Chapter One

Lay Beside Me



Donghae is upset. He usually isn't, trust me. But the whole 'get to the party when I call you or else' threat from Heechul Hyung is messing with his plans. Hyung is a person you just don't mess with. If you do, well, have a nice afterlife.


"So Hae, whatchu gonna do?" asked his closest friend, Junsu. Watching Donghae mumble to himself and pout unconsciously was just too much of fun to let it go. He's his best buddy after all, and that guarantees the profit of annoying the hell out of him.


"Aahhh!! I don't know! Seriously, Hyung knows I gotta go to the recording studio, but he still insists on me going there! What’s so interesting over there anyway? Just a bunch of stuck-up idols flashing their money..." Donghae yelled out, voice minimizing to a mumble once again. "And you! Why would you tell him that we don't have any other plan? The whole reason I took you along to meet him was so you could get me out of this! I honestly can't make out if you actually like seeing me so stumped!!" He yelled again.


Junsu guffawed clapping his hands together. "Yah, Donghae-ah, that’s mean you know? We've known each other for such a long time and you still don't know the real me? Of course I like to see you in trouble! It’s the best stress-reliever to me after a day's hard work!!" He pouted innocently. Not that Donghae bought it but just, you know, for side effect.


"A day's hard work, my pretty . You don't even come for practices you little !!"


Seems kinda confusing right? Let me explain to you. Donghae is a member of an Indie band, more like the lead singer. They are more of the low budget bands that crop up, but they have been slowly but firmly gathering much of the people's attention. Of course, the fact that he is a drop dead gorgeous guy with amazingly silky orange-ish hair, beautifully tanned skin and a swoon-inducing body has a lot to do with their rising fame. Junsu, his best buddy is the lead guitarist in their band as well as his roommate.


This, Donghae initially approved of but later got frustrated with when Junsu would only mess up the entire flat he worked so hard to clean, bring over random girls for a night of pleasure (sometimes to Donghae's room when he's out for the night) that would further lead to even more vigorous cleaning on Donghae's part and worst of all, be a nosy I'll-poke-my-face-in-whatever-you're-doing dude that just wouldn't leave him alone. Sure, they're close, but a guy needs his space too! But it had its perks too. He could drag Junsu from his bed whenever he pretended to be sick just to avoid going to practice, sometimes kick him out of the bed. He relished the fact that it was the latter on most days.


Now, Donghae is pretty close to Kim Heechul from Super Junior. Their relationship is more of a hyung-dongsaeng standard. Donghae is one guy that Heechul would gladly make any effort to do a favour for. The diva however is prone to turning on his scary mode whenever Donghae refused something, for instance, the party being currently discussed.


"What do I do now? We need to record the song before Monday and that gives us only today and tomorrow! And we can't afford to be late. Again." Donghae said while glaring at Junsu in an accusing manner. Junsu held up his hands in defence."Hey! It wasn't my fault the last time! Tell the other guys! I was in the studio way before any of you reached!" 


"You mean when you bunked the practice so you could catch a few blinks in the studio? Man, you're impossible." Donghae sighed, giving up, almost.


"Well... hehe... I didn't know we had practice that day. I was just told about the recording! You should be more vigilant, dude."


Donghae eyed him, eyebrow raised. "You know what I should do? I should kick you out of the band. Yeah, that's a better option!"


"Yeah yeah. That's the-" Junsu pretended counting his fingertips, "-I dunno, thousandth time maybe? That I’m hearing this. Doesn't work like it used to anymore!" He cackled his high pitched laughter. Donghae rubbed his face, exasperated. "I hate you. So bloody much."


"Aw! My friend hates me! I’m dying of heartbreak here! Boo hoo hoo!!" Junsu while strumming his guitar randomly, making a funny piece of the music.


"Whatever mate. I’m going out." Donghae grabbed his jacket and got up to leave. "Don't forget, we have rehearsals today~" Junsu sang along with his newly created tune.


" you, dude, I know! I’m the one who told you that!!!" Donghae yelled at him before stomping off and leaving, slamming the front door in the process.





A/N: Sooo... updated! Drop some love if you can^^

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 2: interesting, hope to see an update...
So nice! Good job!
looks interesting....soooo...i~ll bite...^^
Oouuu, this is rlly rlly gud!<br />
I wndr if Hee's setting Eunhae up xD<br />
Update soon plzz (:
KyuminMania #5
This is exciting.......totally exciting........*)')<br />
i can't wait.....*update so0n and EVERYDAY* arraseo?
paamee #6
am waiting for another update.. hehe i can only guess what comes next.. :P
Aaaaaaa! I want a blind date with either Hae or Hyukkie.<br />
Now!<br />
It's getting more and more interesting...
I enjoyed the development here. The awkward meeting of strangers and the undeniable attraction between them was fun to read and you've captured Kyuhyun's self-centered view very well.<br />
<br />
The writing felt like it flowed too and I look forward to the next update. ^_^ Good job.