Chapter 2

Different Is Better

Chapter 2

Yasmine and Kari just got off the plane in Daegu, and were on their way to take a taxi to the train station, but, when they got outside of the airport, Yasmine noticed a familiar looking face.

“야스민! 나야! 여기, 여기!(Yasmine, It’s me! Over Here! Over Here!)” said the familiar looking person.

“재민 오빠! 여기서 뭐하는거야? (Oppa! what are you doing here?) " Yasmine said in Korean back to her oppa, JaeMin. JaeMin and Yasmine had been online buddies for a few years now. They had skyped many times and Yasmine and JaeMin were happy to finally see each other in person. JaeMin had offered to house Yasmine and Kari while they were in Korea.

“오빠는 우리가 영어로 얘기하자 그래서 내 친구가 우리를 이해할수 있도록 (Oppa, Let us talk in English so my friend can understand us)" Yasmine said to JaeMin

“Okay. Well, Kari, Sorry for my english, it is not all that great.” JaeMin said to Kari

“No No, Its fine. Dont worry about it. Its fine. I can understand you perfectly.” Kari said which are the first things she spoke to JaeMin.

“Okay, Thank You Kari. Well, Guys, Lets not stand here. Lets go to my house!” JaeMin said to Yasmine and Kari. JaeMin held the car door open for the two girls. Kari sat in the backseat as she thought it was more appropriate for Yasmine to sit in front with her Oppa. So, when Yasmine tried to sit in the back with Kari, Kari made her sit in the front.

“So, JaeMin Oppa, We need to convert our money to Won. Can you take us somewhere to do that?” Yasmine said to JaeMin as he was driving

“Yes, Okay. That sounds fine. I know where to go” JaeMin said back to her, making a quick U-Turn. About 15 minutes later and 3 more awkward conversations involving JaeMin and Kari, The three finally arrived at the money converting station. While Yasmine exchanged her 3400 dollars into 4036480.00 Korean won, and Kari exchanged her 1200 dollars into 1424640.00 Korean Won, JaeMin informed them that That combined would not really be enough to live off of for their stay. He informed them that they would need to find some other way to get money.

“Really? Well, Do you know anywhere we can get jobs?” Yasmine asked JaeMin

“Hmm, I do know of one place. But, I wont be able to get any more info on it until a few days, as my contact is away on vacation. That will be good for these few days. Lets go home! My sister made food for you guys!”

“Wow, thats so nice! She didn't have to do that!” Yasmine said to JaeMin as they headed back to his car.

“She wanted to. She said she never wants anyone to come and stay in our house Hungry.” Yasmine, Kari, and JaeMin finally arrived at JaeMin’s house 10 minutes later. When Yasmine and Kari walked into JaeMin’s house, they immediately took off their shoes. They learned from watching Kdramas. Once their shoes were off, they entered the house to the smell of Kimchi, Rice, and Beef.

“Woah, you guys didn't have to do this, really!” Kari said to JaeMin.

“이럴 필요 없습니다" Yasmine translated the sentence for JaeMin’s family. It seems like now, Yasmine is the translator for this entire family. All throughout the night, it was endless translating and laughs. Mostly laughs at Kari’s failed attempts to speak Korean. When it was finally nighttime in Korea, Yasmine and Kari tried to sleep, even though it was day time in america. Surprisingly, Yasmine and Kari were able to get sleep because they stayed up all “night”.

In the morning, When they woke up, JaeMin and his sister, SuMin took out the girls to the city. Its not really a city, but, it's the busiest part of Daegu. Seeing all the big buildings and all the people in the streets really had Yasmine and Kari taken aback. Eve though they had seen the buildings of korea from pictures and Kdramas, but they never really expected them to actually be this huge! JaeMin and SuMin were having so much fun taking the girls out. They shortly reached a coffee shop called Zoo Coffee. Zoo Coffee was a coffee shop Yasmine and Kari had seen in the drama “Nice Guy” Where The main lead’s sister had a Job. Yasmine had really wanted to be in the same place where Lee Kwang Soo had been. So, she was very happy. Yasmine ordered Iced Americano Coffee for 3 of them, and herself a Caramel Latte. Yasmine placed the orders to practice her Korean. When she got back to the table, JaeMin and SuMin had sad looks on there face.

“What is wrong with you guys?” Yasmine asked, as she cocked her head to the side and sat at the table.

“We are sorry Yasmine and Kari, we have to take care of our family business. We can take you back to the house first if you want?” JaeMin said to Yasmine

“Kari, Do you want to go back to the house? I mean, We can stay and just walk around?” Yasmine said to Kari

“Hm, Sure, Let’s do that. Thank you JaeMin-ssi and SuMin-ssi for bringing us here, but family is more important. So, go ahead and go!” Kari said to them.

“Ah, Thank You guys! We will see you later. We can pick you up later! Just text us when you are ready.” JaeMin said to Yasmine and Kari. As JaeMin and SuMin left the coffee shop.

Kari sat just sat watching others as it was so cool.

“At the time where subtitles would come in handy would be in real life.” she muttered to herself. she found it a bit weird since some people in the coffee shop were pointing in there direction.

“Hey Yasmine, Are you okay with us walking around now? I feel very weird with all the stares…”

“Calm Down Kari, we’re Americans, we’ll get those stares no matter where we go. Just embrace it. Maybe, you’ll find a nice korean Oppa!” Yasmine said to Kari as they started to get up from the table and walk outside.

“An Oppa? Hmm maybe, like really I don’t know. Cause in the dramas it would be like, yes be my Oppa, but now that we are actually here I feel very weird.” Kari rants on before looking down at her phone.

“Eh, To be honest, meeting JaeMin for the first time, I felt really excited and I felt really like, embarrassed too. I don’t know. I feel as though my korean isn’t as great as i thought it would be.” Yasmine said before looking down at her phone “But, Kari! I can’t believe it's you! I can’t believe were actually meeting.”Yasmine said as she linked arms with Kari

“Haha, I know! It's so crazy. I really can’t even believe we’re here right now!” Kari said to Yasmine as they were walking down the streets of Daegu arms linked.

“Like- “ Kari stopped what she was saying as she saw a little Ddeokbokki shop. “Yasmine! WE must have SPICY RICE CAKES.” She said happily forgetting about the weird stares they got.

“Go ahead. I mean, I don't eat spicy food, but, you know, have some fun!” Yasmine said to Kari as when Kari walked into the Ddeokbokki shop. Kari was about to walk up to the counter before grabbing for her little coin purse.


“Ugh, Yasmine I left my coin purse either back at home or in Zoo Coffee. Can't even order anyways without being able to speak it correctly.”

“Oh Yeah, thats right. Haha, and, anyway, I don’t think we should spend out money on the ddeokbokki, but, why don’t we make some? Im sure SuMin knows how to make some? I think it would be great, Homemade ddeokbokki and we don’t spend money! Oh, and what JaeMin said, we really need to try and find jobs.” Yasmine said to Kari as they stood in the middle of the street. Coffees in hand.

“Yeah, that sounds like something that would be cool and inexpensive. Sure, lets do that. But, SuMin and JaeMin are somewhere else, and we said we would be fine for the next few hours. So, what are we going to do?” Kari said

“Hmmm. Thats actually a good question. Well, I guess nothing to do but explore since we have no money.” Yasmine said as she looked around. She felt she was going to get a nosebleed just looking at the high buildings. “Kari, how about, we try and make some friends?”

“Uh, No thank you. I already can't speak korean for anything. You want me to try and do it to strangers? No thank you.” Kari replied

“Haha, Okay Kari.” Yasmine replied. After 3 hours of doing absolutely nothing, Yasmine and Kari’s feet were hurting, and they were hungry. JaeMin finally texted Yasmine on Kakao Talk.


박재민: 준비됬어? (Park JaeMin: Are you ready to be picked up?)

길영니: 네 오빠 (Gil YeongNi: Yes Oppa)

박재민: 알았어 , 내가 갈게  (Park JaeMin: okay. I'll be there)

길영니: 알았어 오빠. 기다리고있을께 (Gil YeongNi: Okay Oppa. I will be waiting)


Well, Kari, JaeMin is on his way. Let’s make it back to the coffee shop.” Yasmine told Kari and they started heading back to the coffee shop. After about 10 more minutes of walking, they finally made it. Just as they arrived, JaeMin pulled up.

“Where did you girls go?” He asked

“Oh, we just explored. But, Oppa, were really tired. And, we didn't have money. did SuMin cook? Because, if not, we will make food for everyone. We want to return the favor.” Yasmine told him

“Oh, well, She actually did cook. If I can be honest to you. We did not have a family emergency. We actually went home to cook for you guys again. SuMin wasnt very satisfied with what she made last night. So, she wanted to cook a full dinner.” JaeMin replied

“OH WOW! Thats so nice of her to do.” Kari exclaimed.

“It was nothing really. She enjoys cooking very much.” JaeMin said.

After getting into the car, and driving for about 20 minutes, the three made it back to JaeMin’s house.

“Yasmine, Kari, please while you're here, this is your home!” JaeMin said

“Oh Wow, thank you so much. I cannot express how grateful i am to you that you opened up your home to me and my friend!” Yasmine said

“It’s really no problem. We’ve been talking for a while, and anything to help my american friends! “ JaeMin said.

“Ah, JaeMin Oppa, I'm really tired right now. I think after we eat, we will go to bed. I dont want to be rude, but, We are tired out from all the walking.” Yasmine said.

“Ah, Okay. It's fine. You may need to sleep anyway” He replied

“Yea, I’m tired, Sorry JaeMin-Ssi” Kari said

“Eat up. And go to bed. Oh, and My friend comes back to town in the morning. I will ask him about your jobs, and If he has anything for you guys.” JaeMin said

“Okay, Thank you!” Yasmine and Kari ate the food with JaeMin’s family, and then went to bed. Even though it was 6 in the afternoon. The girls were so jetlagged and so tired from the day’s adventures, they slept all through the rest of the day and most of the next days morning.


JaeMin woke them up finally to tell them that his friend had jobs that they could have. But, if they wanted to be paid lots of money, there would be some conditions.

“What are the conditions?” Yasmine asked half asleep

“Well, the conditions are, well, I should give you the job description first right. Well, The job is cleaning stadiums, and concert halls after kpop concerts. The conditions are that you would do the entire clean up job by yourselves if you want to make good money.” He replied. Kari and Yasmine looked at each other. Since they were sharing a blanket on the floor, which was their bed, they were both half asleep and had eye boogers in their eyes, and they scared one another when they looked at each other because they had been sleeping for almost 16 hours and they looked horrible.

“That sounds okay. Well, it depends on the size of the stadium/concert hall…” Kari told him

“Well, He says it's not a big one, but it held 2000 people? He says you will be cleaning up after Big Bang for the first job” He replied. Now Yasmine and Kari really looked at each other. The two girls really hated Big Bang. They thought the boys had no manners and they always did what they wanted to no matter what the consequences.

“Wait, are you saying, we have to clean up after Gdragon, T.O.P., Seungri, Daesung, and TaeYang and their 2000 fans? Plus their stylists? Really?” Yasmine said

“Yes, thats exactly what he is saying Yasmine.” Kari replied to her.

“He says the concert will be over in about an hour, so, he says you can start today. So, around 6 o’clock is when you should be at the concert hall to start working on the clean up job. He says everything will be provided for you. a supply of gloves, brooms, mops, walkie talkies for you two, and many more things that i can't even remember” JaeMin told the girls. “It's 4:30 now, so, hurry and eat, and get dressed and I will drop you off on my way to the gym.”

“Okay Oppa, Okay. Come one Kari 빨리 빨리. (Quickly, Quickly) “ Yasmine said once JaeMin left the room.

“Okay, Okay, Im coming, Im coming.” Kari said as she got untangled from all of the bed sheets and comforter.  “Yasmine, where are my pants? I cant seem to find them. Haha. I want to take a quick shower before I eat. "

“Kari, I don't know. Im having trouble even getting out of bed right now okay. Check under the dresser, or in the dresser. I dont know. Really. I'm just really pissed off right now that we have to clean Big Bangs concert hall after those VIPs. I really hate VIPs Kari. I really do. They think they're better than everyone else” Yasmine said just very angry as soon as she was awake fully.

“Eh, so do I. They think that EXO L's are not even worth anything because our Idols just came out.” Kari said as she finally found her pants which were under the dresser.

“I know what you mean. But, it’s good money. Yasmine, please, lets just do this today since we already have the job, and then, maybe we wont have to do it anymore. Who knows, maybe the next one we clean is an EXO concert. We don’t know what Korea has in store for us Yasmine. Calm down and breathe.” Kari said, brushing her hair to put into a bun. Yasmine was still sitting on the floor angry. Kari was beginning to get annoyed at Yasmine’s whining

“Kari, I’m not feeling so good about all of this tbh. Maybe we should go home?” Yasmine said, when she layed back down

Kari turned around quickly, so quick, Yasmine almost got Whiplash. “Are you crazy, I did not come all the way across the world to stay for 5 days and then leave because you didn't want to clean. Hell No. Now you get out of that bed, get dressed and go eat so we can go to work.” Kari said. Yasmine had never actually experienced this side of Kari before. She kind of liked it. Yasmine immediately got up, threw on her shorts a graphic T, and a long cardigan. She brushed her hair back in a high pony and she and Kari headed to the kitchen. Jaemin had told the girls that while they were there, they could help themselves to anything in the kitchen. So, the girls went to the kitchen and made sandwiches. Since, Yasmine barely ever really ate, and Kari wasnt that hungry, the sandwiches were enough to last them the day. Around the time they finished their sandwiches, the girl headed out to the address they were given. The address was of the place they were supposed to go to clean. When they got there, they were given passes to be allowed to go throughout the whole concert hall. Where they began to work

Chapter 2

Yasmine and Kari just got off the plane in Daegu, and were on their way to take a taxi to the train station, but, when they got outside of the airport, Yasmine noticed a familiar looking face.

“야스민! 나야! 여기, 여기!(Yasmine, It’s me! Over Here! Over Here!)” said the familiar looking person.

“재민 오빠! 여기서 뭐하는거야? (Oppa! what are you doing here?) " Yasmine said in Korean back to her oppa, JaeMin. JaeMin and Yasmine had been online buddies for a few years now. They had skyped many times and Yasmine and JaeMin were happy to finally see each other in person. JaeMin had offered to house Yasmine and Kari while they were in Korea.

“오빠는 우리가 영어로 얘기하자 그래서 내 친구가 우리를 이해할수 있도록 (Oppa, Let us talk in English so my friend can understand us)" Yasmine said to JaeMin

“Okay. Well, Kari, Sorry for my english, it is not all that great.” JaeMin said to Kari

“No No, Its fine. Dont worry about it. Its fine. I can understand you perfectly.” Kari said which are the first things she spoke to JaeMin.

“Okay, Thank You Kari. Well, Guys, Lets not stand here. Lets go to my house!” JaeMin said to Yasmine and Kari. JaeMin held the car door open for the two girls. Kari sat in the backseat as she thought it was more appropriate for Yasmine to sit in front with her Oppa. So, when Yasmine tried to sit in the back with Kari, Kari made her sit in the front.

“So, JaeMin Oppa, We need to convert our money to Won. Can you take us somewhere to do that?” Yasmine said to JaeMin as he was driving

“Yes, Okay. That sounds fine. I know where to go” JaeMin said back to her, making a quick U-Turn. About 15 minutes later and 3 more awkward conversations involving JaeMin and Kari, The three finally arrived at the money converting station. While Yasmine exchanged her 3400 dollars into 4036480.00 Korean won, and Kari exchanged her 1200 dollars into 1424640.00 Korean Won, JaeMin informed them that That combined would not really be enough to live off of for their stay. He informed them that they would need to find some other way to get money.

“Really? Well, Do you know anywhere we can get jobs?” Yasmine asked JaeMin

“Hmm, I do know of one place. But, I wont be able to get any more info on it until a few days, as my contact is away on vacation. That will be good for these few days. Lets go home! My sister made food for you guys!”

“Wow, thats so nice! She didn't have to do that!” Yasmine said to JaeMin as they headed back to his car.

“She wanted to. She said she never wants anyone to come and stay in our house Hungry.” Yasmine, Kari, and JaeMin finally arrived at JaeMin’s house 10 minutes later. When Yasmine and Kari walked into JaeMin’s house, they immediately took off their shoes. They learned from watching Kdramas. Once their shoes were off, they entered the house to the smell of Kimchi, Rice, and Beef.

“Woah, you guys didn't have to do this, really!” Kari said to JaeMin.

“이럴 필요 없습니다" Yasmine translated the sentence for JaeMin’s family. It seems like now, Yasmine is the translator for this entire family. All throughout the night, it was endless translating and laughs. Mostly laughs at Kari’s failed attempts to speak Korean. When it was finally nighttime in Korea, Yasmine and Kari tried to sleep, even though it was day time in america. Surprisingly, Yasmine and Kari were able to get sleep because they stayed up all “night”.

In the morning, When they woke up, JaeMin and his sister, SuMin took out the girls to the city. Its not really a city, but, it's the busiest part of Daegu. Seeing all the big buildings and all the people in the streets really had Yasmine and Kari taken aback. Eve though they had seen the buildings of korea from pictures and Kdramas, but they never really expected them to actually be this huge! JaeMin and SuMin were having so much fun taking the girls out. They shortly reached a coffee shop called Zoo Coffee. Zoo Coffee was a coffee shop Yasmine and Kari had seen in the drama “Nice Guy” Where The main lead’s sister had a Job. Yasmine had really wanted to be in the same place where Lee Kwang Soo had been. So, she was very happy. Yasmine ordered Iced Americano Coffee for 3 of them, and herself a Caramel Latte. Yasmine placed the orders to practice her Korean. When she got back to the table, JaeMin and SuMin had sad looks on there face.

“What is wrong with you guys?” Yasmine asked, as she cocked her head to the side and sat at the table.

“We are sorry Yasmine and Kari, we have to take care of our family business. We can take you back to the house first if you want?” JaeMin said to Yasmine

“Kari, Do you want to go back to the house? I mean, We can stay and just walk around?” Yasmine said to Kari

“Hm, Sure, Let’s do that. Thank you JaeMin-ssi and SuMin-ssi for bringing us here, but family is more important. So, go ahead and go!” Kari said to them.

“Ah, Thank You guys! We will see you later. We can pick you up later! Just text us when you are ready.” JaeMin said to Yasmine and Kari. As JaeMin and SuMin left the coffee shop.

Kari sat just sat watching others as it was so cool.

“At the time where subtitles would come in handy would be in real life.” she muttered to herself. she found it a bit weird since some people in the coffee shop were pointing in there direction.

“Hey Yasmine, Are you okay with us walking around now? I feel very weird with all the stares…”

“Calm Down Kari, we’re Americans, we’ll get those stares no matter where we go. Just embrace it. Maybe, you’ll find a nice korean Oppa!” Yasmine said to Kari as they started to get up from the table and walk outside.

“An Oppa? Hmm maybe, like really I don’t know. Cause in the dramas it would be like, yes be my Oppa, but now that we are actually here I feel very weird.” Kari rants on before looking down at her phone.

“Eh, To be honest, meeting JaeMin for the first time, I felt really excited and I felt really like, embarrassed too. I don’t know. I feel as though my korean isn’t as great as i thought it would be.” Yasmine said before looking down at her phone “But, Kari! I can’t believe it's you! I can’t believe were actually meeting.”Yasmine said as she linked arms with Kari

“Haha, I know! It's so crazy. I really can’t even believe we’re here right now!” Kari said to Yasmine as they were walking down the streets of Daegu arms linked.

“Like- “ Kari stopped what she was saying as she saw a little Ddeokbokki shop. “Yasmine! WE must have SPICY RICE CAKES.” She said happily forgetting about the weird stares they got.

“Go ahead. I mean, I don't eat spicy food, but, you know, have some fun!” Yasmine said to Kari as when Kari walked into the Ddeokbokki shop. Kari was about to walk up to the counter before grabbing for her little coin purse.


“Ugh, Yasmine I left my coin purse either back at home or in Zoo Coffee. Can't even order anyways without being able to speak it correctly.”

“Oh Yeah, thats right. Haha, and, anyway, I don’t think we should spend out money on the ddeokbokki, but, why don’t we make some? Im sure SuMin knows how to make some? I think it would be great, Homemade ddeokbokki and we don’t spend money! Oh, and what JaeMin said, we really need to try and find jobs.” Yasmine said to Kari as they stood in the middle of the street. Coffees in hand.

“Yeah, that sounds like something that would be cool and inexpensive. Sure, lets do that. But, SuMin and JaeMin are somewhere else, and we said we would be fine for the next few hours. So, what are we going to do?” Kari said

“Hmmm. Thats actually a good question. Well, I guess nothing to do but explore since we have no money.” Yasmine said as she looked around. She felt she was going to get a nosebleed just looking at the high buildings. “Kari, how about, we try and make some friends?”

“Uh, No thank you. I already can't speak korean for anything. You want me to try and do it to strangers? No thank you.” Kari replied

“Haha, Okay Kari.” Yasmine replied. After 3 hours of doing absolutely nothing, Yasmine and Kari’s feet were hurting, and they were hungry. JaeMin finally texted Yasmine on Kakao Talk.


박재민: 준비됬어? (Park JaeMin: Are you ready to be picked up?)

길영니: 네 오빠 (Gil YeongNi: Yes Oppa)

박재민: 알았어 , 내가 갈게  (Park JaeMin: okay. I'll be there)

길영니: 알았어 오빠. 기다리고있을께 (Gil YeongNi: Okay Oppa. I will be waiting)


Well, Kari, JaeMin is on his way. Let’s make it back to the coffee shop.” Yasmine told Kari and they started heading back to the coffee shop. After about 10 more minutes of walking, they finally made it. Just as they arrived, JaeMin pulled up.

“Where did you girls go?” He asked

“Oh, we just explored. But, Oppa, were really tired. And, we didn't have money. did SuMin cook? Because, if not, we will make food for everyone. We want to return the favor.” Yasmine told him

“Oh, well, She actually did cook. If I can be honest to you. We did not have a family emergency. We actually went home to cook for you guys again. SuMin wasnt very satisfied with what she made last night. So, she wanted to cook a full dinner.” JaeMin replied

“OH WOW! Thats so nice of her to do.” Kari exclaimed.

“It was nothing really. She enjoys cooking very much.” JaeMin said.

After getting into the car, and driving for about 20 minutes, the three made it back to JaeMin’s house.

“Yasmine, Kari, please while you're here, this is your home!” JaeMin said

“Oh Wow, thank you so much. I cannot express how grateful i am to you that you opened up your home to me and my friend!” Yasmine said

“It’s really no problem. We’ve been talking for a while, and anything to help my american friends! “ JaeMin said.

“Ah, JaeMin Oppa, I'm really tired right now. I think after we eat, we will go to bed. I dont want to be rude, but, We are tired out from all the walking.” Yasmine said.

“Ah, Okay. It's fine. You may need to sleep anyway” He replied

“Yea, I’m tired, Sorry JaeMin-Ssi” Kari said

“Eat up. And go to bed. Oh, and My friend comes back to town in the morning. I will ask him about your jobs, and If he has anything for you guys.” JaeMin said

“Okay, Thank you!” Yasmine and Kari ate the food with JaeMin’s family, and then went to bed. Even though it was 6 in the afternoon. The girls were so jetlagged and so tired from the day’s adventures, they slept all through the rest of the day and most of the next days morning.


JaeMin woke them up finally to tell them that his friend had jobs that they could have. But, if they wanted to be paid lots of money, there would be some conditions.

“What are the conditions?” Yasmine asked half asleep

“Well, the conditions are, well, I should give you the job description first right. Well, The job is cleaning stadiums, and concert halls after kpop concerts. The conditions are that you would do the entire clean up job by yourselves if you want to make good money.” He replied. Kari and Yasmine looked at each other. Since they were sharing a blanket on the floor, which was their bed, they were both half asleep and had eye boogers in their eyes, and they scared one another when they looked at each other because they had been sleeping for almost 16 hours and they looked horrible.

“That sounds okay. Well, it depends on the size of the stadium/concert hall…” Kari told him

“Well, He says it's not a big one, but it held 2000 people? He says you will be cleaning up after Big Bang for the first job” He replied. Now Yasmine and Kari really looked at each other. The two girls really hated Big Bang. They thought the boys had no manners and they always did what they wanted to no matter what the consequences.

“Wait, are you saying, we have to clean up after Gdragon, T.O.P., Seungri, Daesung, and TaeYang and their 2000 fans? Plus their stylists? Really?” Yasmine said

“Yes, thats exactly what he is saying Yasmine.” Kari replied to her.

“He says the concert will be over in about an hour, so, he says you can start today. So, around 6 o’clock is when you should be at the concert hall to start working on the clean up job. He says everything will be provided for you. a supply of gloves, brooms, mops, walkie talkies for you two, and many more things that i can't even remember” JaeMin told the girls. “It's 4:30 now, so, hurry and eat, and get dressed and I will drop you off on my way to the gym.”

“Okay Oppa, Okay. Come one Kari 빨리 빨리. (Quickly, Quickly) “ Yasmine said once JaeMin left the room.

“Okay, Okay, Im coming, Im coming.” Kari said as she got untangled from all of the bed sheets and comforter.  “Yasmine, where are my pants? I cant seem to find them. Haha. I want to take a quick shower before I eat. "

“Kari, I don't know. Im having trouble even getting out of bed right now okay. Check under the dresser, or in the dresser. I dont know. Really. I'm just really pissed off right now that we have to clean Big Bangs concert hall after those VIPs. I really hate VIPs Kari. I really do. They think they're better than everyone else” Yasmine said just very angry as soon as she was awake fully.

“Eh, so do I. They think that EXO L's are not even worth anything because our Idols just came out.” Kari said as she finally found her pants which were under the dresser.

“I know what you mean. But, it’s good money. Yasmine, please, lets just do this today since we already have the job, and then, maybe we wont have to do it anymore. Who knows, maybe the next one we clean is an EXO concert. We don’t know what Korea has in store for us Yasmine. Calm down and breathe.” Kari said, brushing her hair to put into a bun. Yasmine was still sitting on the floor angry. Kari was beginning to get annoyed at Yasmine’s whining

“Kari, I’m not feeling so good about all of this tbh. Maybe we should go home?” Yasmine said, when she layed back down

Kari turned around quickly, so quick, Yasmine almost got Whiplash. “Are you crazy, I did not come all the way across the world to stay for 5 days and then leave because you didn't want to clean. Hell No. Now you get out of that bed, get dressed and go eat so we can go to work.” Kari said. Yasmine had never actually experienced this side of Kari before. She kind of liked it. Yasmine immediately got up, threw on her shorts a graphic T, and a long cardigan. She brushed her hair back in a high pony and she and Kari headed to the kitchen. Jaemin had told the girls that while they were there, they could help themselves to anything in the kitchen. So, the girls went to the kitchen and made sandwiches. Since, Yasmine barely ever really ate, and Kari wasnt that hungry, the sandwiches were enough to last them the day. Around the time they finished their sandwiches, the girl headed out to the address they were given. The address was of the place they were supposed to go to clean. When they got there, they were given passes to be allowed to go throughout the whole concert hall. Where they began to work

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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3