New Girl

In Another Life

It was Amber's everyday routine to stop by the book store after work to unwind and find new books to read. She usually spent about an hour just sifting through the shelves in the hope of finding something good.


But for the past few days, Amber couldn't help but notice a certain someone. It was weird for the girl to not know a customer since she was always here, and the owner was already close friends with her. Yet there was a new girl, a university student by the looks of her uniform, who had started coming in every day for a week.


Amber had first spotted the mystery girl when she was sitting on the floor and looking through a pile of hard bound books. The girl squatted next to her and looked intently through the collections. Amber turned and her heart skipped a beat. The other girl had long black hair cascading down her beautiful face. At first glance she looked a little cold but the glint in her eyes as she saw the different books told Amber otherwise.


One time she had been to busy observing the other girl that she didn't notice the books were about to fall and hit her toe. Thankfully, she stopped herself from making a sound from the pain and calmly picked them up, feeling a little embarrassed for staring too long.


It was now her sixth day of seeing the mystery girl. Amber desperately wanted to talk to her but was too timid to try. Amber purposely looked through the shelves closest to the other girl and stole little glances.


 Is this creepy? Am I like a stalker? I hate this. Why is she so cute? Amber thought. She shook her head and tried to concentrate on the books she was looking at. Once she was too engrossed in the books, she didn't notice that she was about to bump into mystery girl. 


The pair collided and the books the girl had in her hands fell to the floor. Amber quickly muttered apologies and went down to pick up the books that had fallen.


"I'm really sorry" Amber said. She hadn't noticed who she bumped into until the other girl went to pick up some of the other books. 


"It's okay" The mystery girl replied. Both of them suddenly reached for the same book and their hands touched. Amber pulled her hand back and looked at the woman she was helping. She stopped her jaw from slacking when she saw her mystery girl right in front of her. She stood up rather quickly and blushed.


"Here. I'm really sorry again" Amber said, scratching her head. The other girl laughed softly as she took her books. She was cute, mystery girl thought.


Amber suddenly caught the title the other girl was holding and got all of her courage to speak up.


"Hey, is that Grace by Richard Paul Evans?" Amber asked, trying to strike up a conversation. The mystery girl looked at the book and nodded.


"Yeah. I heard it was good" She replied. Amber struggled to find words to say, damn why was she so shy?


"Its one of my favorites actually" Amber said. She was trying to keep her cool in front of the beautiful girl.


"It must be really good then. Every time I go here I see you, you must have really good taste in books" The other girl said with a smile. Amber blushed. She wondered if the girl noticed that she kept on stealing glances.


"Ah, not really. I've been coming here every day for a year now every time I get off work to unwind. I noticed you're quite new here" Amber said. She hoped it didn't sound a little creepy that she noticed that the other girl was new.


"Yeah. I just moved into the city to study at University" The other girl answered, hugging her books to her chest. 


"That's nice. I'm Amber by the way" She introduced herself, holding out her hand. She prayed that her palms weren't sweaty despite feeling so nervous.


"Krystal" The other girl said, taking her hand for a shake. Amber felt a jolt of electricity as their hands touched.


"Nice to meet you Krystal. I hope you're enjoying the city so far" Amber said with a smile. She was slowly getting the hang of talking to her. Although her heart was threatening to beat our of her chest.


"Yeah. But its kinda hard moving around because I'm still kind of lost with directions" Krystal admitted with a laugh.


Without thinking, Amber blurted out the first few words that popped into her head.


"Maybe I could show you around some time?" She offered. Both of them were surprised at what Amber said, but Krystal was more than willing.


"I mean if you just want-" Amber started feeling embarrassed again. A blush was starting to creep up her face.


"I'd love to" Krystal cut her off. Amber looked surprised but smiled. Both of their cheeks with a light tint of pink.


"Great!" Amber said, a little too enthusiastically for her taste. Krystal giggled at the other girl's shyness and antics. 


"Is tomorrow okay?" Amber said with a hopeful smile. Krystal smiled back and nodded.


"Tomorrow will be perfect" Krystal replied. Amber beamed at her again and the two exchanged numbers. 


Amber then went with Krystal to pay for her books and walked out of the store together. 


"I have to go back to my dorm now. But I'll see you tomorrow" Krystal said with a shy smile. Amber scratched her head shyly and nodded.


"Yeah. See you tomorrow" She said, attempting to hide her blush. She watched the other girl cross the street to the University. Krystal looked back and waved at Amber before heading into campus.


Amber waved back and sighed happily. She loved books before, but a book giving her a chance to talk to a beautiful girl just made her eternally grateful to literature. She walked happily home, thinking of what she'd wear tomorrow and places they'd go.


Who knows, maybe this was the once upon a time to a beautiful happily ever after.




Hey guys


First AU up! I thought of this yesterday because I saw a cute girl at a bookstore kekekeke. I hope this was good! Leave a comment to tell me what you think. Oh and you can request AUs guys!


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Chapter 2: Cannot wait for the next chapter. Kryber is so CUTE in capital letters gosh
Chapter 2: Yes! I'll wait for it! And I'm getting exciteeeeeed!!!!!?
tylerous #3
Chapter 1: i can't stop smiling! super cute.
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 2: Thanks... update soon
PhoebeLe94 #5
Chapter 2: So good!!!
junstone #6
Chapter 1: fresh story, I love it.
Chapter 1: its a date then hehe
looking forward to this authornim