Part time

Marry me! Please!
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[CONTENTID2]Wonwoo woke up the next day screaming. He panted as he tried to forget his nightmare.


“Oh my God, I thought my neighbor proposed to me,” he whispered. His dream was scarily clear in his brain that he fears it wasn’t a dream, which was stupid because he has Taejin so why would another man propose to him.


Wonwoo was half way through his morning routine when he remembered that disastrous date with Taejin and that the proposal was very much real. He spat his out the foam in his mouth and gaped at his reflection. He’s broke, he broke up with Taejin and his neighbor is out for his (literally).


In hindsight, Wonwoo should have checked if he’s in his apartment first before he decided to drown himself using the sink in front of him. Strong arms pulled him out of the water and held him back. Wonwoo froze because he didn’t expect his pathetic attempt of suicide to be stopped as well as someone holding him.


“Woah, what are you doing?” asked a very familiar voice. Wonwoo gulped as he opened his eyes and saw Mingyu’s concerned face. Oh ing hell, he’s one handsome . Mentally slapping himself, Wonwoo told himself to get grip and act normal.


Wonwoo got out of the hold and coughed. “Uh, hey, what’s up?”


What the actual Wonwoo?


The guy just stopped you from (unsuccessfully) killing yourself and you asked him what’s up? Wonwoo has done a lot of stupid in his life, like entering that goddamn company and dating Taejin, but this takes the cake.


Mingyu smiled, Wonwoo noted how strained it looked, and grabbed a nearby towel. He threw it over Wonwoo’s head and gently dried the older. Wonwoo felt himself blush so he stopped Mingyu.


“Thanks but you don’t really need to do that,” Wonwoo said. He looked away and his eyes landed at the toothbrush he was using earlier and realized with a horrible feeling that he used Mingyu’s toothbrush, not his. His mouth fell as he stared at the toothbrush, wishing he could turn back time and erase all his mistakes, starting from that interview at that ing company.


“Do you want breakfast?” Mingyu’s voice pulled Wonwoo from his internal screaming. The older paused for a moment and thought about it. He did Mingyu so many wrongs (one wrong actually but using someone else’s toothbrush counted as two so its more than one) and having the guy make him breakfast was pushing it. Wonwoo felt bad but his stomach says you for that salad and suddenly it’s not that bad so why not.





Wonwoo regretted listening to his stomach because the moment he saw that big omelet and bacon Mingyu was bringing, he was ready to marry the dude.


“Here you go,” Mingyu said with a smile. Wonwoo tried his best not to look like a homeless person devouring food as if his life depended on it but sadly he looks like a homeless person devouring food as if his life depended on it. He greatly regretted eating only salad last night because that is not enough for Wonwoo. He needs more, he needs meat too.


“Slow down or you might choke.” Wonwoo froze, spoon raised and mouth opened, and smiled at Mingyu. Mingyu smiled back which Wonwoo found weird because when he used to smile at Taejin with his mouth full of food, Taejin called him gross.


After chugging his glass of water, Wonwoo dared to asked what had transpired last night. He only remembers Mingyu proposing and nothing else.


“Oh, yeah,” Mingyu said awkwardly. He looked a way for a moment and his hand rubbed his neck, a clear sign of discomfort. “You said no then you fainted.”


Wonwoo’s eyes bulged at the fact he collapsed, as well as the fact he rejected Mingyu. He must’ve been so out of it since who would turn this hunk of meat down? Him, obviously.


“I fainted? Why?” Wonwoo asked. Mingyu shrugged, he wasn’t so sure either.


“You looked tired yesterday and I guess my proposal was too much for you and you collapsed. I brought you in because I’m not sure if I’m allowed into your apartment.” Wonwoo was silent, he remembered walking a long time with a semi-empty stomach so

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Chapter 3: Right at "tall guy with egg yolk hair and the most bougie clothing" all I could think was "mm, sounds like minghao" and I just- lmaooooooooo
Chapter 3: I love how Minghao's name changed every time you mentioned him :p At Exeggutor you actually had me cracking up pretty bad xDDDDD
hanriver #3
Chapter 3: I like it... ???
Xevesuga #4
Chapter 2: I'm really enjoying this story so far. It is really intreating and I can't wait till ur next update!!!
KpopGod #5
Chapter 2: I'm loving it so far! Can't wait till the next update :DD
Chapter 2: this is so cute!! i'm glad i found this story today ♥️
kpoplover0809 #7
Chapter 2: Thank so for the update^_^
Chapter 2: This is very interesting! ❤❤
Thanks for updating, author nim~~!
c6h12o6 #9
Chapter 2: omg this chapter was so cute (and hilarious)!! and that scene in the bathroom was so (stupidly) adorable like it was straight out of a korean drama but with a funny twist?? lmaoooo what am i even saying--

anywaay, im loving this a lot already and tbh i dont mind waiting for a month so please take your time to update!! thank u for writing this!!!
c6h12o6 #10
Chapter 1: lmao this was really nice! keep up the good work