
Jiyong was always nice to nice that he didn't always read between the lines. He was the leader and took on so many projects it was hard for him to keep up with everyone. Still he made sure that everyone in Big Bang was doing alright. Whether it was 3am or 4pm he was always there...but still the minor details were hard for him to pick up. Things such as Seunghyun being in love with him. Seunghyun had been in love with Jiyong since Big Bang had first debut even before that during their trainee days. He'd always cared for Jiyong and did everything to make sure that he was okay in a discrete manner. The only person that knew about Seunghyun's secret was Daesung. Daesung has always been a pillar of support even though he is totally straight, he knows how it feels to be in love and not be able to do anything about it. Seunghyun's love for Jiyong was starting to get frustrating; frustrating to the point that he wanted to just grab him and tell him. Tell him that ever since the first day he met him, he's loved him. "Hyung?" Jiyong peaked through Seunghyun's bedroom door Seunghyun snaps out of his thoughts feeling guilty for thinking what he had " did you get in here Ji?" "I know your pass code silly. You are not very discrete when you say your pass code out loud" Jiyong said with a grin that made Seunghyun blush. "Sorry...I just didn't expect you to just come over" said Seunghyun more calmly. "What were you thinking about Hyung...anything you want to talk about?" asked Jiyong bright eyed. Seunghyun sat there for a second and just stared at Jiyong trying to figure out what to say. After a couple of years of hints Seunghyun had given up on trying to tell Jiyong how he felt but after the Secret Garden parody kiss. His feelings went into overdrive, he couldn't control them anymore. Jiyong tilts his head as he looks closely at his hyung "You must be tired huh? We had a really tough week full of promotions." "Ye--Yeah that's it. Sorry Ji." "It's okay I'll see you tomorrow at YG" before Seunghyun could blink Jiyong was out of the villa. Seunghyun once again chickened out on telling his true feelings. What stops him is the rejection. The main thing that scared him was him not getting accepted. For him liking a guy in Korean society was scandalous enough for him. Tomorrow Seunghyun wanted to give Jiyong a gift. Jiyong had been eying a pair of shoes from the custom shoe shop for a few days now but didn't have time to get them. Seunghyun's mission for tomorrow was to buy those shoes as a secret admirer. The next morning Seunghyun was in the custom shoe store waiting for the shoe to be brought out. The store had so many name brand shoes, from Louis Vuitton, Christian Louboutin to Alexander McQueen. Mirrors lined the walls so if someone wanted to look at the shoe they had there was no problem seeing it from all angles, along with how it matched with their clothing. Seunghyun stood by the gift wrapping table/check out desk which was another intimidation to the average person. "Is this the shoe you wanted sir?" the employee asked holding up the treasured pair of shoes. "Yes I will take them and please wrap them for me" Seunghyun smiled with a feeling of accomplishment. The employee brought out a decorative black box and put the shoes in one by one wrapped in scented paper. She carefully wrapped the box in shiny black paper with golden LV's printed all over it and proceeded to wrap a gold bow around the wrapped box. Looking at the box Seunghyun handed over his bank card and charged 80,000 won. Seunghyun didn't even flinch when the card was approved in seconds. Signing on the pen pad and placing his thumb over the security screen he smiled at the lady as he took the bag “Thank you.” He is almost to the parking garage when a sudden burst of nervousness comes over his body "What am I doing...I can't do this...I can do this...I won't do this...I'm going to do this dammit..." Seunghyun got into his car and grabbed a piece of paper from his backseat. Yeah it wasn't romantic to put scrap paper with an expensive gift but he wanted to add a little bit of his personality to the gift. The paper represented the real him. He pulled out a pin out of the glove box and wrote 'Jiyong...I have loved you ever since I first met you...please accept this gift of my love.' Feeling satisfied Seunghyun heads to the YG studio to place his gift somewhere in the studio for Jiyong to find. On the way there Seunghyun contemplated about even giving such a extravagant gift to Jiyong but he quickly threw out his crazy thoughts and immediately drove into the YG parking garage and marched into the studio. Seunghyun spotted Daesung on the way into the studio and quickly pulled him into a random dance studio. "Yah hyung I was in the middle of a conversation!" Daesung exclaimed still trying to figure out how Seunghyun pulled him from one room to another so quickly. Seunghyun shyly grinned and held up the box. Immediately Daesung looked at the box and figured things out. "So you are really doing this?" Daesung asked excitedly trying not to push Seunghyun into another decision making process. "Yeah...I think it's time" Seunghyun mumbled still not totally sure of what he was doing. Seunghyun handed the box over to Daesung and grinned a little at his purchase seeing Daesung looking over the box carefully. "So... how much for the pretty box Hyung?" asked Daesung somewhat curious as to what lengths his hyung went to. "80,000 won" Seunghyun mumbles looking away. "Huh..." Sighing Seunghyun looked straight at Daesung "80,000 won..." Daesung's eyes widened "Thou...sand... thousand... 80,000 won?!" Seunghyun nodded still confident of his purchase, after all it's not like the purchase really hurt his bank account. Daesung leaned into Seunghyun's shoulder before he shook his head and hit his hyung on the shoulder "Why would you spend so much on a gift for Jiyong?" Seunghyun still quiet just grinned "Because I love him." All Daesung could do was support his best friend "So where are you going to place this gift?" Seunghyun shrugged "Dunno in the studio I guess when he is not in there." Daesung gave Seunghyun a nonverbal 'good luck' handing back the box and quietly left the dance studio. Seunghyun stood in the middle of the room building up his courage and left the room a couple of minutes after Daesung. He holds the box tightly to him as he walks down the hall to the studio. The walk to the studio is less than 30 seconds but it felt like an eternity to Seunghyun as his heart beat wildly inside his chest. His palms started to get sweaty and the nervous feeling came over him making his stomach do somersaults. Still it didn't stop his feet from moving. Finally the seemingly long trek down the hall Seunghyun peaked through the door and sees no one in the studio. Daesung who had been watching Seunghyun creept down the hallway walking right behind him and whispered "Yah open the door why don't ya...I feel like I have gray hairs after watching you walk." Seunghyun turned around giving Daesung a mild glare before he walked into the studio. The studio Jiyong was working in was not huge but it was big enough for him to do what he wanted and enough space to camp out if needed. In the middle of the room was a huge black table with a computer on the end. Next to the computer was Jiyong's notebook full of songs and thoughts. Seunghyun walked by the notebook and placed his gift on top of the notebook. Seunghyun just smiled at his accomplishment. "Yah Hyung! Get out of there unless you want to get caught" Daesung whispered pulling his hyung out of another trance. Snapping back to reality Seunghyun left the room closing the door quietly and started heading down the hallway again with Daesung. In passing they run into Minzy. "Oppa what are you doing here?" asked Minzy with a somewhat surprised tone, Seunghyun wasn't expected at the studio for a couple of more hours. "Oh just came up early since Dae was here" Seunghyun answered offhandedly. "I just saw you leaving Jiyong oppa's studio" Minzy points down the hallway. "Respect those older than you.” Daesung said as he tapped Minzy's shoulder. “I came early to see Dae since he leaves early today" Seunghyun said somewhat annoyed...why is she asking so many questions... Minzy frowned a bit and watched Seunghyun walk down the hallway with Daesung and they both went down the stairs together. Not believing Seunghyun Minzy looked both ways before rushing into the studio. Entering the room her eyes sweep the are her gaze fixing on the decorative box that Seunghyun had left sitting on the desk. She walked over to see a piece of paper tied to the ribbons. She holds the paper in her hand and reads it "He loves Jiyong...he wants to be can't happen...this will not happen" Minzy said aloud. Minzy had always loved Jiyong too. Ever since she had stepped foot into the YG building to be a trainee,she suffered from loving someone who might not accept her. She found out years ago that Seunghyun liked Jiyong but she had no idea how deep those feelings went. Seunghyun having Jiyong's love was unacceptable. All the years that Seunghyun tried to hint to Jiyong that he loved him she would find some way to get in the way and take Jiyong's attention off Seunghyun. Seunghyun was still clueless that Minzy has been blocking Jiyong from from his attempts of getting him to realize he liked him. Crushing the note in manicured hand she threw it in the trash. She picked up the box and was just about to leave the room when she saw Jiyong was standing in the doorway. Minzy stood frozen in the middle of the room shocked and had no clue what to do '...I was just about to get out of here with this damn box' she thought. Minzy had no idea what to do but just held out the box to Jiyong. Jiyong wondering why she was in his studio by his precious notebook looked at her closely. "What are you doing here?" asked Jiyong trying to be nice, everyone knew that when Jiyong was in music composing mode you didn't walk into his space without being invited and usually the only person he invited was Teddy, Kush or Youngbae. "I...I wanted to give you this" said Minzy with a smile creeping up slowly on her face. "I have always loved you and I wanted to show it to you...I want you to know that I'm serious" Minzy said still smiling and hoping that Jiyong didn't see the lie on her face. Jiyong who is known for having a big heart. Walked over to Minzy and graciously took the beautiful box. "Will you accept me...will you go on a date with me...I know it's kind of forward for a girl but..." Jiyong cuts her off with a wave of his hand offhandedly "It's's about time I date again." Minzy smiled as Jiyong opened the gift. He carefully removed the ribbons and opened the lid to reveal the shoes that Seunghyun picked out. Jiyong tries not to smile but does and takes out the shoes and immediately puts them on. Minzy who was surprised too at the revealing of the shoes dropped her jaw at the brand. Everyone knew that the shoes that he was holding were really expensive. Only top celebs could even breath on them. Jiyong walks over and hugs Minzy. All Minzy could do was grin 'looks like I won this round...I better keep my story straight' she thought. Jiyong released her "Thank you so much for the shoes! How did you know that I wanted these?" Minzy was kind of caught off guard "Well I remember you talking about them..." "I only talked to the shoes around the guys" said Jiyong turning his head to look at her. Thinking quickly Minzy answered "I have my ways." Jiyong smiled "Okay...well I appreciate the gift." "So does this mean that we can date" Minzy asked a little too eager. "We'll see. I don't like to rush" Jiyong said with another heart warming smile. Minzy left the studio and started to walk down the hall and into the bathroom. She lost all confidence and went to the sink to splash water on her face. "What did I just do?" she says aloud "How the hell am I going to get away with this". She splashes her face a couple more times as if the water was going to wash away the guilt that was starting to peak through. She looked into the mirror "Fighting!! You can do this!!!" Daesung and Seunghyun were in the YG cafeteria getting lunch. They were both talking about nonsense a usual and eating the usual. Moments later they saw Jiyong. In the shoes that Seunghyun just bought for him! Seunghyun could do nothing but just drop everything in his mouth. "Yah hyung what are you do--" Daesung stops talking mid sentence when he sees the expensive shoes on Jiyong's feet. Jiyong was looking around the room like he was waiting on someone...but really he was just trying to find a seat. All of a sudden Seunghyun was standing in front of Jiyong. "Some nice shoes you got there Ji" Seunghyun smiles lovingly looking at them. "Yeah these are the shoes that I have been wanting for days now! I love them!" Jiyong grinned excitedly showing off his gift. Seunghyun still smiling whispers "So you accept them?" "Of course I accept them!" Jiyong said excitedly. Seunghyun immediately hugged Jiyong tightly "I'm so glad that you accepted them" says Seunghyun relieved. "Oh so you are the one who told Minzy about the shoes?" "Minzy...?" Seunghyun releases an excited Jiyong from his embrace to look at him. "Minzy has great taste and guess what she confessed her love to me. Isn't that crazy? The least I can do is take her on a couple dates right?" said Jiyong grinning and not seeing that his hyung was pain stricken by his words. "It's good to know that I have good taste" Minzy came up to lock elbows with her new oppa. She quickly glared at Seunghyun and mouths the words "I win...try me" before the expression melted into her sweet smile.
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turyka #1
Chapter 5: you need to make an epilogue or drabbles... this is so good...
Chapter 5: Yeah , i want a sequel about that too . ( about jiyong broke his beloved bearbrick )
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 5: this was amazing!!
all of ur fanfics are really good
i enjoyed this one a lot
:D :D :D :D :D :D
thanks for writing!!!!
kamisan #4
Chapter 5: Can u make a sequel...when seunghyun find out that jiyong broke his bearbrick n upset with jiyong all week
Chapter 5: Nice job thank you for sharing this
CutieWay #6
I like this fic!
Chapter 5: Love this fic :))
Chapter 5: I like this story. Although initially hated Minzy, I realized that she is a good person. Just made a mistake. I fall in love of Seung in this fic. <3
Chapter 5: Hey!! as usually that's good!!!! TOP is so cute here!!!!
dwejiyeji #10
I like your story ^^ I just wanted to let you know that 80,000 won is less than 80 dollars in america real LV shoes would be closer to 800,000 won ^^