I cloud help you

How I fell in love with you

Junhong was a first year high school student. He had a few friends. But he wasn't very popular. But he wasn't bullied either. His best friend was Daehyun. There was also sitting a nice guy next to him. This boy sat next to him all the time because they had the same classes. The other boy was especially good in history. Junhong on the other hand was good in any other subject. 

"So don't forget class that next week you'll write the major and most important test." The history teacher said. History was Jongups last subject today. The same goes for Junhong. When school was over he'd usually meet with Youngjae in front of the school because he didn't live so far away from Jongup. But Younjae finished early because one of his teachers got sick. That made Jongup a little jealous but he wouldn't want to miss history. A bit ironic but ok.

Junhong just left the school when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. "Hi. I think we never properly interdiucet. So hi I'm Jongup."  "Yeah I know. You're the best one in history. I'm Junhong, the worst when it comes to history."  "Yeah, so I was thinking because of the import history test next week that maybe I could  help you. You know studying together."  "Oh my god that would be so grate. I'll give you my number and you can call me and we'll discuss when ok?"  "Yeah sounds like a good plan."  He handed Junhong his phone and he tiped it in. "Well I have to get going so call me later."  "Ok bye."  "Bye." 

Jongup got home and grabbed something to eat. Then he started studying. After an hour he decided to call Junhong. Jongup was sure that he would be home by now  so he just called him.


"Hi, it's me Jongup."

"Ah hi. How are you?"

"I'm fine.Thanks. You?"

"Great. Thanks. Sorry I know why you called."

"Got time tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Should we go to the library or to my place? Or something like that?"

"Let's go to my place. I have all the material we need and I won't drag it to your place. We could go directly from school. If that's ok for you." 

"Yeah great. So what have you been doing after school?"

"I ate something and then studied and then I called you. And you?"

"The same. I ate something and studied and then you called. A students life is so boring. All this studying and after the test everything is gone at it's starts over."

"Yeah. But what should we do? Cos if I drop out of school my parents will kill me. Well not kill. But I think you know what I mean."

"Yes I do. I don't think we have any other choice but to study and going. Just like we did the past few years."

"Hey, I'm sorry. But we have to continue this conversation tomorrow because my phone is about to die."

"Yeah no problem. So have fun studying."

"You to. Good bye."



Well that was fun. But I totally didn't know what to say. Ok so now I'm gonna add him to my contacts with one hand and with ther other one I'm gonna eat a potato chip. Good plan. Only one problem. I don't have potato chips. Junhong thought. He went to the kitchen to see if there was something similar to potato chips that wouldn't make him look like a complete idiot. But there wasn't anything. So he was a idiot. But he didn't care because it was his true personality. Now he just added Jongup without eating a potato chip. And so he went back to studying. 

Jongup also tried to study but it didn't work.  Because he had to think about tomorrow and today and the day after tomorrow. Then he tried going to sleep but it didn't work either. So he was up all night. 






**the next day in school**  "Hey Jongup."  "Hi Youngjae. You finished early.  What did you do?"  "Sadly only the normal. How are you?"  "Fine, accept for the fact that I couldn't sleep all night long."  "Oh god I hate when that happens to me because then I feel so horrible. And you get these horrible marks under your eyes. Ugh I just hate it. Wow only three minutes left till class starts. I'll better hurry up stairs. See you in chemistry."  "Yeah." Jongup had enough time. His first subject was on the fist floor. How ironic. He entered class and saw that Junhong wasn't there. Then he felt something running against his back. He turned around and saw Junhong. "Oh I'm so sorry Jongup." "No problem." They both ran to their seats. 

The teacher semmed to be running late so Junhong and Jongup talked for a while. "So how was studying?" Jongup asked. "Boring." Junhong said with an bored voice and Jongup acted as if he was shocked. Witch made Junhong laugh and Jongup happy. The teacher ended up coming fifteen minutes late.Jongup and Junhong had to laugh at the sight of there teacher. His hair was messed up and his clothes looked like he put them on in a hurry. He said he got stuck in  traffic but everyone believed that got stuck in something else. 


**in the lunch break** In the lunch break Jongup and Youngjae usually hung out in the schoolyard. "Did you see Mr. ...... today?" Jongup asked while giggling a little. "No. Why do ask?"  "Because he came fifteen minutes late to class and looked like got late."  "Ehh wha--- OH that late. Yeah it's funny when that happens.  He can't talk to well and god that's so funny. Sooo. You got plans for today?"  "Yeah. Junhong and I will study history stuff at my place."  "Oh that's great. You're good at teaching stuff like that."  "Thanks."  "What happened that you are so good at chemistry all of the sudden?"  "Don't know. Study in general helps."  "You're just lucky."  "Call it however you like."  "We better get to class now."  "Yeah." 



**after school**  "Hey Junhong." Said Jongup with a smile. "Finally school is over."  Said Junhong and smiled back at Jongup. "Let's go then. I don't live to far away. Like fifteen minutes."  "That's great. That explains why you're never late."  "That doesn't happen that often to you either." "Yeah, but when it happens I'm in trouble."  "Ugh yeah. I hate that. I mean it's not always the persons fault when the bus comes to early so that you miss it. That's why I like it that I can walk. I don't have to stand up that early."  "Yeah you're lucky. I get it. Don't need to brag more about it."  "I'm not bragging, just saying. Well here we are."  "That wasn't fifteen minutes."  "Well when you have fun time just gones by faster."  "God you're so smart Jongup."  "I know Junhong."

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