah, and its oppa’’ Wonwoo turned back to say and smiled as she drove off. 

Jaerin could feel her cheeks burning at the slightest action of Wonwoo. She quickly drove back and packed her luggage and head to bed. It was a spectacular day spent in Chicago, probably the best day of her life.



Wonwoo went up and knocked on the door and saw all 12 of them sitting in one room talking and laughing.

‘’Yah, I was missing and none of you bothered to find me??’’ Wonwoo nonchalantly said. 

‘’You went missing for 4hours and manager asked us to leave first while he drive back to find you. Didn’t you come back with them?’’ Joshua said while asking him

‘’Nope, I didn’t even see them. I came back myself.’’ 

‘’How? You had money to take a taxi?’’

‘’I got a lift back from someone I met.’’ Wonwoo said while thinking of Jaerin again. 

The members wanted to probe more but Wonwoo just turned around and went back to his room. He laid on his bed and just stared at the drink Jaerin bought for him and smiled to himself as he took a nap.

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exoxo8 #1
Chapter 4: This is cute! Can't wait to read more :)