The Girl I Like

The Girl Next Door

A/N: Long chapter ahead so please bear with me! I promise to give you all the fluffy moments I can think of so in return, please reward me with some love and comments <3 



Two weeks later... 


Jennie rested her chin on her palm, her eyes staring out of the window absent-mindedly. She hasn’t been able to focus in whatever class she's been in ever since she found out that Jisoo had been practically missing-in-action for the past few days or so, not even the subject she loved most. Honestly, Jennie was not supposed to be feeling this way because they were now friends and friends were not supposed to have odd feelings for each other. The first time she realised that her heart was reacting abnormally to Jisoo was when they were at the auditorium; Jennie stood in for Yoona since the older wasn’t free for the showcase.

In fact, she could remember the initial horror that had turned into one of absolute relief when Jisoo was okay with doing the showcase with her instead.

“Jennie Kim!”

“Yes, Professor?”

“Is the sky outside more interesting than my class? Would you like to go outside and have class there?”

Jennie shook her head timidly and sighed, playing with her pen to keep herself in the class. She couldn’t stop thinking about that unpredictable, joyful bouncing little ball of happiness that went by the name of Kim Jisoo. A part of her wanted to know why in the world Jisoo hasn’t been coming to class but another part of her knew they were just friends – friends that had just formed a friendship less than a month ago. It hurt her immensely to know that Jisoo thought of her as just a friend though... because Jennie knew it wasn't exactly true, not when Jisoo had been sending her glances that couls stand for something else. 

There were so many things which drew Jennie’s attention to Jisoo, and the latter’s constant antics would only make herself even more noticeable than before. Jisoo had a bad habit about being friendly to almost anyone that looked at her along the hallway, and it made Jennie wonder if the purple-haired girl was just that nice to everyone. Another thing that stole Jennie’s breath away successfully caught Jennie’s attention was Jisoo’s kindness; Jisoo always tried to be genuine with everyone and it got her hurt sometimes.

Kim Jisoo, what are you doing to me?


“Have you heard about Jisoo?”

“She’s going overseas, right?”  

“I heard she’s going for an early enrolment in Stanford.”

The murmurs she was hearing everywhere around the school was only heightening her curiosity and apprehension; if it was indeed true that Jisoo would be going overseas, then Jennie would be more pissed off than anything else in the world. They were supposed to be friends so why hasn't Jisoo told her anything about this? It didn't matter how close they were, because Jennie knew their friendship was special. No normal pair of friends text every day without fail with emojis that were definitely not for normal friends. Yet it seemed as if everything had been imagined by Jennie alone. 


“Hello, Chaeyoungie!” Jennie greeted as cheerfully as she could, not wanting to show that there was something bothering her because she might have been reading too much into things. She engulfed the younger into a warm embrace and smiled, “what have you been up to this morning?”

Rosé lifted her hand and playfully ruffled the older girl’s freshly dyed hair, giggling when it managed to draw out a pout from Jennie’s usually cold-hearted façade. Jennie never walked around with a ridiculously friendly smile like Jisoo usually did so people thought of her as a rather y person because she never gave anyone the time of the day. It was only friends like Rosé and Wendy who knew what she was really like, besides Lisa and a few others of course. Jennie wasn’t bothered much but she did prefer to have positive comments instead of negative ones.

Jennie couldn’t hide her growing curiosity anymore and she walked along the crowded hallway with her arm linked with Rosé’s, the pair heading for the gym with their gym bags.

“Chaeyoung-ah, have you heard anything from Jisoo lately?” Jennie tried to pass it off as a casual question but it was obvious that she was pretty bothered by it. She was, in fact, supposed to meet Jisoo by coincidence today; Jisoo always went to the gym on Fridays’ and Jennie wanted to see her. “Professor’s been asking why she isn’t around because she sits next to me but I don’t know.”

Rosé saw through the horrible act Jennie put on immediately but decided against calling Jennie out because she knew the latter would be embarrassed more than shy. She was practically the middleman along with her own girlfriend, of course; it was no surprise that Rosé and Lisa knew more about the pair's feelings than themselves. Jennie never expressed her feelings so easily and when she did, it was usually for her much closer friends. There was absolutely no reason for her to show concern for Jisoo when they weren’t close enough to show it off.

“Lisa told me she’s in the States right now. There’s apparently some freshmen orientation programme over there.”

Jennie cocked an eyebrow and titled her head to the side in confusion, “but we’re already in a university…”

It also wasn’t surprising that Jennie didn’t know about this; all of Jisoo’s closer friends knew about the fact that Jisoo had absolutely no say in her future at all. Although her parents never really tried to show that they gave a damn about their daughter at all; it was the fate of rich families with no sons at all. A bit old-fashioned, you might call it, but it was exactly how Jisoo was being treated right now. If her parents wanted her to take a specialised business course in the States, then take the course Jisoo must do whether she likes it or not. A heart-breaking but undoubtedly true event that was happening.

“Well… Jisoo-unnie isn’t really doing it out of choice though, so I guess that’s not much we can say about it.”

A frown appeared on Jennie’s face after hearing that; she could remember so clearly how Jisoo was crying in the park when they first met – well, technically meeting after many years in fact. She had never once suspected Jisoo’s life in the family to be so tragic and difficult; after all, the latter came from a wealthy family along with a silver spoon in . Yet it also showed how much she knew about Jisoo, even though they’ve shared many more things with each other – like how Jisoo hasn’t been living happily at all because of her parents’ biasedness towards her sister.

Honestly, it made Jennie wonder if every single smile Jisoo had on almost always was genuine or a permanent plaster on her face to make people believe that she was happy-go-lucky without problems.

“I hope she’s okay there,” Rosé sighed.

Me too, Chaeyoung…




Jisoo hugged a pillow to her chest and sighed deeply; she regretted coming for the orientation program so much. She had wanted to please her parents so much that she agreed to come without the slightest hesitation; the ache in her heart had been released a little and Jisoo jumped at the chance so her parents wouldn't be so hard on her. It was worse though - Jisoo had gone against her friends’ wishes and left for the States without breathing a word to anyone else, including the one person her heart had started to beat for ever since she peeked out of her bedroom window.

“Jennie… what do I do?”

The thought of the other girl feeling lost and confused was making Jisoo’s eyes water and her hands tremble; she wanted to smack herself for not letting Jennie know about it much earlier. Jennie must have been immensely angry with her since she had to find out about her departure through other people and not from her own mouth. Though when her phone finally brightened and a message popped up on its screen, Jisoo finally burst out in happiness. She could have used her social media platforms to connect with Jennie again but she didn’t because she was a blur idiot.


jennie 🎀
how dare you go without telling me anything 😡
i miss you so much
serves you right
you should've told me
i didnt know either
not till two days before at least
you're an idiot


I am an idiot, you're completely right, Jisoo admitted softly. She couldn't explain how happy she was feeling right now though; the fact that Jennie had taken the initiative to message her this time was unexpected. Jisoo had actually expected the latter to be ignoring all her messages and trying to play the mad card but Jennie was doing the exact opposite of all. If she had been more unlucky, Jisoo wouldn't even get a chance to reply to a message from Jennie; if anything, she would probably be wallowing in her sorrows about not getting in touch with her friends again. 

Jisoo was about to get engrossed in her own thoughts again when she felt her phone vibrate incessantly a couple more times; Jennie was yearning for her attention once more. 


are you ignoring me
miss kim
don't be rude
you're online but you're not replying
you're so needy and clingy
omg i got it
i should call you jendeukie
suit yourself chichu
what in the world is that
my nickname for you 🤗


At least Jisoo wouldn't fall asleep with tears running down her face tonight. 


Jennie was buried under the thick covers with a huge pikachu stuffed toy in her arms and a ridiculously huge smile on her face; she only started taking note of this animated character after realising that Jisoo's room was filled with different sizes of the toy. Please don’t get her wrong – Jisoo had kindly sent her a picture of her room without being asked and there it was, the Pikachu haven that Jisoo slept in every night. That being said, Jennie started to receive all sorts of Pikachu-related items from their friends, most especially their mutual ones like Lisa and Rosé. Jennie couldn't bring herself to complain, not when these stuffed toys were the ones that reminded her of Jisoo.

“Jennie? Sweetheart!”

“Yes, Umma!”

“Come downstairs, please!”

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed onto her phone, heading out of her room at once. She knew her mother wouldn’t disturb her unless it was for something important because once she entered her room after dinner; it was usually to finish up some work or work on her singing. Though when Jennie caught sight of the two things lying in her mother’s arms, she could only feel confusion rushing through her veins more than ever. Jennie hasn’t ordered anything from online, neither was she waiting for any parcel to arrive so it couldn't be hers... but her parents never got parcels.

Gosh, how puzzling this whole thing seemed to be.

“Those aren’t mine, Umma.”

Mrs Kim merely giggled and shoved them into her daughter’s hands, “they are yours, baby! It has your name and address written on the package; my name or your father's isn't Jennie, right?”


Her mother was just as sarcastic as herself sometimes.

Jennie shoved her phone into her pocket for the time being and grabbed onto the two parcels, wanting to retreat to her room before getting her shirt grasped tightly. She turned around and saw her mother gesturing for her to stay in the living room to unwrap the parcels. Jennie rolled her eyes with a sigh at her lack of privacy (though she was thankful it wasn't her father that was around); sometimes she wondered if her mother was more mature or she was. She gently unwrapped the brown parcel first, her eyes widening when she saw a hoodie neatly folded in a plastic wrap.

Mrs Kim resembled an excited child receiving her first Christmas gift, and it was pretty comical. “What is it? Who is it from?”

Seeing the light blush appearing on Jennie’s chubby cheeks, Mrs Kim got even more curious about it; her daughter didn’t blush or get affected by people so easily. Come to think of it, Mrs Kim has never seen Jennie blush or get shy in front of people before, not even when she received flowers from a boy during her birthday party back in high school. It would surprise anyone to see their chic, lovely daughter blushing because of a certain someone’s gifts to her; not to mention that Jennie has never once talked about anyone else before... other than the girl who used to bully her to death in the past.

Jennie’s eyes lit up in delight when she saw a Stanford sweater in the first parcel and a tub of milk-flavoured ice cream in the second – who else could it be from other than her dearly missed Kim Jisoo?


chichu 🍚🍯🦋
did you send those over to me? 
who else goes to stanford?
admit it now
i want to hear it
fine i did
i saw that sweater
i know you like huge ones so i got you one
miss me, huh?
i know you do
whatever makes you happy :')
do you like them?


“Omo…” Mrs Kim exclaimed with a rather big smile, her eyes having that mocking glint in them. She clasped her fingers together and waited for a nice explanation from her daughter, “who’s chichu? And how many emojis are you planning on putting next to her name? Isn't it long enough already?”


Jennie covered her face with her long sleeves, wishing she could bury herself with her own over-sized pullover. She had completely forgotten about her mother sitting next to her and invading all of her privacy as well as personal space. Even when she was much younger, Mrs Kim always tried to know about her love-life so it wasn't all that surprising. The only reason why Jennie was trying not to let her mother know was because of her preference, and it was a shock that Mrs Kim had simply referred to the recipient as her without hesitation or disgust whatsoever. 

With a palm shielding her face, Jennie quickly took hold of her parcels and brought them upstairs with her; rushing away from her mother as fast as she could so she wouldn't be .



omg you've no idea what my mum said to me
is it something bad 😰
omg oh no
why are you so cute
hing~ am i?
yes you are
aw how sweet
anyway she told me to introduce my girlfriend to her... 
all because of your gift
that sounds like a compliment to me
well it is
how bout telling it to me then?
call me?


Jennie’s heart was racing beyond her belief; it definitely seemed as if they were more than friends now and she wanted to relish this moment so much. She never thought of them being together as reality but it was really happening right now. The mere fact that the person she was talking to and actually falling for so hard was the same person who made her want to give up on school years ago. It was completely ironic; their meeting again after years and suddenly, a budding relationship was formed effortlessly. If one minuses the constant staring from across the window, the amount of times they had eye contact would have been deducted by a quarter at least.

A phone call?

They haven’t done that just yet, because Jisoo always tried to bargain her way out of it. Jennie was disappointed whenever that happened, because it seemed as if Jisoo didn’t want to talk to her like normal friends would. Yet now that Jisoo was suggesting that they talk on the phone, Jennie was feeling a bit reluctant. She didn’t know whether it was because she was nervous or because she confused, but Jennie was a little apprehensive – what if Jisoo was having trouble?

Before Jennie could even type a reply to Jisoo’s message, her phone started to vibrate against her thigh violently; the caller ID showing none other than the oh-so-precious chichu.


“Hey, Jenni—Jendeukie.”

That goddamn husky, y voice of hers; why did Jisoo have to use that tone when they were so far away from each other? Only God knows how that voice sent chills down Jennie’s spine ever-so-effortlessly. Jisoo’s voice was naturally husky and it sounded a little hoarse, of course, but the way she talked to Jennie so tenderly and cautiously made Jennie feel as if she was the only one being cared for this much in the world. She didn’t know whether it was a good or bad thing, considering that Jisoo was nice to everyone she ever met since she turned over a new leaf.

Jennie had to bite on her fingernails to keep herself from saying something she’d regret for the rest of her teenage life; the older girl was quite sharp when she needed to be.

“Chichu… why did you suddenly send me those?” Jennie asked softly; her fingers running along the soft, comfy material of the sweater. She has no idea school sweaters would be so comfortable but this one had really woken her up. “I mean, you left without telling me so why are you suddenly behaving like you missed me?”

“I… I was so happy that Umma and Appa wanted me to pursue something for my future; I didn’t even consider anything else,” Jisoo frowned, her eyes starting to well with tears again. She pinched her nose bridge lightly and sighed, “I feel horrible, Jendeukie. I miss all my friends and I miss you… I want to go back home and stare at you from across my window. No matter how creepy that sounds, it is a fact that I noticed you from across the window, right?” 

The blush on Jennie's cheeks was so dark that she couldn't even say anything right now; she knew Jisoo was a very straightforward, honest person but the fact that the latter was actually broadcasting some of her genuine feelings caught Jennie by surprise. Though she was ecstatic about Jisoo's open confession, she didn't fail to catch her admission about being lonely and wanting to be back home. It broke Jennie's walls around her heart down and shattered her icy little heart into pieces, because it was obvious that Jisoo was trying to hold back her tears when she said that.

“Come back then.”


The soft whisper that left Jennie’s lips a while ago could easily melt the extremely calm exterior Jisoo had right now. 

Jisoo gripped tightly onto her phone and tried to stop herself from bursting out in excitement; she knew it was going to be disastrous if she ever tried a stunt like that – her parents were going to hit the roof. She wanted to come back home so badly, whether it was to the place she wasn’t cared for or whether it was Lisa’s house; Jisoo just wanted to leave this lonely place once and for all. She missed her friends dearly and as terribly toxic as it sounded, she even missed the way her parents would holler at her once in a while. Not to mention how she would bump into Jennie along the hallway sometimes.

“I want to…”

“Then come back, Jisoo,” Jennie’s voice had dropped to a low whisper this time, and it sounded as if the younger was getting depressed. “You’re not happy, are you?”

No, she wasn’t.

There was no way of denying it anymore; Jisoo had not been happy for the entire week she’s been in this university here. People made fun of her English and heavy accent – something she couldn’t help at all – Jisoo was also wondering why she came here without preparing herself mentally and emotionally. She was in a good – no, a top tier school, no doubt about it but the people there were absolutely toxic. There were countless nice ones but there were also loads of black sheep among them; the judgemental, y ones who kept trying to pick on Jisoo.  

There were three possibilities whenever Jisoo went to school: first, people either picked on her for her English or her accent; secondly, there would be guys and girls asking for her number, and mocking her when she didn’t want to oblige; last of all, the ones who knew Jisoo was a nice person tried to make her do things for them, things that could easily get her kicked out of school.

“Chichu, why have you gone all quiet?”

Jisoo bit down on her lower lip and tried not to even release a sigh, “n-nothing, I’m okay. Just a little tired, I guess.”

It didn't matter whether Jennie knew the truth or not; Jisoo wasn't going to bother the latter with her own problems because Jennie had enough things to worry about. Jennie was going to have her final exams and vocal evaluation in not time at all, and their friends had ben telling Jisoo all about it over the phone. Every single time Lisa or Rosé called, Jisoo always received more and more scoldings about how she should have thought things through. Not to mention the countless times they brought up news about Jennie’s days in school and who was trying to ask her out so persistently.

The purple-haired girl ran her fingers through her locks and pulled the covers up to her chin, “what are you doing now, Jendeukie? Besides talking to me, of course.”

“Stalking your Instagram.”

Jisoo flushed pink and palmed her face, trying not to get too red because of that mere comment. She knew Jennie could be just as direct and blunt as her but the fact that Jennie had said that without hesitation really took Jisoo by force. Sighing at how whipped she was becoming, Jisoo simply gave in and let Jennie all she wanted.

A fact was that: Jennie had made life better in an instant, with a single, heart-felt phone call.




Jisoo hasn’t had a single day of peace and today was no different; she had her earphones stuffed in but she could still feel the stares she was receiving from the people around. She didn't know what the problem was, or why they had to keep doing that when it made her feel uncomfortable, not welcomed. Was it a pattern or a trend to stare a new student down like this? Jisoo couldn't understand, neither did she want to. One thing for sure was that she would never do this to someone else; maybe she would have back in high school when she was an insensitive but not anymore. 

A sigh left her lips when she opened her locker and found a small post-it stuck on the door; Jisoo has been receiving small notes like this for the entire time she’s been here – could it be counted as ual harassment though? Some of the notes were not always nice, and Jisoo was sick of it, in all honesty.

Jisoo was about to throw it into the nearby dustbin when she felt a tap on her shoulder; she stopped short and turned around, only to be faced with a familiar face.


Irene smiled, caressing Jisoo’s head gently, “it’s nice to see you, Jisoo. How have you been? Are you adjusting well?” 

Although it was a little odd seeing her friend's girlfriend here alone, Jisoo couldn't hide her happiness at having a familiar face around her. She knew it was a question as to why in the world Irene was here without Wendy but then again, it wasn't really her business. 

“I hate this place… I want to go home.”

There was a sad smile on Irene’s face, and Jisoo immediately got her answer with regards to her presence here too. It was no surprise that Irene came from a wealthy family as well; and her parents were business partners with Jisoo's, that's why they knew each other even before they entered the same high school and university. Irene was a lot luckier than Jisoo, and she admitted it - her parents might travel a lot for business and all but they showed their love towards her most of the time. It was still a stark comparison between their parents, and Jisoo wished so much that she wasn't born in this family.

Of course, the tradition in rich families do not get old – majoring in certain courses for the companies’ sake; having to mingle with people who weren’t at all nice to be around; shuttling between countries and losing their friends.

As the pair walked along the hallways together, they caught up with each other about how they ended up here and all; though it definitely shocked Jisoo more than Irene about her circumstances. Irene didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to Wendy, because she was forced on the flight by her own grandmother – who was still the head of the family and company. Jisoo might not have been treated as harshly before but she was sure that if she had rejected the chance to come to Stanford, her relationship with her parents would have worsened beyond imagination.

“Why are you still here if you like Jennie, Jisoo-ah?” Irene asked with a kind-hearted smile. She had already missed her chance to make it up to her girlfriend; there was no reason for the young one here to do that as well. “Shouldn’t you be chasing after the person you like instead? It’s not like she’s going to wait for you till the end; your chance already came.”

It was sad, unfortunate and painful all at once; Jisoo knew she had to do somethings about this but the pangs she felt in her chest weren’t lessening. She wouldn’t be able to bear it if her parents’ treatment towards her worsened, not that it could become worse than it already is but it’d kill her inside. Nothing was sadder than not being wanted in your own family, and Jisoo would know that better than everyone else. It was bad enough her sister was going to be London for more than two years, but to have her parents treating her like she was the plague was painful.

Jisoo clasped her fingers together and brought them to her face, a gloomy mood overtaking her senses once more. She couldn’t stop thinking of the fact that Jennie might find someone else by the time she goes back to Korea. She was drifting in between the possibility of leaving school now and going back, or to stay and finish the one year programme here so her parents wouldn’t hate her so much. The one thing she knew for sure was that if she went back to Korea now... she'd be able to go back to Jennie straight away. 

“What should I do, Unnie?”

Irene pinched her nose bridge and sighed, pushing up her glasses, “as corny and gross as it may sound, you should follow your heart.” Irene shivered, her fingers curling up as she continued to speak, “you’re not going to be happy if your source of happiness isn’t with you.”


jendeukie 🎀
the world is bullying me today 😤
aw what's wrong jendeukie
who dares to bully my cutie
excuse me who's your cutie?
well anyway
this little girl decided to stand up to me because i didnt apologise after she fell; when she bumped into me???
like does she not have eyes or something?
calm down... 
it's nothing big though
are you in a bad mood?
i miss you
what am i supposed to do?
i'm sorry
i should have stayed



Jennie’s eyebrows furrowed at the last message she just received; it sounded so… worrying and heart-wrenching – their conversation had been so fun the entire time and it took a serious turn out of nowhere. She wasn't lying when she said that she missed Jisoo but it was meant it as a playful joke, like they had been teasing each other for the past few weeks. The mere fact that Jisoo was taking everything she said literally was enough to make anyone worry, because the latter always had fun taking everything as a joke. She put down her books beside her and rested her back against the glass panel; Jennie had come to the library to do some hardcore studying since there was nowhere else she could concentrate a hundred percent.

Her fingers moved on their accord and she dialled the number belonging to her favourite girl; she didn’t care about the extra charge it could appear on her phone bill since it was a global call. She tapped her fingernails on the table impatiently, not caring about the glares she was receiving since it was still considered as noise.

All Jennie wanted right now was to make sure Jisoo was okay wherever she was, because she sure as hell didn’t sound so.


“Chichu, what’s wrong?”

Jisoo chuckled and ran her fingers through her hair, crossing her legs on the bench. “I’m fine, Jendeukie. Are you missing me that much?”

Jennie would slapped the other girl if she was here; what was with Jisoo and putting on a brave front every single time she needed someone to talk to or some comfort? She couldn’t understand why it was so difficult to reach out and ask for help when it was human nature to do so; a person couldn’t remain strong forever, it would drive him or her nuts anytime. It really didn't help that Jisoo had a horrible habit of avoiding embarrassment in public; she thought crying in public was silly because people would see her vulnerability in the open. That habit didn't sit well with Jennie at all, because she thought it was stupid of Jisoo to think that way. 

“Are you really going to lie to me now, Jisoo?” Jennie didn’t have a playful tone anymore; she was worried, and she was horribly irritated at the fact that Jisoo had to pretend she was fine. “I’m here worrying my off and you’re still denying everything!”


“Don’t Jendeukie me!”

Jisoo cleared nervously, not wanting to anger the younger anymore. She covered over the speaker so no one would be able to hear what she was going to say. “Don’t be angry with me, Jendeukie. I’m barely holding on here, and I miss you so bad.”

A pang of guilt hit Jennie immediately and she covered her face, sighing regretfully at how she had just burst out at Jisoo. She didn't mean to overreact; she was just so worried about Jisoo. It was bad enough that Jisoo had gone there without knowing enough English to allow her to make friends; plus the fact that Jisoo was already having some trouble adjusting to the school there, how could Jennie not worry? If she continues talking to Jisoo when she's in this unexplainable mood, the conversation was not going to go anywhere and it was probably going to become more tense.

“I… I’ll just talk to you later.”

“Wait, Jen—”

Tears almost flowed out of Jennie’s feline eyes when she realised that the call had been cut as Jisoo was talking – Jisoo sounded so desperate to hold onto the call and Jennie had just cut her off like that. She didn't want to end the call so soon but it was better to let them both get a hold of their emotions rather than continue the conversation with an overly-tense atmosphere. She hugged her knees to her chest and buried her face in her arms, apologising to Jisoo with all her heart. Jisoo didn’t deserve this kind of attitude from her but Jennie still gave it to her anyway.

What was wrong with her?



That night, Jennie lay in her bed and clutched one of her many Pikachu stuffed toys to her chest; she felt so needy for comfort now that the person she usually went to wasn’t here. She could have gone to her friends, no doubt but there was absolutely no reason for her to . It was bad enough Lisa and Rosé could barely spend quality time together because their parents were both sensitive to their relationship, and Rosé didn’t want to disappoint her parents any further. She didnt seem to have a talent in anything else other than in the music segment, and her parents weren't keen on her going into that industry which was understandable, really.


To make things even worse, her mother wasn’t around and Jennie had no one to go for advice now. She didn’t usually go to her mother for advice because she couldn’t express her emotions well enough but her mother seemed to know when she needed it.

“Jisoo, how can I tell you anything else when you’re already so fragile over there by yourself? I want you to come back because I miss you, but that’s going to be selfish, and I don’t want to ruin your future…”


chichu 🍚🍯🦋
wait for me
i'm coming for you jendeukie
i'm coming back
to tell you that I like you
so wait for me, please?
i'll wait as long as you want me to






The next morning had been a blur for Jennie; she couldn't remember much about how she charged out of bed and got ready to go to the airport within minutes. She didn't even bother to comb her hair like she usually did before going to school, neither did she try and live up to her nickname as the fashionista among her friends. All she wanted was to see her precious Jisoo and wrap her in her arms right away; it had been a full week without seeing the purple-haired girl in the flesh, and it's been more than a week since Jisoo hugged her like she usually would whenever they met. 

Jennie was trying not to shiver though her teeth were chattering madly; she had rushed to the airport in a mere tank-top and a pair of sweatpants because Jisoo’s flight was supposed to have been last night, and it had been raining all morning – it was incredibly cold without a sweater even in the airport.

“Chichu… where are you?” Jennie wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to get some body heat. She was so tempted to go back home and snuggle in the comfort of her bed where it was warm but her heart yearned for Jisoo... and Jennie wanted her. 


An hour had passed...


Two hours had passed...


Three hours had passed... 


No sign of Jisoo whatsoever. 


Jennie blew some hot air into her palms and was about to take out her phone when someone called her; her phone was vibrating especially hard today. She could only think of three people who would be calling her right now; Lisa, Rosé or Wendy because they were the only ones Jennie told about Jisoo’s return to Korea. She didn't have time to tell her mother because her parents had gone out on a date after working last night so Jennie decided to tell them after Jisoo had come back. Her mother wanted to meet Jisoo officially anyway; it could be that time where they were introduced. 

“Chaeyoungie? What’s up?”


Her brows knitted at Rosé’s tone and Jennie immediately walked to a quieter place so she could listen properly. She cleared and said, “what’s wrong, Chaeyoung-ah? Are you okay?”

If Jennie had been listening carefully and properly, then she might be right when she says that Rosé is crying right now. Rosé was choking up on her own words and there was hesitation everywhere; honestly, it was driving Jennie crazy because it made her fearful of what she was going to hear. She knew the younger girl so well; Rosé wasn't one to get nervous in front of her friends no matter what the circumstances were. The one time Jennie had heard Rosé being like this was when her parents were on the verge of getting a divorce and she needed to go somewhere else. 

“U-Unnie… have y-you seen the l-latest n-news?”

Jennie gulped audibly at the reply, her grip on her phone tightening automatically, “w-what about it?”

When more sniffing entered the receiver, Jennie felt her legs go weak; something must have happened if Rosé couldn’t even breathe a word about it. Jennie held the pillar behind her with one hand and tried to be patient about it; maybe Rosé simply had difficulties at home, perhaps it wasn’t even about Jisoo’s arrival! Jennie was about to say something to comfort Rosé when her eyes travelled to the two TVs attached to the ceiling – it was usually for people to check for departure or arrival timings but it was showing a reporter and pictures of airplane going down this time…

There was something so wrong.

When Jennie spotted the reason why, her legs gave way and she fell to the floor with her phone hitting the ground first. She could feel the pain of her heart shattering into pieces, every fibre of her bring starting to ache as her eyes welled up with hot tears. Her trembling fingers came to and covered it, stopping herself from crying out loud.


『 [BREAKING!] A plane from California to Seoul, INC Airport is now travelling with two damaged engines!


A plane scheduled for landing at Incheon Airport (INC) at 1300 hours has just been reported in – there is an emergency onboard as the plane has been travelling with two damaged engines. Some passengers have not been able to withstand the sudden drop in altitude and air pressure, many passing out and the others trying to keep each other calm. There is, however, a few students trying to reach out for help with the use of social media platofrms. One of them is the daughter of the Bae Family here in Seoul; they are in power of oil factories and wind-generated facilities.

Another student, believed to be younger than most, is reported unconscious, and has been for the past few hours.

Professionals have ruled this as a tragic miscalculations of the plane's earlier readings, and the plane will most likely not be able to make it to Incheon Airport intact. Everyone is reminded to remain calm and not panic if they have family members on board that flight... 




Unexpected ending, huh? 

Well, I was actually wondering if giving a happy ending was better but I realised that it would be too cliche for them to end up together so easily so I prepared this grand finale for you guys <3 Now, I'm actually pondering over the possibility of a sequel... so I'll leave it up to your judgement. Do you think I'm capable of writing a sequel? 

please comment and vote below! 




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Chapter 4: OOF this cliffhanger..... at least give me some compensation for my cracked screen!!!
Chapter 3: Damn angst
Chapter 4: 1. love Jensoo interaction here. Damn they soo cute
2. Thank you for bringing Chaelisa into the mix, they are soo adorable and hot at the same time. Thank youu thank you
3. last but not least, i was like grinning ear to ear when you mention Wenrene. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM they are sooo fluffy i cant even. I know u xmention much about them but still.
Chapter 3: Why??!! :c
zeelah #5
Chapter 3: okay this cliffhanger legit made me want to toss my phone across the room HAHAHA looking forward to reading the sequel now!! thank you for this story authornim and HELLO YOU’RE FROM SG TOO WOOOO
Chapter 3: You can feel the love and longing indirectly just thru their conversations. They didn't even really had the chance to spent their time alone together with hugs, touches and kisses. All they had were just glances, and cute conversations. I hope they could get to experience all of those in the sequel. I seriously love this fic. Thanks authornim!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #7
Chapter 3: What????? Sequel pls!
Chapter 3: I really like unexpected endings but at the same time I want a sequel...
Do whatever you want though, it's up to you!
Chapter 3: Omg pls.... write a sequel pls or something... omg the end was so tragic... author-nim TT ~