
Maybe, this time (Chanbaek)

Chapter 4


“Dr. Oh…Dr. Oh…wait I want to assist you, I’m willing, you see, I VOLUNTEER—“It’s been four months since luhan hyung has been following Dr. Oh like a panda bear or a koala as what I can see. Let me tell you what happened, on the first week, luhan hyung started it as a joke, he followed him, searched for his schedules and assisted in the seniors’ surgeries.


Dr. Oh didn’t even mind at first, but as the succeeding days past, you can see it on his scowling face that he does like anyone following him like a leech. Luhan hyung would do his aegyo in front of him, well in front of anyone surrounding them. And Dr. Oh, in his forced state, would accept the proposal. And I don’t think he likes it one bit.


“Yah! Aish, you’re a doctor Mr. Xiao please act like one and I would like of you could please, please not shout” I heard Dr. Oh as he and luhan hyung arrive at the nurse’s station, where I was busy checking the patient’s chart.


“But I just want to have more experience and I think I would learn more if I assist you, you know, in your surgeries or rounds” and did I tell you that luhan hyung has been shooing or giving death glares to anyone, especially nurses, if they get close to Dr. Oh. And Dr. Oh seem to notice especially when nurses seem to avoid his gaze and I’ll tell you again that he doesn’t like it one bit.


“hey! Stop looking at my Doctor like that” Luhan hyung said to the nurse that was seated on the other side of the nurse’s station. The nurse was surprised, said sorry and avoided Luhan hyung’s glare.


“My doctor?”


“Yes, because you are ‘my’ senior” wow, I can’t believe Luhan hyung is this bold


“That does not give you the right to own me, okay” I can feel the sudden change in mood and I feel I won’t like what’s going to happen next.


“But Doc-“


“and please stop giving glares to anyone, you’re not my other half, you’re not my wife or spouse, you’re not even my boyfriend! So, you don’t have the right to give them glares as if your acting like one. Please know your boundaries Dr. Xiao. We work in a hospital where we are both colleagues and we work for the betterment of others, nothing more and nothing less”


I was shocked so was the other staff present. I didn’t expect Dr. Oh to explode suddenly like that, it’s been like, four months! He looked really annoyed and he was looking at Luhan hyung with a matching glare. He usually just let luhan hyung do his things and wouldn’t mind at all but today, today is different.


Luhan hyung, he, he looked like it didn’t affect him at all, but not for me. After knowing him all these years, I can say he was affected. His usually pale face now gave a pinkish color. He had no expression at first but then he gave a small smiled and said sorry to Dr. Oh.


“I’m sorry Dr. Oh. I’ll know my boundaries and won’t do it again” He gave him a small bow and left the furious physician alone.


“Geeze, Thanks a lot” I heard Dr. Oh said in a whisper


“Please go back to your works” I said try to divert the attentions of the staff back to their works. I need to talk to luhan hyung later.






I wasn’t able to see luhan hyung for the rest of the day though I think he was at the end of his duty when that little scene happened. I might as well go to his condo later.


As for me it’s been four months and nothing changed since then. I was busy studying since I was still trying to specialize for neurology. I got to meet the different doctor and of course work with them.


Though last month my grandma called me and said that my parents will be home this month after their business meetings. I guess my parents will be with me in Seoul this time. You see my grandma took care of me in Busan since my ‘little accident’ back in the day. That is why I finished my studies in Busan and gladly I met luhan hyung there.


While walking my way through the corridor, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I fished it and saw an incoming call from my mother


“Hello? Mom?”


“Baekhyun, baby? we miss you~ How is my son doing?”


“I’m doing fine mom, did you get the news?”


“Yes, we did son *sigh* Baekhyun-ah are you ready though?”


“I…I think I’m ready but I don’t think he is tho—“ I can feel the cracking of my voice, my tears ready to spill and my heart bursting with sadness.


“Baekhyun please…please baby don’t cry. Mommy’s not there to wipe your tears..Shhh”


“I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. *sigh* I guess all these years, I really never got to move on”


“It was hard for you the most so we won’t judge the kind of hurt you’re feeling right now, ok?”


“Yes, Thanks mom”


“It’s no problem, my baby. Just remember to wear comfortable clothes for tonight, no need to dress promptly”


“Yes, I love you both”


“We love you too”





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Chapter 4: Looking forward to the next update!
Chapter 2: Great introduction! I can't wait for the next chapter and the first meeting of Baekhyun and Chanyeol.... Very well done, dear author!