A Midnight Confession

The Geek and The Prince

"Ki Bummie, thanks for today" says the girl. Today?

"Yeah, you're welcome. See you tomorrow." Key waves at the girl. Suddenly, the girl kisses Key's cheek.

You open your eyes wide. You can't believe what you just saw.

The girl waves at Key and turn around. Key turn around and catches your eye.

"H.. Hye Min??"

"Ki.. Ki Bum?"

He lower down his face.

"Who is that!" you almost yelled but then Minho grab your hand and pull you closer to him.

"Maybe it's his new girlfriend. You've seen that she kissed Ki Bum's cheek, huh? Don't trust him anymore" then Minho pulls you get into the house. Key doesn't say any word. You almost cry that time. Seeing the one you love, love another person.

Minho stopped in front of the sofa and told you to sit down. He brings a hot chocolate and sit besides you. He gives the hot chocolate to you.

"What have he done to you.." he sigh. "I thought he'll never do that to a girl like you" and then he your hair slowly. A

And then Key walks inside the house. Minho turns his head around and stares at Key.

You don't want to look at Key because your eyes are teary. You're afraid it will fall down if you see Key's face. So you don't turn around and let Minho stares at him.

"Ya, Ki Bum. Don't hurt her heart. She loves you and you love another girl because you think i'll never let her go, huh? Pathetic" Minho stands up and leave you alone with Key. Both of you don't know what to say. But it's not good if you stay there without saying any word. So you stand up and walk upstairs, and so does Key.

You walk faster so he won't walk behind you.

"Hye Min. She was.." Key started to explain everything but too late. The tears start falling down your cheek.

"Hye Min.. She.." Key repeated what he said before. Then you turn around and Key stares at you deeply. A regret face.

"You know what! I'm sure yesterday you saw me and Minho together in the garden, right?"

Key nods his head. "You want to apologize to him and you're now happy with him again, right?" he said.

"What? We broke up last night! He said that i have to be happy with you! And now, what i got! You kissed another girl!" you yelled at him.

"She is the one who kissed me!" Key yelled back. "

It's the same! Why did you recieve her kiss? Why Ki Bum? Why?" your tears falls really hard and you run towards your room. You shut the door and cry.

"Hye Min.. It's not like that.." a tear fall down Key's cheek.

Key's POV

You want to get a drink, you open your room's door and you see Hye Min downstairs.

"Hye.." you want to call her but then you see Minho in front of her.

"I.. I need to explain everything to you.." she lower down her face. "I want you to know everything"


Minho sigh and nod his head. "Let's talk about it outiside." And then he grab his jacket and pull her out of the house.

You walk slowly towards them. They don't know that you're peeking on them.

"So?" Minho asked Hye Min. You can't actually hear what Minho said.

"Ah.. Uhm.. Ok. Actually, i love you" her voice is not clear, but did she just said that she loves Minho?

'But, the one you love is me right?' you said inside your heart. 'Or did you say that because you don't want Minho to hate you?'

You leave them and go inside the house. You rush to your room and jump to the bed.

"Why did she said that to Minho? She said that she loves me, right?"


Someone calls you. You grab your phone and answer it.


"Ki Bummie!" says the girl on the phone.

"Who is this? Wait.. From the voice. Soo Jung?"

"Oh my! Ki Bummie! You know me!" she says. Soo Jung, your childhood friend, she moved to San Fransisco.

"Yaa.. I know that silly voice of yours. Ha ha ha.. How have you been?" you ask her.

"Ya! My voice is not that silly. I've been good. And hey! I'm in Seoul now, let's go out together tomorrow? How's that sound?"

"Really? Ok let's go! But, uhm.. 7 AM?" you say.

"Huh? 7 AM? Why? That's too early!"

"Well, i don't want anybody in the house know about it. Especially, the girl i love" you say.

"You live with the your girlfriend! OMO that's dangerous! I feel bad about that girl. Ha ha ha.."

"Ya! She's Ki Joon's hyung step sister!"

"Really! OMO i miss Ki Joon oppa. Well, ok then. See you tomorrow"

"See ya!"

Still Key's POV

You wake up at 6 AM. Take a bath, put on your clothes and go out of the house. Krystal is waiting in front of your house.

"Soo Jung! What are you doing here?" you yelled and run towards her. She smile and wave at you.

"Well, i woke up at 5 AM and nothing to do, so i came here. I'm waiting for you, silly"

She wears a typical west people's clothes.

"You look great!" you say to Krystal.

"Really? Thanks!" and she kisses your cheek. Whaaat?

"Soo. Soo Jung don't do that!"

"Ya, there's nothing special about it. It's normal in San Fransisco, you silly" she hits your chest slowly.

"Oh, i see. Ok then, let's go"

And then both of you walk together to a park.

After that, you go back to your house with Krystal.

"It's really fun after this 6 years waiting for you, Soo Jung" you smile and she smiles at you too.

"Ki Bummie, thanks for today" says Krystal.

"Yeah, you're welcome. See you tomorrow. Or maybe, don't know when." you wave at her. And Krystal kisses your cheek.

Krystal wave at you and leave you. You turn around and catches someone's eye. It's Hye Min..

"H.. Hye Min??"

Your POV

It's 2 PM and you haven't get out of your room. But you feel hungry so you go out of your room and you can see Yoochun sleeping on the sofa. You walk downstairs and shake his body.

"Oppa.. Oppa, wake up" and then he wakes up.

"What is it Hye Min. Oh my God what happen to your eyes?" he sits on the sofa and stares at your eyes.

"It's.. Nothing happen, actually.."

"Something happen. If nothing happened, you won't cry and your eyes wouldn't be like this, am i right?" he smiles and pull your hand. You sit beside him. "Let me know what happen, Hye Min"

You tell everything to Yoochun.

"I see.. Don't cry, ok? Now let's prepare our lunch. You must be hungry." he smiles and pull your hand and lead you to the kitchen.

After the lunch, and after the dinner. Now it's 11 PM. You haven't seen Key yet. He didn't came out from his room. And so did Minho. You don't really know what happen.

"Hye Min-ah!"

Suddenly you heard someone calling for you. From the voice, it's Minho.

"Coming!" you open the door and you're surprised.

Key is standing in front of you. He is holding a flower. Yes, red rose.

His face is so sad.

"Wha.. What is this?" you ask him.

"Hye Min-ah, i love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"





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can someone please promote my story? ^^
I'll owe you if you guys do it <3<3<3
@LoveYouGee : thanks yeobooo ~ <3
@ilovemex1000 : OMO thanks a lot ! you're the first person who falls in love with my poster XD thank you ~ <3
I'm in love with your poster and ALSO...OBVIOUSLY YOUR STORY!
waaaaaahhh!! sooooooo cute!!! ^^ :3
so beautiful!! :")
loved it!!!~~~ <3
they got married!! and had a baby!! and the baby's sooooo cute!! and minho and suzy!!! and yoochun got married and had a kid!!
sooooo cute!!!!~~
ooooh! so it was krystal!!
keey!!~~ so sweet too!! <3
going to read the last chapter now! ^^
and thanks for reading ^^
i'll make my third fanfic and i hope you'll read it too <3
Naaaaw such a sweet ending :') a but sad that its over now :( but I'm so glad I read this! Thanks for such a wonderful story! <3
thanks a lot ^^
sarang-YOONA #9
awww key's so sweet but hye min still doesn't know who the girl is right? ahh cant wait for your next update to find out whats gonna happen :D