First Love: I loved you, Kim Han Bin (B.I)

Thanks, my boyfriends (ex).

Yuri, Hyeon, Yeon, and I have been best friends for a decade. We studied the same high school in Seoul. At that time, the four of us does everything together. We were rooting and cheering for the same idols, Super Junior. Of course, we have different bias. Otherwise, we would be quarreling non-stop Also, we crash either our school library or each other house to prepare ourselves for upcoming examinations.

To summarize, we did many activities together. To make a comparison, we were like a clover with four leaves. I always feel that we have lots of luck as a clique.

Until a very important day of Hyeon. I overslept… (I should stop watching dramas in the midnight…)

Panting, I dashed to school and rushed to our classroom. I opened the door roughly. “Who do you think you are? So what you are popular?! That doesn't give you the opportunity to hurt a girl’s heart with your harsh words!” I howled. Impulsively, I splashed the bottle of water on his face. “Scumbag!” I slammed the bottle on the table.

Fifteen minutes ago…

“Hyeon!” I called in concern. “I am so sorry that I am late today… I overslept…” I apologized.

However, Hyeon burst into tears and hugged me tightly. Her weight towered over mine and we fell onto the ground. “That Kim Han Bin was a meanie!” Yeon hissed. “How could he said something so bad to Hyeon?!” She added furiously.

Yuri sighed, “I don't even know how should I phrase it to sound less hurtful…”

I embraced Hyeon tightly. “What did he say?!” I probed impatiently.

Hyeon wiped her eyes and sniffed her nose. “I met Kim Han Bin in front of our school fountain…” She started.

At the fountain…

“Are you Park Hyeon?” Han Bin asked.

Hyeon breathes in and turned around. “Yes, I am Park Hyeon. Nice to meet you!” She smiles.

Gathering all of her courage, “I love you Kim Han Bin! I have been observing you since our first year and… You're so charming and kind hearted. You like to help people out…” Han Bin’s laughter hauled the confession. “Honestly, I don't know you and you sharing how superb I am. A piece of advice, stop immersing yourself in all those Korean dramas. It's fake. I am just a normal boy” He said.

Han Bin trailed, stopped and turned around. “You're not my type. Furthermore, there's vegetable stuck in between your teeth. It's ugly.” He pointed out.

Fifteen minutes later…

I went back to the empty classroom. Vexed. I sat in the chair, “revenge accomplished.” I declared.

Hyeon, Yeon, and Yuri looked at each other shocked. “Did you overdone what we agreed?” They questioned suspiciously. I glanced away, “I didn't even follow the plan…” I confessed guiltily. “I mean what kind of plan is that? Seducing him and ditch him afterward… The second I saw him I was boiling in anger.” I explained.

Hyeon softened and let out a smile. She hugged all of us. “Thank you all. You guys are the best!”

The next day, “Can I have a private conversation with you?” Han Bin demanded. “No.” I rejected.

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