The Five Year Pact



{The inner mind of Choi Sooyoung}

Shim bloody Changmin. God I hate that name. Hah, who am I kidding? I loathe that name. He's a big fat arrogant prick. A stupid tall one at that!

Oh, but the irony. Here's a question: is it wise to make a meaningless pact to be together in another 5 years with someone who you would ended up punch in the face in less than a day of ... well being together? That is if one of us is available by then. Hmmm...

Okay, I really should get married fast!

Well, there is a possibility we both won't meet again. I mean 5 years is like half a decade!

Urgh, now I'm seriously regretting for making that stupid pact with him.

Why do I even I agreed to it?!





Hello :) So, it's pretty obvious that I'm new to this site but I've known fanfiction since I was 13 (or was it 12? whatever lol). I haven't write anything for a long time since back in 2009 so, my writing might be a bit rusty. Anywaaaaaaaaaaay....


About this fanfiction, I'm going to break some rules here. I'm not going to use their exact age in real life. Most of them are 29-year olds (starting the second chapter) but nevertheless I'll try to avoid using titles so I won't confuse no one *nervous laugh*. Well, I guess that's it. In the end age isn't a really big issue as long as there's a story, right? 


Enjoy reading!


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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 6: Hey, love your story.... good job
houtafifistories #3
Chapter 6: Update pleeeaaaase I love your story ;)
I love this! Update it soon please please please please. ;~~~~;
I really really like this story! All their love stories are complicated as of now, and I really want to know what will happen next. I hope you update soon~
oh my god! i love you sooooo damn much! whataperfectstory ><
yaaay i'm dying of curiousity ryt now. what will happen next between minnie and soo? oh gosh i do love triangle love story kk it'd be more interesting if you make a fight between changmin and yunho to get syoo. wuhu sounds cheesy but i love it :D
and the pov! you made it sooooo real. i'm loving it ><
update soon pweeeeaseeee can't wait for the next chapt XD
i'm going to love YunFany cause your story :D i'll waiting~
waiting! :)
love the update :D
worth for me waiting for XD
-flaps arms- This story is pure gold. I'm patiently awaiting the next chapter~