Drunk. END

Lip Drunk

One-Shot Wanna One Prompt | Park Jihoon x Kwon Hyub | 

★ ★ ★

          Talk about drinking, Jihoon woke up with a massive headache and a sore body. He must've drank too much last night although it was technically illegal for him to. He reminded himself to kill Seongwoo later as he was the reason of why he feels like trash as of the moment. He forced himself up taking another mental note to thank Jinyoung for dropping himto his apartment coz he swears he could've died last night if he were going home alone. Heating up some water, he took his cup noodles from the cupboard. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Jihoon dragged himself towards the door and was about to smash the devil by it but he was only greeted by his bestfriend Kwon Hyub. "Wow you look like trash,"Kwon Hyub commented as he saw Jihoon. A messy bed hair, close to blood shot eyes, huge eye bags and swallowed lips. Though Kwon Hyub made a mental note not to mention Jihoon's lips but he kinda felt a bit nervous? He didn't really know exactly. "Well thank you for the compliment douche bag, now get inside I'm cooking my ramen," Jihoon snapped and winced slightly because of his head ache. "Ah~ yes, the feeling of underaged drinking with a hint of hatred towards Ong Seongwoo," Kwon hyub chuckled, dragging a huge plastic bag inside. "Skip the ramen, I'll cook you a hangover soup, now drink this so your head ache will stop, get an ice pack and rest at the sofa," Hyub said as he gave Jihoon some medicines, Jihoon smiled in glee, "Life saver," he said and skipped to his kitchen to get some water and ice. "Thank Jinyoung, he was the one who told me about your drinking manifesto," Hyub stated. He went to the kitchen as well to prepare for the hangover soup.

Hyub has such great cooking skills whenever he's in the mood, if Jihoon can compare, Hyub's cooking is way better than Woojin's but he'd keep that to himself. Waiting at the living room, he slumped in his sofa holding an ice pack on his head. Slowly his headache was long forgotten, now it was time for him to "try" and remember what he done last night that made him feel like .



          "Park Jihoon! You're here!" Seongwoo cheered as he gets Jihoon from the door and dragged him to the kitchen. Ong and Kang'shouse are now filled with strangers and a few people he knows partying at the said house. The kitchen is only exclusive for their closest friends so it was really easy to find these people. Hyungseob and Woojin are basically close to being wasted coz Woojin was in his 3rd state which is hugging the lights of Hyungseob and crying for random reasons like how the cockroach died or something. Jinyoung was still reasonable, not even close to being tipsy although he already drank half of his bottle. Seongwoo went to Daniel after he 'lowkey' shoved Jihoon into the kitchen. "Yah! Park Jihoon!" Jinyoung shouted calling him over which he obliged. "How many bottles have you drank Jinyoung?" Jihoon asked judging about how loud Jinyoung is. "Half a bottle,one bottle and it's enough. I know I'm incharge of taking all of you home," he stated and finished the whole bottle after. "Knock yourself out," he winked and moved around. Jihoon shook his head and sat at the counter. He doesn't really want to drink but then Seongwoo came with a bottle of beer, "hold this for me for a sec," he said to Jihoon. Jihoon obliged but then "Okay that's yours now, drink. I ain't leaving here until you drink," Seongwoo said firmly, Jihoon contemplated but he thinks he needs to loosen up a bit considering all the academic stress and the fact that no on will technically scold him for drinking illegally since he isn't legal by age yet, he drank a sip. "Good, if you need more just go get it on the fridge," he said and went to god knows where.

Jihoon continued finishing his first bottle and stood up. Feeling a little bit dizzy he made his way to the fridge to take another bottle of beer. Suddenly his phone buzzed, a message from their professor that they have additional work for the weekend, this caused Jihoon to just throw himself and ignore the message, drinking another bottle. He's in fact a person with low alcohol tolerance so after the second bottle he was extremely wasted and now randomly pushing people. Jinyoung shook his head from the distance and enjoyed whatever Jihoon was doing. After what seems to be and eternity, Jihoon was dragged to a random room by a random stranger, pinning hin on the door and kissing the lights out of him despite the odd taste of liquor. The scent of the stranger is oddly familiar but Jihoon can't put where he has smelt that scent since he was legitimately distracted with the soft shy yet hot kisses the stranger was giving, all those shy yet firm touches roaming around his body. Jihoon was quite inexperienced with all this, he was too shy to admit that this is infact his first kiss but he was excited yet eagerabout it, latching his hand on the latter's neck pulling him closer. After a heated session, the stranger pulled away. Jihoon can't recognize him due to the fact that his head is spinning and his eyes are blurry.

"Jihoon," the stranger said in a low-tone voice




"YAH! PARK JIHOON!" Hyub shouted making Jihoon jump from his seat, a loud thump can be heard around the apartment after Jihoon fell from the coach. A stiffled chuckle from Hyub sent Jihoon glaring at the elder. "You were to busy, I'm sorry," Hyub stated and laughed. After a short while he helped Jihoon who was groaning in pain. They both went to the kitchen to eat.

          "How much did you drink last night?" Hyub asked making Jihoon groan. "About two bottles," Jihoon stated taking a sip of the hangover soup. "I'm surprised you got that far, usually you're already drunk after one bottle," he teased. "Ah, but Hyub I remembered last night..." Jihoon started, Hyub stared at him, a bit flustered and stiff. "What about last night?" he carefully asked."Well, you do know that I haven't had my first kiss right?" he stated, Hyub nodded slowly trying to get what Jihoon was pointing out, "Wait don't tell me you just lost your first kiss while you were drunk last night," Hyub stated after the light bulb and laughed hysterically. Jihoon gaved him an unamused look with his legendary poker face, Hyun laughed more. "I can't believe the almighty ParkJihoon just lost his first kiss and can't even remember who it was," Hyub said wiping his imaginary tears and continued eating. Jihoon huffed and puffed turning into a flustered angry Jigglypuff but he ignores Hyub's laugh and proceed in eating.

          A week has passed and Jihoon can't seem to forget that kiss, everytime he closes his eyes he can feel those soft lips, the coffeescent and those shy touches. He can't forget that one time, that first kiss and it was unbearable to take it all to himself. Jihoon sulked the whole time in class because of those thoughts it frustrates him that he'll never knew who took his precious first kiss and possibly his heart, but it must've been the alcohol talking.

          A week had turned to months, 2 months to be exact and Jihoon was still stuck to that first kiss. Until one fateful day, Jihoon couldn't take it no more.

          It was Hyub and Jihoon's Friday routine to come over to Jihoon's apartment to play video games. After series of games, Jihoon stared at Hyub's smiling face. He doesn't know why but all he does was stare at him, from his eyes, nose, his gaze turns to Hyub's lips. Another wave of memories came as he stare at Hyub's lips. The scene from 2 months ago came in, even though he know it wasn't Hyub, he couldn't help it. Slowly and unintentionally he leans in. Forward he go, capturing those tempting sweet lips. He didn't noticed that Hyub was staring at him already. Jihoon blanked out when he felt those lips over his. '' he told himself after realizing that he is kissing his long-time bestfriend. He couldn't stop himself, he felt that this moment was right. Jihoon wanted to pull away and say it was a joke, but from the way his heart beats faster all he could think about is how he was madly inlove with Kwon Hyub. He felt stupid for not realizing it earlier, and he felt even more stupid about how he only thought of it now and how random his realization is.

He needs to stop himself from doing something even more stupid, but as soon as he was about to pull away, a strong arm s around his waist and cupped his cheeks. Hyub kissed back, kissing Jihoon even more passionate than just a touch of lips. He pulled Jihoon closer, Jihoon's lips ever so slightly.

Jihoon flipped, not because Hyub kissed back but how Hyub kisses him was oddly familiar. Then it hit him, those shy touches, that coffee scent and those soft lips. It was Hyub, it was Kwon ing Hyub who stole his first kiss.

Jihoon didn't notice that he was already in Hyub's lap until he pulled away, "Kwon Hyub, you're my first kiss?!" he exclaimed, looking like a tomato. Hyub smirked "Took you long enough Ji,"he replied and pulled Jihoon again and kissed him, Jihoon gasped and Hyub took advantage of it sliding his tongue in Jihoon's mouth devouring everything.

They had to breathe, they both reminded themselves and pulled away. Jihoon was as red as a tomato and the most reasonable thing to do is hide his face on Hyub's neck."Why didn't you tell me that it was you who took my first kiss?" He mumbled. Hyub chuckled, "Coz I had no intentions on having a black eye the next time I go to school. Now before you punch me or anything-" Hyub paused and looked at Jihoon, pecked his lips and spoke again, "I love you, now if you reject me then please just punch me for being a jerk at this point, but if you feel the-," Jihoon cut him off with a sweet chastekiss. "I love you too stupid, now shut up," Jihoon said and tackled Hyub cuddling with him.



A/N : It's sappy I know but I lack Jihoon x Hyub moment and Jihoon has already moved on with Guanlin so let my heart be!~~ xD 

I didn't really know how Jihoon ended up falling for Hyub so don't ask me xD. Nonetheless, Thank you for reading~!


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trinity06 #1
Chapter 1: Hello, I love it!
Thank you fro write it! <3