Chapter Two

Lay Beside Me




Donghae stomped along the sidewalk, bumping into people but not really caring. He was still thinking over excuses he could provide to Heechul as to why he won't be able to go, excuses which kept getting more and feebler as he made them. "Aish!" He ruffled his hair in frustration and pouted. He had to go; there was no way Hyung would let him get away from this one. Well, he never really let him get away from anything.


"Guess I'll just show him my face and leave as sneakily as I can. Why does he want me to come so badly anyway? I hope he isn't setting me up with another one of his famous blind dates..." Donghae mumbled. He had been to a couple of them, under the threat of his hyung of course, but never really enjoyed it as much as he would have liked to. Most of the time, the girls were weird somewhat like Hyung himself and Donghae had a hard time catching up with their stream of thought, not that he really tried, but still. They were beautiful, hell yeah, but Donghae had given up on external beauty only; having been through quite a few relationships where the girls were pretty but with heads empty except bits of dust flying around.


Donghae chuckled to himself. If only he could just tell hyung that he wasn't interested anymore, what with their recordings and band related stuff coming up. But somehow, the words always got stuck in his throat every time he saw hyung glaring at him, like daring him to say one word about this specific topic.


Oblivious to the surroundings, Donghae walked on, muttering and mumbling to himself, while occasionally pausing to glare up at the rapidly growing cloudy sky. "Perfect. Just the day I don't have the umbrella with me..." He groaned.


As he turned a corner, however, he bumped hard into someone. It threw him off balance and he fell down on his . "OW! What the fu-" He started to yell out in pain when he noticed who he bumped into. He literally threw his mouth open at who he instantly considered to be the Korean version of a Greek God. Yeah, no kidding.


"Hey, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?" The stranger asked him, eyebrows knitted in concern as he extended a hand to assist him in getting up.


This random fellow here had the palest skin he had ever seen. It was complimented by long blonde hair that covered his ears, making Donghae want to touch it and feel how silky it is. His eyes were doe shaped and lips looked way too luscious to resist. He seemed to be wearing a dark green jumper and black skinny pants. Pants which did justice to his legs, Donghae noted with glee.


"Um... yeah... uh-wait. No! What the hell dude! Can't you see where you're going? Sheesh! My is aching and it’s all your fault!" Donghae pointed a slightly trembling finger at the stranger. He ignored the stranger’s hand and got up himself. Sure, he was eye captivating but it wasn't enough to distract him from the searing pain he felt on his bottom.


"Whoa! Relax, I said I’m sorry. I didn't intend to do it."


Donghae simply glared at this beauty while trying to relax his heartbeat. Sheesh. He throws me on my but then he apologizes like he means it. And he's ing good looking too! Why am I always stuck in these situations?


Wait... he looks kinda familiar too.


Donghae squints at him trying to place where he might have seen him before. "Do I know you from somewhere?"


The stranger let out an embarrassed laugh. "Well, I dunno if you've heard of-"


"YAH! What are you still doing out here?! Get back in the car! We don't have time hyung!!"


Both of them whipped their heads around to see where it came from. A car parked right beside the footpath they were on with a head protruding from the said car's backseat window showed a boy, face scrunched up in annoyance as he indicated to one of them.


"O hell, I’m gonna be late! Look man, I’m really sorry for bumping into you, but I really gotta go now! See ya!"


The stranger rushed through his words as he started to head towards the car as fast as he could. He got in and then waved at Donghae smiling a cute gummy smile which did not go unnoticed by the confused singer still standing on the sidewalk with his head tilted.


"What... was that? He just left! I didn't even get his name... man!! This is not one of my good days." Donghae huffed and brushed his for any dust stuck to his jeans. He couldn't deny that that stranger was one hot guy. "Only if hyung patched me up with someone like him... pfft." He scoffed as he stepped forward to continue with his walk when he felt something underneath his foot. He crouched down to stare at what appeared to be a chocolate bar. He shrugged it off, tossed it in nearby trash can and continued on his way.



Meanwhile, back in the car, a very pissed magnae was scolding his hyung for being tardy. "Really hyung, you know better than to just stop talking to random people on the street. What if he was a serial killer?"


"Chill Kyu. I just bumped into that guy and was apologizing." His hyung replied while slightly smiling as he remembered the look on the guy's face as he fell. He seemed so pissed off when suddenly his whole expression had changed to amazement as he stared at him. "He was pretty good looking too..."' he mused as he stared out the window of the fast moving vehicle.


"O yeah, sure. Now start daydreaming about him. Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only mature one in this band." Kyu retorted back at him. Not that he gained much from it, since his hyung wasn't paying any more attention to him but looking outside and mumbling to himself with a stupid smile on his face.


"Let him be Kyuhyun-ah. And we're not that late. The party starts in half an hour and you don't wanna be the first ones to arrive, do you?" Said Kyu's hyung of sorts, Ryeowook.


"No. I don't wanna go that party, period. I'd rather be back in the dorm playing star craft, while annoying hyung here to get me food... wait, hyung! Did you get me my chocolate bar?" Kyu suddenly his hyung and asked. The addressed guy whipped his head around and stared at Kyuhyun for a moment before he scoffed.


"Of course I did Kyu. Why else would I get off the car in the middle of our way anyway?" He raised an eyebrow at the maknae. "Then where is it?" Kyuhyun crossed his arms and ran his eyes over his hyung's hands.


"Right he- Oh."


"You dropped it didn't you? When you bumped into that guy?! Yah Lee HyukJae! Can't you do anything right?!!!" Kyuhyun glowered at his hyung.


"Kyu!" Reproached the maknae.


HyukJae shook his head at his own stupidity and said, "Ok fine. I'll get you another bar when we reach. Happy?" He really didn't want to deal with an upset maknae right now. He had more important things to think about. Like that handsome stranger.


"If I wanted it when we reach, I would not have asked you to get me one right now." Kyuhyun poked his hyung and said in a childish tone. He was hungry, goddammit and he wanted a chocolate bar.


HyukJae sighed. "Fine. Ask the driver to stop the car near a shop and I'll get you another one."


Kyuhyun smirked in triumph as he leaned over to the front seat where Ryeowook sat and asked the driver to pull over near a mart. Ryeowook just rolled his eyes and said," Really Kyu. I don't know why you loving torturing people so much." Kyuhyun just gave him an innocent look and sat back down in his seat satisfied. Fiddling with the hem of his jumper, HyukJae said, "I just hope this doesn't make us late for the party. We still got a long way to go and if we're late, Heechul hyung is gonna kill us all."




A/N: ...Well?

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 2: interesting, hope to see an update...
So nice! Good job!
looks interesting....soooo...i~ll bite...^^
Oouuu, this is rlly rlly gud!<br />
I wndr if Hee's setting Eunhae up xD<br />
Update soon plzz (:
KyuminMania #5
This is exciting.......totally exciting........*)')<br />
i can't wait.....*update so0n and EVERYDAY* arraseo?
paamee #6
am waiting for another update.. hehe i can only guess what comes next.. :P
Aaaaaaa! I want a blind date with either Hae or Hyukkie.<br />
Now!<br />
It's getting more and more interesting...
I enjoyed the development here. The awkward meeting of strangers and the undeniable attraction between them was fun to read and you've captured Kyuhyun's self-centered view very well.<br />
<br />
The writing felt like it flowed too and I look forward to the next update. ^_^ Good job.