
Not So Normal [Hiatus]

  Myungsoo gave MiSol a smile, "Come on, let's go to the garden so you can meet my friends," he grabbed her wrist and started dragging her. Misol accidently winced at the pain "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" "Uh, no I uh-" "Yah! What do you think you're doing grabbing her like that, huh?" said L.Joe. Myungsoo and Misol turned to him. Myungsoo rolled his eyes and scoffed "Why do you care? Is she your girlfriend? If not, just leave us alone!" Ricky decided to jump into the conversation "Yah, she's our friend, you can't just go around talking to our friends like you know them," Myungsoo smirked "So, I can't be friends with your friends? Isn't that a bit selfish of you guys? Come on MiSol," he gripped on her wrist once again making her wince even much noticeable than before. Myungsoo and Teen Top noticed "Yah! You're hurting her!" Chunji said practicly yelling at him. Chunji grabbed her hand and moved her aside. "And you are?" Myungsoo asked  annoyed. Chunji gaved him a cold glare "Me? I'm Chunji! Everyone knows that," "Not everyone, because I obviously don't know who you are, well anyways bye MiSol we'll talk later," Myungsoo walked away.

  On the other hand, YongHee saw the whole thing "That jerk! If he lays another finger on her he is dead!" she said to herself. She decided to confront him. Myungsoo was almost out the door when Yonghee stopped him. Myungsoo tilted his head at her presence "What do you want?" he asked coldly. She took a deep sigh "I don't want you near MiSol, and also don't ever lay a hand on her again, understood?" Myungsoo chuckled "You're going to tell me not to hang out with her as well? How selfish are the people in this school? If that's all you have to say then leave my sight, if you don't want your little secret to be revealed again," Myungsoo walked past YongHee making him bump shoulders. YongHee stared at his back whil he walked away 'This i'll never let it happen again'.

  During class, MiSol wasn't able to concentrate due to her wrist burning. She would always focus in class, and Chunji noticed that something was bothering her at that moment. He turn his gaze at her wrist as he noticed that she kept touching it lightly 'That Myungsoo hurt her,' he thought. As it was time for lunch, MiSol just wanted to be alone and headed to the garden. She remembered about the young boys, she was hoping that they might be there at that moment. Luckily, when she arrived she sat down under a tree and heard two young boys giggle. She looked around until her eyes spotted them behind her. She smiled "Hi Yoogeun, is this your friend?" Yoogeun cheerfully sat in front of her "Yes, his name is Junho," Junho sat down next to Yoogeun. The three talked about random things. Little did MiSol know, she was being watched by Chunji. Chunji seemed confused at why she was talking and smiling at herself.

  A week later, MiSol headed to the bookstore since it was  done being remodeled and it was her first job. MiSol greeted the man "Hello, i'm here," The man smiled "Oh, MiSol great to see you once again," she smile back "It's nice to see you again as well, so where should I start?" "Follow me" she followed behind "These books please stack them to this shelf, they're a new release, i'll be back in half an hour I have to pick up my daughter from school, I trust you MiSol," "Of course," with that, the man left. MiSol was stacking the books and behind her, one of the books fell off from the shelf. She looked back and picked it up "That's strange," she said. After putting the book back she went back to stacking the books, and again the same book fell.

  Chunji decided to give MiSol a visit at the bookstore. When  he arrived he noticed that it was lonely and quiet until he heard someone sobbing and talking "Sorry if i'm crying, it's just that your story is very sad. I'm sorry it happened," Chunji heard MiSol's voice then he heard her chuckle. He decided to go find where her voice was coming from and once he did he noticed that she was talking to herself or that's what he thought. "You won't be alone anymore if you just cross over," she said. 'Cross over?' he thought.

  A young guy about MiSol's age appeared in front of her "Who are you?" she asked "You can see me?" MiSol nodded. After a while, MiSol decided to listen to his story "I actually killed myself," "Why did you do it?" the young man took a deep sigh "Because, I was useless, that's why," MiSol looked at him then to the ground "I tried my best to keep my parents happy but everything I did seemed to not matter to them," "I'm sorry," "No, don't be it's not your fault," "Don't you regret killing yourself?" she asked. The guy took a while to answer "I'm not sure anymore, after meeting you I kinda do. My ex girlfriend was also the reason," "Do you mind telling me?" "She left me for my best friend, she was my first love," MiSol began to sob "Sorry if i'm crying, it's just that your story is very sad. I'm sorry it happened," "Again, don't be sorry," he gave her a smile and she chuckled. "You won't be alone anymore  if you just cross over,". The young man did as what she said, the reason why he wasn't able to was because he had no one to talk about it with, and since he finally did he was now able to rest in peace.

  Chunji decided to come out from where he was hiding "MiSol, who were you talking to?" MiSol had a shocking look on her face "Chu-Chunji?" is what all she could say. Chunji got near her "MiSol, you can trust me," MiSol couldn't say a word she stood there shocked. "I--I-I was rehearsing for a play," she made up the same excuse when she first got caught by YongHee. Chunji obviously knew she was lying, I mean a girl who doesn't like to talk  to anyone wouldn't want to be part for a play.



Hey, sorry it took a while to update. I'm studying photography and I have like 6 projects I have to do -.- and also I have been getting active by going out for walks and such. Doctors orders lol :P

Anyway, I was thinking if any of my subscribers would like to help with this story. If so, please let me know. Thank you^^

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I will take a short hiatus on this story. I basically got writer's block. Hope you can wait. Thank you :)


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Chapter 24: Ugh! Seriously?! Someone just had to get hurt!! Why can't Ricky just let her go and admire her from afar?!
yuxuan #2
Chapter 24: Update soon
Hehehe... Of course I'll be yours Chunji!
yuxuan #4
update soon
_AlienToLove #5
@ILuvChunji Sorry! Didn't think it will be this scary. Sorry, again..

@kpoplife Just gotta wait and see.. I have writer's block at the moment but i'll make sure to update asap!^^
Aw~ Ricky is disappointed...also, that Hana girl...did she kill the girl ghost in the restraint?
I Have A Question

Why is this so scary from the other stories that are happy and this is creeping me out man imma cry
Aww~ everyone ignored Chunji! Lol Ricky is sad! Aw~ sorry you had to like the same girl as your hyung... Nu'est is so cute!
Thank you for the update! Very cute!