From the party~

Starting From The Party.

"Woah! This party is rockin'!" Sungyeol shouted beside me over the loud noise as we entered Sunggyu hyung's big house for the senior graduation party. I only nodded in agreement. It was a typical party with balloons flying everywhere and people dancing and having fun. Sungyeol tapped my arm and nodded at where our friends were. "There's hyung and everyone else." He said.

We made our way to our group of friends, squeezing between a whole bunch of people dancing and shouting. All the while, I spotted a girl sitting outside by the pool. My eyes continued to stay on her until he finally reached Sunggyu hyung. The both of us complimented him on how awesome his party was heading.  After a few hours of conversing with our fellow schoolmates, Sunggyu decided to big out a huge cake. And I mean HUGE. (Imagine a layered cake with a 5 foot diameter and about 4 layers high.) Everyone ran to the cake and started to cut up pieces of it. To my surprise and probably several others, these guys did it so neatly. It amazed me really.

"YAH! What do you think you're doing, Sungyeol?!" Sunggyu screamed when he was hit in the face with cake. Sungyeol had fell down laughing just as everyone began to smear the icing all over his face. I couldn't help but laugh also. Then Woohyun decided that we do some performances for the graduating seniors. It was like a mimx of dance performances and noraebang. Woohyun wanted all 7 of us to perform but I strongly declined and watched them instead. It was....I'm so embarrassed to say. I shook my head and chuckled to myself. My eyes drifted back outside and saw the same girl sitting in the same position and spot. I pushed through the crowed and went over there to try and get a good look at her face.

To my surprise, it was Hwasong. She's usually not the kind of person to come to any party. Then again, Sunggyu hyung probably dragged her out here. But it's not shocking that she's by herself again. The thought of approaching her crossed my mind. But one look at her and I can see that she seemed to be at peace, despite the loud party that's going on behind her. Instead, I carefully opened the door as to not disturb her peace and stepped outside and sat on a chair that gave me a better angle of her. It was a good thing her eyes were closed and that she was listening to music. I smiled to myself and looked up at the sky.


My head turned toward the voice. I nearly jumped up when I saw Hwasong standing next to me. "Jeez, Hwasong-ah, you scared me for a second there." I mumbled.

She smiled. "Sorry! Anyways, why are you out here? Shouldn't you be with Sunggyu oppa?"

I shrugged. "They were doing an embarrassing performance so I left. But I could ask the same about you."

She smiled sheepishly. "You know I'm not a party person but I came for Sunggyu. But, there wasn't much to do so I sat out here instead."

I raised an eyebrow. "Nothing much to do? There's always dancing, chatting, singing.."

She chuckled. "That's what Sunggyu said when I got here." She took a seat next to me and we sat in slience. I wasn't sure if this was considered awkward or not. Hwasong and I never really had an actual conversation together but we felt comfortable around each other since she was Sunggyu's cousin."

An earbud was handed to me. I looked at Hwasong who had held it out in front of me. "Do you want to listen?" She smiled again when I took it out of her hand and placed it in my ear. To my surprise, it was my group's song, "Be Mine." (Ahh..Infinite was only a university band. They aren't famous.) I looked at her questionably but her eyes were closed again and she had a smile on her face as she began to softly sing to it.

It amazes me how she has a really beautiful voice. "Hwasong-ah." She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Why don't you take chorus or another singing class? You sound really good."

Her hands shot up to her face and she slightly covered it, hiding her shy face. "You heard that?" She giggled. "I only sing for fun. It's a past time I like to do. Please go on as if you didn't hear anything.." I chuckled and nodded, continuing listening to the song, also quietly singing along.


"Good morning, Myungsoo-ssi~" Hwasong came into class smiling as she once again, sat in front of me. 

"Good morning, Hwasong." I replied with a smile. 

Class went by faster than usual. And so did the first half of school. Soon, it was already lunch time. Sunggyu had us all sit outside in the courtyard where Hwasong was usually found. 

"I just want to see her reaction when we eat here." He said.

No one really ate at the courtyard since they made it seem like Hwasong herself owned it. She didn't know that everyone thought that though. She would always come here during lunchtime to tend to the plants. Just as we thought, she strolled into the courtyard, disregarding our presence. Well, maybe because we sat where no one could really see us. 

"And can you smile~ Niga wonhajana..Niga barajanha. Nae mam maneuroneun, neol jabeul suga eobtneungwaba~" She sang quietly.

All of us sat in shock as we listened to her sing. As you can imagine, we're still hiding, trying to be unnoticed by Hwasong. Before she could even finish singing, Sungjong sneezed. Dongwoo quickly clamped his mouth shut and we all sat motionless, not breathing. The singing stopped and we saw her moving her head, looking around, finding where the sneeze came from.

"Yah! Sunggyu! I know you're here! Get from behind that bush pabo." She shouted.

All of us stared at Sunggyu open-mouthed. Then he shouted back. "How the heck did you know?" 

She turned to us. "Dudeeeee. I can smell your cologne all the way over here." She said, covering her nose with her hand.

All 7 of us came out from behind the bushes where we sat and stood in front of her. The guys grinned but I just looked at her. "That was amazing, Hwasong-ah!" "Noona! Your voice is amazing! You should sing more." "You should definitely be a part in our vocal club!" All of them complimented her and I grinned.

She looked at me then looked away smiling. "Aniyo. I don't want to."

"WHAT?! Why..? Your voice is amazing, Songie-ah." Sunggyu said, slinging his arm around her shoulder.

"It's because she only sings for fun, hyung." I replied in place of Hwasong.

All of the guys looked at me. "How would you know?" Their eyebrows were raised. I ignored that question and smirked.

"We were talking a few days ago at the party.." She mumbled. "Anyways! What are you guys doing here?"

It fell silent for a minute or two then Woohyun blurted out, "We wanted to see your reaction when you found us here!"

Again, it fell silent. Then she let out a line of giggles. "What? You guys thought you'd finally see me blow up?" Her head shook. "Ahh..boys will be boys."



I turned my head and smiled when I saw Hwasong running towards me in the hallway. "Hey, Hwasong."

When she caught up with me, she asked, "Do you have time today after school?" I raised an eyebrow as we both continued walking. "Sunggyu and I are getting you and the other guys to hang out at noraebang tonight." She said smiling. "Do you want to come?"

I thought about the rest of my schedule. Homework takes up 20 minutes, and then I have to help mom make dinner and eat which is about an hour. So that means I have about 3 hours of nothing to do.. "Sure. After homework and dinner, I'll meet you guys there."

Hwasong clapped her hands and grinned. "Great, then! See you later, Myungsoo-ssi!" With that, she ran off to the direction of her class.

"Aigo. I wonder when she'll stop using the formalities." I mumbled to myself as I walked into my class.


After dinner, I quickly slipped on my jacket and headed out the front door. "I'm gonna be out with Sunggyu hyung and the others, mom!"

"Arrasso! Have fun, sweetie!"

There was a lot of time left until everyone meets up at noraebang so I decided to take a stroll in the park. I kindly greeted the younger kids who waved at me. One girl came up to me and asked me to push her on the swings. And being the kind man I am, I pushed her. She shrieked in happiness at the height she was pushed to. When we were done, she hugged me and said thank you then left to her mom. I chuckled and looked at the time. I still had 20 minutes left. Noraebang was around the corner from here so I'll waste a little bit more time out here.

"Yah! Kim Jangeun!"

I turned my head towards the voice and suddenly, someone ran into me. As I fell, I assumed that their head hit me in the process of falling. "Aish! What the heck?" I rubbed my head and looked up to see a little girl who looks about 5 years old. She sat on her and rubbed her head, her tears falling slowly.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay, Jangeun?!" Another girl, much older ran up to us. "Are you okay, too?!" When she got nearer, my eyes widened. "Myungsoo-ssi!"

"H-Hwasong?" I stuttered due to the fact that I can't help but not think straight at the moment.

"Shizz! Are you okay, Myungsoo-ssi? How about you, Jangeun? Omo, please don't cry! Jangeun-ah, don't cry~" Hwasong helped me up and carried the little girl, Jangeun, who was crying, in her arms. "I'm sorry she ran into you!"

I took a moment to clear my mind and then shook my head. "No, it's alright. I'm okay." I smiled in an effort to convince her that I really am okay. Or maybe hide the fact that my head is throbbing so much.

She gave me an apologetic look and tended to Jangeun. "Hey..Jangeun sweetie. Are you okay?" Jangeun began to calm and buried her face on Hwasong's shoulder.

I looked at her in confusion. "Who is that?"

"Oh. This is Sunggyu's little sister. Apparently, he left her at my house and went to noraebang first and expected me to bring her along. Alone. With no one to help." She rolled her eyes and started shaking Jangeun. 

I chuckled. "Well, we have about 5 minutes left. Wanna walk there together? I can help hold Jangeun if you want."

She nodded and grinned. "Thanks, Myungsoo-ssi!"

I sighed. "Hwasong-ah. You could drop the formalities. It makes me feel weird." I told her, taking Jangeun from her arms. Surprisingly, she didn't reject me carrying her. Most kids would always scream when I try to hold them. No! They don't hate me.

"Pfft. You should've said so then! Anyways, let's go!" Hwasong shouted, linking her arm with my free arm as we walked to the noraebang building.


"YAH!!!" Hwasong shouted as soon as we stepped into the room that the guys were in. She stormed right up to Sunggyu and pointed at him. "YOU. You left Jangeun at my house and expected me to bring her along with me myself while you left first?!"

Sunggyu slightly hid behind Woohyun, who was slightly frightened by the tone of Hwason'gs voice. "M-mianhae, Songie-ah!! But I couldn't bring her along with me either! I met up with Woohyun first."

She put both hands on her hips. I mentally laughed to myself and let Jangeun sit down next to me. She started laughing at her older brother being yelled at by the younger cousin. 

"And so you left her with me?! She freaking knocked Myungsoo down while running!" She stopped and looked at Jangeun. "Don't worry, sweetie. I'm not saying you're a bad girl. But your oppa sure is a bad oppa." Jangeun giggled. "Sunggyu! You're lucky I even ran into Myungsoo at the park! If I died trying to catch Jangeun, my spirit will come back from the other side and haunt you for the rest of your life, mister!"

I stared at her. Along with Sungjong, Dongwoo, Hoya, and Sungyeol. Woohyun was trying to pry Sunggyu off of him. And Jangeun just sat next to me playing with the ends of her shirt. It was uncommon to see Hwasong talk to much before. She's usually a quiet kind of girl. But man, were we wrong! "Calm down, Hwasong-ah. Look at hyung. He's about to cry."

I was right. Sunggyu looked downright scared for his life. "Songie-ah! I'm sorry! You know I love you, my awesomely, wonderful cousin!" He shouted.

Her expression changed from an angry frown to a happy smile as if nothing had happened at all. Then Jangeun started singing a song. To our surprise, excluding Hwasong, it was another one of our songs, "Nothing's Over." She stopped singing when she saw all eyes on her. "What?"

"Jangeun-ah. How do you know that song?" I asked her, ruffling her hair slightly.

She pointed to Hwasong. "Unni sings alot of songs when I come over. She says that her friends wrote those songs."

Now everyone shifted their attention to her. "Songie-ah. You sing our songs to my little sister?" Sunggyu asked.

She nodded. "What? I mean, the poor girl didn't even know that her oppa was in a band. I had to show her song of your songs right? I bet you guys didn't even know I listened to your songs. Aigo. Whatever! Can we just start?"

Sungjong and Woohyun jumped up and called dibs on going first and second to sing. Soon, we were all jumping and singing like no tomorrow. "Tell me tell me t-t-t-t-t-tell me. Nareul saranghandago, Nal gidaryo watdago~" After an hour of singing, well, let's just say, we kept singing passed an hour. Jangeun decided to fall asleep amidst the extremely loud group dancing and singing in front of us. Sunggyu, being the eldest out of all of us, decided to bring her home. No, wait. He decided to let Hwasong bring her home.

Hwasong groaned. "You're kidding me, right? You tell me you wanted to make me make some new friends, not that I really had any, but you're making me go home?"

Sunggyu pondered on that statement then nodded. "Yep! I mean, I'm definitely not taking her home when we'll be here until late at night anyways." Hwasong hung open in shock. "Come on! You know I love you, Songie-ah! I'll give you 20 bucks tomorrow! Promise."

"Right. And if you don't and I die from exhaustion, my spirit will for sure come back to ruin your married life. That is, if you ever get a wife.." She mumbled that last part and since she sat next to me, I heard it and chuckled.

"Hey, I'll take her home with you. I gotta go home anyways." I offered.

She looked at me and her face brightened up. "Really? You're the best, Myungsoo!!! You're better than what I thought Sunggyu would be!" She stuck her tongue out at him jokingly. He shot her a 'whatever' look. "Come on, Jangeun-ah~ Let's take you home." I carefully picked up Jangeun as Hwasong and I stood up, ready to leave.

"Jeez, you guys look like a couple." Sungyeol mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. My face became warm and I didn't dare look at Hwasong.

"Ehhhhhh! They're turning red!" Woohyun shouted, grinning. 

"I am out of here!" Hwasong yelled, grabbing my arm and pulling me along with her. We left the room with the guys laughing. I followed behind her as we walked the streets of Seoul, making our way into the neighborhood. Unconsiously, I smiled to myself. What Sungyeol said had been going through my mind since we left the building.

"Yah! Wait up! Don't forget I have a child in my arm!" I shouted. Hwasong, who was way ahead of me, stopped walking and turned back, even running to where I was. 

"Sorry! I forgot.." She looked up at me. "Is she heavy? I could carry her myself." 

I shook my head. "It's okay. I can handle it. Besides, I'm a guy and they should at least help out their girl friend, right?"

"I gue- wait what?"

I hesitated in answering her. "I could at least help out my friend that's a girl.." She nodded but she looked kind of disappointed. "I mean..." We finally reached her house. I walked her up to her front door and gave Jangeun to her. "Unless..." We both walked into the house, laying Jangeun down on the small matress in the living room "You want to be my girlfriend?" I gave her a small smile, this feeling of hope that she'll say yes but not really thinking much about it.

In the middle of putting a blanket on Jangeun, she stopped and looked up at me. "EH?!" I looked away in embarrassment. "Wait. Myungsoo-ah. Was that an indirect question for asking me out?" I heard her giggling. "I mean, if so.." My ears perked up. "I would love to be your girlfriend.." She said softly, slightly touching my arm.

I looked back at her in surprise. My ears didn't play tricks on me right? "No, really..? Seriously?" Her lips formed a smile which brought out her eye smile. I mean, could she get any cuter? I couldn't help myself from hugging her.

She softly let out a yelp and hugged me back. "Yeah, of course." She laughed.

We both heard a peep in the middle of our hug. "Did Hwasong unni and Myungsoo oppa just get married?" We pulled away from our hug and stared strngely at her. "What?"

I found myself smiling at her and ruffled her hair. "Aniyo, Jangeun-ah. Go back to sleep. I need to get home now."

She nodded slowly and closed her eyes. "Ah, but I want you guys to marry." She yawned and finally went to sleep.

Hwasong's face turned pink and she turned to me. "Here, I'll walk you to the door.." I nodded and gently held her hand as we walked out of the house. "Thanks for helping me with Jangeun, by the way."

My lips formed a smile and I nodded. It was kind of awkward now. "Yeah.. So, I'll see you tomorrow at school." Hwasong gave me a slight nod. Then I pecked her on the cheeks and quickly walked away, leaving her shocked and surprised. I turned my head a little bit and smirked to myself when I saw her smile. "Awesome. Now how do I break it to Sunggyu hyung?" I mumbled to myself as I walked down the streets to my house.


Sunggyu's ears perked up. He felt as if he heard someone mention his name. "Yah. Did anyone call my name?" He asked looking at the other guys. No one paid any attention to him as he shrugged and went back to watching his friends act crazy while singing.

What the eff is wrong with me? I feel like this oneshot totally blew up. Near the end at least. Hmph. *pouts* I'm sorry f this was a huge disappointment to you guys. I feel like writing another one to avert attention away from this one. But I put it up anyways. Don't forget to give me some feedbacks! I was hoping this would turn out more cutely. Ehh... Minahae.

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@_TunHoLicious501: Thanks! :D
This story is so cute... >.<
@Kpop_luverr: Thanks!!! :D
Yay! Sequel!!!<br />
Good luck with your exam! Hwaiting~!^^
onnonono #6
YAY!<br />
Good luck with exam :)
shashimieshushie #7
i wanna sequel~!<br />
i wanna sequel~!<br />
i wanna sequel~!
Hey ! This needs a sequel
onnonono #9
This is really cute~ <br />
Well, I kinda want a sequel XD
mrsb2st #10
Aww, so cute!!! I loved it!!! Kyaa, Kim<br />
Myungsoo~ xD lol. And SungGyu's sister it TOO CUTE!!! Hehe. 'Did unnie and oppa just get married? .... But I want you to get married.' haha, she's so adorable! ^.^<br />
<br />
But... What happened at the end?? Sorry, I didn't quite understand that part. :/