
Cultivating Weeds

Rushing, rushing, rushing! Oh, I could really go for a big bowl of noodles right now. Mmm.... wait, NO! No distractions! I have to hurry, my manager is going to kill me!!

Jiseon just finished a performance with your girl group, and now she has to quickly change and rush to begin filming for an interview. Unfortunately, the costumes lately have been a bit tighter, so she decided to go on a diet. As is tradition, her meals lately have consisted of vegetables, fruits, and green tea.

Her stomach growls in reluctance as she quickly drains her half-cold tea and rushes to find the changing room. On the way, she sees her manager looking like she's trying to find something.


Manager: Jiseon!! Call me as soon as you have some free time! We have a sudden urgent change in plans for the upcoming award ceremony performance.


She nods her head in acknowledgment, since she doesn't have the time to stop. After changing, touching up makeup, and heading out to the group's van, a feeling of relief washes over her. One more event scheduled today before she finally gets to go home and fall onto her eagerly awaiting bed...

Suddenly, she's woken up by one of her group members. Apparently the van was comfy enough to sleep in. Everybody rushes out of the van and past the screaming fans that are only held back by a few security guards. Once safely inside the building, she rests for a moment before she have to hurry to get her makeup done and her clothes changed yet again. After that's finished, she has 3 minutes before she needs to go out, so she looks around for your phone to call her manager-- but of course today she left it at the dorm. She walks quickly through the hallways of the building she's in, mentally preparing answers to random questions that may be asked today.

Finally, she finds her manager waiting outside the room where the interview is to be held. She asks what the sudden change in performance arrangements is, but all she had time to say was...


Manager: "Turns out you guys are going to be performing with another boy group. We will be practicing with them every--"


before being cut off by the message to announce the start of the interview. She pushes Jiseon into the room, where everybody was waiting for her. A buzzer went off, signaling that the show was now on air.


Anhee: Heeeeello! This is Kim Anhee on All Things KPOP, and today we have a special guest--- the biggest rookie group of the year, ~~~!! 


The interview went smoothly enough, the group  was able to answer all the questions smoothly and respond accordingly. Most of the time, Jiseon didn't have to answer anything so she sat quietly, just nodding her heading every once in a while, until...


Anhee: So, a program of this years' awards ceremony was recently released online, and it has been revealed that you will be performing with Infinite! Sunny, how do you feel about this?


She wasn't sure how to respond. Infinite... Infinite... where have I heard that name before? 

Painful memories suddenly flooded her mind. The lack of food in her stomach caused to to start feeling dizzy. Forcing a smile, she pushed her thoughts aside.


Jiseon: I can't wait to begin rehearsal, and I hope our fans enjoy the performance even more than we enjoy performing.


And what an enjoyable performance it will be, Jiseon smirked in her mind. Especially if he's there.


Sungjong couldn't stay in bed any longer. It seemed as if he had been trying to sleep for hours. Finally, he pushed the covers off silently and crept out of the bedroom he shared. The hot weather was affecting everyone around Seoul, but the heat soon became unbearable for this maknae.

Cautiously, he walked out the the kitchen and grabbed a glass of ice water. Really, he wanted to dump it on himself and feel the coolness seep down to his toes. Smiling slightly, he imagined how the others would react when they found him standing in the kitchen giving himself a shower out of a glass. A shower! Maybe the cold running water would relax his mind.

He took a shower, even stood in the cool water for a few minutes, but afterwards he just felt awakened. With a sigh, he fell onto the couch and searched for the remote. Perhaps there would be re-runs from today's shows.

He flipped absent-mindedly, not expecting to find anything, but nonetheless searching. Presently, he found the channel that many people watched for updates on kpop news. Hearing his group's name, he immediately turned the volume up a few notches and searched the screen for who might be talking about him. His eyes landed on the words at the bottom of the screen right as he watched Sunny's answer. 

Her face, her reaction, and casually given response surprised him. Did he detect a hidden meaning behind her words?

Suddenly, Sungjong heard a door open. A figure appeared next to him on the couch and sat down with a sigh.


Sunggyu: You should turn that down. Some of us are trying to sleep. Not that we can, anyway, with this heat wave.

Sungjong: Hey, what was the name of the girl group we are performing with at the end-of-year awards ceremony?

Sunggyu: I think it was something like ~~~. Why?


Sungjong jumped, startled. Out of all the groups, of course it just HAD to be ~~~. 


Sunggyu: Hey, it's so late, it's beginning to get early. Let's try to rest while we can, ok?

Sungjong: I guess you're right. Especially if we're going to spend a lot of time practicing soon.


They went back to bed, finally feeling exhaustion overcome the heat.



The next day, Sungjong was awoken by surprised sounds of his groupmates. Apparently, something had been sitting outside of the dorm. Sleepily, he rolled out of bed and shuffled into the living room.

Sungjong: HEY! Don't you know some people are trying to--

His eyes widened. Sitting on the counter is a small, opened box. Beside it is a picture frame, containing a photo of three young children-- two boys, one girl-- smiling through the glass. It has been kept in perfect condition, unchanged except for a note inserted between the photo and the glass. The note reads:


"Rise and Shine. Nice weather we have today, looks like the SUN is coming out. See you at practice. ~Ji~"

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BanaTree #1
@AmazingAegyo haha thank you!! (: I guess I just got carried away there... Lots of ideas for the first chapter ^^;;
Also, I hope that it was clear that ~~~ is the group JiSeon is in /: I realized it can get kind of confusing because many other people use that as the name of the character. Just have to clear that up! Thank you for reading!! ^^
A long 1st chapter just for me! Right Unni? :D update again soon!!! :D it's already getting interesting! The photo!!! Omg! And why does Sungjong Not like ~~~ hmmmmm...questions, questions, questions! :D
That can ONLY be answered if you update again! (:
The first weed? Hmm...that'll be on my list of 'need to figure out' for the day...fighting!!! c: