Lip Drunk


No matter how much he tries, Jihoon just couldn't forget the taste of his first kiss. Oddly enough, Kwon Hyeop kisses just the same way. © Wanna One Prompts (@WannaOnePrompts)



I'm still busy in academics so I don't basically have the time to continue my stories, so again a continuation of my Produce 101/Wanna One one shots and I'm seriously a dying fan of Jihoon/Hyub ship so even though they are dead (LIES! Hyub posted his pic with Jihoon a couple of weeks ago) I still want to love them whole heartedly.

Again, I give full credits to Wanna One Prompts (@WannaOnePrompts) for the idea, their tweets inspire me a lot in writing. Please follow their twitter account and enjoy their prompts. Sadly you guys might be dissapointed but I'll accept any constructive criticism you say so comments matter. 



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trinity06 #1
Chapter 1: Hello, I love it!
Thank you fro write it! <3