Hearing The Sea


Inspired by Red Velvet's 바다가 들려 (Hear The Sea)

P.S Please listen to it! It's such a relaxing song and one of the songs I like to hear at night 


You were sitting on the sand, facing the sea and listening to the waves, wanting to have a relaxing night before your summer ends. You were enjoying the sound of the crashing waves when suddenly, you hear someone walking towards you.

You smiled as you immediately knew who it was.

The person sat down next to you, on your right and quickly wrapped his left arm around you as you moved closer and leaned your head on his shoulder.

You looked up as you see him smiling down at you.

"I love you" he smiled and kissed your forhead.

"I love you too Jaehyun" you smiled and kissed his cheek.

The both of you stayed like that while watching the sea, without knowing that it was your last summer night with him.


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angel_000 #1
Holy crap omg pls just end my suffering..