Chapter 2 (Jennie)

The Outsiders

    I sat back in my seat for a breather, letting the pencil roll off of the desk as I turned the packet over. Closing my eyes, I listened closely to the slow ticking of the clock. I matched my breathing with a tempo and silently wished that I were somewhere comfortable to sleep, "five more minutes, class," the teacher announced, fully snapping me back to reality. I listened to the sound of pencils and pens speeding away as the wielder grew more anxious as the time ticked away.

    A long, airy breath escaped my lips as I opened my eyes to look at the clock. I pushed myself up and started fixing my belongings, not really caring if I made a lot of noise or not. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I quietly grabbed the packet on my desk and walked towards the teacher's desk, not forgetting to pick up my pencil on the way. He looked up from whatever it was he was reading, fixing his glasses in the process, "done?" he asked, checking the time behind me.

    "Yes, Sir." I held out the test in front of me which he received with a smile.

    "As expected from a great student." I smiled back. Call me weird, but math is my favorite subject, "you may leave early."

    I could only nod as a response as I turned around to leave the classroom.  The halls were still quiet, seeing as classes don't end in another three minutes. Leaving class early always gave me the opportunity to reach the cafeteria first, get my food without and disturbances, and find a good place to eat peacefully. The lunch ladies all started to recognize me by this point after making it into a habit since the beginning of the semester. The soft aroma of food wafted into my nose. Believe it or not, this school actually has some pretty good food. They took the idea from the French, whose school lunches are super nutritious, delicious and, not to mention, doesn't look like slop on a tray.

    Upon entering, the workers all greeted me, "are you going for the day's special?"

    "Yes, ma'am"

    The woman behind the counter took her time to place my food on plates. She poured water into a cup and set it down on the tray along with my food. I followed her to the register and gave her my student ID to scan. She flipped the card to look at it from front to back, "enjoy, sweetie," she said as she handed me both the tray and the ID back.

    "Have a nice day." I gave her a small smile as I walked away. I made my way to the table in the far corner of the room. It was a good place to just be ignored and observe everyone else in the room. I made myself comfortable in my seat just as the bell rang and the loud, inaudible murmurs of students made it's way into my ears. I watched, silently, as the students poured into the room, either talking with a friend or trying to make it through the line in awkward silence. Amidst the large crowd, I spotted red-orange hair gliding with the crowd. They jumped up for a better look in front of them, despite already being tall. Her eyes connected with mine and she waved at me enthusiastically, "what's up?" I asked as she sat down in the seat in front of me.

    "Not much, really. Science was so boring," she let out an exasperated sigh as she dropped her head on to the table for, you know, dramatic effect.

    "Lisa, you're not gonna get anywhere in life if you keep on like this," I took a sip if my water as I eyed her expression.

    "Whatever, Ms. Perfect Grades." I chuckled a bit. Lisa has been with me ever since I could remember. Having lost both my parents, her family took me in as their own, "Ugh, they're here." she rolled her eyes and I leaned to look behind her. Now, it seemed cliché, but this school housed a group of bullies. They had a name for themselves, but everyone just called them extra. It's what they are. Lisa's dad told us that, back then, they'd be called 'Socs', short for socials. A group of rich to middle class kids who had nothing to do but jump Greasers. Lisa and I adapted the terminology to our everyday grammar, so now we just call ourselves greasers.

The group of extras clumped together like the dung Dung Beetles roll and walk around in sloppy formations. All the time. They'd pick fights with lower classmen and exchange students for fun and they never get in trouble (more like, the teachers stopped caring. They couldn't even be expelled due to connections). Freshman year, I became their target. It was maybe a week into the school year when her group started following me around, "hey small fry, you new here?" I couldn't bring myself to care whether or not they were talking to me or someone else. As I kept walking, one of the girls blocked my way. She wasn't too tall, not that slim, had the first two buttons of her shirt undone to show cleavage and a lollipop stuck in , "ya'know, it's rude to ignore your seniors." she clicked her tongue and looked down at me.

    "....And did you know that you're ing annoying?" I sighed as I made my way around her, keeping the same pace I had earlier. A hand made it's way to my head and suddenly, fingers wrapped themselves in my hair and acrylic nails dug into my scalp as I got pulled back.

    "Now now now, show some respect, kid. You don't know who ya' messin' with." she let go of my hair and slammed me onto the wall. I glared at her as she chuckled along with her friends," I'll let you go if you just do a little favor for unnie." she leaned in, probably to trap me.

    I rolled my eyes and slammed my head into hers. She stepped back with one hand holding on to her nose, "in your dreams, b*tch." she scoffed and looked at me. She tried for a punch, but missed and hit the metal behind me, "you don't even know how to punch. I mean, look at your technique and fist. A ten year old can do better."

    "Shut the hell up!" next thing I knew, my cheek stung and I clenched my jaw. She had the audacity to slap me. I looked back as her and watched as she went for another hit. I caught her arm and twisted it around her back, kicking the back of her knee to bring her to the ground, "let go of me!" her friends didn't even try to interfere.

    I held her head up by her hair to look around at the small group that started to form around them, "look at your friends. They aren't helping you. Did you forget that they were here?" she started screaming at them to do something but they all scoffed at her. I let go of her and pushed her down, "maybe look for stable relationships instead of bully people," I smirked, "unnie."

    That's how I built a reputation for myself. After that, they hadn't bothered me. I did, however, defend some of the students that really didn't deserve any of the treatment they were getting. People should be treated the way they treat people. I absolutely loathe injustice, "Wassup, girls?" Lisa waved behind me and two more people sat on the table.

    "We just finished practice," the brunette held her temples in her hands.

    I raised an eyebrow, "You guys didn't go to class?"

    They nodded, "yeah, coach took us out about halfway through it."

    "What about the stuff you missed in class?"

    The blackette next to her chuckled, "Jen, stop being such a mom."

    "Someone has to do the job for you, ya' old lady."

    "Hey, I, Kim Jisoo, am not old. I'm just a year older than all of you."

    "That's still old," Lisa countered. Jisoo pouted.

    "Rosie, they're making fun of me." Jisoo leaned into the brunette who was too busy eating to even acknowledge her.

    "That's nice."





  • I know, I know, the update is kinda lame. I'm just tryna bring in all the characters and show a bit more of Jennie's past. Hopefully Taeyong is in the next chapter :)


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Chapter 5: I haven’t read anything as good as this one in months. Wow! I’ll be waiting for an update!
syasyoo #2
Chapter 5: Omg please continue this story... the story so far is so good that i want to continue read it. Please update soon <3
LimLim12345 #3
OMG ITS SO GOOD hopefully you'll update soon ❤️?I really want to see what happens between taeyong and Jennie
LuRongLu #4
Chapter 5: Cuteeee
Chapter 4: waaw, so excited for the next update!
Chapter 3: Finally Taeyong. Hahaha, I'm looking forward to this story. I'll wait for the next chap.
Insideout97 #7
Chapter 2: Yassssss!!!!!! Sooo goooddddd!!! Keep up the great work!!