Kim Jonghyun (JR)

Not So Normal [Hiatus]

  It's been weeks since MiSol had any contact with Teen Top. MiSol would only see Chunji, L.Joe, and CAP during their first class. Ricky would sometimes try to talk to her but she would just walk past by him. The guys except Chunji still seem confused in why she no longer wanted to be friends with them but they decided to respect her decision. Ricky was still a bit stubborn. He would always try his best for her to talk to him again.

  YongHee and MiSol decided to have a walk at the park after school. While heading to the park they past by where MiSol's home was located. MiSol stopped when she saw an older man and another guy talking to each other and pointing at the burned down house. YongHee was the one to take a step forward "YongHee, stop," MiSol grabbed YongHee's arm making YongHee step backwards "What?" "Let's go now, please!" "Why? They seem to be-" YongHee was cut off when the older man came up to them "Excuse me but- MiSol?" MiSol didn't say anything. Her eyes were full of rage "Do I know you?" she asked sarcastically. "It's me, your father," MiSol chuckled "Father? I don't have a father, my father is dead to me," YongHee and the younger male felt a bit awkward. "MiSol, we should go now," They were about to walk away when her father spoke up "MiSol, i'm sorry, i'm very sorry I know what I did is unforgivable but I regret it so much," MiSol turned around "I'm sorry won't make up for all the things my mother and I went through! I don't want to hear or see you!" "MiSol, please do me a favor, i'm not asking you to forgive me but please do me this one favor," MiSol just glared at her 'father' "Please let Jonghyun move in with you, please,". MiSol looked at the young male "Why should I let him move in with me? Who's he to me?" Jonghyun took a step forward and bowed "Hello, i'm Kim Jonghyun, your half brother,".

  MiSol decided to let Jonghyun move in of course with YongHee's parents approval that is. Jonghyun felt uncomfortable "So how old are you young man?" asked YongHee's mother. The young man sat there "I'm 16 soon to be 17" he gave a shy smile. YongHee's mother nodded "So you're MiSol's younger brother, right?" "Ye-" He was cut off by MiSol "I'm heading upstairs. Goodnight." she headed upstairs and JR seemed sad that she was completely ignoring him. YongHee coughed to make things not awkward she then sat down next to JR "Don't worry about MiSol, she would soon get over this. Just give her sometime. Come on, let me take you where you'll be sleeping. You'll be sharing the room with my little brother," she stood up and headed upstairs, JR behind her. He bowed at her parents and went upstairs.

  Misol's father had already enrolled Jonghyun at her school after doing a bit of investigating of where she was and such. The whole reason why he did this was because Jonghyun's mother and father had to work overseas and Jonghyun didn't want to leave from here so his father hired someone to investigate to where MiSol and her mother were staying.

  The next morning YongHee, MiSol and JR walked to school together. Well, MiSol walked ahead and left the other two behind. YongHee only stayed behind because this was JR's first day in a new school. "Do you think she'll ever talk to me?" asked JR. "Of course, like I told you just give her some time. You know what? I'll talk to her about this no worries," JR smiled. The three arrived at school "Hey MiSol, help your brother out, I have to do get something from my art class," "But-" "Sorry," YongHee ran off. The two were quiet for a while 'I'm acting immature, it's not his fault,' she thought to herself. She sighed "So, you need your schedule right?" JR layed of his eyes from the floor to her "Eh, yeah," "Come with me," she started walking and JR followed.

  When the two walked out of the office JR accidently bumped into L.Joe and since MiSol was behind JR, he bumped into her as well making her fall. JR apologized to L.Joe and then helped MiSol up "Are you okay?" asked JR. Ricky quickly went by MiSol's side "Noona! Are you okay?" Then Ricky glared at JR "Look at what you did! You made her fall." MiSol quickly got up and dragged JR with her. Teen Top couldn't believe their eyes, especially Chunji "Who's he?" he asked. Ricky saw the two walk away quickly "Hold up!" he stood in front of Teen Top "Why doesn't she want to be friends with us but she does want to be friends with that dude?" Everyone shrugged. Then Ricky quickly looked at Chunji "Hyung, I think you know exactly what's going. So tell us now!" Chunji couldn't say anything. He wanted to keep MiSol's secret "I-uh..well I rea-" Chunji was cut off by YongHee. He sighed in relief 'Thank you YongHee' he thought to himself. She walked up to them "Hey, what are you guys doing?" Ricky went up to YongHee "Noona! Tell us who was that guy who was with MiSol noona," YongHee thought about who he might be talking about until she remembered about JR. She decided to mess with them a little. "Ah, so I see you met J-, wait, did you just call me noona?" she tilted her head. Ricky scrathed his neck nervously "Me? When? Nooo, you're halucinating," he laughed nervously. "Anyway, so you guys met JR? That's MiSol's boyfriend, aren't they cute?!" "What?!" Teen Top said in unision. "Yeah, well got to go my dudes!" YongHee left them. 

  YongHee was laughing in her mind 'Oh geez! Chunji's face was full of jealousy'. YongHee was always the type to mess around with Teen Top. Once she was over at their dorm and she secretly changed their clocks and making them think they were late the next morning. To make this short, let's just say that the boys were up very early and confused.

  Chunji's heart dropped when he heard what YongHee said "Guys, you don't think that she really is dating him, right?" he asked them. Ricky pouted "My noona is taken! Why couldn't it be me instead?!" Changjo looked at him "Wait, so you like MiSol noona?" Ricky realized what he said "What? Uh, no I was just joking. My my, you can't even take a joke. Tsk tsk tsk," he put his arm around Changjo and laughed nervously. Changjo knew Ricky too well. He knew his nervous laugh everytime he lied.


How was it? Uh, boring right? I'll try to make it better.

Don't worry, I didn't forget about L and the others. >.<



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I will take a short hiatus on this story. I basically got writer's block. Hope you can wait. Thank you :)


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Chapter 24: Ugh! Seriously?! Someone just had to get hurt!! Why can't Ricky just let her go and admire her from afar?!
yuxuan #2
Chapter 24: Update soon
Hehehe... Of course I'll be yours Chunji!
yuxuan #4
update soon
_AlienToLove #5
@ILuvChunji Sorry! Didn't think it will be this scary. Sorry, again..

@kpoplife Just gotta wait and see.. I have writer's block at the moment but i'll make sure to update asap!^^
Aw~ Ricky is disappointed...also, that Hana girl...did she kill the girl ghost in the restraint?
I Have A Question

Why is this so scary from the other stories that are happy and this is creeping me out man imma cry
Aww~ everyone ignored Chunji! Lol Ricky is sad! Aw~ sorry you had to like the same girl as your hyung... Nu'est is so cute!
Thank you for the update! Very cute!