in which jisoo is a mess

don’t let go of me (stay with me)

jisoo kim @kimchikin

“Either I have slipped out of your head, or you adore some fellow more instead.”



seulgi kang @seulripper

@kimchikin is that from a sad movie


jisoo kim @kimchikin

@seulripper it’s from sappho, you uncultured swine


seulgi kang @seulripper

@kimchikin of course you know sappho, you gay nerd


jisoo kim @kimchikin

@seulripper takes one to know one


“Why did you let them get to this point,” Jennie asks Irene around a sigh. She shrugs off her jacket, flinging it on the back of Jisoo’s couch, as if it belongs there.

“I’m here to make sure they don’t get liver cancer, not to supervise every sip they take,” Irene retorts.

“Drink with us, unnie!” Lisa says—or yells, more like—and Jennie grimaces.

“Nah, I’m good.” She sits beside Jisoo, who looks at her with wide, if slightly unfocused, eyes. Maybe that last shot of soju wasn’t a very good idea. “You didn’t wake me up when you dropped by earlier.” Jennie stares at her questioningly, an eyebrow cocked.

Her brown eyes are so pretty, especially this close. They remind Jisoo of a good bottle of whiskey, the kind of drink her mom gave her once, just to laugh at how buzzed she ended up being after a glass. It’s a warm kind of buzz, Jisoo remembers—thrilling like a game played in the night, compelling like the mystery novels she liked to read.

And she also probably has been staring at Jennie for an uncomfortable amount of time, and she should also probably say something, because Jennie asked a question and is expecting a response. But Jisoo’s tongue feels heavy in , and feels like it’s as dry as a desert, and how does one formulate words, anyway, when faced with such perfection?

Gosh, I’m not drunk enough for this.

Luckily for her, Jennie interprets her silence differently, huffing before muttering, “Jeez, you’re too far gone, aren’t you?”

Far enough for this to be extremely painful, yes, you beautiful, dense idiot, Jisoo thinks rather grumpily. “Hmm?” is what she manages instead.

Jennie shakes her head exasperatedly then shoots a glare at their friends. “Just how much did you have to drink?”

“Enough to forget,” Rosé offers absently, making a pyramid out of soju bottlecaps, not noticing Seulgi, Irene, and Jisoo stiffen.

Jennie tips her head to the side. “Forget what?”

Lisa hums. “Forget that Jisoo-unnie is in l—Yah!

She gets cut off when Irene grabs her , and Seulgi falls off the couch laughing.


“Sorry,” Irene says, not looking sorry at all, “it just looked so fluffy.”

“You’re such a ,” Jennie says, chuckling.

“She’s my ,” Seulgi proudly proclaims, and Irene kisses her on the cheek.

Jennie scrunches her nose. “That’s not weird at all.”

“What’s weird,” Jisoo finally finds her voice, “is you not telling your best friend that you’ve got yourself a girlfriend.” She hopes she sounds normal drunk, not normal homicidal, because that’s just bad and not something she needs right now. She’s supposed to be supportive of her best friend.

“It’s never the right time,” Jennie answers simply.

“How difficult is it to slip that fact in during our calls?” Jisoo doesn’t even know why it bothers her so much. Well, she knows, but acknowledging and knowing are two different things.

“I didn’t want to tell you over the phone. And we spent the time talking about other stuff that it just felt weird to suddenly blurt it out.” Jennie shrugs. “Well, anyway, now you know.”

“Yeah,” Jisoo mumbles, low enough that no one hears, “now I know.”


jisoo kim @kimchikin

robb stark followed his heart and died. the lesson is simple: don’t follow your heart or you’re gonna die. painfully.


Three days later, Seulgi takes Jisoo to a party because she’s tired of Jisoo’s moping.

(“I can’t have you going on Game of Thrones marathons anymore, it’s too disturbing. It’s honestly ruining my chi,” Seulgi told her, arms crossed over her chest, and Jisoo snorted.

“You don’t even know what chi is.”

“That is so not the point. The point is all the screaming and the gory scenes are bad for my mental health, and seeing as you look like hell warmed over, it’s bad for yours too.”

“You don’t even live here!”)

Anyway, there’s really no arguing with Seulgi once she got her mind set on something, and Jisoo is admittedly not in the right mind to do anything about it, anyhow.

Jisoo doesn’t remember much about the party itself—aside from it being too loud, too sweaty, too much—but she wakes up wrapped up in a large knitted blanket, a horde of horses stampeding in her head.

She blinks herself awake when she hears pained groaning beside her. She looks up; with the faint sunlight shining through the curtains, she sees a poster of the Beatles tacked on a wall, and deduces that she must have ended up in Lisa and Rosé’s dorm room somehow.

There’s another pained groan, and she turns to look. The world spins and she kind of wants to throw up.

Seulgi is sprawled on the floor to her left, an arm flung over her face.

Someone turns on the light, and Jisoo shuts her eyes on instinct, covering her face with both hands. “Ugh. Turn it off,” she says, grumbling. is parched, and her breath is probably terrible.

“Sorry.” That’s Rosé’s voice, timid and scratchy with sleep. She flicks off something, hopefully the switch. “Wait. What are you doing in our dorm?”

Jisoo peeks between her fingers, relieved that the light is off. “Don’t know,” she mumbles.

“Are you . . .” Rosé ambles closer, hovers above them, and takes a sniff. She winces. “You smell like a brewery.”

Jisoo turns around, buries herself into the blanket. “Hngg.”

“Does Irene-unnie know about this?”



“Ugh, shuddup.” Seulgi grunts. Her voice is muffled. “No talking.”

Rosé sighs. “I’m getting reinforcements,” Jisoo hears her mumble, before sleep comes back to reclaim her.


The next time Jisoo wakes up, the room is remarkably brighter, and a pillow is shoved beneath her head. The stampeding horses in her head have been reduced to, well, still horses, but this time they’re prancing in the woods instead.

“Well, well, look who’s back in the land of the living.”

Jisoo blearily opens her eyes and sees Seulgi’s smug face looming over her. “I hate you.”

Seulgi merely chuckles. “Now, now, let’s not make such extreme decisions while hungover, yeah?”

“Just shut up, Seulgi,” Irene says, and Jisoo notices her imperiously nestled on a couch. “This is your fault anyway.”

“Hey,” Seulgi protests with a pout, “I wasn’t the one who made her drink.”

“True.” Irene nods. Then she fixes Jisoo with one of those “I’m extremely disappointed in you” stares that makes her feel about five years old and caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “And you should have known better than to get drunk without someone sober to drag your asses home.”


“You should be.” Irene glares at Seulgi too. “And I’m still mad at you. You’re supposed to be the responsible one.”

“You do know you’re like, 90 percent of my impulse control, right?” Seulgi asks, looking at Irene in that way that Jisoo just knows never fails to melt Irene’s heart.

There’s a beat of silence, and Irene groans. “You’re such an idiot.”

“An idiot you love,” Seulgi sing-songs.

Jisoo rolls her eyes. They’re cute, yeah, no doubt about that, and she loves them both, but still it makes her want to puke. That might be the hangover talking though. “Go be disgusting somewhere else.”

“You can’t kick us out, this isn’t even your place.”

“You know,” comes Rosé’s amused voice, “Lisa and I could kick you all out if we want.”

Jisoo rolls to her side to stare at Rosé, who is standing by the kitchen threshold with a tray of . . . something. It smells nice. Jisoo squints. “Sure,” she says, deadpan.

Seulgi snorts. “You’re much too good to do that.”

“Now I feel like doing it just out of principle.” Rosé pouts. “You think we couldn’t?”

“Not that you couldn’t,” Irene points out, “but you wouldn’t. Because you love us.”

Rosé sighs, but it is a fond, if slightly exasperated, sound. “I feel very abused.”

“Your unnies love you very much, Chaeng,” Seulgi says.

“Your unnies are helpless without you, is what she meant to say,” Irene says.

“Please feed me,” Jisoo says.

Rosé sighs again. She settles down on the sofa, settling the tray on her lap. “You’re such a mess, unnie.”

At that, Seulgi laughs. Jisoo wants to strangle her. “Tell me something I don’t know, kid.”

“Well,” Rosé starts, not meeting her gaze, and Jisoo’s interest is piqued, “Jennie-unnie called. She wants to know where you are since she checked your apartment and you’re not there, obviously. And your phone’s not ringing either. She sounded super worried.”

“Oh.” Jisoo swallows. She feels lightheaded. “That, I didn’t know.”

Irene laughs, gently frustrated, and throws a pillow at her face.




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sorry for the long. here ya go.

thoughts? :))


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sweetaswholes #1
Chapter 5: waaaait this was so good i'm so sad it's abandoned. if you need a sign to pick this back up again, this is it =]
We're still here. :)
16nator #3
Chapter 5: oh wow i just found out abt this and can i just say that i am in love with how you write SHJSHDH last part was such a cliffhanger i hope you can still update this huhu thank you for this!
KittenThief #4
This fic always cracks me up! The despair of Jisoo is hilarious!
Hope you can update soon!
kwonjess13 #5
Chapter 5: im dying to know what jenchu are gonna talk abt i hope jen broke up with lee hi because my heart could not take the angst anymore. heheh
kwonjess13 #6
Chapter 4: THERE THE IT GOES. same irene, just, wtf just happened jensoo fight like a couple idk if i should be happy or tensed
kwonjess13 #7
Chapter 3: jen is worried JEN IS WORRIED! am i too idiotic to hope????
kwonjess13 #8
Chapter 2: seulgi is a gem and im sad again my heart dropped just like jichus
kwonjess13 #9
Chapter 1: oh NO