The Kims

As one family

Seulgi felt pain coming every few minutes… it was time. She wakes up in the middle of the night with the pains. “Alright then, I guess we’ll get to see you soon’ Seulgi thought as she quietly got off the bed and headed into the bathroom to get ready.

Jongin stirred awake as he heard the shower running. He looked to the side of the bed, reading the clock ‘2:14… huh? Why is she awake?’ he thought as he stretched, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

A few minutes later, the door to the bathroom opened up, reveling his wife. “Love, why are you awake? It’s too early to be showing.” He walks up to her as a smile spreads across her small, beautiful face.

“Jongin, it’s time,” she giggles, as she looks up at him. The pain wasn’t too bad but she knew they had to get to the women center soon.

Jongin eyes widen, “Huh?! Why are you calm?! Let’s go!!” He quickly ran around their room, getting clothes on, checking if Seulgi had everything in her bag, the diaper bag, and his.

Seulgi watched as Jongin frantically ran around making sure everything they needed was there. She laughed, “Sweetie, the pains aren’t too bad. I can endure it so calm down. We’ll get to the women center before the pain gets too much to handle.”

“B-But, no. We need to hurry. Oh gosh my princess is about to get here,” His heart was beating quickly but nonetheless, it was swelling with love. He was about to have his baby girl in his arms.

Seulgi shook her head, “Mom says I shouldn’t go to the hospital until the pain is severe. She says I should walk around until then.”

“Ah, I remember. O-Okay, let’s go. Let’s walk around the house,” Jongin takes a breath, trying to calm himself down. If his wife isn’t freaking out then he shouldn’t either. He goes into the walk-in closet to bring out a knitted cardigan since it was a little cold out.

“Thank you,” Seulgi smiles as Jongin helps her put on the said clothing.


Once outside, the breeze felt good to Seulgi as she felt slightly hot. “Ah, the breeze feels nice.”

“What if you catch a cold? Oh gosh and tell me when you can’t handle the pain, okay?” Jongin advises as he wraps one of his arms around Seulgi’s waist for support, while the other is holding her hand.

“I won’t get sick. Don’t worry. And yes, I’ll be sure to tell you,” Seulgi laughed as they walked around the green lawn surrounding their house.

“Why are you so calm, Seul? If I were you I would freak out,” Jongin commented, looking down at his wife as they walked.

“And that is exactly why you’re not me. There is no reason to freak out. Our princess will be here soon and I’m more excited for that. To have her in our arms after the whole wait. The pain on the other hand may freak someone out but not me. Not now at least,” Seulgi says, as she looks up at her husband.

“You’re amazing,” Jongin smiles, as he pecks her rosy lips,” I’m excited for her to be with us but I’m scared because you’ll be in so much pain. I don’t like seeing you in pain.” Jongin sighed.

Seulgi nodded, “Don’t be scared. It’s part of life. We have to get through the pain in order to get our blessed gift.”

“Sometimes I wished it were men who had to go through this or at least had the pain instead of women,” Jongin admitted.

Seulgi scoffed playfully,” Sure… plus you have to go through the tough part of being there with me during the labor and handle everything I do to you. For example I could curse at you, yell at you, hit you, push you away but not because I want to but because of everything that is going on while I deliver.”

Jongin stopped for a second, “Ah, no. I hope you’re just as sweet as you are. Goodness but then again I also should “suffer” too. Although I think I would suffer nonetheless while I watch the love of my life go through pain just to get my angel into this world.”

Seulgi blushed slightly, smiling, “You’re too much Mr. Kim. I’ll try to not be as bad as my brother’s wife was when she went into labor.” They continued to walk, Seulgi’s pain starting to get painful but she could still handle it.

“Mrs. Kim, you should already be used to me being extra,” Jongin laughed, “But okay, all jokes aside, let’s get serious. How bad was your brother’s wife during?”

“Let’s just say he got a few bruises and ended up crying because she actually yelled nonsense at him… hurting his feelings” Seulgi laughed, remembering the day he told her about it, which was a few hours after her nephew was born, “but she didn’t mean anything.”

Jongin gasped, “Spare me,” he said to Seulgi before moving his hands from Seulgi’s grip, putting it against her belly, “You too. Don’t give mommy a hard time or a long time to get you out.” The said baby kicked against Jongin’s hand, making him gasp

“Maybe that was a sign that she’ll be trouble for me and if she is, daddy pays for it,” Seulgi giggled as she rubs her baby bump.

“So mean,” Jongin pouted.

Seulgi kissed Jongin’s pouty lips, deepening the kiss. Jongin brought his hand up to caress her cheeks, as his other arm was still wrapped around her waist.

“Mmm, ah,” Seulgi moaned and gasped, slightly pulling away from the kiss.

“Please don’t tell me I just got you aroused,” Jongin chuckles but stops when he receives a slap to his arm.

“Ah, n-no, dummy. The pain suddenly got stronger. I-I think we should head out now,” Seulgi breathed, trying to keep her breathing even.

“Sorry,” Jongin apologized as he tried to quickly rush Seulgi into the passenger seat of their car.

“I’ll be back. I should’ve packed the things already. Oh gosh, sorry! Can you st-“ Jongin spoke getting cut off by Seulgi.

“J-Just shut up and hurry, please,” She gently gritted her teeth. The pain felt as though it was coming every 2 minutes.

“Yes, Okay,” and with that Jongin ran back into the house to retrieve everything, running back down and packing it into the back seat. He ran back up to get the baby basket/seat.

“Alright let’s go meet our princess,” Jongin panted, reaching over to quickly kiss Seulgi.

“Ah, okay. Don’t touch or kiss me and let’s go,” Seulgi said, trying to keep from pushing and being harsh to Jongin.


Once at the women center, she was admitted into a room quickly.

“Dr. Zhang will be here soon. Will you be wanting the epidural, Mrs. Kim?” one of the nurses asked.

“Ugh, no. No. I can do it without,” Seulgi said as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to endure the pain.

“If you need it anytime, please tell us. Most women don’t want it but end up getting it due to the pain being immense,” the nurse advised.

“I will, thank you,” Seulgi tried smiling.

The nurse smiled back, looking up at Jongin. “If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask either, Mr. Kim. We want this experience to go smooth for the both of you,” the nurse said to the both.

“Thank you, I’ll be sure to ask if anything,” Jongin nodded, as he looked back at Seulgi.

The nurse left to set everything up for the delivery.

“Baby, you okay?” Jongin asked, as he held her hand.

Seulgi quickly squeezed his hands in a bone-crushing manner, “Shut up. Don’t ask a stupid question when it’s obvious.”

Jongin internally screamed due to the way she was squeezing his hand, “R-Right… sorry.”

“Ah, I-I’m sorry, I love you, okay? J-Just bare w-with m-me,” Seulgi said as she choked on her sob.

Jongin felt so torn, seeing Seulgi in such a state but it would be over with soon. “Don’t apologize love. I love you and wish to take the pain away any way I can. I love you so much.”

As soon as Jongin finished talking, Dr. Zhang and three nurses came into the delivery room.

“My apologizes, Mrs. Kim. I hope you did not wait too long,” Mr. Zhang, the OBGYN, said.

“No, I got here like 30 minutes ago,” Seulgi smiled slightly.

“Alright. Good. Ready to deliver your angel?” Mr. Zhang smiled.

Seulgi nodded, as a tear escaping her left eye.

“Yes, please. So ready,” Jongin sighed, kissing Seulgi’s knuckles.

Mr. Zhang nodded, signaling the nurses to get ready.



After what seemed like hours, the small Kim finally arrived. Everything went perfectly. Seulgi cried as she held her baby, Jongin sobbing quietly as he caressed Seulgi’s head, kissing her forehead and quietly muttering ‘Thank Yous’ to his wife. Seulgi did not take the epidural although there was a point where she wanted it badly but didn’t need it anymore because that was the point when the baby finally stopped being stubborn and came out.

“Congrats yet again, Mr. and Mrs. Kim. She’s precious,” Dr. Zhang smiled, as he washed his hands after removing his gloves, mask, and gown.

“Thank you,” Jongin smiled, as he bowed deeply to the doctor, “You were amazing with my wife.”

“No need to thank. I’ll be back to check up on you guys in a few hours to make sure your wife is doing good. Meanwhile, the nurses will take Baby Kim to properly wash her up and cloth her. They’ll come back in an hour or so to check up on your wife after she has had a nice rest,” Dr. Zhang informed.

“Yes. Okay, thank you once again,” Jongin smiled.

“Thank you, Lay,” Seulgi smiled weakly, as she gave her baby to one of the nurses.

“Hey, where’s the formality,” Dr. Zhang chuckled,” But you’re welcome, Seul. I’m glad you allowed me to be the one to deliver your precious baby.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t allow anyone else to do so. You’re a really amazing friend and doctor,” Seulgi confessed, as she tried to wipe away the sleep from her eyes.

Lay smiled,” Well, thanks. I’ll go now. Don’t fight the sleep and sleep. You need the rest. You worked hard. And like I said, I’ll be back and so will you daughter.”

“R-Right, see you,” Seulgi waved, as her eyes started to shut on her.

Dr. Zhang excused himself, closing the door to the delivery room.

“I love you, thank you,” Jongin smiled, as he gave a small kiss to Seulgi before sleep over took her.


“There, There, my little bear. Mommy will be up soon. Let’s let her rest, hm” Jongin quietly whispered as his daughter looked like she was about to start whining. “My princess. You look a lot like daddy. A small bear,” Jongin cooed, kissing her tiny nose.

Seulgi watched the scene of her husband talking quietly to their daughter. It melted her heart, causing her to giggle.

Jongin averted his eyes to Seulgi who was up, smiling. He smiled back, walking closer to her. “Well looks like mommy is up.”

“I am,” she smiled as she motioned for her baby.

Jongin carefully gave her their baby. “Did you rest up enough? The nurses came by an hour and a half ago but you were still asleep so they left the baby and told me to advise them once you woke up.”

“Ah, looks like I’ve been asleep for a few hours,” Seulgi said quietly as she carefully observed her daughter,” but don’t tell them yet. I want a few minutes with her.”

Jongin nodded, saying he understood as he took a seat next to her bed.

“She looks like you,” Seulgi spoke up after a few silent minutes.

“I know. She’s like a replica of me, except she has monolids which is the only thing she took after you,” Jongin chuckles quietly as the two parents looked at their child lovingly.

“Yup, but she’s a mini Nini. I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Seulgi smiled as she looked to Jongin, caressing his cheek.

Jongin placed his hand over her small one that was caressing his cheek, “Everything in my life is perfect now. Having you and now Yeseul.”

“Huh? YeSeul…? I-Is that her name?” Seulgi’s smile widen as she stared into Jongin’s dark chocolate eyes.

“Yes. I told you I would tell you once she was here,” Jongin grinned as Seulgi pinched his cheek.

“It’s beautiful… and creative,” Seulgi said as she looked back down at her daughter who was smiling, “Even she thinks so.”

“Pretty and Wise… that is what her name means and the best part, she has part of your name,” Jongin beamed.

“I know. You’re so wonderful,” Seulgi lovingly said, as she pulled him into a kiss,” you’ll be a wonderful dad.”

“And you a wonderful mom,” he looked into her eyes lovingly, kissing her again.

After some time, Seulgi decided that Jongin should inform them about her being awake. So he does so. After they made sure Seulgi was in good condition, they took YeSeul back to the nursery. Then in came their parents, siblings, friends, and co-workers one after another. It was a blessed and joyful day.

 March 24, 2023 at 10:14 a.m. Kim YeSeul was born.




April 20th

“Seulgi, she’s such a good baby!” Wendy beamed, as she held YeSeul.

“She is! She doesn’t cry much. She does tend to smile a whole lot though,” Seulgi smiled as she watched her best friend carry her baby. “Anyways, what about you and Chanyeol. When is little Park going to be here?” Seulgi smirked as she watched Wendy blush.

“U-Uh, not now. Maybe next year or something,” Wendy said.

“That’s no fun. My daughter needs a playmate, so get to it,” Seulgi laughed as Wendy looked at her as if she was crazy.

“No, I really don’t want to now. But it’s up to Chanyeol. I know he wants a child,” Wendy explained.

“Of course I want a child,” Chanyeol said in his baritone voice. He smiled as he walked up behind Wendy, wrapping his arms around her waist, laying his head on her shoulder. Jongin came behind him, taking a seat beside Seulgi.

“Hey, stop that,” Wendy smiled, “And alright well little Park will be made whenever it happens.”

Chanyeol chuckled, “We should actually try then.” He turned to Seulgi smiling, “We haven’t tried but I guess it’s about time. We’ve been married for 2 ½ years, I think we had enough time to ourselves.”

“I agree!” Seulgi squealed.

Jongin laughed beside Seulgi, “It’s about time, dude. Get that family you always wanted.”

“Yeollie! Stop saying nonsense. We can talk about it when we are home,” Wendy blushed, pulling out of Chanyeol’s embrace.

Chanyeol laughed, winking at Wendy. Wendy grumbled as she sat in a chair close to the window.

“Anyways… how did you find out Seulgi was pregnant?” Wendy asked, as she cooed at the baby.

“I was vomiting all over the place. I didn’t think much of it because I thought I must’ve caught the flue,” Seulgi explained.

“But I thought otherwise after the fourth day. I couldn’t take it with her vomiting or wanting to vomit over every little thing. I mean we were trying to make a baby but I guess that slipped our minds at the time,” Jongin confessed, chuckling.

“We’re forfgetful sometimes,” Seulgi laughed,” But anyways so he finally took me to the doctors office and that’s where we found it.”

“Ah, well then. That must’ve been nice to know though. Planning and finding out you actually did it,” Wendy smiled as YeSeul wrapped her hand around Wendy’s pinky finger.

“So if Wendy and I plan, maybe it might happen,” Chanyeol beamed. “We should start as soon as we get home!”

“Yeol, hush!” Wendy shook her head, “Sorry guys. He must be now.”

“I am most certainly…. Am ,” Chanyeol said proudly as he got up to take the baby away from Wendy and give her to her mother.

“Well he wasn’t lying,” Seulgi laughed as she received her daughter from the taller.

Jongin frowned,” Don’t even… get out with your little Yeollie and wife. Don’t flaunt that around.”

“No need to tell me,” Chanyeol chuckled as he picked up Wendy bridal style.

“Chan! Put me down! We got here like 20 minutes ago!” Wendy argued.

“Well it’s time to leave. See you three next time,” Chanyeol said before waving and leaving with a frustrated wife in his arms.

“Well then… that was crazy… Yeol can be too much,” Seulgi laughed as she looked down at her daughter who had her eyes open and smiling. “Uncle Yeol is crazy, huh?”

Jongin shook his head, “He is. Anyways, want to head out for lunch and then to YeSeul’s appointment?”

“I really don’t want to go to her appointment… she’s getting her one month shots,” Seulgi whined as she got up from the couch.

“She has to get them. It’ll be okay,” Jongin reassured her.

Seulgi pouted. She knew she was going to cry as well.

“Don’t pout baby,” Jongin pecked her nose.

Seulgi sighed, giving Jongin the baby to put in the car seat as she got the diaper bag.


And as thought, Seulgi cried along with YeSeul as the baby received three shots. Seulgi hated this but every baby needed them so she couldn’t oppose. Jongin on the other hand also cried… more like he kept himself from crying. YeSeul’s pediatrician, Zhang Junmyeon (Suho, aka Yixing’s husband), chuckled at the parents. He tried comforting them. He has seen many parents cry so this wasn’t a first.

“You guys stop crying. YeSeul has already stopped crying yet her parents are still cring,” Dr. Zhang shook his head, as he held the baby.

“But Suho, it hurts us,” Jongin said as he wiped away his tears.

“No buts,” Junmyeon laughed, “ it up Jongin. You big baby.”

“Yah! You’re suppose to be nice to your patience’s parents,” Jongin pouted.

“Not unless the patience’s parents are my friend,” Junmyeon smiled.

Seulgi laughed, “You guys are always bickering.”

“At least it got you to stop crying,” Junmyeon smiled softly toward Seulgi.

“I still wonder how Yixing married you,” Jongin teased.

Junmyeon rolled his eyes, “I ask Seulgi and Yixing why Seulgi decided to marry you too.”

Jongin grumbled as he took his daughter and set her up into her car seat while Seulgi spoke to the docter.

“Anyways, when is her next appointment?” Seulgi asked Dr. Zhang.

“When she turns three months. Yet again she’ll probably get three shots again, but as always it is required to keep this cutie health,” Junmyeon smiled warmly at Seulgi.

Seulgi sighed, “I understand. Thank you though.”

“By the way, Xing want to have dinner together. When can that happen?” Junmyeon smiled.

“After you stop giving my baby shots,’ Jongin rolled his eyes.

“Hush Jongin,” Seulgi chuckled, “Hmm I’ll get with Yixing on that. We’re a bit busy with everyone wanting to come over to see the baby and have lunch or dinner.”

“Alright, I’ll tell him then. You guys have a nice day. And Jonginnie, stop being a baby. Even your baby is acting mature than you,” Junmyeon teased.

Jongin was about to retort but Suho had already left the room.

“You guys are silly,” Seulgi laughed as she ruffled Jongin’s hair. Jongin picked up the baby basket, swatting Seulgi’s hand away playfully.


July 27, 2017

Goodness it's 3,200+ words >< I felt as though I didn't write much but apparently I did :P Anyways here's an update! This chapter was getting way too long so I decided to make it two parts. The Ohs chapter may also be two parts. But later on, maybe once this story is finished, I may end up combinging the two parts for both hapters of "The Kims" & "The Ohs" Anyways, I'll post the second part tomorrow or Saturday morning. I hope you all enjoy this update! I should probably add their wedding also but idk maybe I will later on. If I do I'll tell you guys :) Have a nice Thursday! And thank you so much for 30 subscribers ;;<3 It makes me happy people actually like my story to actually keep up. Thanks again! 

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Hunbaeks #1
Chapter 3: Cant wait for your update authornim??
Chapter 3: Cant wait to see the next update for this!
Angie007 #3
Chapter 3: I love seulkai and seulhun❤️
jushenz #4
Chapter 3: Looking forward for the next ud ^^
xilupin #5
Chapter 2: Oh my god. I love it xD
velvecious #6
oh my its so rare to find chanseul fics. looking forward for your next writing that is XD
Mynameisblank #7
Chapter 1: Update!! Please!!
Khansaaida #8
Chapter 1: love it already <3