

Chapter one:


"Oh come on! Let's go to the dance." Saera had her face hidden in her book that she had long lost focus on. Her best friend was trying to get her into going to this school dance, masked themed on Thursday. It was Wednesday today. 


"Hello," she heard tapping on her hard covered book. "Earth to Saera." She could hear her best friends irritation at her being ignored.


"Oh come on, I've heard you sing and you're super amazing!" Her best friend exclaimed. "Besides, it's not like anyone would know that it's you. I mean, you practically implanted it into everyone's mind that you can't talk. No one will believe or think twice that it's you." Her best friend tries to reason. 


All Saera did was, pushed her book away to shake her head 'no', then went back to hide her face in her book. She really didn't want to go to this dance. It wasn't her type of thing. Her types of things were to go home, study, do homework, and then read until she knocks out. School dances and herself didn't go along.


A very sinister smile grew into her best friend face. "I dare you to go." Saera moved the book away and gave her a 'are you kidding me? You think I'll go because you dared me?' look. But the sinister smile remained on her best friends lips. "I dare you to go, or else." Saera gave her a confused look. "Or else I'll spill the beans to the whole school on how you can actually talk." No, she wouldn't dare do that. 


The only reason why she started off as the "nerd mute girl" was because when she was younger, she had anxiety every time she talked to someone. She always get so nervous, and uncomfortable. Jotting down quickly on a piece of line paper laid out on her desk, she wrote, "you wouldn't!" 


The smile on her best friends face grew more sinister if that's even possible. "Oh, I would. Come on, just let those people hear your beautiful voice, and you'll never have to do it again for the rest of your life. It'll be a blessing to them all. I promise." From her tone, Saera knew she'd have to do it because her friend wouldn't back down. 


"Fine!" Saera wrote down on her paper with an angry face drawn next to her answer. 


Clapping, the smile on her best friends face changed to a more happier one. "I have the perfect dress for you, my dear. And the perfect mask." Hearing that, Saera already knew this girl planned everything ahead of time. Well, it's too late to back out now. And now Saera is left to think, how did she even remain friends with this girl. Kang Hana, her best friend. 


After the first bell rung, students started making their way into the classroom. With a minute left to spare, majority of the class was already at their seat, chit chattering before the final bell rung. 


That was when Saera caught the giant shadow of the captain of the basketball team, from the corner of her eye. No one could really miss a tall guy walking into class with a bright smile plastered onto his face, as he playfully pushes his friends and they laugh. 


Students actually wanted to be him, if not- at least be friends with him. Girls wanted to date him. Saera? She wanted to stay very far away from that crowd. Not that anyone notices her small presence anyways. 


When the final bell rings, the students starts to sit properly in their seats, facing foreword. The clacking of heels were heard throughout the halls, as the teacher enters. 


She had eyebrows that were way too arched for her face, and lip liners that didn't match the shade of her lipstick. She wore a blazer with a pencil skirt, and black heels. If anyone outside of the school were to see her, they'd run for the hills. Her makeup was caked on, and eye shadows were a color of blue that didn't compliment her at all. In fact, they made her looked even more ridiculous than she probably aimed for.


A slam to the podium in front of the class with the 36 inch ruler, made some of the students jump. She always does that, but no one can ever tell if she was going to be nice that day, or be a witch that day. Today, she was the wicked witch of the west. 


"We are going over the homework I assigned for you all right now. Whoever didn't get it done, see me after class and we can discuss your punishment then. I'll keep a mark next to your name, in case you try to slip your way out of it. Even if you do, your punishment will be worst." We all knew what the punishment was. There was no need for a discussion. It was obviously detention. 


She placed a finger to her paper and read out the question on the paper. After that, she called out a girl who sat in the front. The girl had panicked, and stuttered her answer. It was correct though, so she was free of punishment. 


The only reason why the teacher was doing this was so she can save herself the time of walking around the class to check if the class did their homework. Whoever didn't have an answer to her questions, they were deemed for the detention route. Also, she probably didn't have any lessons planned for that day.


After the teacher was done with going over the homework from last night, she called out the names of the students who needed to see her after class. Saera sighed at the fact that they had spent the whole class period on going over homework, and began packing her bags. Two freaking hours, Jesus Christ! 


It was time for the elective class to begin. That means the students have to go to their elective class for one hour and do whatever they signed up for. Funny how it's call elective class period, but Saera didn't even sign up for her elective class. She was just put into it.


What she wanted was to help out in the library. What she got was, cleaning up the gym room. But she couldn't go complain to her counselor or anything. It's not like they care or anything. 


"Hey, you didn't forget about the dance right?" Something wicked this way comes. It was Hana, and all Saera did was grouch about it and ignore her best friend. "Great! I'll come over to your house tomorrow night, and then we can get ready together. You're going to look amazing, but it's going to be a waste because your face would be covered. Unless..." Hana sends a mischievous smile towards her, nudging her shoulder. 


Saera already knew what she was going to say so she did a small 'hmp!' and stormed off towards the gym. "Alright, I'm just happy you're going!" Hana shouted after Saera with a huge smile. Any louder, the whole school would hear them. 


As Saera enter the gym, she was met with the smell of sweaty boys and rubber basket balls. She scrunch her nose in disgust from the smell.  


How is it that she ended up being the only student out of hundreds of students to be on gym cleaning duty? It was upsetting, but she couldn't keep complaining about it always. 


Walking over to the bleachers set that was pulled out, she placed her bag and books on it. She walked over to the gym closet and took out a trash bag, and a trash grabbing tool. She did her usual routine whenever she came to clean the gym. 


She would pick up the trash first, then sweep it to make sure she had gotten everything off the floor. Then she'd mop the floor, and pull the bleachers back up. 


Although today she wasn't really sure about how she was going to clean the gym because the basketball team was practicing. 


She walked around the gym, and began picking up trash. It was super uncomfortable for her, one being that she was the only girl and two, being that she was actually picking up trash in front of them. She'd usually sing silently to herself when she would clean. 


"Hey, it's the mute nerd." Saera stiffen at the comment, but she tried not to show it as she try to keep herself moving. "Oh yeah, man." Another boy said, snickering after while the first boy did the same. 


She could feel eyes on her. Her palms were beginning to sweat. "Don't listen to them." Saera kept repeating those four words to herself. 


"Maybe we should go and talk to her." Another boy suggested. Hearing this, Saera prayed that they wouldn't. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she can talk." The second boy said. Then they laughed like they had just come up with the brightest idea. 


As they were walking towards her, she pretended to walk away because she "found trash". 


"Hey, mute girl." Saera squeezed her eyes and walked faster pretending to not hear them even though they were being echoed throughout the gym. 


"Mute girl!" This time, the third boy semi shouted at her. This time, Saera stopped and slowly turned around. She kept her eyes to the floor after she accidentally looked at them. 


"Aren't you gonna greet us?" The first boy asked with a dashing smile. Honestly, Saera thought they were cute if they weren't trying to mess with her right now. 


She raised her head up a little but quickly averted them back down to the gym floors. 


"Aw, so she's shy." The second guy cooed. "Well come on now, we don't bite." He finished with the three of them smiling.


Saera did nothing but wish this would end quickly. 


From the other side of the gym, there was one person who was watching the whole thing play out. The basketball team captain. Park Chanyeol. 


He stand at the bleacher, sipping on his water bottle, keeping an eye on the three boys who were harassing the innocent girl. 


People might think that just because he's the captain of the basketball team, he's a jerk. Or that he's popular, he's an airhead d*ck. But no, he was as human as anyone else without all of those things. 


So when he saw those three teammates of his, harassing the girl, he called out to end practice. 


"Jun, Kun, Soohyun, I said practice is over." Chanyeol said a little louder now after the first time. He can see the girl sigh in relief when they began walking away from her.


As the three boys walk towards the other side, they didn't miss the opportunity to push down the basketball rack, filled with basketballs down. Basketballs rolled all over the school gym now. 


Saera looked up when she heard the loud bang to the floor, and saw what had happen. She saw one of the boys put his hands up and shrugged, mouthing an 'oops' then high fiving the other two boys as they laughed, grabbed their bags, and left the gym.


Chanyeol, who stood and saw everything decided to have a serious talk with those three later. Hint; they won't be coming to practices anymore. 


As the basketball team started to exit one by one, and the gym became more quieter, he sees her walking over to pick up all the basket balls. 


A hand clamp his shoulder, and he follows the hand to the co-captain of the team. Suho. "I'll talk to them tomorrow. You don't have to waste your time on them." Chanyeol gave his trust worthy friend a small smile. "Thanks, man." With a final pat to the back, Suho made his way out after gathering his things. He was the last of the team to leave, besides Chanyeol himself. 


Jogging up to the closest basketball near him, Chanyeol bends down and grabs it with one hand. He walks over to the next, and grabs it and so on. 


Saera who was busy picking up the basketballs and cursing those boys in her head was struggling to keep hold of the balls. Sadly, the max for her was only two so she'd have to go back and forth a few more times. 


The whole time, she was oblivious to the person that was helping her. The whole time, she was oblivious to his stares towards her. The whole time, she was oblivious to the small smile he had on his face. The whole time, she was getting angry because the balls kept slipping out of her hold. 


Suddenly, she was aware to her surroundings now, when she heard the rack being picked up and someone placing the basketballs on it. She quickly turns over to see who it was and was shook when she realizes who it was. 


Park Chanyeol, captain of the basketball team was helping her. Her! The mute nerd that probably everyone in school makes fun of. 


"I would like to apologize on behalf of what my boys did to you." It was shocking. She couldn't believe her ears, or what her eyes were seeing. 


Isn't the captain of a school athlete team suppose to be a jerk? Well, maybe that's stereotyping but, it happens right? At least in the movies and so. 


Saera didn't say anything, but stood there trying to keep a grip on the two balls she had on each side of her hips. 


"It was rude of them to make fun of your disability. I'm sorry I only stepped in later than I should have." No, what's this feeling? Even Hana, her best friend has never made her feel like this. It was so foreign to her. But she pushed it aside, and held herself together. To be honest, she felt like crying. 


Her anxiety was kicking in now. 


"I promise you that the next time we play a game, they won't be playing." He let's out a chuckle. "Actually," he turns to her "they won't even be here for practices anymore, starting tomorrow. So you won't have to worry about them harassing you again." He finishes off with a warm smile. 


Saera wanted to cry and thank him, but couldn't say a word. So with open palm, she brings her fingers up to her chin, and taps it lightly then draws it out towards him. That meant "thank you" in sign language. 


She learned sign language, so she could solidify the fact that she is indeed mute. 


But in doing so, the ball drops to the ground from her hold between her arm and hips, making her jump. 


A hearty laugh comes out of Chanyeol, which made Saera blush more and dunk her head down in embarrassment. "Here, let me help you." He bends down and picks up the balls that had fallen. 


Saera was amazed that he put such little effort into gripping the ball with only one hand. His hand was huge though, so it was probably really easy for him anyways. And he probably wouldn't be playing basketball or be the captain if he couldn't even hold the ball in one hand. 


She watches as he puts the balls on the ball rack, and continue to pick up the rest. Immediately, she remembers about the balls and goes help. She wanted to tell him that it was her job, so she could do it and he should go, but how?


Her notebook was far away, and she was sure he didn't understand sign language. So she did what she could. She tapped him by the shoulder and began doing basic sign.


She pointed at him, then at herself, then at the balls lying on the gym floor, and did an 'x' with her index fingers shaking her head 'no'. Then she pointed at him again- this time she used her pointer finger and middle finger, she did a little walking motion with them, then pointed to the door. 


By now, Chanyeol was raising a brow at her, which was making it worst for her. She felt embarrassed already doing this to him. 


Finally, she pointed to herself, then the balls, and did a thumbs up. When she finally realizes the look on Chanyeol's face, she wanted to hide under a rock.


"So," Chanyeol began with his hands now resting on his hips as his full body is facing her. "You want me to, go and leave this all for you to pick up?"


Saera smiled immediately at what he said, happy that he got her message. She quickly nodded her head. 


Chanyeol chuckles, "sorry but, I'm helping you." Saera' shoulders slumped when she heard his response. She wanted to yell, "why?" but decided not to. "My guys made this mess, I have to clean up after them. I know it's your job to do gym cleaning duty, but I'm not an *ss." A small smile curved up his lips, making her frustrated.


She wasn't frustrated because he wants to help. Heck, she was thankful. She was frustrated because she felt awkward, and uncomfortable being with him. Everyone besides Hana treats her badly. Now that she was being treated like this by him, it made her feel suffocated. 


It was something new to her, and she needed time to take it all in. "You're gonna have to get use to this. You know, the real me." Chanyeol continues to pick up a ball. "I know there are rumors spreading like wild fire about me, but I'm nothing like what those people are whispering about me. And movies and shows aren't always right about the team captains being jerks. I'm human, just like you." 


Her train of thoughts was one word; "wow". She never took Chanyeol to be a nice guy. Actually, she never thought of him as anything because she just didn't care about the popular kids. There was already so much people that cared about them. She just believe what the movies and tv shows showed. 


Without saying anything, and feeling like she was defeated by him, she quietly goes back to picking up the basket balls everywhere. She was once again for that day, oblivious to the smile Chanyeol had on his face. 



Geez, how many basket balls does a team need for practice? Saera thought there was only one rack, but they ended up using five racks. 


Chanyeol had helped her rolled the basketball racks back to where they were before they were taken out. She signed him a thank you one more time. She watches as Chanyeol goes to grab his backpack and belongings. Thank goodness he was leaving. 


She went to go grab the sweeper from the closet. When she came back out, she was hoping that he was gone already but nope. She bumped into him. His chest, to be exact. She felt the rumble of his chuckle through his chest and that's when she pulls back immediately. 


Shy as a potato, she pulls back and steps further away from him keeping her eyes down. 


"I know this sounds too direct, and fast but, are you going to the dance tomorrow?" He asks. Saera was surprised by his question. No one cares if she goes though. 


Saera shook her head at him. His face fell, "you should go." She was confused. Why would he care if she goes or not? 


Once again, she shakes her head. He sighs. "Have you ever been to a school dance?" Again, she shakes her head. 


"It's a masked themed dance tomorrow. You should show up." Chanyeol says with a small smile. Saera was unsure of how to answer him. Technically, she was going, but she wasn't going to tell him that she was going. A silent moment went by before Chanyeol spoke again.


"I'm just saying but, you should definitely go to the dance tomorrow night." Silence. "Anyways, I've gotta run, so I'll see you around." With a final smile, Chanyeol walks towards the door. 


When he finally exits the gym, Saera let's out the breath she didn't even realize she was holding in.


It would be the talk of this school if anyone found out she was going to the dance. She didn't want to pull that kind of attention onto her. 


Sighing, she begins to sweep the floors so she can mop it after. She only had thirty minutes left to clean the gym. Thanks, basketball team. 




Lunch ended fairly quickly today. Well, it seemed like it flew by quickly. Saera was back in her seat, and now there was a different teacher teaching them. She jotted down a few important things the teacher was saying, then some notes the teacher had written down on the chalk board. 


As she was writing, a small piece of paper flew onto her desk. Surprise by it, she lost focused on what the teacher was saying, and looked around. It was Suho, the co-captain of the basketball team. 


He signaled for her to read the folded paper on her desk, and she slowly did as he said. 


Taking one quick glance at the teacher first, to make sure he wasn't looking, she opened the folded letter. 


"Come to the dance tomorrow." Was written on there with a smiley face drawn on there. At the bottom, it was signed with Chanyeol's name. 


She scanned over to where Chanyeol was sitting, and saw him giving her a small smile. Then she saw him mouth "say yes". 


Bringing her attention back to the letter, she jotted down, "I don't think I'll be going." Then she folded it up quickly, and pass it back to Suho. That was a damn lie though.


The note passing went on with Chanyeol frowning at her, and trying to convince her to go. But eventually, the bell rung signaling that school was over. 


Saera couldn't believe that she spent the whole class period passing letters to Chanyeol. She never even imagined anything near to this happening to her. But one thing for sure was, she didn't have any notes taken down and was angry. 


Chanyeol basically distracted her without her noticing it, and now she'd have to do extra studying and searching to find the answers to the homework tonight. 


She packed her belongings, and got up from her seat, happy that school was over. As she walks out, she hears something from the other boys in the basketball team that she passed by, that made her angrier. 


"I hear captain is trying to get the mute girl to go to the dance tomorrow night, so he could humiliate her in front of the whole school." They all laughed and missed the chance to notice that Saera was close by. But she quickly slipped passed them. 


She didn't think much about Chanyeol asking if she was going to the dance. She didn't even think much of Chanyeol, because she never cared about him. But right now, she felt hurt and humiliated, as she walks out of the school building and on her way home. 




First chapter is out......sorry if it's boring. It'll get better, I promise. Please leave me comments, and upvotes are much appreciated. Subscribe if you haven't, also. Hehe thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy. Typed this on my phone note, so that's why it's double spaced mad crazy. I'm kind of lazy to go back and fix it, so you're gonna have to live with that. Excuse the typos also. 

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Chapter 1: Boring?! Absolutely not I love how you lay out the story it really gives me a picture and I will be avidly waiting for an update!go channie he wouldn't do that those ignorant boys(nods head
Mrssehunoh #2
Chapter 1: Does Chanyeol like her? He keeps smiling so I assume he does. IT'LL BE CUTE THO! I can't wait to see how this story progresses. Hwaiting Authornim :D
creamandcookies #3
I am excited to read your new story :)) I always look forward to reading what have to put up for us all.
gnoixcc #4
Chapter 1: I can't wait to see what'll happen next, like how the school dance will be like for Saera. Oh, this is good and I'm loving this. I really hope Chanyeol isn't going to do anything to her, because I would like to keep him as the nice team cap!