
Expect the UNexpected

After hours of practice , i decided to take a break . I took a glance in my phone to check the time . 8pm . Oh .. WHAT? 8 already ? i gasped , nearly spitting out your drink . 

I went out and took a walk around the neigborhood . *sniffsniff* something smells yummy . DUKBOKKI ! i screamed in my head . I skipped gleefully to the stand . I was about to take some when someone else grabbed the chance in front of me . I instantly give the person a glare . I was hungry okay ? "Yah !--" i turned to that person , it was no other than Minwoo's dark haired twin friend . "Oh ! Hi ." I took a step back . He raised an eyebrow . "What're you doing here?" he asked . "I came to buy dukbokki , I'm staaarvinngg !" I exaggerated on the word 'starving' . I bought some for oppa too . In case he's already home . 

After paying for the delicious yummy snack , "Bye ...umm, Kwangmin right?"  I waved at him . And continued skipping . On the way , my awesome legs suddenly get so un-awesomely tangled . I was already leaning to the floor . Then , i felt a pair of hands around my waist . It was Kwangmin , i think...

"Uhm , thanks for saving me from hi five-ing the floor with my face ." I said , then we walked together . 

As i was walking to my house , we walked by Minwoo's . I stopped , and looked at Kwangmin . "Well...?" i said , raising an eyebrow . He looked at me confused , i turned my head to point the house and looked at him back . "Oh , i thought i'd walk you home , but since you don't mind that i guess i'll go now ." he said , "Yah , Jo Kwangmin , no need to walk me home , i'm a tough girl , with a second level blue belt in taekwondo !" I said , fist in the air .

A few second passed , standing with my fist in the air pose , i waitd for a reply . "YAH , JO KWANG--" i turned and nobody was behind me . Pssh , not even a goodbye . Meh , no worries . I'm a tough girll ! I was about to walk out but something hits my neck , it was a small pebble , i turned around , about to yell like crazy , then i saw a paper made leaf ,  Goodnight ! :) -The FLOOR it wrote . I smiled , "Well then goodnight to you too , Floor !" I yelled back . It's a lucky thing that no one was there .

I was walking slowly then i realised it was late and i began running like there was no tomorrow . 

As i was about to arrive , i was welcomed with a ; "YAH LEE _________ . WERE YOU ?! I WAS WORRIED SICK , YOU BABO !" Sunjong oppa standing there yelling madly . "SHH ! WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO ? WAKE UP THE WHOLE WORLD WITH YOUR VOICE?" I yelled back . "By the way i was stopping for some dukbokki on the way home . And--" "WHAT? Dukbokki? Gimme!" He demanded . "THERE !" i replied , slightly annoyed with him . "And then--" i continued  , but he wasn't listening , he was just too busy eating those dukbokki . "Eish , this kid.." I said , "Mwoh ? Kid ? Seriously ? " he said , continueing feisting the snack .

"I'm going to bed~" I mumbled , Sungjong oppa just nodded . 


Hmm another day ~ i thought .

As usual , after breakfast , i went to grandma's and grandpa's . I'd help them 'till noon to do some chores , but it was weird not hearing any of that talkative Minwoo's voice . "Grandma , where are they ?" i asked after cutting some veggies with grandma . "They're out at the park i think.." grandma said . Oh...

"Bye grandma , grandpa , " I said , waving at them and went to the park , to check on them .

"WHHOOOOO ! They're awesome !" I heard some crowd cheering . Hmm , what's going on? I wondered...

I walked to the crowd and went to the front of the crowd , seeing what the crowd was cheering for , clearly . "No fair !" I said , softly enough for everybody not to hear . It was Minwoo and the twins doing some street dancing. I was watching them dance , angrily , suddenly i realised , i was smiling at them . I was watching thm one by one , when my eyes met with Kwangmin's he smiled ! My smile turned to a wider smile . "WOOO ~" I cheered with the crowd . 

When they're done , i went up to them and smacked Minwoo's head . "Naughty boy! You're cheating !" I said. "Ouch ! What ? Cheating ?" he said with an innocent look on his face . "Oh shut up , you do know we're making the audience as our judge ! Now you're just bribing them !" I said back . He just giggled . "Hey , lets go get some ice-cream , Minwoo's treat !" I said . Minwoo's face turned pale . "Nope , i'm not treating anybody ~" he said . "No worries , i'll pay.." Youngmin said . "WOOHOOO~!" I exclaimed , "I think I'm getting used to be friends with you two ~" I said , jumping up and down . 

"Vanilla with chocolate sprinkles PLEASE !" I said to Youngmin . "Okay , I feel like taking care of a little sister you know?" he said , turning to Minwoo . He just ruffled my hair . "Hey , what's the time now?" I asked them , "Hmm , 3 o'clock . Why?" My eyes widened , "Three? Oh NO! Well then see ya , and Youngmin , thanks for the ice cream , bye ~! " I said , leaving them three and went to the studio . It's 3.20 , good thing those boys aren't here !  "YOU BRAT! WHERE DID YOU GO AND NOT LEAVING ANY NOTE LEFT ? WHY ARE YOU SO LATE , LATELY?" he nagged . I giggled at the 'LATE LATELY' part . 

"Whatever , " Myungsoo said , "C'mon ____-ah , let's leave Sunjong alone and start " he said with a -.- face .

"Alright , here we go~" i started the music and began . 


A few weeks passed and I've been practicing so hard my legs started to hurt a bit . 

As usual , i'd stay up late practicing the part . I packed up and start my journey home , knowing it was already so late . I skipped my way down the road , then i felt a little pain on my ankle . I just ignored it at first and continued skipping . Suddenly when my feet touches the ground , the painest pain you could've imagine felt on your ankle shot to you . I practically screamed in pain . I fell on the ground , i broke my ankle i thought . I'm gonna be doomed forever ! I yelled in my head . 

"Uhm , ______?" someone patted my shoulder , i turned my back and saw Minwoo and his friends behind me . 'Oh , thank god you guys are here , help me up ?" I gave a 'pweety pwease' look on Minwoo . It didn't affect him , but it does on the twins. "Why're you guys helping her?" he asked . "It's obvious , " Kwangmin said , "she's injured.."Youngmin continued . He gave them an are-you-serious look . "Seriously , Minwoo , I can't walk . My ankle starts to hurt real bad . I thought i could be doomed to not walk forever !" I said . "alright , let's go to the clinic to check on her ." he said , leading the trail .

Th doctor said that i don't need to do hard work , my ankle is , i don't know , stressed? I need to relax somehow . Good thing the dance off is still a few weeks away ~ . But i need to practice more ! I need to take care of myself better .

I told Sungjong and Myungsoo oppa of what happened and since Sungjong's not staying at my place tonight and Hoya oppa's taking forever to come back , i stayed at Minwoo's , as usual . It was normal , except the fact that there are another two boys here . Good thing grandma and grandpa has another extra room . I evil laughed inside my head . 

I awkwardly make way to the room after wishing them good night  and slept .

*********(2 weeks later)**********

My ankles got better and i started practicing . The dance off is 2 days to go and I'm feeling overly excited and of course nervous ! 

I wish Hoya oppa's here ~ he always knew what to do to calm me down . I grabbed my phone and tried to call him for the hundredth time and still , no answer . That oppa's really gonna get it from me ! i yelled inside . 

-Yah ! Hoya oppa , where are you? You alright ? You do know the dance off is 2 days to go , right ? Come back soon ! Sungjong oppa's already missing you !

I waited for the reply , but knowing him it will be forever since he'd reply . So , getting bored sitting on the bed staring at the ceiling , i went to sleep .

*********(The day of the dance-off)***********

We went to set up some things around the park , the participants weren't just me crew and Minwoo's . Some of the Infinite's decided to join and of course the next neighborhood dancers came to join the fun . It's a while since i last saw them . "Onew oppaaa !" I yelled from the stage , seeing them coming to the place . "_________-aaaah!" he yelled back and ran towards me . "So mean , not bothering to call me over , eh ?" Key oppa said . I just stuck my tongue out . 'Yah , kiddo . Think ya can win this year?" Minho oppa asked . "Yes ! I've been practicing real hard for this !" I said "Mwehehe , i think we can still easily beat you off." Taemin oppa said . "Pftsh ! Yah , Lee Taemin ! Since when did you became rude?" I scoffed at him . "Look who's talking , she called me by name ! That's rude ! Oppa's hurt.." he said , whimpering like a child . I just rolled my eyes at him , "Alright , sorry oppa.." he smiled back and hugged me . I just laughed at him while trying to push him away . 

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