
My Capricorn Prince; My green tea



“Hehehe” Seobi creep on tiptoes and peeked into Haneul’s room from outside the door. All that could be heard from the room was the sound of clicking as Haneul continued to click away on the calculator in her hand. After a long while, she finally off the calculator with a heavy sighs.

“You are hereby arrested!” Seobi jumped onto Haneul’s bed with an amplifier made out of paper which she has no idea where she grabbed from. The sudden action causes Haneul to sit back up in shock and hide the calculator etc away.

“You are hereby not required to say anything but” Seobi placed her hand on her hips with a grin on her face, “But whatever you say shall be used in the court.” She finished off with a knock on Haneul’s head with her paper made amplifier. “Now tell me, what use do you have for the calculator and what looked like a lot of money.”

Haneul merely widened her eyes and looked at Seobi before innocently taking out her savings and the calculator from under her pillow, “What else can I do? CALCULATE.”

Seobi pouted and hit Haneul’s head with the amplifier again, “Of course I know that! What the genius judge wants to know is what and why are you calculating for?”

“I don’t think it’s the judge duty to question the prisoner right?” Haneul remarked, raising her eyebrows slightly.

“Fine” Seobi said and scrunches her face up thinking of what to do when she instantly grab Haneul’s blanket, wrapping it around her, “Now I am a lawyer! Though I did not wear the fake white hair today, you are still required to reply my questions!”

Haneul laughed, not sure if she is supposed to feel intimidated by her or to treat it as a joke, “Okay okay” she finally obeyed, “I just want to move out. Be independent you know.”

“MWOL?!” a shout could be heard all the way from 10 streets down.

“Yah! Relax relax” Haneul grabbed Seobi by her shoulder, making her sit down.

“How can I relax?” Seobi pouted with both her hands on her hips, looking furious “Although my house is a little bit small, the food my mom cook is not as delicious, the floor it is on is rather high up; but you have no reason to bail out on us!” her expression changed from one of anger to one of sadness as tears threatened to just roll down her cheeks any moment.

“Aniyo aniyo.” Haneul hurriedly Seobi’s cheeks with her thumb, “Your family is awesome, and so is your house. But…” she hesitated, biting her lips, “I have to learn to be independent right.”

Haneul had been living at Seobi’s house for free; her allowance and school fees also come from Seobi’s parents. But now, she was old enough, she should learn to be independent and stop relying on others, she thought as she looked down, unable to face Seobi.

Seobi looked the expression on Haneul, her eyes that shines brightly; it is not one that she didn’t see before. Every time when Haneul has her mind set on something, her eyes will shine like this. She herself also understands that – ever since that incident, Haneul never intended to depend on anyone for her future.

Seobi sighed; maybe Haneul really can never go back to being that cute, carefree girl anymore, no matter how hard she tried to bring her back.

“Okay! Time for your sentence” Seobi cried, snapping Haneul back from her daze and plastered a grin on her face. “Your sentence is, although you have been stubborn and naughty and don’t ever listen to your poor Seobi sister here,” She chuckled at herself, “You have grown up. And… I guess I can’t hold you back anymore. Regardless of your decision to move out of to find a job, Seobi shall give her utmost support!”

“Thank you so much Seobi!” Haneul hugged Seobi. At that moment, warmth and friendship radiated from them making the whole room looks brighter. After going through so much, both of them know in their hearts, that regardless where or how far from each other they are going to be in the future, the distance between them both will never increase, but will only go nearer.

After some time, Seobi chuckled and let go of Haneul before looking at her solemnly and says “Yah, don’t you dare to forget 24 January.”


“Remember to give me present every year on that day.”


… a second pass… two second pass… instantly a earth shaking shriek is let out from Seobi near Haneul’s ear.


Looks like being near to her is not a good idea,Haneul thought as she instantly stood up and ran from Seobi as Seobi chased after her. Sound of laughter and joy chimed through the house, coming from that room soon after.

Seobi, thanks for being so understanding towards me, only that way then I can be back to myself. Thanks for always being there, it’s because of you that I learn how to be independent from being dependent. Thank you, for being that star that shines so bright, when my sky is dark.


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cyresskiseop #2
i like it..
this is a really interesting concept~ :)
Hehe i REALLY love the Astrology theme ^.^! Like REALLY! Glad u chose it :D! Im a big fan of it ^_^!
it's pretty good ^_^ update!! :))))
tis seems diff from other fanfics !! update plss :D
No wonder it was so long~ =w=
cute story =3
fickyz #9
Love the story line...<br />
Can't wait to read it~
limminsung #10
This is going to be exciting! :D Update soon! :)))