I Hate You! 

Spring Collection

Rachel POV

I put my grocery bag on our kitchen desk. My God, why was it so heavy? What did we buy anyway?

Bzzz... Bzzz...

I felt the vibration from my jeans pocket. I washed my hand before took a glance on its display.


It's him, again.

I silenced the ringing sound came from my cellphone, ignoring his uhm... I didn't know how many times already call for today. I was not in a right mood to talk to him, so I put my phone on the counter near our refrigerator. I need to prepare the dish for our small celebration tonight before our Yoon gongjoo-nim came back home.

I took the apron I hang by the fridge. The ingredients I bought together with Yena and Naeun unnie was waiting for me to be transformed to a delicious menu for six of us. Tonight would be the celebration! 

"Let's throw a surprise party for Chaekyung unnie!"

Few weeks ago was unnie's birthday, but we couldn't hold any party to celebrate her special day with our MAYDAY comeback. So, Yang Yena proposed to hold a small one for unnie after we finish our promotion. Even though all of us secretly knew that it was just an excuse to eat more, but anyways, who didn't like party? 

I looked at the clock hang on the wall. I still had few more time to prepare the food before Chaekyung unnie came back from her schedule. Yena was going to buy some present for Chaekyung unnie while Naeun unnie insisted to buy a cake for tonight party.

My phone screen kept blinking with the new message coming. I snatched some towel to dry my palm before I took my phone. The name on the screen lift up my mood as my finger sliding on it.


Chaewon Unnie:
Rachel-ah, unnie will come back soon and help you after I finish my school, OK?


I typed back to reply her. Chaewon unnie must be informed by Yena that I was alone at home at this moment. Aigoo, this mother-like unnie always worried a lot about us, especially us the dongsaeng-line. But that the reason why I loved Chaewon unnie so much because her affection help me a lot to get rid of my homesickness. 

Seems like Jinsol was still busy with her Boni Hani recording as the message I sent to her previously was still shown as unseen.

Alright, lets start to make some food before it getting too late. But before we started, lets play some music to accompany me inside this empty house. Food and music had been my favorite​ things ever.My handmade food was not the best things out there, but those expression I got from my member after they tasted on it just gave me undescribable satisfactory. At least, I found someone who appreciated my work! That's good, right?

Ding... Dong...

My lips unknowingly twitching up to form a smile. Could it be Chaewon unnie? Aigoo, unnie must left her key on our room again. I patted my hand clean before heading to our dorm doorbell monitor to check. It had been a habit for us though.

"Who's it?"

Wasn't it Chaewon unnie? I should hear her reply if it did, but no sound came into my ear after my question. I pressed the button opened to see the coming visitor. Oh man, why is he doing here?


Black mask, loose deep blue jacket and those cap that covered his hair. No matter how hard he tried to hide it from other, I was hundred percent sure that I knew the guy that standing in front of our dorm door, just by the way his eyes smiling, the way he called my name.

Park Jimin, the boy that always fluttered my heart. Yes, he's my boyfriend. 

The annoying one.

"Aren't you going to open the door, Sung Nayeon?"

I stayed still in front of the monitor without giving any signal to open the door nor responding to his call. I just didn't want to.

Wait. What was he going to do? "Yah."

My eyes going wide as he started to take off his loose jacket and cap that covering him in front of our dorm. Was he going to tell the whole world that the famous BTS member Park Jimin visited the girl group dorm?

I brought my feet to walk faster to the door as he started to take off his mask and opened the door in a speed of light.

His hand was on the right side of his black mask when my eyes welcoming him with the glare as I opened the door. I hate him. I hate the victorious smile that plastered on his lips. I hate him for able to find a way to make me getting no choice but let him in.

"You're finally willing to open the door for me, Sung Nayeon."

You win Park Jimin, you win!




I continued doing my dish after let him entered our dorm. My mind was thinking the way to find a way to take on revenge on my same age friend for telling him that I was alone at home. You need to pay for it, Yang Yena! 

"What are you going to make?" I slapped his hand as he's going to steal the marshmallow I placed on the counter.

"Stop stealing my food."

Sheepish grin stamped on his lips as I finally gave him my attention. I would fall for him once more with his smile if only he was not challenging my nerve few days ago. I wouldn't let him win over me again so easily. 

"What are you going to do here?" I said without taking my eyes away from my stove. Park Jimin took a step closer and stayed behind my back, hands on my shoulder.

"Don't you miss me?" I glanced at him while his hand caressing my shoulder. I dodged him away before I focused back to my work.

"Why should I?"

"Because I do. Badly."

I tried to free myself as he caging me with his arm enveloped my upper body, but his well-trained body seems too strong for me to go against with. At this moment I really hated myself for having a petite figure.

His firm chest muscle on my back transmitted his body temperature to me, making me felt the increase of the heat on my ears. Hand rested on my belly and my shoulder just locked my motor nerve to send any signal to move. His warm breath was tickling my neck as he rested his head on my shoulder. I sighed. It was useless to fight against Park Jimin at this moment.

His hug always be my weakness.

"Why don't you answer my call?" he turned me around, hands on my cheek to fix my eyes on him. No sound left my mouth as he kept gluing his eyes on me. "Were you mad at me?"

I heaved a sigh. Seemed like this almighty Park Jimin still didn't get the reason that annoyed my mind since our last date. Sung Nayeon, How could you date such a insensible boy?

"No, I'm not." I looked away from his gaze, the only habit I couldn't quit every time I told a lie.

"You are."

"NO, I'm not!" I said insisting.

"Yes, you are."

"I said NO!"

"You ARE."

"Park Jimin!"

I couldn't help but slapping his shoulder. I could feel my reddened ear with his grinning face. Why's he so annoying? I really hated him!

"Call my name again," He said as he came closer. "I've been missing hearing my name slipping through your lips."

I glared at him once more before heaving a sigh. I gave up.

"I hate you... Park Jimin!"




Few Days Ago....

"Here, your strawberry ice cream."

He gave me the ice cream I'd been craving to eat as I waited for him near the park. I could feel my eyes were sparkling with joy like a little kid as the sweet taste touched my taste buds​.

I walked side by side by him as we finished our dinner together tonight. It's been a while after the last time we met, well he's been busy with his group Japan promotion. I peeked at his palm through my eyes. How I wished I could hold into him as we walked through the Han river, but we couldn't by the reason everyone knew. I just missed him too much.

"I almost forgot that you debut under DSP." I looked at Jimin with his random statement as he walked me home. His eyesmile was giving some hint of his grinning face covered by his black mask.

"Why so random?" I said to him.

Jimin oppa patted my head softly, "That's mean that you came from the same company as Seungyeon nuna." 

I raised my eyebrow unknowingly. Yes both of us debuted under the same company and Seungyeon sunbae-nim was a great sunbae for us. But why Park Jimin came so random by mentioning it? Strange feeling stared to tickling my stomach. And I didn't like it.

"Are you close to her?" I said without looking at him.

The smile on his face just made the feeling inside my stomach worse. I took a deep breath, hoping it would go away with the breath I exhaled.

"Not really close though," he paused. "We met few times as our group promoted together. She's a nice person for sure."

Yes, she was. Chaewon unnie and Chaekyung unnie who were the longest trained under our company always said our great sunbae-nim were the nicest senior they ever met. But still...

"And nuna looked quite young for her age." he said grinning. "No wonder she's quite popular around the younger man."

"Oh... She's pretty too.."

I guessed that was the last words I said to him that day. Things kept popping here and there as he walked me home. And unfortunately, he was not aware of my sudden insecurity. 





I heaved a sigh. I threw some marshmallow I put on the counter on him to cover my embarrassment as Park Jimin started to chuckled soundlessly with my confession.

"Stop laughing, Park Jimin!" I hissed and turned my body around. I could hear the blood rushing to my ear with every chuckle left his lips. I glanced over him as he stop laughing over me. Park Jimin put his hand on my shoulder and turned me over gently. I could still see the smile on his lips as he looked at my eyes gently. But instead of laughing at me, his brown eyes was filled with care for me.

"So, you think that I have something for Seungyeon nuna?" I tried to look away but his palm was just so fast and grabbed my cheek to look at his smiling face.


"Do you love me that much?"

Embarrassment burned my light skin with his question. I landed another slap on his chest before trying to run away for a place to hide, but I only ended up once again trapped between his long arm and the counter of our kitchen. It was not the first time we stayed so closed or he gazed deeply into my eyes, but my poor heart always failed to beat its normal pace every time he lean forward onto me. My normal reflex led me to move back as he twitching up his lips to form a challenging smirk.

"How could I able to fall for anyone else if you kept being so cute like this?" his words just reddened my already so red cheek. "I wouldn't wait for too long if I do fall for her as I knew, she adore me too."

I just can't believe what I just heard. Where did the overflowing confidence just come? Chuckles shamelessly left his lips as he poked my forehead softly with his finger. 

"I'm yours." his eyes trying to melt me away with his gaze... "I am, and I will."

Damn! My breath was shortened as he smiled at me. I didn't know what kind of spell Park Jimin was using on me, but I couldn't unglue my eyes from him. 

I fell for him again. 

"I won't accept any excuse for ignoring me again."


I was silenced as he leaned closer and pecked my lips all of sudden. His mischievous smile curved on his red lips that slightly covered with my light pink lip balm. All the things that came into my vision was his beautiful sharp feature as only few centimeters away left between us.

"I said, no more excuse." 

"Park Jim---"

He closed the space between us as his lips touched mine. Tingling feel filling my stomach again as his warmth breath brushed onto me, but I loved the feeling I had at this moment. My eyes were closed on its own as his hand on my neck bring us closer while we were sharing the sweet moment after the quarrel we had. The light sweetness of chocolate left on the corner of his lips mixed so well with the softness of his plump lips.

He was just like marshmallow. Too sweet to quit.

! My rationality hit me back as I opened my eyes, we were still on our dorm! What if my member came back and caught us in hand?! I pushed him with all of my strength and catching some air I had missed. Park Jimin looked startled by my sudden refusal. 

"My members are coming back!" I said stuttering, looking to the way of the only entrance of our dorm. "What if--- Ouch!"

My eyes got sudden burden to adjust on its focus as the distance between us was eliminated when he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his embrace. I was about to pulled myself away from him if only his smirk was not caught into my vision. 

"Don't worry," Said Park Jimin as he whispered to my ear. "I'd put on the door lock chain when I follow you inside."

I was not allowed to propose some complaint as he shutting me out again by another kiss on my lips. I could feel he was smiling in between by my inability to escape from him. The victorious smile that always shown every time he succeed in making me flustered by his action.

Damn it, Park Jimin! I hate you!



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mka501 #1
Chapter 6: I love April×BTS ships so much! Please continue writing!
ssadssad #2