Meeting Yoogeun

Not So Normal [Hiatus]

  Mi Sol headed to the garden once again. She walked around for a few minutes until she saw one of the little boys. The little boy saw her so he stood there. Mi Sol gave him a small smile "Hi, what's your name?" as she walked towards him. The little boy didn't say a thing. Mi Sol kneeled down to the young boy's level "I won't hurt you, i'm here to help. My name is Mi Sol and yours?" she asked him. The little boy gave her a smile "I'm Yoogeun" "So tell me Yoogeun, what are you doing here?" she asked as she sat down. Yoogeun looked around and then back at Mi Sol "I came here to play with my friend but I don't see him anywhere. Can you help me look for him?" he pouted. Mi Sol smiled at him "Of course, come on," she got up and started searching for the other boy.

  After 10 minutes of looking Yong Hee appears. "Mi Sol! Is that one of the boys you mentioned?" Yong Hee asked. Mi Sol nodded "His name is Yoogeun, we were trying to look for his friend but he is nowhere to be found," Both girls talked to Yoogeun for 2 hours. It was already getting a bit dark. They decided that they will visit the boy another day and to go home.

  "I wonder if he knows that he is dead," Yong Hee mentioned. "I don't know, I doubt it," Mi Sol and Yong Hee went to a coffee shop since they haven't eaten since they got out of school or all day actually. They waited in line until it was time to order. The guy behind the cash register was L.Joe. "Yong Hee what's up?! Hi Yong Hee's friend." Mi Sol just gave him her order and gave the money to Yong Hee and went to look for a table. L.Joe watched Mi Sol walk away in disbelief "Whoa! You're friend is a true anti-social..Tell her that ignoring others is rude," Yong Hee rolled her eyes at him. Yong Hee gave him her order "She is just shy, now leave her alone, you were like that with me as well so don't complain," she smirked at him. "Oh, and hurry up with our order, Mi Sol is really an impatient person, ppalli!" "Geez, you're so demanding!" 

  After waiting for 4 minutes, Mi Sol decided that she would just get her order and leave. L.Joe came to the table with both girl's orders. He sat down next to YongHee and started a conversation. Mi Sol put her muffins in her bag, got her hot chocolate and left without saying a word. "She didn't even say bye to you," L.Joe told YongHee. She turned to him "That's because you're here."

  Mi Sol arrived to her house. "Mom?!" she yelled. 'I guess she is still out drinking' she tought. Yes, her mother was an alcoholic. It all happened when Mi Sol's father left her for another woman.

  Mi Sol decided to change her clothes and go to sleep.



Sorry for the short chapter.

Writer's block. I'll try my best on the next one. :)

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I will take a short hiatus on this story. I basically got writer's block. Hope you can wait. Thank you :)


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Chapter 24: Ugh! Seriously?! Someone just had to get hurt!! Why can't Ricky just let her go and admire her from afar?!
yuxuan #2
Chapter 24: Update soon
Hehehe... Of course I'll be yours Chunji!
yuxuan #4
update soon
_AlienToLove #5
@ILuvChunji Sorry! Didn't think it will be this scary. Sorry, again..

@kpoplife Just gotta wait and see.. I have writer's block at the moment but i'll make sure to update asap!^^
Aw~ Ricky is disappointed...also, that Hana girl...did she kill the girl ghost in the restraint?
I Have A Question

Why is this so scary from the other stories that are happy and this is creeping me out man imma cry
Aww~ everyone ignored Chunji! Lol Ricky is sad! Aw~ sorry you had to like the same girl as your hyung... Nu'est is so cute!
Thank you for the update! Very cute!