Chapter 1: Our meeting


‘’OMG ITS FINALLY THE DAY!!!!!’’ Jaerin squealed to herself and took all her belongings and went out to flag a cab.

‘’Incheon airport please’’ She told the cab driver in a very happy tone. She looked out to the scenery as the cab moves and hold her camera tightly that’s on her lap and smiled through the whole journey.

After 30minutes, she finally reached the airport and she quickly went to check in for her flight. While checking in, she realised that her mom actually used her miles to help her upgrade to Business Class and she was so happy. She took the boarding pass and walked towards the entrance of the airport. 


‘’OMG ITS SO CROWDED WHERE DO I STAND’’ Jaerin was so shocked at what she saw. Stools, ladders, everyone armed with their cameras and enormous lens waiting for the same people she’s waiting for too. She then found a random spot where she could squeezed in since she was so small size and stood there with her enormous camera too. 

‘’Its okay. I signed up for this. I can do it’’ She said to herself as she squat there for about 30min.


Finally, 2 black vans pulled up across the road and all the cameras are whipped out including Jaerin’s and the clicking sounds just keep sounding and the squeezing too. Jaerin wasn’t a newbie at taking photos but definitely at a newbie after losing touch for 2years at her new ‘’job’’, being a fansite. She managed to get quite a few nice shots of her bias which made her contented and then she proceeded to head to the departure gate after Seventeen. They were a big group, 13 members so the airport was obviously crowded with many Korean fans and many other fansites so it took quite long for Jaerin to actually enter the immigration area. 


After entering, she was about 5 rows behind Seventeen and there were still many fansites taking photos of them non stop despite the NO PHOTOGRAPHY rule. A few times, Jaerin would be opposite some members and all she did was nod her head because she was so shy and she didn’t want to talk to them either. Some members found it so weird that she wasn’t taking photos like the other fansites despite holding a camera thats as huge as theirs. 

After they finish immigration, everyone was walking towards the boarding gate and Jaerin whipped out her camera to take a few more shots of her bias but this time she stood further to give them space. She was so contented with her shots and then she went to sit down. 

The members also sat down and waited for their flight while chit chatting. Wonwoo was just staring into space until Mingyu came and nudge him. 


‘’Hyung, what are you thinking about’’ 

‘’Nothing, just stoning as usual. What’s up?’’

‘’Just wanted to ask you if you want to eat.’’ Mingyu said innocently as he shoved the pack of chips in front of Wonwoo. Wonwoo then ruffled his hair and said no thanks and looked away again. He was looking at the direction of where Jaerin is standing across them and he saw her carrying a camera too and wondering if she is a fansite. If she is then why is she not taking photos like the others? 

‘’PONG’’ a loud thud was made but only Wonwoo, Mingyu and Vernon turned and looked what happened. 

‘’Yah! Do you have to push me? There is obviously a whole big space for you to walk?’’ Jaerin was so shocked that her camera was on the floor and now broken into pieces. 

The girl who pushed her was probably another fansite because she was holding a camera too. All she did was scoff and said ‘’So?’’ to Jaerin. Jaerin was so annoyed but she decided not to make a scene since firstly her Korean is not that good to even argue, and secondly because the camera is already broken she can’t do much and she didn’t expect the girl to pay so she just sigh and picked up her camera and walked away. The girl then rolled her eyes and walk towards her friends at the other aisle and hi-fived them. 


Meanwhile, they didn’t know that some members actually saw what happened. Mingyu and Vernon was so shocked that they actually saw the girls that always say ‘’I love you’’ to them to bully people like that. 

‘’Yah, come back. Don’t make a scene. There are cameras everywhere. Do you want Coups to scold you.’’ Wonwoo bluntly and coldly said as both of them was about to go up to the bunch of girls. 

‘’BUT YOU SAW WHAT THEY DID’’ Mingyu said so angrily and did a pout whereas Vernon just be like ‘Fine fine’’ like his normal self. 

‘’So? You can’t do anything anyway. Sit down and eat your chips’’ Wonwoo replied and threw the bag of chips to Mingyu. Mingyu just pouted and sat back down and ate the chips.

Wonwoo eyes searched for the girl just now and finally found her standing at another end nearer to the other boarding gate. She was calling someone seemingly her friend and complaining and she kept making cheek bubbles and blowing her bangs like she was super pissed. Wonwoo chuckled at that scene and for a moment he thought she was super cute. 

‘’If you are so angry, why didn’t you fight back. It wasn’t your fault you know it’’ He thought that in his mind as he closed his eyes and listened to his music. 




‘’WHAT ON EARTH. Did you ask her why she did that or ask her to pay??? You saved so much and worked your off for that camera and now its spoilt??? How are you gonna fufill your dream and take photos of Wonwoo???’’ Germaine shouted back over the phone, super panicky.

‘’Aish, I really don’t know. I just sighed and walked away… You know I can’t speak Korean well enough to even fight back and also not like she will pay for it and also I didn’t want to make a scene in front of the boys…..’’ Jaerin just said it softly and sighed. 

‘’Its just the start of the world tour right?? I mean theres still about 10 shows to go??? Are you planning to buy a new one or fix it? If you want, I can lend you money to buy it first okay? I know its your dream and you have been waiting for ages. So just take it and buy it first alright?’’ Germaine said like she knew Jaerin super well and she won’t open to ask anyone for anything. 

‘’Germaine…………I really don’t know what to say and you know me so well….. Thank you so much :( I will definitely repay you as soon as possible. Thank you BFF’’ Jaerin said with a grateful heart.

‘’I know you so well. Its okay! Have fun when you can and make Wonwoo love you hehe’’ Germaine said it jokingly. 

‘’Yeah yeah. Got to go. Last boarding call! Call you when I reach Chicago alright. Its a long flight. Take care.’’ Jaerin just abruptly ended the call.

‘’Aish, this girl.’’ Germaine shook her head as she looked at the phone and then transferred Jaerin $5000 for her camera. 


Jaerin took one last look at her broken camera and sighed and just shoved it in the bag and boarded the plane. 

It totally slipped off her mind that she was taking Business Class which means same section as Seventeen and she was so shocked and scared when she saw the boys settling into their seats. Mingyu saw her first and his eyes went so big he quickly tapped Vernon which was seating beside him. 

‘’Vernon look!! Isn’t that the girl from just now!!’’

‘’Oh yeah it is. Why is she at Business Class too? Do you think she is a Sasaeng fan?’’ Vernon said it in a cool tone.

‘’No, she looks too nice to even be a Sasaeng or even a fan site. You saw how she dealt with the situation just now. Still feeling so bad for her.’’ Mingyu said with a disheartening tone and realised Vernon is already back on his phone playing Mobile Legends. '‘Aish, this boy.’’


The whole business class area was so quiet and Jaerin was glad cause no one will look at her with judgemental thinking she’s a Sasaeng fan. Luckily for her, her seat was at the last of the row, and no one close to her. After she took her seat, Mingyu being a caring guy, pop his head behind and waved to get Jaerin’s attention. He was sitting about 1 row in front of her diagonally so not many of the members saw what was he doing. Jaerin saw after a while and looked shocked, even pointing to herself and mouthed ‘’Me?’’ 

Mingyu nodded showing his canine tooth and asked her, ‘’Why didn’t you ask the girl to pay for your camera just now? I saw everything. It wasn’t your fault, she purposely walked and knocked you so hard.’’ 

Jaerin was shocked that he knew what happened. Does that means the whole of Seventeen knew? Hesitating for a while, Jaerin finally replied him, ‘’Ah, its okay. I mean its already broken and I don’t think she can pay me. It costed a lot… I’m fine, thank you for asking!’’ She then did a minor bow and looked away. Mingyu did the same too but feeling perplexed after that. 

With a huge sigh, she plugged in her earphones and made herself comfortable and soon drifted off to sleep after a while after takeoff. 


Wonwoo on the other hand, heard the whole conversation. 

He actually saw Jaerin walking in the first time but he knew for sure she wasn’t a Sasaeng or anything. He saw Jaerin took the seat that is 2 seats away from him and he wanted to say something but he saw Mingyu taking the chance first. He kept quiet and overheard the whole conversation and noticed the tone when she talked and realised that she must be really sad that her camera broke. He continue to take glances as she position herself and get ready to sleep.

‘’I wonder who is her bias’’ He thought as he slowly closed his eyes to rest as well. 

It’s been 3hours into the flight and its time for dinner so all of them woke up as air stewardess came to serve them food. Wonwoo saw Jaerin at the corner of his eyes writing stuff on a book like a diary.

’Whoa, is she not resting’’ He thought in his head as he woke up to eat. 


Jaerin was writing places of interests to visit in US since it was her first visit there and the things that her dear BFF asked her to buy. Those branded stuff because it is cheaper there. She actually asked the air stewardess to not serve her food first as she wasn’t hungry yet so she will eat later. 


‘’We are currently going through huge turbulence, may I ask all passengers to please buckle your seatbelt and lavatory is not available for usage right now. Thank you’’ The voice said through the telecom. 


Jaerin heard and immediately grabbed her pillow beside her and closed her eyes and hid her face in her knees. It was technically her first long haul flight alone and she was super scared of turbulences. The feeling will make her heart sink every time, she needed her mom or friend next to her to ease her down whenever’s there’s turbulence. 

Wonwoo saw what she did and he had the thought of wanting to protect her even more.

'’She’s so scared of turbulence.’’ He thought and he kept looking at her while eating even Joshua beside him asked him what’s wrong. 

‘’Nothing, just looking around. This turbulence is so long.’’ Wonwoo said it coldly. 

‘’Yeah it is. I hope it won’t last long. I might end up puking my food haha’’ Joshua said it with humour. 

Jaerin fell asleep halfway unknowingly and also missed her another meal and after she woke up, she realised it’s going to land in 30minutes. She quickly went to the lavatory and freshened up and wore her contact lenses and put make up. 

They finally landed after 15hours of flight and Jaerin was super excited although a little scared as she is alone and it’s her first time in US. She let all the managers and Seventeen to go down the plane first to avoid awkwardness and after 10minute then she exited.

Jaerin bumped into the girl that dropped her camera at the entrance and the girl saw Jaerin coming out of Business Class, she scoffed even more and said ‘’Yah, don’t you think you sit the same class as Seventeen, they will know you. You only been here how long, I have been here since debut. So back off and know your limits.’’ The girl said it in a rude way and she ran off to take photos of them. Jaerin just brushed it off and walked towards the immigration. 


The members was also waiting for their luggage before exiting the transit area. There were transparent glass panels so you could see the arrival outside and it is flooded with Seventeen fans, Carats, almost hard to walk. Jaerin got her luggage after almost 2rounds of the belt moving and she walked towards the exit. She was fumbling with her phone as she felt something vibrating. As she was fumbling, she accidentally banged into one of the fan’s board and hit her head. She thought she was gonna hit the floor with her real hard but luckily someone held her up using 2 hands and said ‘’Be careful’’. After she open her eyes, she only saw Seventeen walking out beside her, she didn’t see who caught her but the voice sounded really familiar. Nobody saw what happened.

Wonwoo with his fast reflexes for the first time helped Jaerin up. 

They were in the van on the way to hotel to rest and Wonwoo kept thinking about Jaerin. 

Her shoulders are so small

She is so short, probably 160cm 

Does she even eat, she felt so light

She looked cute. 

All these thoughts emerged in his mind and he quickly shook it off. What am I thinking gosh. 


All of them was resting for the day as the time difference and jet lag caused. 

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exoxo8 #1
Chapter 4: This is cute! Can't wait to read more :)