She is

Gemstone Masters (Hiatus)

Due to Naeun’s beauty, young men would prance around the lass’ family’s property and attempt to court her. So for the past decade, Eunji was in charge of escorting the latter home. And though they were women as Eunji was a witch, they found it quite safe and amusing that no brave man has yet, to show himself before them.

As they reached the front gate of Naeun’s home, a small boy approached them with stomps and shouts. “Eunji! Naeun! Eunji!” when he stopped to catch his breath, he also relayed the message, “Two scary men are in town and they’re asking for every witch in town!”

“What for?” Naeun asked for Eunji.

“No one knows but Mr. Ko is with them as we speak. My nanny said they are with the Takers. Come and see!”

Once the boy ran off, ready to lead them, the curious Eunji was stopped by her friend. Naeun had a grip on the shorter’s arm. “Boyfriend, if they’re the Takers then it’s best for you to stay out of their sight. Stay here. I’ll go and see,”

Eunji’s felt her guts churn at the thought of letting Naeun go alone. But before she could stop her, Naeun had pushed Eunji toward the home and hurried off with the child. From a distant, Eunji could tell the beauty convinced the boy that Eunji would catch up later so with a nod he took her hand and together they vanished around the corner. Unbeknownst what was happening or why it was happening, Eunji simply sighed.

Although Eunji was a bookworm and has read nearly all the books Escaty has to offer, she was definite that there were no published books on the Takers - only rumors that they were founded by and served the current Dragon King.

With the potatoes clutched close to her, Eunji did as she was told and headed indoor - after unlocking the front door with the spare key hidden behind the ‘welcome’ sign hanging on the wall.

The funny thing about Naeun’s house is that she lives alone for half a year while her parents stayed in their vacation cottage a valley over for work. After she refused to leave Eunji and traveled with them.

• • • • •

Naeun stopped behind the circle of people as the boy squeezed his way through to the front. Luckily due to her height, she was able to view what was unfolding just before them without a problem. However, to her surprise, it looked as if everyone was there.

All eyes were on the nameless with a bow strapped to his back. Standing before him were three witches, two of whom Naeun knew personally and the last as an acquaintance.

“A valley this vast cannot possibly get away with only three witches. Where are the rest Ko?” His emphasis on the elder’s surname alone sent chills down the commoners’ backs.

Mr. Ko shifted his pupils, scanning every person’s face. “ does seem we’re one short but do not worry gentlemen. I’ve sent one of our fastest runners to fetch her so she should be here shortly,”

When a moment past and the bowman was not sure he could trust the old man anymore, he eyed his partner down and with a gesture of his head, the other got to work instantly.

Some of the valley people, Escatians, were only observing because words have it that the ‘man with the eyepatch’ would uncover his eye later. Some merely wanted to know who this gemstone master was and if they were ever mean to her. Others were simply interested to see who the Takers will take this time. While the rest came to observe with no other motives.

Slowly the male dug for the space between the patch and his skin and carefully lifted it up. Every eye was glued to him but they were backtracking farther and farther away, afraid of what they would find under the nasty-insect-like-patch, and in less than a second the circle grew in size.

As if Ken found the people’s disgusted moans and anticipation entertaining, he stopped the show briefly, “Ko,” his eyes were only pinned on the elder, and at one point in time the elder thought he was looking through him, “before we proceed, I will like to warn you that it would be in your best interest not to fatigue my partner,”

Mr. Ko cooed, “Pardon?”

“My partner’s ability, when in effect, is always and only in his favor. In other words, it poses a threat to any witnesses. So,” Ken raised his voice then turn his back to Mr. Ko, “to avoid bringing harm to your people, I urge anyone here to bring us the last witch now. If you do so, we will reward you handsomely,”

Escatians shared glances and looks before they noticed the belle, who has been lurking in their shadows. “That’s her! Grab her!” a woman shouted and in a blink of an eye, the town’s cooperation had Naeun stumbling her way to the front. The crowd became mute - anxious and agog to how the two males would react.

Naeun who happened to be in Ken’s reach felt his cold fingers on her jaw. He lifted her chin up a little before staring into her hazel pupils. “This? This is the last witch you mentioned, Ko?”

“No, Lady Son is—”

As if the same woman was desperate to receive an award, she quickly set foot forward and blurted, “She is not but this lass’s close friend is!”

The stranger seemed to have believed the average person when he leered at Naeun, “And where is your friend?” When Naeun tried to break free, Ken dug his fingers into her skin, forcing her to groan in pain. His act of violence triggered the small group of bachelors often found lingering around Naeun’s property, but before they could execute a rescue mission, Leo had them stiff with his blades drawn. “I will not ask you twice,” Ken seethed.

“You’re hurting me!” Naeun yelped and fought. However, in the end, she was overpowered and could only keep a grasped on his veiny wrists.

Pleased with her squirms, he smirked, “I hear a witch will cast spells on those she cares about and when they are in trouble she will come to their aid. Is that true? Want to test it out together?” Before Naeun could object to his idea, he moved his hand down and wrapped his fingers around her neck. Slowly he began to choke her.

“Release her at once!” Mr. Ko demanded even when he knew his command was meaningless. Gradually the bystanders began to stir, disturbed and horrified.

“Someone go find Eunji! Now!” a mother of two instructed. Scatterbrained, some broke away to locate Eunji, some continued to watch, and while the rest grabbed any object deemed necessary to hurt the new arrivals.

• • • • •

Eunji heaved a sigh in wonderment. Naeun has been absent for quite some time and Eunji was getting bored. Logily, she rests the side of her head on the window in Naeun’s room, but when a group of people passed by in a hurry and in the opposite direction of the valley’s entrance, Eunji straightened her back and studied their panicked state. With their bodies swaying left and right, she could tell they were looking for something or someone.

Slowly but surely she heard her own name being called.

Once she had the front door to Naeun’s home opened, the three men approached her with pale and sweaty faces.

“Na-Naeun’s in-in trouble,” one of them relayed through broken breaths.

Neither one of them had to repeat it because once Eunji heard her best friend’s name, she sprinted past them and headed directly to the very place Naeun needed her. Despite not knowing what had happened, Eunji’s heart skipped a beat and she could only hope it was nothing serious.

• • • • •

Even in a long dress, Eunji was still the town’s fastest runner. Although competitors like to claim she teleported here and there and in between; it was never true since she has yet to master the places she can appear to.

Around Eunji, Mr. Ko appeared to be hurt as he was being supported by two men. The rest of Escaty kept their distance from the newcomers and Eunji herself too. The sight left a bad taste in . The people’s piercing gazes were like that when she sent the bully away, scared away the fishes and greedy businessmen. But forget the past. Forget about her body overheating from pushing her limits. What she was concerned about and what made her palms sweatier was the disappointment on Naeun’s face.

Her best friend, along with the three witches, had their balled hands clapped together. Except they were not exactly clapped but tied together with a long, thick rope - similarly to criminals being transported to another facility on foot.

Aside from Naeun dodging her eyes, Eunji noticed a man - two men - on armored boar backs. The one managing the ladies had one end of the rope tied around his waist. Meanwhile, the other headed Eunji’s way. The bowman and his smelly hog circled Eunji twice before blocking Naeun from her view.

“I guess the rumor was not true,” he paused to give Eunji a chance to speak, but when she did not, he sighed out of boredom, “I suppose not all witches enchant a loved one with a danger radar, huh?”

Not pleased with the rude man’s idea of a conversation starter, Eunji tried to make sense of the situation. “Who are you and why have you come to Escaty?”

Ken smirked, “Soon enough you will know who I am,” he stopped to read Eunji’s expression, uncertain if she was the witch he and Leo were supposed to take back home. Flattening his eyes he questioned, “More importantly, why did you hide when we requested an audience?”

When Eunji took her time to find the right answer, Leo utilized the moment to speak up, “Ken, she is,”

The vague statement from Leo lit up Ken’s face. Looking down at Eunji, he grinned proudly. “So, you’re the puny witch I must bring to him,”

In an instant, curiosity won Eunji over without her knowing, “To who?”


• • • • •

A/N: How is it going peeps! I used to leave author's notes all the time until recently so I will work hard on making that a habit again. What are your thoughts so far? I'd love to hear some opinions since I'm not sure how you are all processing this story (and I have no readers T_T). I won't give any spoilers but if you have any questions for me, do leave them in the comments down below and I'll get to them ASAP. I know Ken is getting a lot of the action but do not fret! Leo is our main and will be our main guy <3 Anddddd if you didn't catch it, Eunji "is" Ophiuchus. Or is she? xD Jk. It is a big revelation but I had to make it happen otherwise the story would be full of too much mystery and no answer (like the rest of my work that people hates). Anyway, enough rambling. Leave me a comment, any comment pretty please!

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Chapter 4: Can't wait for them to meet
Chapter 3: This interesting..the takers and the witch...Leo n Eunji.
Chapter 3: AHHHHHHHHH IT'S FINALLY STARTED! I've been so excited for this story to start! Looking forward to the rest of it! >.<
Chapter 2: Ooh this is intriguing! I can't wait for more! >.<
Ohh! This looks very interesting, and I love stories that involve dragons. I can't wait to see how it turns out♡.