Chapter#1: HE Loves Me..Loves Me Not

The Chain Reaction

Something is different about today, I feel its different although it is the same as it was yesterday and the days before then. I just can't put my finger on it...     

I feel cold.....

The summer rain rarely kicks off so early in the morning and on occasions here in Beom Lae Lake, Seoul, South Korea the schools close because of the floods that are caused by the humid rain.

Unfortunately today is not one of those days. Let's just say it is this term's finals and friends; KyungHee, Jisoo, BaekHyun, ChanYeol, JongDae,  JongIn , and Lu-Han are meeting up after school at the entrance gate in about 3 --2 minutes.


"Kyung-unnie! " Jisoo called out, she was waiting by the school's entranceI made my way to her and smiled then hugged her in greeting to my best friend and dungsae. "Annyung, JIsoo-Ah." "Ommo, Unnie are you enjoying you're last days of school so far? ",  she asked with the out-most curiousity.  - "Yes, I am."  I answered, with a curt nod and a small smile - "Nae." Jisoo answered smiling sweetly. We both were soon accompanied by our supposed  "prince charmings" 

"Chen-hyung, I swear .. if you don't grow a pair one of these da- err...Hey ladies! how you doin ; ) " Jong-In slyly commented to us girls. We rolled our eyes in unison.

"Please Jong-In not now, we were having a good time in conversation." I exclaimed "Kai knows. He's just a cocky airhead who CAN'T KEEP HIS MOUTH SHOUT!" Jong-Dae exclaimed  through gritted teeth followed by an elbow to his friend's gut. I laughed at our friends' immaturity.

"Have you two scene Yeol-Oppa"  " Chanyeol-ssi had to leave early..said something about trainning with Suho-hyung." "O-oh. How about Han-Oppa?" the sound of LuHan's name alone, brought a flash back of a few weeks ago; Han-Oppa broke in my home, in a drunken state, and pressed his ips to mine. What surprised me most of all was he told me he loves me- unknowingly, my body began trembling; in nervesness and excitement, my heart raced in my chest, and my palms started to sweat. My friends noticed. I lied, telling them i was cold then placed my jacket on.**IT'S SUMMER KYUNGHEE** 

We all decided to wait for Mr.I'm-avoiding-you-Lu Han. About 15 minutes passed and still no LuHan anywhere in sight. 

"Maybe we should leave, he probably got a head-start." Jisoo suggeted, with shyness still in her tone.

We all headed east from where the school centered the block of Zurine St. and onto the subway station across the street. After taking constant assults to my knees from passengers and constantly getting 'hint-on' by Jong-In. Getting off the train was more difficult due to my school uniform and unwanted attention.

Thee four of us were on our way to the Water Tower, then Baek-Hyun and Jong-Dae announced their need for a restroom. The said boys ran to the liquor store, but then came back outside with a pout, "We can't use the restroom unless I buy something. Can one of you buy something, we really need to go." I was going to volunteer but Kai, as he likes to call himself, beat me to the punch. Jisoo and I stayed outside.

She said in relief seeing both boys out of hearing range. "Okay they're gone. Spill-it Unnie!" I looked at her faking confusion. "Don't give that look, you know exactly what I mean." - "No! Actually I don-- '-...- Okay, fine. Promise me you won't tell." She raised her hands and said 'promise'. I couldn't the deny her that right, she has to know, she's my best friend. But just I was anout to tell her a familiar voice caught my attention, I turned to see a couple, one I knew all too well.

Seeing them together and happy... nothing felt more sufficating than that. Eyes burned, heart hurt, and i heard myself begining to whimper in dispear. Persing my lips in a tight line as my eyes meet Jisoo's, she took one good look at my distress and followed the direction of where my eyes landed  and caught sight of 'our' friend Lu Han on a date with my step-sister.

I heard her curse under her breath. I coulnd't stick around to see anymore of what was infront of me.

---"You girls rea""Ugh. Leave me alone."

I made my leave back to the train station with jisoo hot on my heels. Abscent minded i walked with an unwanted scence of self-pity. It began to rain again blocking the sound of my friend calling out to me. Every drop of rain bite at my skin through fabric of my middle school uniform, and even though the weather was hot as the rain.  All I feel is cold.

-- "What's up with her, did you two fight?Jisoo? Jisoo?Jisoo-Ah!""Come. Follow Me."

I don't know how long i have been walking, it looked like i have passed the station and had gotten lost. I stopped walking to only realize I was in the middle of the road and looked over my shoulder just in time to noticed a pick-up truck that coming my way!

Baek-Hyun trailed behind his three friends. He smiled to himself when he saw his friends didn't notice him missing so he took advantage and walked through an alley way. Running at super-Human speed, landing where Kyung-Hee was dumbfounded in the middle of the street.  

"Watchout! Kyung-Hee!" He shouted out to her as he ran up to her knocking her down on the floor and away from the street. The truck drove around them.

"Baek-ssi" Kyung-Hee's shock passed and all she could do was cry in his arms as she held him closer to her.

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