
I Still Do.


“Hey! You cheated again!!!”

“I was playing by the rules! Uh uh me no cheat!”

Sohyun was at Alen’s house again to play the newest Xbox game that was out a few days ago. 6 months had past now and she was slowing adapting to her life in California; everything was currently going smoothly for her.  Though the city is so much larger compared to her hometown but she loved it here especially her house is located near the sea, every day she got to take a glimpse of the sunset which was utterly beautiful.

Alen, her first friend that she made in the university and now her best friend. He is half Korean half Chinese. He has slightly tanned skin which blended well with his dark brown hair. Loose strands of hair perfectly framed his oval shaped head. Electric blue eyes brought out his natural beauty and his thick light eyebrows showed content, but friendly at the same time. His nose is perfectly symmetrical and lips are slightly full. He is tall and also slim with muscles. He is really attractive and girls are always drooling over him.


“Oka-, wait what? Again? Missy do you have any idea how many rounds had we played for the past two hours? No no!” Alen shook his head preparing to leave the living room when Sohyun suddenly tackled him on the floor. He was on top of her with their faces just inches apart, both of them blinked in unison and his eyes fall on her lips. Sohyun quickly scrambled to her feet; flustered.

“Fine-e-e! Nex-x-t time time then! I’m going to go off now. See you tomorrow in school.” She grabbed her things fast and left his apartment in a flash before he could even open his mouth. “Silly girl.” He smiled.


14 months.

Sohyun been gone for 14 months; more than a year.  No contact from her, nothing.

Hoya was now a married man. He hated himself for that because it made him felt like he is cheating on Sohyun but he had no choice. He always convinced himself that she will come back to him and that she just left for a short period of time but it was all his wishful thinking.

“Oppa” A voice broke his thoughts. “Get some rest”, Minjoo leaned against the door with a concerned expression. Minjoo is the daughter of the Kim family which is one of the largest and richest companies in Korea, that is also the reason why she married to Hoya in the first place; it was all for business.

“Go to bed first. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Hoya rubbed his temples. Minjoon now standing by his side, “Oppa, do this tomorrow. You really need some rest. “. She tugged on his arm lightly but he did not bugged but a few seconds later he gave up and followed her; he was really mentally and physically exhausted.




“Sohyun ah, meet me today at the park. 7pm.”


“Just meet me there! I will not leave until I see you!”

“Hey for wh-“ 

Before she could finish, the line went dead.  “That guy….” She puffed out her cheeks, “….Always so weird.”

It was 6pm and Alen was already in the park. He was pacing around with one hand holding on to a bouquet of roses and another with a swan necklace that he knew Sohyun had been eyeing whenever they walked past the jewelry shop. His palms were sweating and his body was tense up; one could easily see he was very nervous about something.

“I like you. Sohyun ah, I really like you… Can you be my-“ Alen shook his head, “Ahh no no no, not like this! Not this straightforward! You will scare her.” He scolded himself.  “Kim Sohyun, I knew you were the one when I first saw you, I really like you from that moment. Will you accept- aishhhhhhh!” He sat on the bench, frustrated. “Oh god, what should I do?” He glanced at his watch, there is only half an hour left before 7. “Alen you can do this. No matter what her answer is, at least you tried. Don’t give up easily, must pour all of your feelings towards her out. You must let her know.” He fist pumped the air with a determined smile.


“Hey Alen!”

Alen spun around, hiding the roses behind his back. Sohyun crooked up one of her eyebrows, “What are you hiding there man? “ She tried to peek behind his back but Alen was fast enough. “You are so weird. Why do you want to meet me?” Sohyun looked at him. Alen pursed his lips; bravely he took a step forward locking his eyes with her. “Sohyun…”


Slowly, he took out the roses he had been hiding behind his back. Sohyun eyes widened as she stared at them and back to him with a questionable look.

“Sohyun, I've kept my feelings for you contained as long as I can but now I have to let you know. My feelings for you grow every day, and my love grows deeper with every passing minute. You mean so much to me. Just seeing your smiling face or hearing you heart-melting voice brightens up my worst days and makes them more than just bearable. I dream of you day in and day out; you're the only one on my mind now. Each day is more wonderful than the previous one, if I spend it with you. I watched myself slowly gravitate towards you. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life, you came and stole my heart away from the day I met you. We've been friends from the day I met you, but the friendship isn't just that anymore, at least for me. I really love you Sohyun. Will you be my girlfriend?”

Sohyun was shocked, she stared at Alen with wide eyes; his face was filled with sincerity. She knew she had to let go of the past, she cannot be selfish especially not to Alen. She had to admit that Alen had always been there for her whenever she needs someone; he was someone that can make her laugh so effortlessly and help her through her rough times. He was really someone important to her and she cannot afford to lose him.

His hands now dropped to the sides, his head hung low. “I’m sorry... damn, now it’s all screwed up isn’t it? I shouldn’t have done it...so stupid.”

 A hand grabbed his wrist and he looked up immediately.  Sohyun slowly nod her head, taking the roses from his hand. Now it was Alen turn to feel shock, “You-u-u accept me-e-e?”  His eyes widened and soon a smile plastered on his face.

“Oh god” He pulled her into his arms and rests his head on her shoulders; she wrapped her arms around his neck and devour the moment. “I love you” 

"Alen? Promise me something."

"Hm?" He now cupped her face.

"Promise me that you wont leave me."

His eyebrows furrowed together, not really understand her. He knew there was a deeper meaning to it. "I promise" 

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Chapter 2: Update soon :)
Chapter 2: at first,i was kinda sad that Hoya married to someone else,but Alen seems nice to Sohyun and those adorable confession ^^
will be waiting for another great chapter! :D
eLiSey #3
Chapter 2: Alen? as in M4M's Alen? omg. aksjgjfhd
but anyways. love the chapter c: Alen is so cute.
update soon~
Chapter 13: is he dreaming about sohyun or what? :o
Minkyo #5
Chapter 13: Oh no >"< Hoya and Bomi's romantic scene
Haizz I don't want that
wow I guess the end of this chap was just Hoya's imagination xD
Update soon \o/ Im addicting to this story