Let out the Beast


It was funny how something as simple as an omelette could turn into a life or death situation. Literally. Luhan supposed this wasn’t quite what Yixing had meant when he said it was the difference between life and death.

When he blearily opened his eyes, he noticed he was laying down again, on a plush bed with snow- white sheets and fluffy blankets. The ceiling was black, which indicated to Luhan that he must be in a different room than the one he had been in before.

He blinked once. Twice. Then groggily shuffled up into a sitting position, head spinning faster than a merry- go- round. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth and more than once he’d gotten the urge to be violently sick. Was he drugged? 

Luhan rubbed an eye and looked around the unfamiliar room. It was completely different from the room he’d previously been housed in. This one was much darker, as well as larger, with dark maroon walls and a black fur carpet and matching interior furnishings. There was an impressive stereo set built into one side of the wall, and a thin TV screen mounted over a fireplace on the wall opposite of the bed.  

Did this freak sell dead bodies for a living or something? Luhan didn’t think he’d be surprised if he did. Maybe him being here was even contributing to the cause. In that case, Luhan would rather death just take him now.  

He took a shaky breath before quietly padding out of bed. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to get back in bed and fake sleep before someone burst into the room and caught him red- handed trying to escape, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t do that to himself, or Yixing, or Xiumin, or any of his loved ones for that matter. Couldn’t resign himself to sit duck and quietly wait for his impending demise.

The room lurched to one side and the brunette had to quickly latch onto the nearest thing to grab onto, in this case a large set of black drawers. He slapped one hand over his mouth and almost heaved, trying his best to suppress the wave of nausea that stormed and conquered his head.

Luhan kept his wrist pressed to his lips, quietly slipping out the door. And then there it was. The rush of exhilaration, of desperate freedom, and the feeling of his life resting in his very own hands. This was it.

He felt like he was blindly walking in circle the way halls seemed to bend and the forks in the hallways all starting to look the same. Luhan kept his head down, movements to a minimum but at a rapid pace.

He came to the end of one hallway, leading to a door that was halfway open, light streaming in from the other side. Luhan was basked in darkness, the mellow light casting an iridescent glow on his features.

There were some faint sounds in the other room that Luhan strained to catch coherent details of. It sounded almost like arguing.

“-ould know better than that!” shouted someone.

“How is it my fault? How is any of this my fault ?!” Luhan’s heart gave a painful thump thump when he recognized the second voice as… Sehun, was it?

He definitely wasn’t about to risk his neck going straight into the enemy’s base. Well, further into the enemy’s base, anyways. But if he was going to die anyways, then was there really any point?

Luhan chewed his bottom lip, eyebrows knit together as he contemplated trying to sneak by the two arguing. He edged closer to the open door, just barely nosing past the doorframe to glance around. It was a kitchen, with sunny yellow tiles paving the walls- a stark contrast to the gothic and dark themes Luhan had seen in the rooms. A large marble island, quaint and rounded table for two, and-

A door. Perhaps one leading out to the back of the house. Luhan could only tell it was an exit/ entrance based on the stained glass panels on either side of the door. He could see a light hanging beside the door from the outside, and the shoe mat placed in front of the door was a dead ringer as well.

But Luhan wasn’t sure he’d be able to make a quick enough getaway being both outnumbered and feeling like his legs were strapped with weights.

“Sehun.” The unfamiliar voice pulled Luhan out of his thoughts and he tried to slow his breathing when the arguing stopped, exposing his labored breathing. There were no sounds and Luhan held his breath altogether, hands covering half his face. It felt like an eternity before-

The door ripped open and Luhan fell forward in surprise, a small noise of shock escaping his lips. The sudden light blinded him temporarily and made him scrunch his eyes, barely noticing that a pair of strong arms looped around him, a freezing cold palm plastered against the small of his back. Luhan winced at the sudden contact and barely managed one eye open before he was roughly thrown downwards to the side. The right side of his body had taken the brunt of the fall, shoulder and ribs aching in pain as his arms shook with the heavy task of holding his body up.

“Sehun!” A harsh, cold voice cut through the air and caught Luhan’s attention. He angrily noticed tears had sprung to his eyes and blinked furiously in attempt to erase any signs of weakness. Not that it really mattered. He was done for either way.

The man looming over Luhan’s small figure looked strangely passive. His handsome face was almost void of any emotion. Almost. It wasn’t hard to miss the murderous look of contempt in his dark eyes, lips pressed into a thin line.

For the first time since his kidnapping, Luhan was genuinely scared. Scared, as in, he didn’t know what was going to happen to him and his imagination was running wild. He’d seen way too many horror movies to know where he was going to end up. Maybe forced to live a tortuous life for weeks, months, years, or maybe some higher power would be merciful and end his suffering with a single bullet.

Or worse. Luhan forced himself to stop thinking about the possibilities, because he was feeling more and more like heaving his guts right onto the polished hardwood floor.

“God, I hate humans so much,” the tall man finally muttered under his breath. Luhan’s eyes narrowed just a fraction of an inch in confusion of what he’d just said but almost immediately, a hand reached forward, grabbing fistfuls of his soft hair and yanking him to his feet by it.

“Ow!” Luhan shouted and both his hands went to wrestle back control, his lower lip captured between his teeth as he ignored the pain shooting through his roots. Nevertheless, it didn’t seem like Sehun was moving anytime soon, merely pulling his head to one side and exposing the bandaged skin on his neck. He simply stared at the white cotton, calmly taking in Luhan’s pain- contorted features.

“Stop, Sehun!” Finally, finally, the pressure on Luhan’s head diminished and he collapsed onto the floor, hands clutching his head as he nursed his wounds.

Luhan could only see two long, black- clothed legs in front of him. And they weren’t Sehun’s.

“If it matters so much to you, then you do something about it. It could die for all I care,” came a terse, poisonous response from Sehun before Luhan blinked, and he was gone. The human rubbed his eyes again, not quite believing how fast the other had moved. It was almost supernatural- inhuman.

There was a shuffled and he found himself staring into a face with strong eyebrows, dark brown eyes, and a mop of wavy blond hair. The man was incredibly good looking, to the point where Luhan had to question if he was even human, he looked so angelic (although perhaps angelic wasn’t quite the right adjective to describe him).

“Kris,” he said in a low voice and pulled Luhan to his feet with a powerful tug. Luhan felt inferior to him in every way, only coming up to about his chin and feeling incredibly scrutinized under his intense stare.

“Huh?” was the first thing that came out of Luhan’s mouth, his thoughts still scrambling to catch up to what was happening.

The blond chuckled and turned away from Luhan, walking behind the marble counter and reaching under to grab something.

“Kris. My name is Kris,” he repeated. He came back up with a carton of sorts. From where Luhan was still standing, a good couple of feet from the other man, he could faintly see some type of fruit labeled on the carton.

“Here,” Kris said, and suddenly he was in front of Luhan, close enough that Luhan’s heart jumped into his throat and he could see the individual eyelashes on Kris. Something pressed into his hand and when he lifted it up, it was a juice box.

“You should really drink it. I bet you feel pretty dizzy right now,” Kris guessed. Luhan swallowed hard, not realizing how thirsty he actually was. But he was too dazed and confused to do much more than just stare at Kris, legs frozen in place.

“I-” Luhan’s voice cracked and he cleared his throat, heat rising to his cheeks. “Where am I?”

Kris sighed and sat himself down at the round table for two. “Damn, Sehun really is a bigger idiot than I thought he was.”

Plucking up his courage, Luhan asked, “Who is Sehun? What does he want with me? I’m sorry, I don’t know where I am and I won’t tell anyone about anything just please let me go, and, and I’ll never try to-” he rambled on, his eyes prickling with tears again as he let his emotions flow.

“Stop.” Kris stared at Luhan’s shuddering figure with an unsmiling look that made him look even more intimidating than Sehun.

“Luhan, isn’t it?”

A chill ran up the other man’s back. How had he’d known that?

“I’m sorry. But I don’t think you’ll be leaving anytime soon.”

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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 5: This is very interesting please update soon
Chapter 5: I hope you continue this! It’s getting really intresting!
fatebreaker #3
Chapter 5: This is such a good story I love how descriptive it is! Makes me wanna know more...
chocolala #4
Chapter 4: I frickin love your writing. It has a sufficient amount of dialogue and the perfect amount of description(is that the right word? Lol). You describe luhan's thoughts and the characters' actions wonderfully. Well done, author!