

||after class||

"MINGYU!" someone yelled in the hallways. Mingyu turned around and was engulfed in a big embrace. "HOSHI! MY MAIN MAN!"

"Where were you this morning? You weren't in English class or Math class." Hoshi asked.

"Oh.. about that... I woke up late." Mingyu responded sheepishly.

"Jesus christ, how late?"

"It's kinda funny actually. I woke up at 10:10, exactly 10:10."

Hoshi laughed. "Oh my god that's amazing, what a coincidence." He said as he did the infamous "10 hour 10 minute" gesture. They both laughed as they walked towards the lunchroom.

"Who the fxck do you think you are, huh?"

 Mingyu and Hoshi turned around to see 3 big guys surrounding a scrawny guy. "Oh sh*t, what is going on?" Hoshi asked.

"I don't know but let's keep watching just in case it gets out of hand."

"Answer me, c*nt." The leader, Jaebum, grabbed the guy by the shoulders.

"DON'T FXCKING TOUCH ME" the guy screamed. Wait. That voice. It was so familiar. Realization hit Mingyu. Oh my god, it was that guy. The who freaked out after I bumped into him.

"Uh oh, it's getting kinda intense..." Hoshi whispered. Mingyu merely nodded in response.

"Are you mentally ill? Why are you causing a scene you foreigner?" Jaebum grabbed the guy by the collar.

"Get your filthy hands off me." the guy seethed. In a swift motion, Jaebum's fist collided with the guy's jaw. Hoshi gasped. The 2 other guys- Jungkook and Shownu- laughed.

"Looks like you can't talk now, can you Minghao?" So that was the guy's name, Mingyu thought. Jungkook smirked.

Though his face was bloodied and swollen, the guy- no, Minghao retorted, "Shut the up." Jungkook's face darkened as he raised his fist up. "Why you son of a b-"


The 3 guys looked up and Jaebum dropped Minghao. "Are you out of your mind??? Don't do this." Hoshi anxiously tugged at Mingyu's arm. "Don't worry Hoshi, I got this." He gave Hoshi a reassuring smile.

"And who the fxck are you?" Jaebum inquired. He walked towards Mingyu, but Mingyu kept his stance. He was taller and bigger than the 3 of them anyway.

"Listen, violence is not prohibited in school quarters." Mingyu stated calmly. "If you want to argue, I can gladly bring you to the principal's office."

"No you lis-" Jaebum started but Shownu stopped him.

"That's Kim Mingyu, Class president and the principal's nephew." Shownu whispered. The 3 of them straightened up and bowed.

"We're sorry, president. We won't do it anymore." Then they quickly scurried away. 

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AnnieSeokmim #1
Chapter 4: Omg I thought this story was recent but is from a year ago?? why didn't you continue this story?? I was so happy I found this story butnow my heart will hurt??
AnnieSeokmim #2
Chapter 4: Omg haha I need more of this now please!! ???
Simple-J #3
Chapter 4: XDDD
Brandalen #4
Chapter 2: I loved it
choopdoop #5
Chapter 2: Too long :((((( couldn't read all of it
Simple-J #6
Chapter 2: They r so short :(