Thicker than Oil (Baek-centric)

Oneshot Requests

A/N: aw ! exo as a fam ! baekhyun love ! this is the chapter you need to cleanse yourself after the last one lmaooo. basically krisho as parents, the other members as kids (not all appear), bbh babysitting sehun and jongin, overworking himself/ getting hurt and some cute fluff toward the end. remember everything is crossposted at AO3, although you can shoot me a PM/ comment and request oneshots here as well! enjoy xo

“Make sure they do their homework. Don’t let them eat too much of that sugary junk they just bought yesterday.”

“And no going out past ten.”

“Excuse me? No going out tonight, period .”

“Right. What your father said.”

“Please be responsible. I mean I know you always are but just a reminder. Oh, and make sure to-”

“Check all the locks twice before calling it a night, I know, I know!” Baekhyun hastily ushered his parents out of the kitchen and toward the door. His tone was teetering on the edge of annoyance, only due to the overly nagging way Junmyeon and Kris were being. He was already nineteen, one of their oldest kids, so when were they going to stop treating him like a kid? 

Junmyeon pursed his lips and gave Baekhyun a warning look that told him to watch his attitude. “Well, I just wanted to make sure I don’t come home to the police on my front porch telling me the neighbors are complaining about a couple of kids, one with rainbow hair , that are being a public disturbance and having a silly string fight on the streets.”

Baekhyun shifted his weight from foot to foot and crossed his arms defensively. “Ok, well, that was because Chanyeol had been in charge! And to be fair, none of us knew that Sehun had bought that hair dye so it wasn’t really all our fault.”

Kris chuckled and immediately tried to pass the laugh off as a coughing fit when Junmyeon shot him a poisonous look. He then reached over to straighten out Baekhyun’s shirt collar and lovingly tugged his ear. Baekhyun mumbled something and tried to swat the hand away. 

“Be good. We’ll be back soon.” Junmyeon said and shuffled on his shoes, shiny black ones that went with the rest of his formal attire. Kris followed suit, putting on a sleek leather jacket that made him look every part the good looking model the rest of his kids resembled. Just as he followed Junmyeon out the door, he pointed a warning finger at Baekhyun, but only half- serious. 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and let the door close, making sure to flip the lock afterwards. The good part about having loaded parents and a big family was that there was never a dull moment in Baekhyun’s life. There was the occasional night alone when Junmyeon and Kris had some fancy- schmancy dinner party or gala to attend due to their respective jobs as a CEO and high- fashion model, but the two doting parents always made up for the nights out with family laser- tag, the occasional tropical trip, or a simple movie night (in their own home theater, of course).

That was the good part. The bad part…

“BAEKHYUN!! JONGIN JUST BROKE MY FREAKING XBOX CONTROLLER!” A certain voice shrieked from downstairs in the game room, and Baekhyun had a sneaking suspicion it belonged to the youngest member of their family, who was still growing out of his child phase and into his tweens. 

Being that the older kids, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Yixing, were all either studying abroad or at a summer internship, Baekhyun was technically the oldest currently. Well, him and Jongdae were only 10 months apart, but the latter was still the older of the two. 

Speaking of which, Baekhyun had absolutely no idea where Jongdae was. But deeming more important issues at hand, he sighed and went into the kitchen to find a wooden spoon before shuffling his way down a winding staircase. 

“Alright, alright, break it up you idiots!” Baekhyun yelled, hitting the palm of his other hand with the wooden spoon in an intimidating way. “Who started it?”

Sehun and Jongin currently had been thrashing about on the floor, fists full of the other’s hair and shirt. Upon seeing Baekhyun (or rather, the wooden spoon), the two tore away from each other in a speed that made it almost comical. 


“Him!” The twins pointed to the other at the same time, with the same determined, yet pissed off look. 

Baekhyun put his hands on his hips and stalked toward the two. A broken black controller laid between the two boys on the floor. 

Baekhyun picked it up and stared at Jongin. “Did you break this?”

“No!” The young boy said indignantly at first, before shrinking under Baekhyun’s glare. “I- I mean, yes- but it wasn’t my fault!”

“It WAS!” Sehun growled, and Jongin growled back, “We were messing around and I didn’t see it on the floor a- and I just accidentally stepped on it! So I said it was an ACCIDENT!”

Before the rambunctious pair could attack each other once more, Baekhyun quickly stepped in and grabbed each boy by the necks of their shirt collars. 

“Stop fighting! Sehun, did you not hear that it was an accident? You need to learn to control your emotions and grow up a little bit!” Baekhyun snapped at the shorter of the two boys, who meekly shrunk in size. 

“And you!” Baekhyun’s head whipped to Jongin. “Give Sehun a real apology. And be more careful next time. Accident or not, you’re going to be paying back for that controller with two weeks worth of chores.”

Upon hearing the grumblings of an apology from Jongin, Baekhyun released them and his heel to go back upstairs. It may be summer break, but it seemed that only gave the twins more opportunity to bicker with each other. 

Baekhyun sighed and fussed with the hairs on the back of his head. A certain music camp application was calling his name from his laptop and he was taking as much time as possible to avoid doing it. 

Suddenly, a head popped out from around the kitchen corner. It was Jongdae, Baekhyun’s older (but not by much) brother. Also the one who got him the chance to even qualify applying for the aforementioned and oh- so- prestigious music camp, per connecting Baekhyun with one of Jongdae’s many musician friends and various connections in that world.

“Hey. How’s the app going?” Jongdae casually asked, as if his arms weren’t full of a giant cardboard box that seemed to be containing something heavy with the way his forehead was dotted with perspiration. 

“Uh. Good,” Baekhyun said slowly, stepping out of the way to let Jongdae through the kitchen to wherever it is he needed to be.

“Ok. Good! I’ll be back in a few hours. Don’t forget to feed the brats,” Jongdae joked, shuffling down the long hallway and disappearing to do god knows what. Baekhyun had long since learned not to question Jongdae and his eccentric ways if he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of one of Jongdae’s drumsticks or rolled- up music scores. 

Baekhyun let out a deep breath and ran his fingers through his messy hair. It was summer break, but why did he feel so out of it? In his mind, he sarcastically thought that his tiredness could possibly have something due to the fact that he hadn’t had a good night's rest for the past three days, but he quickly squashes that thought.

Baekhyun climbed up a beautiful, winding staircase that gave a nice overview of the spacious living room and den, and retreated into the second door from the right.

His room was always his own little safe haven, away from the craziness of his large and boisterous family, and the pale yellow walls were always a place he could scribble out a few lines of melody and sing to his heart’s content on account of his soundproof walls. 

Recently, though, it seemed the only thing inviting about it was his bed, beckoning him to avoid his laptop at all costs and sleep his worries away. 

Ignoring the little devil on his shoulder, Baekhyun let out a deep breath, his cheeks puffed like a pufferfish. He grabbed the sleek laptop from off his desk and nestled himself at a corner where the foot of his bed met the wall. Surrounded by plushies and fluffy pillows, Baekhyun opened his laptop, where a glowing white document immediately popped up.

Baekhyun stared at the lines of unanswered black prompts, watching the cursor disappear and reappear like a taunting ghost mocking him, whatcha gonna write, idiot? Huh? Do it. You won’t. Idiot. 

It was true. Baekhyun did feel like an idiot. The deadline for the application was fast approaching too, almost like the grim reaper of music students. If Baekhyun was this stressed just applying for a way in, how on earth was he going to survive actually being in it?

Like the soundtrack to Baekhyun’s life, a shrill screech rang from downstairs. He sighed heavily and got up from his cozy little corner, already feeling a dull, throbbing pain in his temples. 

Downstairs, he was met with the sight of the two boys, Sehun clearly upset and on the verge on tears, Jongin looking equally as frustrated, although if not a bit exasperated as well.

And it looked like the dark wooden floor around them was shining with something slick and…. Oily?

Baekhyun tried to keep his calm from the bottom of the stairs and held onto the banister for support as he pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to quell his headache.

“Sehun. And Jongin. I- what…. What is on the floor?” Baekhyun spluttered out, at a total loss for words. He did not have time, nor patience, to be babysitting the brats right now. And now that he thought about it, when was the last time he had a moment to himself? When was the last time he even ate?

“W-we just thought that, um, maybe i- it would be…” Jongin glanced at Sehun, who glared back, “um we thought that it would be fun to, like, make an indoor slip ‘n slide.” 

“Jongin pushed me and I hurt my elbow!!” Sehun yelled, and aggressively presented said elbow to Baekhyun, who took one look at it and knew that it wasn’t so much the elbow, but Sehun’s pride that was hurt.

Baekhyun stared incredulously at the two. “A slip ‘n slide? Out of oil? Indoors? Are you two crazy?” Upon hearing their older brother’s voice rise higher and higher in pitch in volume, the twins seemed to shrink into themselves, head down and shoulders hunched.

“And Jongin, why have you been so problematic lately? You and Sehun are brothers- you should be nicer to each other,” Baekhyun sighed, swallowing hard when a wave of dizziness swept over him. He stumbled slightly, but managed to stagger right into a spot of slick oil, and immediately took a nosedive to the ground, his flailing arms doing little to support his falling body as his head bounced off the wooden floor and he remained there, still and unmoving. 


The twins watched all this happen with wide eyes filled with fear and concern. Ever the more fearless one, Jongin immediately went to his older brother’s side, poking his cheek and watching as his head lolled to the side. The younger boy peered down at Baekhyun’s chest for a good couple seconds, observing intently for any signs of life.

Behind him, Sehun audibly gulped and asked the burning question, “I- is he…. Dead?” The twin almost whispered the last word out. 

The air was filled with tension and apprehension, thick enough to be cut with a knife, as Sehun awaited the answer.

Jongin suddenly straightened up, shot one fist into the air and cheered, “He’s alive!” Sehun let out a loud sigh of relief before collapsing in the couch behind him.

“What do we do now though? He could be hurt…” Sehun piped up.

“I don’t know,” Jongin shrugged, suddenly nervous again. 

The two twins practically shared the same brain. Neither one of them wanted to call for help from any of their family members- it would only expose the fact that they were technically responsible for Baekhyun’s fall. But was there really any other choice?



Baekhyun groaned. His mouth felt like it was filled with sand and his body ached as if he had been stuck in the same position for a while. Not to mention he felt like there was a tiny drummer on the inside of his head that was banging on it over and over. 

Rubbing his eyes sleepily, he managed to keep them open long enough to stare blearily into the two large faces currently peering at him with big doe eyes.

“BAEK!!” Two loud voices practically sang his name and suddenly Baekhyun felt himself being enveloped by way too many limbs.

“Hey, hey, let’s give him some room, huh?” A third voice to his right chided in and that’s when Baekhyun realized he was in his own room. How he got there was still a blur, but as he looked around the bed, he saw not just Sehun and Jongin, but his parents, Jongdae, even Chanyeol, who he thought had been away at his internship three hours away.

“W- what’s going on?” Baekhyun stuttered, utterly and thoroughly confused. His parents, Kris and Junmyeon, smiled warmly, albeit a tad concerned, at him and Junmyeon rested a hand on his blanket- covered legs.

“Looks like a certain pair of little devils got up to a little too much fun today. You took a pretty bad fall so we rushed back as fast as we could to make sure you were alright. Don’t worry,” Junmyeon smiled and brushed a hair out of Baekhyun’s face. “Nothing a good rest and some painkillers can’t fix.”

“We’re so sorry Baekhyun!” The guilty culprits buried themselves into Baekhyun, one burrowed on each side of him. 

“I was originally here just for the weekend as a little surprise. Just good timing I guess,” Chanyeol piped up from the back and winked at Baekhyun, much to the exasperated scoff of Jongdae, who rolled his eyes at the older brother’s antics.

It was at that moment, even with his throbbing headache, and two noisy spawns of satan blubbering incoherent apologies into his sides, that Baekhyun felt more warmly enveloped with love and gratitude for his family than ever. It was just the boost of encouragement he needed, especially after all the stress of applications. 

“Need anything? Water? Tylenol? For one of these guys to disappear?” Kris joked, tickling the back of Jongin’s neck, much to the annoyed whines of the youngster. 

“No,” Baekhyun chuckled and wrapped his arms around his brothers. “I think I have everything I need here.”

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also cross- posted on archiveofourown ! (ps. im also more active on there hehe)


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ReadRealize #1
Chapter 8: xing is so sweet