The Butterfly Files
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Seungri was pacing the hallway in front of Hyesun's office. He has been there for two hours on and off since he first exited the room. He planned to make his rounds teasing the lovely ladies currently on shift at the medical wing but somehow it didn't feel right leaving Sandara alone. He knows he’s also supposed to serve as Hyesun’s bodyguard even though she has very specific rules about who gets to sit in on her sessions, but seeing Sandara so timid, he feels it in his gut that she’s no threat. She’s actually the one that’s scared. He was only able to reach the end of the hallway before he made his way back.

Truth be told, he's worried about Sandara. Bom whispered her assumptions to Seungri while Sandara was going through some tests. It was so stupid of him to not have realized that she could be scared of these tests. He thought their assurances that no one would tase her or chain her up would be enough to make her feel safe with them. He didn't consider that they actually don't know how long she's been there and what they've been doing to her that might have caused a deep rooted fear in her.

After an hour more, Seungri's phone finally rang. It was Hyesun's assistant telling him that Sandara's session was finished. He rushed into the office to find Sandara and Hyesun on the couch. Hyesun had her arm around Sandara.

"What's wrong?" Seungri asked, surprising both girls.

"Nothing." Hyesun answered. "Sandara and I had a good talk, right?"

Sandara nodded but Seungri could see the sheen of tears on her eyes. "Why'd you cry?"

Sandara shook her head. "I didn't! I didn't cry!"

"Okay. Okay." Seungri approached the two girls and sat down beside Sandara. "Okay. You ready to go?"

Sandara nodded. Hyesun removed her arm from Sandara's shoulders but she held her hand. "Sandara, you can come see me anytime, okay? As a doctor or as a friend. I can be whatever you need me to be or I can be both."

"Thank you." Sandara murmured as Seungri once again led her out.

"Thanks, noona!" Seungri waved at Hyesun. "Enjoy the conference or whatever it is that you're going to."

Once outside Hyesun's office, Seungri started asking Sandara about what she wanted to do.

"I'm actually tired, Ri." She whispered. "Would it be okay if I take a nap?"

"Of course. Of course." Seungri agreed. "But it's almost lunchtime. Don't you want to eat first?"

"I'm really tired." She demurred.

"Okay." Seungri agreed as they entered the elevator. "Man, the noonas must have worked you too hard, huh?"

"I just get tired easily."

"Yeah. We need to work on that. You need to build up your stamina so that I could take you to Lotte World." He jogged in his place, unable to contain his excitement. "The hyungs don't want to accompany me there, saying they're too old for Lotte World but man, you can never be too old for Lotte World. You know Lotte World?" Sandara nodded. She has vague memories about the place and she wondered if those were her actual memories or if they were from some stories that she heard. "You'll love it. We can get ice cream and cotton candy and corn dogs and popcorn!"

When they reached Jiyong's door, Seungri was stumped when he realized he didn't know Jiyong's code. He tried calling Jiyong but the call went straight to voicemail. "Come. You can take a nap in my room instead. It's smaller than Jiyong hyung but the bed is really comfortable."

"I can't take your bed." Sandara protested even as Seungri started walking to his room.

"It's fine. I'll stay on the couch and try to finish reading those files that Seunghyun hyung gave me." Seungri told her. "I really hate those reports."

Sandara remained quiet as she watched Seungri try to change the sheets. Her eyes roamed around the room. There was a sleeping area with a bathroom and a separate living area. There was a kitchen area with a small fridge, a sink, a coffee maker and a microwave. There was a high counter with bar stools which she assumed was also used as the dining area. In the living room, there was a big comfy couch and a flatscreen TV. She could see Seungri's laptop next to a pile of documents on the coffee table. Seungri grumbled but he cheered victoriously once he finally got the bed sheets on. "There you go. Sleep tight. Pretend I'm not here, okay? And if you hear cursing, don't mind me. It just means I'm once again overloading on all the information in those stupid reports."

She watched as Seungri closed the door before making her way to the bed. She sat down gingerly and listened as Seungri the TV, lowering the volume until she could barely hear the chatter. She laid down on her side and thought about the events of that morning.

The tests with Bom were all things that she experienced before. The one with Hyesun unnerved her slightly. She thinks she didn't do well since it seemed like she wasn't giving Hyesun the answers she wanted or expected. She was afraid that Hyesun would hurt her or inject her with something to make her talk but she didn't. She remained calm and smiling as she asked her questions and made notes on her ipad.

She really wanted to do good so that Jiyong wouldn't send her away. She wants to go to Han River with Jiyong and to Lotte World with Seungri. She even wants to eat junk food with Bom, even if Bom has to administer more tests on her.

She bit her fist as she cried. She didn't lie to Seungri earlier. She didn't cry when she was with Hyesun not because she didn't want to, but because she knew what could happen if she cried. The people in the last facility she was in loved to make her cry. They'd punish her for crying but they'd be so happy seeing her tears.

She pulled the covers over her head to further mute the sound of her cries. She doesn't want Seungri to get mad at her for crying.

Outside the bedroom, Seungri was on his way to the fridge when he heard a sob from his bedroom. He paused to listen but the sound was muffled. He leaned closed to the door, putting his ear on it and listened. He could heart the faint sounds of crying and he didn't know what to do. He wanted to demand she tell him why she's crying so he could make it all better but she's obviously hiding it from him and he wanted to respect that.

So he called for backup, praying that his call wouldn’t go to voicemail. "Hyung." He whispered as soon as the call connected. "She's crying. I don't know why."

"." Jiyong ended the call soon after and Seungri was left wondering what he should do next.


Jiyong was in a meeting with Lee Chaerin about a possible contract: A celebrity VIP requesting security protection while she is in Korea. Seems simple enough, the only problem is she wants Kwon Jiyong to be her bodyguard. Chaerin explained to the celebrity's manager that Kwon Jiyong does not take that kind of security detail anymore but the manager was adamant that they were willing to pay big bucks. He was also weaselly enough to mention that taking on his client would open more opportunities for Big Bang Securities Inc in Japan.

Normally, Chaerin would have ended the conversation there and sent them packing but she wanted to run this by Jiyong in case he wanted to take on the case.

Jiyong was rolling his eyes as soon as Chaerin opened . "Seriously, CL?" He shook his head. "They either take one of our security agents or they take their money elsewhere. We have enough business coming in as is."

"I know that." CL glared at her boss. Although she reports to Jiyong, they have been close friends since CL joined the company. Jiyong liked CL for her business acumen and no-nonsense attitude. She has also never made a pass at him, which immediately put her in his good books. It also helps that she came highly recommended by General Yang as someone who can help them in their secret missions. "I had their backgrounds checked and this is a potentially lucrative deal. As your operations manager, it is my responsibility to make sure that you see -"

Jiyong looked at his phone and saw that Seungri was calling. He held up his index finger, asking Chaerin for a minute.

"Hyung. She's crying. I don't know why."

"." He ended the call and exited his office.

"Hey!" CL called after him. "We're not done here, you fool! I need your signatures on several documents! Kwon Jiyong!"

"I'll be back." Jiyong responded as he speed walked towards the elevator. What happened? Did Bom noona or Hyesun noona upset her? Or was it the rat? Did Seungri joke about shipping her off or something?

He rushed to his suite only to find it empty. , he cursed again. He dialled Seungri's number. "You in your room?" He asked even as he walked towards it.

"Yeah. I don't know your code and I couldn't reach you when I tried calling you earlier."

"I'm here. Open the door." He ordered. Less than two seconds later, Seungri was ushering Jiyong inside his room.

"She's in there." Seungri pointed towards his bedroom. "She stopped crying just before you called. I think she finally fell asleep."

"What happened?"

"I don't know, hyung." Seungri looked genuinely upset. "She was excited about going shopping and for ice cream when we left your suite but when we got to the medical wing, she became quiet. Bom noona thinks it's because she remembered whatever it was they did to her.."

. That possibility somehow escaped them.

"After her session with Hyesun noona she told me she wanted to take a nap. We talked about going to Lotte World and she went to sleep after I changed the sheets." He sat down on the couch with a sigh. "I was going through the reports Seunghyun hyung gave me so I wasn’t really paying attention. I only heard a noise when I got up to get a drink. What do we do?"

Jiyong just strode to the bedroom and gently opened the door. He saw her figure buried underneath Seungri's blankets. Could she even breathe in there? He carefully approached the bed and lowered the blankets so it wasn't covering her head. She was fast asleep and yet, Jiyong could see the tear stains on her face.

He sighed as he secured the blankets over her before exiting the room. He joined Seungri on the couch and called his assistant, Lee Hayi. "Find out what time Dr. Park and Dr. Goo are returning from their meeting. I want them in the penthouse boardroom as soon as they return. Also, put a rush on all the tests for their patient this morning. Sandara. They'll know who I'm talking about. Get back to me as soon as you get the details."

"She didn't even want to eat." Seungri suddenly commented. "She was so excited for ice cream but then she didn't want to eat."

Hayi called back in less than five minutes. His meeting was set in an hour and all tests were expedited, although they won't be getting all the results before the meeting, they'll have enough to work on. "Thanks, Hayi. Also call Big Bang, let them know and tell Daesung I need his report by then. Except Seungri. He’s with me."

"Sajangnim! Ms Lee is looking for you."

Jiyong groaned. "Fine. Tell her I'm in the rat's room. She can bring the urgent files here. Hayi, stress the word urgent okay?" Jiyong turned to Seungri. "CL is coming here. If you have or other unmentionables hanging around, you better get rid of it."

"Hyung." Seungri complained. "That was one time and do you think I would actually bring Sandara here if I had stuff like that lying around?"

Jiyong nodded. It didn't escape his notice how Sandara and Seungri have quickly formed a connection. "Tell me. Do you like her?"

"Sandara? Of course I do." Seeing Jiyong's expression morph into a glare, he quickly clarified. "I don't like her like her. I mean. I like her but I don't like her, you know? No? Okay. I don't like her the way you like her."

Jiyong gave a sigh of relief before he caught himself causing Seungri to break out in girlish giggles. He leaned close to Jiyong and patted his arm. "Don't worry, hyung. I won't tell."

Jiyong shoved him away and was just about to do him bodily harm when three brisk knocks  announced the arrival of Lee Chaerin. Seungri got up to let her in.

"Oppa. I don't understand why we have to meet here." CL complained as soon as she entered. "Who knows what germs are in here."

"Yah! Then get out. I didn't invite you here." Seungri glared at her.

"But he did." CL pointed to Jiyong. "And as far as I know he owns the building, right?"

"I have shares!"

"So do I." CL shot back. "Now get out of my way!"

"Quiet." Jiyong's soft-spoken order stopped Seungri from whatever retort he was about to make.

"But, oppa -" Jiyong's glare silenced CL. "Fine." She put on her lady boss face and sat down beside Jiyong. She started walking him through the files he needed to sign.

Seungri retreated to his kitchen with his laptop. He has absolutely no interest in whatever business scheme those two are cooking up again. He'll go where he's ordered but he doesn't want to be involved in all the paperwork. His business interests lay elsewhere. Maybe once he retires from active duty in BB Securities, he’ll open his own club or maybe a ramen restaurant, he mused. He opened his laptop and started playing a game.

He was startled out of his game induced hypnosis with a startled, "Oh."

He looked up and saw Sandara staring at Jiyong and CL.


Sandara woke up and immediately started feeling hungry. She should have taken Seungri up on his offer for lunch. She got up and washed her face in the adjoining bathroom. She went out of the room, hoping Seungri would once again offer her food.

"Oh." She stopped in her tracks when she saw Jiyong sitting very close to a beautiful woman. The woman was leaning close to Jiyong and Jiyong wasn't moving away. She wonders at the ache in her chest at seeing them so close together.

"Hey!" Seungri greeted her. She tore her eyes away from the couple on the couch and smiled

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Hi everyone! Thank you for all your comments and messages. I had to take a step back from writing Butterfly files because my baby brother had two brain surgeries and the plot hut a little too close to home. But he's better now and so am I. I'm feeling ready to jump back into writing. Soon.


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I miss this story. 2024 and I'm still here 🥺
freckles #2
Still awaiting for ur updates. . . 🙂
Authornim..............update juseyo.........i have rereading the same thing over and over again..... Please... Give us a update.. π π
Chapter 22: i miss this story authornim
update juseyo
Authornim 🥺🥺🥺
Authornim don't abandon this beautiful story. We will wait for you. Fighting!
Boblymika #8
Chapter 23: We will wait for you ms authornim
Chapter 23: the cliffhanger! will be waiting for your next update author-nim! thank you for this riveting story!
ShaeLannister #10
Chapter 23: Hi Author! How are you? I hope all is well with your brother. Just want to let you how addicted I am with your stories!! You are awesome! When you find time to write again, we will be here waiting. Stay safe and healthy!