
Seunghyun looked at his clock and it read 3am. He had been in bed all day. He wanted to die...not literally but something close to it. The whole incident from yesterday just threw him for a loop for the first time in his life he felt powerless. If he didn't have a contract with YG he would have left but that wasn't going to happen. Seunghyun rolled over and looked at his phone, he hadn't answered since he left YG and the phone had text message after text message with countless calls, most of them being from Jiyong and Daesung. Jiyong's text "hyung please talk to me tell me what I did wrong" "why wont you answer..." "you are making me worry don't make me come over there" "Well I guess I'm not coming over Daesung stopped me” "why is Dae angry with to me please!!" Daesung's text "hyung talk to me when you are ready to vent" "Jiyong is threatening to see you heads up" "I stopped him from seeing you forgive me I don't think that it is the right time" Seunghyun pushed the home screen on his phone and locked it. Setting his phone to the side he rolled back over and buried himself under his blankets once again. Moments later his phone started ringing, he let it go to his voicemail he had no energy to answer anyone. When the caller persisted he groaned and rolled over and snatched his phone ready to give whoever it was a piece of his mind it was 3 in the morning. Seeing Daesung's name flashing on the screen he doesn't have the heart to ignore the other man. "Hyung why the hell are you not answering your phone!" "Sorry I was in bed and didn't want to take any calls." Daesung breathed into the the phone "It's okay it's good to hear you are still alive. You driving off like that had me worried you would do something stupid." "Don't worry your hyung isn't that stupid. Goodnight Dae I'll see you tomorrow okay?" “Okay goodnight hyung.” Hanging up Seunghyun rolled back over hoping to get his mind off Jiyong for a couple of hours. He was too restless and couldn't stop his mind from whirring with thoughts and emotions. Getting up he decided to head to the YG maybe while he waited for Daesung he could be productive and maybe create a song. He walked into the building feeling thankful that he didn't see Minzy waiting for him or something. Well that's good so far he thought, today he wanted a drama free day, no screaming, no nothing he just wanted to talk to his best friend. Seungri and Youngbae were gone for a couple of weeks Youngbae in LA working with the underdogs for his solo album and Seungri visiting his parents. Even though the whole band was not there he loved that Daesung was there to be a friend and listen. Seunghyun walked into the lounge he needed coffee otherwise he wouldn't make it through the day. He blinked in surprise seeing Daesung hunched over eating a huge bowl of rice. It was 6am Seunghyun thought but shrugged as he got his coffee and sat in front of his best friend. Upstairs in the recording studio Jiyong was at it with his music. He was so into it that he didn't notice Minzy walk in. She had a look of terror on her face and tears were falling down her cheeks. Jiyong stopped working when he felt someone plop down next to him, pulling down his headphones he looked to his side and immediately turned to Minzy. "Hey what's wrong?" "Seunghyun..." "What about him? Did something else happen with him?" "No...He just...he just..." she started crying again. One thing Minzy was good at besides music was acting...her crying on demand was a favorite of hers. "What did he do?" Jiyong asked worry flooding his voice as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "He just won't get that he will never be with me. He threatened to blackmail me if I didn't go out with him. He told me that you were a waste of time. He told me that he would destroy my career. What did I ever do to him? I just don't get it...I just don't" at this point Minzy's sobbing was hard to understand but Jiyong picked up that Seunghyun wanted to destroy her and he blackmailed her. "So that's why he's been acting weird, that little !" Jiyong marched out of the studio and made his way downstairs hoping to find Seunghyun. Luck was on his side as he spotted Seunghyun walking down the hallway towards the parking garage. “Seunghyun wait” Jiyong called as he ran to catch up with the taller who was stepping out the door a cigarette already in place between his lips. Seunghyun stopped and looked behind him. “Hey what's up?” Seunghyun looked at Jiyong his hand cupping the cigarette as he lit it. "HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BACKMAIL MINZY!!! WHAT RIGHT DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE!!" Seunghyun's eyes widened "What are you talking about Ji? You know I would never do that!" "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! EVERYTHING IS ADDING UP AND THEY ALL POINT TO YOU!! I BET THAT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO TRIED TO GET RID OF ALL OF THE FLOWERS AND POEMS TOO HUH?!!" Jiyong yelled his finger jabbing into Seunghyun's chest. Seunghyun frowned in annoyance his patience was wearing thin. He wasn't a violent person but push him enough and he will push back, being in the underground scene had taught him not to be nice all the time. Jiyong stepped up close to Seunghyun "You're just jealous that you don't have Minzy! Get over it!" Seunghyun blinked in confusion his rising annoyance deflating quickly "Have what?....I don't want her..." he turned around to walk to his car. Jiyong let out a frustrated yell and quickly went back inside before anyone came out to get him. Jiyong was so livid he had been pacing in the lounge and couldn't help it when he grabbed one of Seunghyun's hideous Bearbrick figurines that were on the shelf and threw it across the room shattering it into pieces. He breathed out, he felt slightly better after doing that. Turning around he was faced by Daesung who was looking at him. “What?” “You're going to have to replace that one you know. I do believe it's limited edition.” “Whatever Dae.” He needed to cool off and the best way for him to do that was to shop. He always loved shopping and finding the next new trend. Jiyong saw the shoe store his shoes were from and parked in the garage. He and the trail of fans and cameras walked up to the store. A sales associate saw Jiyong walking and immediately opened the door for him locking the door behind him then pressed the button to let down the shades so that Jiyong could have privacy as he looked around. Jiyong thanked them looked among the displays of the new arrivals picked a colorful pair of running shoes that had gold trim and real gold threaded laces. Pointing at them he asked the sales lady if he could try them in his size. Nodding she went to the back and came back with his selected shoe. Trying them on he stood in front of the mirror looking down at the shoes. They looked horrid with the pants he was wearing at the moment but he knew they would look perfect with an outfit he had in his closet. “I'll take them” he announced as he took them off and handed them back to the lady who bowed and walked to counter to pack them into a box. The sales lady smiled at Jiyong while she rang up the shoes "You boys sure do like shoes. Just the other day in fact TOP came and bought a pair exactly like the ones you're wearing. He was so excited too.” Jiyong who was texting looked at her "He did what?" "Yes he came here really excited to buy that pair of shoes he had them wrapped in a beautiful box with a golden bow. He said that the shoes were for someone special." Jiyong suddenly felt nauseous with amount of emotions that were starting to plague him. “Oh wonder who that person was?” he murmured looking down at his shoes. "Yes he was so excited I wanted to pinch his cheeks he looked like a little boy on Christmas morning" she chatted away taking Jiyong's bank card and swiping it on the register before she asked him to sign and have his thumb scanned. Jiyong did this all automatically as he tried to makes sense of what the lady had just told him. "G-Dragon-ssi here's your purchase. Enjoy your shoes" she smiled handing the nondescript black bag to Jiyong. Jiyong took the designer bag bowing and thanking her. “May I use your associate entrance? I'd like avoid the cameras.” “Oh yes, right this way” she led him the back where she opened the door for him. “Thank you” he bowed and swiftly walked back to his Bentley. "What have I done?" **Thanks for reading!! Leave a commen
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turyka #1
Chapter 5: you need to make an epilogue or drabbles... this is so good...
Chapter 5: Yeah , i want a sequel about that too . ( about jiyong broke his beloved bearbrick )
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 5: this was amazing!!
all of ur fanfics are really good
i enjoyed this one a lot
:D :D :D :D :D :D
thanks for writing!!!!
kamisan #4
Chapter 5: Can u make a sequel...when seunghyun find out that jiyong broke his bearbrick n upset with jiyong all week
Chapter 5: Nice job thank you for sharing this
CutieWay #6
I like this fic!
Chapter 5: Love this fic :))
Chapter 5: I like this story. Although initially hated Minzy, I realized that she is a good person. Just made a mistake. I fall in love of Seung in this fic. <3
Chapter 5: Hey!! as usually that's good!!!! TOP is so cute here!!!!
dwejiyeji #10
I like your story ^^ I just wanted to let you know that 80,000 won is less than 80 dollars in america real LV shoes would be closer to 800,000 won ^^